ADP 650
Dear Cus tom er ,
Pleasecarefully readthismanualbeforeusingthe dishwasher, it will help you to use and maintainthe dishw ash er proper ly.
Keepit to referto it at a laterdate.
This ma nua l c on tain s section s on safety Instruction s , Operating Instructions, Installation Instructions and Troubles hooting Tip s, etc.
Dishw as h er Fe at u re s............ ... . ... .. .. . ... . ... .. . .. . ..3
A WaterSo ftener...... ...... ....... .. ....... ...... ..... ..4 ..
B Loadi n g th e S al t intot he S oftener...... . ... .. . .. .. 5
C Fill the Rinse Aid Dispenser..... ...... .. .. .. 5 ..... ...
D Fun ctionof Detergent .........................6
Howto use the 3 in 1function............................8
Attentio n befor e or after loading the Dish wash er
Baskets. .........................................................9
Loadingthe upper ...............................9Basket
Loading the Lower ...............................10Basket
CutleryBasket........................................... ...11
To review the section on tro ubleshooting Tips will helpyoutosolvesome common problems byyourself .
Ifyo u can not solve the problems by you rself , please ask f or the help of profe ssional tec hnician s.
The m anufactu rer,follo wing a policy of constant development and updati ng of the product, may make modifications witho ut giving prior notice .
WashCycleTable.................................. ......... 12
Turning on theAppliance................................13
Changethe Programme.............. ................13....
At the End of the Wash Cycle...........................13
FilteringSystem................ ......... ....................14
Caring forthe Dishwasher..................... .........15.
Positioning the Appliance................... ..........16..
About P o wer C onne c ti on..... ..... . .. ... .... .... . ..... . 16.
Water Connection.......... ...................... .. .......17.
Startof dishwasher................................ ... ...18..
Beforecallingfor service. ....... ................... .....19.
Errorcodes.................................... ..............20.
Technicalinformation....... ....................... .....21..
When usin g your dishw as he r, follow the precaut i ons listed b el ow:
This appliance must be grounded. In the event of a malfunction or breakdown, grounding will reduce the risk of anelectric shock by providing a path of least resistance of electric current. This appliance is equipped with a cord having an equipment­grounding conductor and a grounding plug. The plug must be plugged into an appropriate outlet that is installed and grounded in accordance with all local codes and ordinances.
Do not abuse, sit on, or stand on the door or dish rack of the dishwasher.
Do not operate your dishwasher unless all enclosure panels are properly in place. Open the door very carefully if the dishwasher is operating, there is a risk of water squirting out.
Do not place any heavy objects the door when it is open. The appliance could tip forward.
When lo ad ing i tem s to b e wa sh e d:
1) L ocate sharp items so that theyare notlikely todamage the doorseal;
2 Warning: Knives and other ute nsils with
sh a rp poin ts mu st be loade d i n the basket with their poi nts d own or placed in a horizontal position.
When using your dishwasher, you should prevent plastic items fro m coming into contac t with the heating element .(This instru ction is only applicable to machines with a visual h eating element.)
Check thatthedetergentcomparment is empty after completio no f the wash cycle.
Do not wash plastic items unless they are marked dishwasher safe or the equivalent. For plastic items n
ot so marked, check the manufacturer's
Use o nly deterge nt and rins e additives designed for an automatic dishwash er. Never use soap, laun dry de tergent, or hand washing detergent inyour dishwash er.Keep these products out ofth e reach of children.
on or stand on
Improper connection of the equipment-grounding conductor can result in the risk of an electric shock. Check with a qualified electrician or service representative if you are in doubt whether the appliance is properly grounded. Do not modify the plug provided with the appliance; If it does not fit the outlet. Have a proper outlet installed by a qualified electrician.
Keep children away from detergent and rinse aid, keep child awayfromthe open door of the dishwasher,
there could still be some detergent left inside.
This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge ,unless they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety. Children should besupervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance. Dishwasher detergents are strongly alkaline,they can be ext re me ly dangerous i f swa llow e d.Avoi d contact with skin and eyes and keep children away from the dishw asher when t he door is open.
The door sh ould not be left o pen, since th is could increase the risk oftrippi ng.
