Wharfedale Crystal User Manual

If yoursystem appears notto be workingas well asyou expect, thefollowing notesmay be ofsomehelp.
Beforeinvestigatingthecauseofaproblem,alwaysswitch offthesystematthemains.
Pleasereadthismanualtogetherwithallthemanuals concerningtherestofyoursystem.
If,having attemptedtoresolve theproblem,thetrouble stillpersists,consultyour dealerfor assistance.
Specifications and Service
Please bearinmindthat HomeTheatresystemscan bequitecomplexand thereisoftena varietyoffactorsinvolved.
No Sound
Sound lacks bass content Bass reproduction muddy or indistinct
Excessive bass distortion at low volume levels
Excessive or distorted bass at high volume levels
Distorted or rattling sounds at high volume levels
Popping sounds or thumps from Front speakers or subwoofer
Possible Cause
System not switched on Wrong source selected
Loudspeakers wired incorrectly Front speakers set to ‘Small’ with no subwoofer connected
Bass level set too high LFE level set too high
System level set too high Front loudspeakers or subwoofer too close to room corners
System level set too high Objects placed on Front loudspeakers or subwoofer
System level set too high LFE level set too high: Subwoofer level set too high
Do NOTtrytoremove anycoversonthe productorattemptto dismantleitinany way. There arenouserserviceablepartsinsideandyouwill invalidateanywarranty.
Nominal Impedance
Recommended Amplifier Power
Sensitivity (1W@1m)
Frequency Response
Bass Unit
Midrange Unit
Treble Unit Dimensions Overall
HxWxDmm HxWxDinches
CR 8
4 Ohms
25-60 Watts
84 dB
101 mm
25mm Textile
220 x 180 x 155
8.7 x 7.1 x 6.1
Wharfedale Crystal speakers are compatible with most currently available audio amplifiers
CR 10
4 Ohms
25 -100 Watts
86 dB
170 mm
25mm Textile
295 x 210 x 225
11.6 x 8.3 x 8.9
CR 20
4 Ohms
25 -100 Watts
86 dB
170 mm
25mm Textile
330 x 235 x 225
13.0 x 9.3 x 8.9
CR 30
4 Ohms
25 -100 Watts
87 dB
170 mm
25mm Textile
850 x 235 x 225
33.5 x 9.3 x 8.9
30 -150 Watts
170 mm Bass-Mid
25mm Textile
1000 x 235 x 225
39.4 x 9.3 x 8.9
CR 40
4 Ohms
88 dB
170 mm
4 Ohms
25 - 100 Watts
86 dB
2 x 101 mm
25mm Textile
167 x 380 x 155
6.6 x 15.0 x 6.1
Instruction Manual
Indistinct sound Poor localisation of effects
Television picture is distorted or there is colour distortion
A wide range of AV and audio topics can be found at the Wharfedale web site.
Home Theatre is discussed in depth at the Dolby Laboratories web site.
The Digital Theater Systems web site is also full of interest and worth a visit.
One or more loudspeakers is out of phase (See the relevant pages of this manual for the correct connection procedure)
Front loudspeakers or subwoofer too close to the TV. (Switch off the system and TV. Move loudspeaker away. Leave 15 mins. Switch on again)
Further help and advice
Authorised Wharfedale Service Centres
Wharfedale International Ltd. IAG House, Sovereign Court, Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon, Cambs PE29 6XU, England. Tel:+44 (0)1480 447700 Fax: +44 (0)1480 43176
IAG America, Inc. 15 Walpole Park South Walpole MA 02081 Tel: +1 508 850 3950
For information on other authorised service centres worldwide contact Wharfedale International in the U.K.
A worldwide distributor list is available on the Wharfedale website: www.wharfedale.co.uk
The name ‘WHARFEDALE' is a registered trademark of Wharfedale International Limited.
Wharfedale has a policy of continuous product development and reserves the right to change specification without notice.
Wharfedale is a member of the International Audio Group.
