Wet Labs WAP WET Labs Archive File Processing User’s Guide

WET Labs Archive File Processing
User’s Guide
WET Labs, Inc. PO Box 518 Philomath, OR 97370 (541) 929-5650 www.wetlabs.com
WAP User’s Guide (WAP) Revision E4 19 June 2006
Table of Contents
1. Overview .................................................................................... 1
1.1 User’s Guide Organization.....................................................................1
2. Setting up Processing Parameters .............................................. 3
2.1 Create Folder Structure .........................................................................3
2.2 Check and Extract Raw Data.................................................................3
2.3 Create WAP Setup Files........................................................................4
2.4 Merge File Pairs ..................................................................................11
3. Reference ................................................................................. 13
3.1 Menu Items..........................................................................................13
3.2 Instrument Selection ............................................................................14
3.3 Extraction Setup File ...........................................................................16
3.4 Merge Setup File .................................................................................18
4. WAP Data Processing Summary............................................... 23
Appendix A: ASCII Data Processing................................................ 25
Device Files.....................................................................................................25
Appendix B: WAP Meter Types ....................................................... 29
WAP User’s Guide (WAP) Revision E4 19 June 2006 i
1. Overview
The WET Labs Archive Processing program (WAP) provides primary processing of data files created by Data Handlers (DH-4s) and ac-9 Plus meters. This primary processing consists of extracting time-stamped raw data from the archive files and applying calibration coefficients to the data for all WET Labs instruments and selected instruments from other manufacturers.
WAP processes data from archive files that have a *.000 (three-digit) filename suffix. WAP creates an Instrument Selection File for each “channel” of data, applying user-selected device and/or calibration files. It then creates an Extraction Setup File with user-defined parameters about how archive file will be processed. Last, an optional Merge Setup File applies time and/or depth adjustments to processed data and combines/re-orders the data from one or more of the “channels” of data into single files.
Secondary data processing such as data binning, quality control checks on data, statistical analysis, etc. is not provided by WAP.
1.1 User’s Guide Organization
Section 1, Overview Section 2, Setting up WAP: Step-by-step instructions for processing data in WAP. Section 3, Reference: Details on WAP menus and setup options. Section 4, Summary: Single-page “quick start” setup steps, with worksheet.
WAP User’s Guide (WAP) Revision E4 19 June 2006 1
2 WAP User’s Guide (WAP) Revision E4 19 June 2006
2. Setting up Processing Parameters
This section provides step-by-step instructions for using WAP to process data generated by an example system consisting of an ac-s, ac-9, CTD, ECO BB9, and WET Labs Flow Sensor.
2.1 Create Folder Structure
Creating the folder structure listed is not required, but it will help a great deal to keep the numerous files organized.
Create a folder and copy DH-4 or ac-9 Plus archive files you wish to process into that folder.
Create a folder and copy all the device files and any ac meter correction files for each meter’s data you wish to process into that folder.
Create a folder to contain data files processed (“extracted”) by WAP.
The main window will display the path of each file and folder. WAP generated:
Instrumentation Selection File
Extraction Setup File
Merge Setup File
Folder to store DH-4/ac-9Plus-generated archive files in for processing by WAP.
Device File Folder
Output File Folder
2.2 Check and Extract Raw Data
Follow the steps below to view “raw” archives as a data check. Note that for ac meters, the raw output will be binary.
1. Select the Setup pull-down menu, then Output File Folder.
2. In the resulting window, navigate to and double-click on the folder in which you want to store the raw_archive files WAP will create (example at right).
Note that this path and folder name will also be indicated on the main WAP screen as Output File Folder.
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3. Select the Extract to Raw button on the main WAP screen. The Status indicator will change from Ready
to Done With Raw Extraction when WAP is finished.
4. In the resulting window, navigate to the folder in which you have saved the DH-4 or ac meter archive data files and select the desired run you wish to check.
5. WAP names the resulting files, adding “raw” and appending the meter’s WAP ID number to the filename.
6. View the raw_archive file(s) to verify the data appears reasonable.
2.3 Create WAP Setup Files
WAP will further processes archive data and apply necessary corrections, calibration and device file information. This will allow you to obtain data in engineering units, and eventually merge this data with other meter data files. from the DH-4 or ac9 Plus archive files.
