Wet Labs acprot User Manual

ac Meter
Protocol Document
WET Labs, Inc. P.O. Box 518 Philomath, OR 97370 541 929-5650 fax: 541 929-5277 www.wetlabs.com
Table of Contents
Acknowledgements ............................................................................ 1
Introduction ............................................................................... 1
Background and Evolution ........................................................ 3
2.1 ac-9 ................................................................................................................. 3
2.1.1 Interference Filters ...........................................................................................3
2.1.2 Absorption Detector .........................................................................................3
2.1.3 Internal Optics ..................................................................................................3
2.1.4 Windows ..........................................................................................................3
2.1.5 Flow Tubes.......................................................................................................3
2.1.6 Improved Referencing .....................................................................................3
2.1.7 Electronics........................................................................................................3
2.1.8 Mechanical .......................................................................................................3
2.2 ac-s .................................................................................................................... 4
Operation .................................................................................. 5
3.1 Orientation ...................................................................................................... 5
3.2 Testing ............................................................................................................ 6
3.3 Mounting ......................................................................................................... 8
3.4 Plumbing and Tubing ...................................................................................... 9
3.5 Attaching Prefilter to Remove the Particulate Fraction .................................. 10
3.6 Deployment .................................................................................................. 10
3.6.1 Moorings ........................................................................................................10
3.6.2 Towed Bodies ................................................................................................12
Ship Underway and General Benchtop Operation ......................................................13
3.6.4 Profiling .........................................................................................................13
Calibration ............................................................................. 15
4.1 WET Labs Calibration Procedures ................................................................ 15
4.1.1 Factory Pre-calibration Procedures ................................................................15
4.1.2 Factory Temperature Calibration ...................................................................15
4.1.3 Factory Water Calibration..............................................................................16
4.1.4 Factory Air Calibration ..................................................................................17
4.2 Air Tracking Procedures ............................................................................... 18
4.2.1 When to Use Air Tracking ............................................................................18
4.2.2 Air Tracking Protocol ...................................................................................19
4.3 Field Water Calibration Procedures .............................................................. 20
4.3.1 When to use Field Water Calibrations ...........................................................20
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4.3.2 Field Clean Water Production System ...........................................................20
4.3.3 Field Water Calibration Protocol ...................................................................22
Data Processing ..................................................................... 26
5.1 Basic WETVIEW Calculations ...................................................................... 26
5.2 Merging ........................................................................................................ 27
5.3 Time Lag Correction ..................................................................................... 27
5.4 Water Temperature and Salinity Corrections ................................................ 28
5.6 Reflective Tube Scattering Correction .......................................................... 30
5.7 Attenuation Acceptance Angle Correction ..................................................... 31
5.8 Other Processing Notes ................................................................................. 32
5.8.1 Considering Spatial Variability......................................................................32
5.8.2 ac-s Mid-spectrum Discontinuities ................................................................32
5.8.3 Outliers ...........................................................................................................32
5.9 Directly Derived Products ............................................................................. 32
5.9.1 Computing Total Absorption and Attenuation from Measurements .............32
5.10 Reality Checks ............................................................................................... 39
References ............................................................................. 41
Appendix 1. Device Files ................................................................. 42
Appendix 2. Sample Matlab Routines: ............................................. 46
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While virtually everyone who has sought meaningful and consistent results has contributed to this evolution of the ac-9 protocol, several scientists provided pioneering efforts, and direct input on this document. They include Scott Pegau, Percy Donaghay, Mike Twardowski, Scott Freeman, and Alan Weidemann.
1. Introduction
The ac-9 was originally developed under Naval Research Laboratory sponsorship. Primary development occurred over a 6-month time span culminating in delivery in September 1993. Since initial delivery, approximately 180 more units have been used in applications ranging from tow-yos to long-term moorings. In 2004 a follow-on hyperspectral absorption and attenuation device, the ac-s, was also introduced. While the manuals for these devices cover basic operation and processing of the raw signals into engineering units, certain protocols for usage and data processing have been developed over the years, largely by the scientific community, to provide the highest possible accuracy in absorption and attenuation data and directly derived products. As a supplement to the ac-9 and ac-s user manuals, this document details these protocols.