Korbon Trading Ltd 6800 Kitimat Road Units 19-20 Mississauga Ontario Tel: +1 905 567 1920
Loudspeaker Manufacturers since 1932
In 1932, when Gilbert Briggs founded the Wharfedale Wireless Works, his company was at the leading edge of an exciting new technology which was dedicated to bringing the pleasure of music and entertainment to a wide range of people. As the technology advanced Wharfedale gave many music lovers their first taste of High Fidelity, mounting a series of live sound
demonstrations which excited the audio world and heralded the era of the modern hi-fi loudspeaker.
Today Wharfedale still takes the same uncompromising approach to the design and manufacture of every loudspeaker system, using high quality components and state-of-the-art testing to ensure consistently high performance. And that means that you can continue to count on the quality of all Wharfedale products.
Wharfedale Crystal Series Installation and User Guide
The WharfedaleCrystal Series isa range ofversatileloudspeakersusingadvancedmaterialsandthelatest precision drive units. The CR10 and 20 are small stand mounting loudspeakers. The CR30 and 40 are floor-standing models. The range includes a centre channel, CR CEN. The CR8 may be used as either surround sound speakersinHome Theatreapplications, oras themain speakersin asmallstereo system. Tocomplementyour system,choosefromourrangeof Powercubepowered subwoofersfortheperfectHome Cinema experience. Thank you for purchasing Wharfedale. We hope your loudspeakers will give you a rewardinglisteningexperienceformany years.
Pleasereadtheseinstructionscarefully beforeinstalling your Wharfedaleloudspeakers.
Before making connections to any part of your sound systemmake sure the amplifier and all connected sourcesareswitchedoff.
When youswitch onyoursystemor change sources,set thevolumecontroltominimum and turnup the level gradually.
DO NOT use your amplifier at full volume. The position ofthe Volume Controlis NOT a reliable guide as to themaximum volume levelor capabilities of your sound system. Playingthe system with extreme high settingsof volumeand tone controlswill resultin distorted soundand maydamage the
Preparing and Connecting Your Loudspeakers
Unpackingthe Speakers
Carefully remove each loudspeaker from itspacking carton. Be especially carefulwhen removing the polythenebag.
DONOTattempttolifttheloudspeakerbythe polythenebag.
Retainthepackingforfutureuse.Ifyoudecide todisposeofthepacking,pleasedo sosafely.
Fittingthe Plinth andSpikes (CR 30,CR40)
Carefully inverteach loudspeaker.Protectthetop surface from scratchesordamage whentheloudspeakeris inthe invertedposition.
Each loudspeaker has four spikes. Prepare the spikes asshown andscrewthemintothethreads on the base of the loudspeaker. Return the loudspeaker to its normal position taking care not to cause damage with the spikes. When moving speakers,be careful notto let thespikes pierce objectsor cableswhichmay beconcealed under thecarpet.Never dragloudspeakers.If youcannot liftthemeasily,getsomeonetoassistyou.
Standsand Brackets
The CR8, 10and 20are intendedprimarilyfor standmounting, thoughthey canbemounted onwall brackets oreven onsturdyshelves. Thequalityof loudspeakerstands makes aconsiderable difference totheperformanceofyourloudspeakerssodonot useflimsyinferiorproducts.
CRCEN Centre Channel Loudspeaker
Asetofselfadhesivepadsisprovided.Peeloff thebackingmaterialandfixapadcloseto eachcornerof thebottomsurfaceoftheloudspeaker.
Choosingand Preparing Cables
Specialist audio cable usually offers better performance than general purpose'bell'or'zip'wire.
Choose a cable of suitable diameter - cable that is too thin will limit the dynamics of the sound and may impair the bass response. Audio cable is polarised, withtwo coresofdifferentcolours,oroftenaraisedriborcoloured tracerinthecaseof twin cable.
Split thetwincores toadepth ofabout40mm. Carefullystripthe insulation from each end, leaving about10mm of bare wire. Ifthe cable is stranded, lightlytwisttogatheranyloosestrands.