If the s upply cord is dam aged, it must be replaced by the m anufact urer or its service agent ora similar ly qual ifi e d person i n orde r to av oid a hazard.
Remove the door to the washingcompartmentwhen removing an old dishwasher from service or discarding it.
Please dispose of packing m aterials properl y. Use the dishwasher only for its intended function.
During installation, thepower supplymust not beexcessivelyordangerouslybentor flattened.
Do not tamper with controls.
The app liance is to be connected to the water mainsu sing newhose setsandthatoldhose-sets sho ul d not be reused.
Themaximum number of place s ettingsto be washed is 9 . Themaximum permissibleinlet waterpressureis 1Mp a . Theminimum permissible inletwaterpressureis
Dispose of the dishwas her packaging mater ial correctly. All packaging mate rials can be recy cled. Plastic parts ar em arked with th e s tandard int ernational a bbreviations:
PE for polyethylen e, e .g. sheet wrappingm aterial PS forpolystyrene,e.g.padding m aterial POM po lyoxymethyle ne, e.g. plastic clips PP polypropylene , e.g. Salt filler ABS Acrylonitri le Butadiene Sty rene, e.g . Control Panel .
Packagingmaterialcould be dangerousforchildren!
For disposing of pa ckage and th e a ppliance please go to arecyc ling centre. Therefor e cut offthepower s upply cableandmakethedoor closing deviceunusable.
Cardboardpackagingismanufactured fromrecycledpaper and should be disposedin the waste paper collec tion for recyc ling.
By ensuring this produ ct is disposed of corr ectly,you will hel p prevent potent ialn egati ve consequences f or the environment a nd human health, which cou ld o therw ise be caused byinappropriate wastehandlingofthisproduct.
For more detail ed informatio n a bout rec ycling of this prod uct, please con tact your loca l city office and your househo ld w aste dispos al service.
DISPOSAL: Do not dispose th is product as unsorte d m unicipal waste . Collection of such waste separately for spec ial treatment is n ecessary.
To get the bestperformance fromyour dishwasher,r ead alloperatinginstructions beforeusing it for the firsttime.
Control Pa nel
3in1 indi cator lig ht / 3in1
functionbutton:To select andshow 3in1 .
Display wi ndow : Program r emaini ng ti me, delay t ime,
running ind i cator, te mper ature of w ater, Error c od es, etc.
Delayed Start Button: Topreset the wash timer an d delay
thestartingtimeupto9.5hours.Every pressof thisbutton increases the time by 3 0 minut es.
for example: one press for half an hour, t wo for one
hour..... .
Dishwasher Feat ures
Front view
Program indicat or lights and bu tton: To select
one of the seven and show thewashing program.
Start and rese t but ton: To s tart the selected washing
program or reset th e w ashing p rogram when the machine isworking.
Salt and ri nse aid w a rn in g lights: Tosh o w
when the salt cont ainer or disp enser need to be refille d
Power indicatorlightandswitch:To turnon/off
and show the powe r su pply.
Back View
3 4
1 2 3 4
on Off
Upper Basket
Spray Arms
Lower Basket
Salt Container
Main Filter
Detergent Dispenser
Cup Shelf
Cutlery Basket
11 12
Coarse Filter
Rinse Aid Dispenser
Drain pipe connector
Inlet pipe connector
Tray ass
Before u sing your dishwashe r for the first time:
A. Set the wate r softener B. Pour 1 2 litre o f water inside the sal t co ntainer and then fil l with dishwash er salt C. Fil l the rins e aid dispen ser D. Fill indetergent
A. Water Softener
The water so ftener must beset manu ally, usin g the w ater hard ness dial. The wat er softener is design ed to remove mineral s and salts from the water, w hich would have a de trimental or adverse effect on the ope ration of the app liance. The h igher the content of th ese minerals an d sa lts, the harde r your water is. The softener shou ld be adjusted acco rding t o the ha rdness o f t he water in you r ar ea. Yourlocal WaterA uthority can advise youonthe hardness o fthewater in your area.
Adjust ing Sa lt Cons umption
The dishwasher is designed to all ow for adjustment i n the amount of sa lt consumed bas ed on t he ha rdness of the waterused. Thisisintended to optimise andcustomisethelevelo f saltconsumption.