Protocols for ac-9 and ac-s use are broken down into three primary sections. We first discuss basic operation and deployment issues. Second, we discuss the ac-9 laboratory and field calibration. Third, we delineate the steps for processing and correction of the data obtained by the instrument. These three sections are prefaced by an overview of the various engineering improvements that have occurred over the past few years. A final section provides a concise summary of the data processing steps as well as a reality check table for determination of data quality.
This protocol is intended as a hands-on guide for data collection and processing of data from the ac-9 and/or ac-s. For more general discussions of meter applications or measurement theory you may wish to consult the references contained in the back of the document.
One should remember that ac-9 and ac-s usage and data processing techniques are subject to continual evolution. This document attempts to summarize the state of the art in commonly applied techniques as they stand today. Even as the document is being written, researchers continue to explore and refine new possibilities in applications, calibration, and processing. Similarly, engineers at WET Labs continue to strive to improve instrument capabilities, reliability and ease of use. We urge researchers to stay in touch through our web site (http://www.wetlabs.com) or by calling us. Likewise, if you have any suggestions or additions to this protocol document please let us know.
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2. Background and Evolution
2.1 ac-9
The ac-9 has gone through several major design modifications in the last several years to improve the overall stability and reliability of the instrument. Described below are some of the more significant changes that have been successfully implemented.
2.1.1 Interference Filters
The ac-9 uses nine band-pass filters to spectrally discriminate the light from a tungsten lamp. These nine filters are mounted on a filter wheel located in the transmitter pressure housing.
2.1.2 Absorption Detector
The absorption detectors have gone through numerous modifications in effort to improve long-term reliability, stability, and ease of manufacture.
2.1.3 Internal Optics
Optical mounts for all the lenses and filters were improved to provide better stability and easier meter assembly.
2.1.4 Windows
Pressure window apertures were increased to eliminate possible partial beam occlusions.
2.1.5 Flow Tubes
The flow tubes and sleeves went through several stages of modifications. Most recently inlet and outlet nozzle diameters have been increased to provide improved flushing.
2.1.6 Improved Referencing
The ac-9 employs a reference detector within the transmitter optics. This detector measures the output energy from the source that in turn provides a normalized output from the meter. With the original filters and optics, throughput in the blue region of the spectrum was not sufficient to allow one-to-one referencing. We thus integrated values of all three blue wavelengths and used the single value as a reference for the blue wavelengths. With the increased throughput provided by the new filters, we have returned to a one-to-one referencing scheme throughout the spectrum.
2.1.7 Electronics
In 1995 new electronics were developed for the meter. The new board set allowed more efficient manufacturing and characterization, more flexibility in interfacing, and improved resistance to shock and vibration.
2.1.8 Mechanical
ac-9 design employs a one-piece yoke, or “unistrut” manufactured from one solid piece of metal that effectively ties the ac meter into virtually one rigid optical assembly. This improves long-term stability as well as short-term variability due to mounting stresses. Older ac-9’s that use three independent stainless steel rods can be upgraded to the unistrut design. Please contact the factory for information.
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2.2 ac-s
Based on the 9-wavelength absorption and attenuation meter ac-9 (Moore et al, 1992), the ac-s offers almost an order of magnitude increase in spectral resolution of in-situ absorption and beam attenuation coefficients. The ac-s features the same flow-through system as the ac­9, same size, and excellent stability. The ac-s employs a 25-cm pathlength for effective measurement in the cleanest natural waters. The light source employs a linear variable filter imaged with a collimated beam from a tungsten lamp. The absorption side has a reflecting tube and a large area detector, whereas the attenuation side has a non-reflective tube and a collimated detector. The instrument provides an 80+ wavelength output from approximately 400–730 nm with approximately 4 nm steps. Individual filter steps have a FWHM that range between about 10 to 18 nm. Because of the inherent similarities between the ac-s and the ac­9, all procedures described in this document regarding the ac-9 generally pertain to the ac-s as well, except where noted.
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3. Operation
3.1 Orientation
Before testing your instrument, familiarize yourself with the ac-9 and the ac-s (Figure 1).
Figure 1. Description of ac-9 components, many of which are shared with the ac-s.