Ensurethatallloudspeakersinthesystemarecorrectly wiredandareinphase.
DONOTsubjectyourloudspeakerstoexcessivecold,heat, humidityorsunlight.
WARNING: To reducethe risk offire orelectrical shockdo not exposethis productto rainor moisture. The product mustnot beexposed todripping andsplashing andno object filledwith liquidssuch asa vaseofflowersshouldbeplacedonthe product.
Nonakedflamesources-suchascandles- mustbeplacedontheproduct.
DONOTplaceheavyobjectsontopofloudspeaker cabinets.
NEVERletanyone,especiallychildrenpushanythingintoholes, slotsorotheropeninginthecase.
NEVER touchthe drive units whichare easily damaged. grillesremovedbecarefultoprotectthedrive unitsfromchildrenandpets.
DO NOTuse makeshiftstands.Always fita manufacturer'sapprovedstandaccording to theinstructions andusingthefixingsprovided.Yourdealer willadviseyou.
If youwish to play yourloudspeakers with their
Crystal loudspeakers use aspecially designed bi-wireable crossover panel with four terminal binding posts. Please follow the drawing carefully to see the correct orientation of theloudspeakerterminals.The upperterminalsconnect to the treble unit, the lower pair to the bass unit. As supplied, the treble terminal pair is connected to the bass terminal pairviaremovable metalstraps.These should be leftinplaceforstandardinstallations.
Unscrew the terminal. Thread the bared end of each cable through the hole in the bottom of the terminal post. Ensure that thereare no loose strands whichmay touch adjacent terminals. Retighten theterminalsecurely.Thedrawingabove illustrates themethod.
: Whenconnectingloudspeakers,thecablesto left andrightchannelsshouldbeofequal length,
regardlessofthedistanceofthespeakersfromthe amplifier.Thisappliestofrontandrear channels.
Chooseasuitablelengthoftwincorespeakercableforeachchannel,and preparetheendsasdescribed above.Unscreweachterminalafewturnsbutleave thestrapsinplace.
Connect thered, positive(+)terminal oftheLeft loudspeakertothe correspondingred,positive (+) amplifier terminal.Connect the black,negative (-) terminalssimilarly. Tighten theterminalssecurely. RepeatthisprocedurefortheRightChannel.
Using separate cables for trebleand bass units in a Bi-Wiring configuration reduces intermodulation effects andimprovesheadroom andclarity.Tobi-wire,you willneedto installtwolengths of twincore cablebetweentheamplifierandeachloudspeaker.
Unscrew each terminal a few turns and remove the metal straps. Connect the cables between the amplifierandtheloudspeakersasindicatedaboveand re-tightenalltheterminalssecurely.
Some amplifiers have two pairs of output terminals to facilitate bi-wiring but this is not essential. The advantages of bi-wiringare fully retained ifyour amplifier has only onepair of output terminalsperchannel(asintheillustration).
Links between Treble & Bass
terminals removed
Bi-Amplifying (Bi-Amping)
By connectingeach loudspeakerdrive unittoits owndedicated amplifiertheadvantages ofBi-Wiring can be extended. If you own two identical stereo power amplifiers, your Crystal speakers may be Bi­Amped.Forfurtherdetailspleaseconsultyourdealer
CentreChannel and SurroundConnections
The CR CEN and rear surround loudspeakers are intended for use specifically with Audio Visual equipment havingCentreand Rearloudspeakeroutputs. Connecttheseloudspeakers as shown,again observingpolarity.The speakers maybeconnected asshown,orbi-wired.
PositioningYour Lourspeakers
Models CR 30 and 40 aredesigned to befloor standing. Wesuggest that theyare positioned atleast 200 mmfrom the rearwallsand700mmfromthesidewalls, facingslightly inwards. ModelsCR 8, 10 and 20should ideallybe standor wallmounted thoughthey maybeplaced ona rigidshelf. Thebass extension willimprove ifthese speakersareoperated closerto therear walls.Auseful ruleof thumbis thatthelistenershouldbeasfarfromthe loudspeakersastheyarefromeachother.