2.3.1 Instrument Selection File
The *.isf files contain setup information regarding a specific meter and its associated calibration and/or device file. Once created and saved, these setup files can be re-used for processing other meter data files using WAP.
1. Start WAP if necessary.
2. Select Setup / Instrument Selection
> Create/Edit Instrument Selection File.
To open an existing ISF file that needs no modifications, choose
Select Instrument Selection File.
4 WAP User’s Guide (WAP) Revision E4 19 June 2006
3. Select Meter Type and
enter a device file name if one is required.
If you do not wish to process data from one or more channels, leave the meter selection OFF. Note that if a Meter Type is selected (not set to OFF), an output file will be created
Flow Sensor
whether or not a meter is physically present.
Using the worksheet in Section 4 may help keep setup parameters organized.
4. After each of the Meter Type and Device File entries have been completed, save the settings. The saved *.isf and path will display on the main WAP window.
2.3.2 Extraction Setup File
Creating an *.esf provides WAP with the parameters (file type, output, and time stamp) for processing an archive file.
1. Select Setup / Extraction Setup > Create/Edit Instrument Selection File.
To open an existing *.esf that needs no modifications, choose Select Extraction File.
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2. Select WL Archive File (default setting) in the Input File Format area of the resulting window.
3. Select User Merged Files in the Output area.
4. Select Logger ID 2 (default setting) in the Clock Source area.
5. Select ms from Start of File (default setting) in the Time Stamp area.
6. Use the File pull-down menu to save these settings.
7. The saved *.esf and path will display at the main WAP window. This file can be used for subsequent file extractions.
8. At the main window, select Extract to Engr, then the archive file. In this example, it’s archive.202.
WAP generates a new file for each instrument, adding the WAP ID # to the filename. These files will be saved at the location shown for the Output File Folder on the main screen (This is a user-specified folder as created in section 2.1.)
2.3.3 Merge Setup
The Merge Setup File (*.msf) controls the final portion of the WAP merging process. This data merging occurs at the end of the archive file extraction process and is used to create merged files that contain the data from multiple instruments that is time/depth-aligned.
WAP file merging is executed as series of sequential file merges performed on two files at a time. The merge routines sequentially step through pairs of files, with each step resulting in a merged file called pair.xx. Each pair of files consists of a “base” file and a “merge” file. The base is used to determine the time/depth resolution for the merged pair.
Each pair can build upon the previously created pairs. For example, if the first merged pair contains data from an ac-9 and a CTD, the next merged pair could add the data from a second ac-9, creating a merged file with data from two ac-9s and a CTD.
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At the basic level, the user
Selects the “base” and a “merge” pair of files to merge.
Identifies whether the files will be merged using depth or time.
Identifies the depth or time columns in the base and merge files.
Sets the time or depth corrections (if any) for both the base and merge file.
Selects the number of rows of header information in both base and merge files.
Sets up any special ac meter data processing.
Identifies analog channels, if any.
Formats the output records.
In the following example, the ac-s file (WAP ID 21) will be merged with the ac-9 “base” file (WAP ID 22). This will result in Pair 01.
The figure below shows all selections for merging WAP ID 21 with WAP ID 22 to form Pair 01. Details follow.
1. Select Setup / Merge Setup > Create/Edit Merge Setup File to create a new Merge Setup File.
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2. Select Pair 1. These will be the first files merged.
3. Select Merge On Time. The Base File Setup and the Merge File Setup boxes will appear.
4. Under Base File Setup and Merge File Setup, use up and down arrows to select the ID # associated with the Meter Type assigned in the *.isf window.
5. In the Merge Column areas under
Base File Setup and Merge File Setup, use the arrows to select the first
column of data you wish you to merge (typically column 1). Do this for Base File Setup and Merge File Setup.
6. The time/date pulldown menu can be left at ms and the Lag at 0.
7. Scroll to select the number of header lines in the meter’s output file. WAP will process data beginning on the next row.
8. Select the Meter Type: If one of the meters is an ac-9 or ac-s, select ac9 as the meter type. Otherwise, leave as DKDC (Don’t Know, Don’t Care).
Note that it is only necessary to input the number of header lines for the first pair of merged files; WAP includes only one header row for each subsequent file/pair.
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