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Both instruments consist of two pressure cans separated by a unistrut. The bottom pressure can houses the transmitter optics and filter wheel. The top can contains the receiver optics and the control electronics. Two removable plastic flow assemblies reside within the area separating the two cans. These two assemblies define the flow volumes for the absorbance and transmittance measurements.
Remove the black plastic flow tubes by sliding the flow tube sleeves towards the middle of the flow tube. The flow tube will lift out, exposing the transmitter and detector windows on the lower and upper flanges respectively. Be careful not to scratch the windows. The attenuation tube is different than the absorption tube. Its flow chamber is black plastic and the two sleeves on the tube are identical. This tube installs on the “c” side of the instrument (the side with the identical looking windows). The “c” tube has no “up or down” orientation. The absorption flow assembly is lined with a reflective quartz tube and one of the two sleeves is flat on top (the lip present on all the other sleeves is missing). This tube installs on the “a” side of the instrument that can be identified by the “a” detector that is on the upper flange and is the only window that is clearly different from the other three (has a white diffuser where the other windows are clear). The flow tube sleeve without the lip fits over the absorption window with diffuser, so there IS an “up and down” orientation to the “a” tube.
You may want to mark the flow assemblies and their orientation with tape or marking pen before using the instrument at sea so that there is no confusion when reinstalling the tubes after cleaning your optics. Incorrect installation of the flow tubes will result in incorrect optical measurements and water leaking around the sleeves because of improper o-ring seals (the absorption window with detector has a different o-ring than the rest of the windows).
When re-installing the sleeves of the flow tubes, line up the white nylon set screws with the grooves in the flow tubes. This will ensure that the water flow will not be blocked by the “tabs” on the ends of the flow tubes.
The flow tube for the “c” channel may be considered optional as long as the detector is not exposed to very intense ambient light (e.g., direct sunlight). This allows for the possibility of a free path attenuation measurement when the flow tube is absent. Stray light is normally not a concern with the “c” channel because of the collimating optics in the detector assembly. The flow tube for the “a” channel is always required.
3.2 Testing
Before deploying the ac-9 or ac-s in the field you will want to test the unit to familiarize yourself with the hardware and software, and to verify basic operation. Assuming that you are using the factory-supplied software (WETView) to perform these tests, you will require the following:
1. A clean, solid lab table or workbench;
2. The ac-9 or ac-s with test cable (or sea cable);
3. A power supply (the ac-9 and ac-s require 10–18 VDC);
4. A computer with WETView software installed for data acquisition.
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Installing WETView is very simple. You will need a 400 MHz or better PC running the Windows 2000 or higher operating system with at least 10 Mb free hard disk space.
Create a directory or folder to copy the necessary files needed to install WETView onto your machine. Copy the entire contents of the two disks you received with your ac-9 into this directory on your computer. You should have the following files in your directory:
One of the files copied is SETUP.EXE; run this program and follow the online instructions to complete WETView installation.
Connect the factory supplied test cable to COMM port in your computer (or USB port via a serial to USB converter). Connect the power leads to the power supply. The black lead is typically the V+ lead. Before connecting the cable to the instrument, use a multi-meter to check the input power. Connect the ground probe to pin 1 on the pigtail connector (the centrally located pin). Connect the hot probe to pin 4 (the pin directly opposite from pin 1). You should measure somewhere between 10–18 volts across these two pins. No other pins should have any voltage on them. Turn the power supply off. Connect the pigtail to the instrument. Push the connector straight on to avoid damaging the pins. Apply power to the instrument and allow it to warming up for about 30 s.
Run the WETView software by clicking on the icon in WINDOWS. When the interface is displayed, you will need to provide a device file name (DEV file). Click on the <O> button in the center top of the screen or choose “Open Device File” from the File Menu at the top left of the screen. Browse to the folder containing the DEV file. The program will ask you to choose the proper COMM port. Select COMM1 through COMM8 as appropriate. At this point, the software will do some handshaking with the instrument and the “Start Logging” Button (or the F1 key) can be used to start data collection. After 5–10 seconds, tabular data should be displayed on the right side of the screen. A real time graph will begin to develop, using the graph parameters set at the time. Please refer to the manual for the full details of running the WETView software. After a short time, click on the F2 button. Data collection will stop and you will be prompted for a file name to apply to the data if you should want to archive it. Press ESC if you do not want to save the data. To quit the program, choose QUIT from the File menu, not the (non-functioning) close button in the upper right of the program window. At this point you have successfully completed a bench test of the instrument.