If the loudspeakers are placed too close to the walls the bass will increase but may be boomy and indistinct. If the loudspeakers are placed further away from the walls, the inward angle may be increased by up to 40%, although this may restrict the width of the optimum listening position. The speakers should ideally be positioned so that the treble units are roughly at ear level to a seated listener. Aspersonal tasteplays alarge role,experimentwith differentconfigurations andplay awide rangeofprogrammesbeforefinalisingthepositionof yourspeakers.
2 - 4 metres
CRCEN Centre Loudspeaker
The loudspeaker should be positionedcentrally between the loudspeakers closeto the television and mountedeitheraboveorbelowthescreen.
The loudspeaker shouldbe locatedon astable flat surface to avoidany dangerof thecabinet moving when itisvibrated byhighsound levels.Ifyoumount theuniton topofthe television, moveitforward so that thefront grillesare levelwith or slightlyin frontof thescreen. Thiswill reduce reflectionsfrom thescreenandthetopofthecabinet.
Although you can place the centre channel loudspeaker undertheTV monitor,thisshouldalways be regarded as second best. The preferred position is alwaysabovethemonitor,asshown.
The CR CEN uses screened drive units and may be placedclosetoaTVscreenwithoutill-effects.
Conventional loudspeakers should not be operated within 500mm of a TV screen as the drive unit magnets may interfere with the picture and cause colourdistortion.
Caution - Connecting Wires
When connecting your loudspeakers, avoid trailing cables across open floor spaces where they can be a source of danger.
Route cables safely under carpets or alongroomboundaries.
CR 30 CR 40
>200 mm
CR 8,10,20
>50 mm
TheHome TheatreEnvironment
The front loudspeakers are placed on either side of the television screen, 2 to 3 metres apart. The speakersshouldbeangledslightlysotheyareaimed towardsthelisteners.
As therearsurroundchannelsarethe‘effects’ channels thereproducedsoundshouldbeasroom filling as possible. We recommend placing the speakers in a high position, behind the listener’s head and angled towardsthelistener.If the rearwallismore than 1metrebehindthelisteningseat, positionthe unitsonthesidewalls.Ifthewallsare alongwayfromthelisteningseat, considerstandmounting.
Most ofthe dialoguecomesfrom thecentre loudspeaker. Speech should appear tooriginatefrom the actors’ mouths.Operatingheightisimportant.Ideally thefront and centrechannelspeakersshouldbe atthesameheight.Forthisreasonthecentre channelspeakerisbestoperatedontopof theTVmonitor. Thefrontfacesofthecentreandsurroundloudspeakers shouldalsobeinlineasfar aspossible.
As theearisunable todetectthedirection fromwhichdeepbass originates,thisallowsyou freedomto position the unit. Varying the distance from the wall alters the bass. Placing the subwoofer across a cornerbooststhebassbutmayimpairclarity.
TheperformanceofHomeTheatresystemscanoftenbe enhancedbyusingapairofsubwoofers.
ManydigitalAVProcessorsrequireyou tospecifythesizeofspeakersin allchannels.
Always choose 'Small' for the Surround channels and Centre channel whether you are using a subwooferornot.
If youarenot usingasubwoofer:
theprocessorto'Off'or‘No'. The Frontchannels willnowreceiveallthe systembass.
If youare usingasubwoofer
you choose ‘Large’ the Front channel bass will be reproduced from the Front speakers. Bookshelf speakersshouldbesetto‘Small’,largefloorstanding units may besetto ‘Large’.
Set theFront Speakers to ‘Large’. Set the‘Subwoofer’ option on
: Whenset to‘Small’all thesystembass willgointo the subwoofer. If
Once the loudspeaker settings have been finalised, put the AV amplifier into its “Test” mode (see instructions supplied with yourprocessor). Adjust the level of each channel inturn until allchannels arereproducedatequalloudness.