Pleas e fol low thest eps below for a djus tmen t in salt consum ption .
1. Unscrew thecapfrom the salt container.
2. There is a r ing on the con tainer with an arrow o n it (see figure onthe side),ifnecessary, rotate theringinthe anticlockwise direction from the "-" Settingtoward the "+" s ign, based on the hardness o f the water be ing used. It is recommended t hat a djustme nts should be made in accord ance wit h the f ollowin g sc hem e:
45~60 80~107 56~75 8~11
dH=1.25 Clarke=1.78 fH=0.178mmol/l DH: German degree
fH: Frenchdegree
Clark: Britishdegree
0~140~8 0~1.4
14~398~22 1.4~3.9 - 20 50
39~8022~45 3.9~8 Mid 40 25
0~10 10~28 28~56
Selector Position
Salt consumption
No sa lt need added Settingtowardthe"-"sign Settingtowardthe"+"sign Settingtowardbetween
the "-" sign and "+" sign
Contact your local water bo ard for information on the har dness of your water suppl y.
Auto nomy
60 16
B. Loadi ng the Sal t I nto the Sof tener
Always use the salt intende d for use with dishw asher. The salt c ont ainer is locat ed beneath the l ower basket and sh ould be filled as e xplained in the follow ing:
Only use salt spe cifi cally designed for the use i ndi shwashers! Every othertype of salt n ot specif ically designed fo r the u se in a dishwas her, espe cially table salt,will damage the water softener. I n case of da mages caused b y the use of unsuitable salt t he manufact urer does not give any wa rranty nor is li able for any damage s caused.
Only fill wi th salt just b efore starting one o f theco mplete wa shing p ro grams. This will prevent any grai ns of s a lt or sa lty wate r,whi ch may have been spill ed, remaining on the bottom of the machine for anype riod of time, which may cau se corrosi on.
A Removethe lower basket andthenunscrew andremovethecapfromthe saltcontainer. B Before thefirstwash, fill1lt.of water in the salt container of your machine. C Place the e nd of the fun nel (supp lied) into the ho le and introd uce abou t 1kg of salt .
normal fo r a smal l am o unt of water to com e ou t of the sal t co n taine r.Itis
D Af ter filli ng the cont ainer , screw the c ap tigh tly back clo ckwise. E Usually,the salt warni ng light wi ll stop being illuminat ed with in 2-6 days af ter the salt co ntain er has been filled wit h
F Immediately aft er f illin g the salt into the s alt cont ainer, a w ashing pr ogram s hould be sta rted (We su ggest to use the
soak orrapidprogram). Otherwise the filter system, pumpor otherimportantpartsof themachine may bedamaged bysalty water.This is outof warranty.
1.The salt con tainer must only be refilled w hen the salt wa rning light in the contr ol panel comes on. Depending on how well the salt dissolves, the salt warnin g light may still be on even tho ugh the salt container is filled. If there is n o salt warning light in the con trol panel (fo r so me Mode ls),you can estimate when to f ill the s alt into the softene r by the cycles that the di shwasher has run.
2. If there are spills of the salt, a soak or a rapid program shoul d be run to remove the excessive sa lt.
C. Fill the Rins eAid Dispens er
RinseAid Dispenser
The r i nse aid i s releas ed d uring the final rinse to prevent water f rom f orming droplets o n y o ur dish es, whic h can l eave spots and s treaks. It also improve sd rying by allowing water to rolloff the dishes. Your di shwasher is designed to usel iquid rinse aids. The rinse aid dispenser is located inside the do or next to t he detergent di spenser.To fill the dispenser, openthecapand pour the rinse aidintothe dispenser untilthelevelindicator turnscompletelyblack. Thevol ume of the rins eaid container is about110ml.
Function of R inseAid
Rinse ai d is aut omat ically added d uring the last ri nse, ensuring thorough rinsing, and spo t an d st reak free dryi ng.
Only usebranded rinse aidfordishwasher. Neverfill the rinse aiddispenserwithanyother substances
(e.g. Dishwasher cleaning agent, liquid deterge nt). This would damag e the app liance.
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