On some programme material the surround channel mayseem lower than the front. Do notreadjust this level.Youmay, however,need toadjustthe subwooferoutput level.Avoid settingtoo highalevel or youwill swamp thesound with basswhichbetiringtolistentoandmay limitthe subwoofer’s ability to respondto largebass transients.You shouldalsoset asensible levelgoing intothe subwooferfrom theAVprocessor.
Many AVprocessors feature delaysettings to enable surroundand dialogue information toarrive at the listener’s ears at the same timeas the Front channels,even when thelistening seat is ina non-ideal position.
Rear Delay:
setting.ThecloserthelisteneristotheRear speakersthehighershouldbethedelay settingused.
Centre Delay:
tozero.IftheCentrespeakerisforwardof theFrontspeakers,increasethedelay.
If the listeningposition isequidistant fromthe Frontand Rearspeakers, seta lowdelay
If theCentre speakerislevel with(or slightlybehind)the Frontspeakers, setthedelay
In the cinemathe LowFrequency Effectschannel isan extrabass channel withits ownsubwoofer and not a regular subwoofer channel. In domestic systems the LFE channel typically feeds into the subwoofer. Where no subwoofer is used,the LFE signal is combined withFront Channel information. When yousettheLFE levelatyourAV processor,usecareas thepowerful low frequenciescanoverload domesticloudspeakers. Ifyouhearpoppingorthumpingnoisescomingfromthefrontloudspeakersorsubwoofer,immediately turntheAVProcessor'svolumeleveldown andthenbackofftheLFElevel.Thisshould curetheproblem. If it does not, back off the volume level at the subwoofer (if you are using one) until the problem disappears.
Please readtherelevantsections ofyourAVamplifiermanual andfamiliariseyourselfwiththe various issues.Ifyouareunsure,consultyourdealerfor help.
A HomeTheatresystem shouldhaveaprecise frontstage,adiffuse rearstageandgood localisationof dialogue.Ifthecoloursontheloudspeakerterminalsdonotcorrespondwiththoseontheamplifier,the sound willappear poorly focussedor‘out ofphase’.For thisreasonit isessentialthat thespeakersare connectedaccordingtothewiringdiagramsinthismanua
Careand Maintenance
When mounting aloudspeaker on awall the connectingcables may be unacceptably obvious.Whilst cables canberoutedfromtheloudspeaker to thefloor,itmaybelessobtrusive toroute cables fromthe loudspeaker tothe ceilingand thenwithin theceiling (orpossiblycoving) orimmediately underneath theceiling(orcoving).Thecablemaythenreturn tofloorlevelataconvenientroom corner.
Loudspeakersareelectro-mechanicaland,likeallmechanicalsystems,theyneeda'runningin'period. For the first 50 hours or so exercise care and play your system at reasonable volume levels. After runningin,youwillnoticeasignificantsonic improvement.
The loudspeakercabinets canbe cleanedwith adamp clothor witha sprayfurniture polishanda soft cloth. Apply thespray sparinglyto the clothand thenpolish thecabinet. Never applyspray directlyto thecabinet.Grillesshouldberemovedandgently brushedwithasoftbrush.
Guarantee& Service
Intheunlikelyeventthatyourunitdevelopsa faultyoushouldreturnittoyourWharfedale dealerusing theoriginalpackingtoensuresafeshipping.
Thetermsofyourguaranteemayvaryindifferent countriesbutinallcasestheguarantee excludes:
Alldamagecausedthroughaccident,misuse,wearandtear,neglect,incorrectinstallation,adjustment orrepairbyunauthorisedpersonnel.
Liabilityfordamageorlossoccurringintransitto orfromthepurchaser.
Wharfedale will not be liable for any consequential damage, loss or injury, arising from or in conjunctionwiththisequipment.
The Crystal series is justone ofanextensive andworld-acclaimedrange fromWharfedale, oneofthe world’s oldest and most distinguished loudspeaker manufacturers. Thank you for purchasing Wharfedale;wehopethisproductbringsyoumanyyears ofreliableserviceandgoodmusic.