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3.3 Mounting
Lowering Cage Mounting Bar
Rubber Sheet
Hose Clamp
Rubber Sheet
Hose Clamp
Rubber Sheet
Steel Ledge or Step
Note:Tightenupper hoseclamptightly. Lowerhoseclamp
Figure 2. Deployment cage mounting suggestion for ac-9 and ac-s.
The ac-9 and ac-s contains two optical paths that are sensitive to lateral and torsional stresses. To ensure that the unit functions properly, it is important to minimize stresses when mounting the unit to a frame. If possible, the ac device should be mounted vertical. These sensors can be used in other orientations, but for the most accurate results field water calibrations should be carried out when in the preferred deployment orientation to account for drifts associated with small changes in the alignment of the optical paths. In the vertical orientation, it is preferable to rest the bottom of the ac device on the cage framework and attach both the upper and lower housings to the vertical framework of the cage (Figure 2). The housing attachments do not need to be any tighter than required to hold the ac device to the cage as the main support is the
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bottom rest. If the ac device is to be mounted horizontally, it is critical to support both housings. If the ac device is mounted horizontally and supported by only one housing, more substantial deformation of the optical path will occur that may cause the unit to provide inaccurate readings.
3.4 Plumbing and Tubing
It is important to ensure good flow through the ac meter flow tubes. The flow rate through the instrument should be kept above 1 liter/min to resolve environmental changes over fine spatial and temporal scales. This can be achieved by maximizing the tubing size and using a pump such as the Sea-Bird Electronics SBE-5 running at a minimum 3000 rpm. The ac meter flow tube sleeve nozzles are ½ in. to improve performance by potentially increasing the flow rate and flushing through the flow assemblies, and to easily mate with the pump.
The detector for the absorption channels is very sensitive to external light, and the attenuation detector can be affected when exposed to intense ambient light, so it best to eliminate the leakage of any external light into the flow cells. This is accomplished by ensuring that all tubing attaching to the flow cell sleeves is completely opaque or covered with opaque black tape. Note that some electrical black tape is not completely opaque and can produce errors in absorption readings at the surface.
Tygon tubing and other varieties may contain plasticizers that could possibly affect the optical measurements if exposed to the sample for a significant amount of time. For short lengths of tubing in typical applications using continuous flow, the type of tubing has not proved to be a concern, as long as it is clean, laboratory grade. When using Tygon tubing, it is best to use a thick-wall tube to prevent kinks in the tubing or collapse of the tubing due to possible pressure differentials when pumping. Other types of tubing are available and include Teflon, Teflon­lined Tygon, and expensive grades of tubing without plasticizers. Many of the types of tubing are rigid and care must be taken to prevent kinks from forming.
The plumbing should be installed in a manner that ensures bubbles cannot be trapped anywhere in the system. A typical plumbing set-up is described. The upper and lower flow tube nozzles are used for the outflows and inflows, respectively. Opaque tubing is attached to the intake nozzles and dropped to the bottom of a deployment cage. The pump for the ac device should be placed above the upper set of nozzles of the flow tubes. A “Y” fitting is used to merge the outflows from the two flow cells into one flow that can be connected to the pump. On the outflow from the pump a bubble degasser is typically installed. This device is an inverted “Y” housing a Teflon insert with a small hole through the center that allows bubbles to escape the system. It is required that the pump pull the water through the tubes rather than push it through. The key consideration is that the plumbing configuration provides a clear path for bubbles to escape the system when the sensor is deployed. If small bubbles are lodged in the flow cells, the optical measurements will have errors. If bubbles become lodged in the pump, the pump will stall and not work. Separate intake tubes for the “a” and “c” sides of the instrument are recommended over using “Y” or “T” fittings to separate the flow from a single intake tube. This is because evidence from laboratory measurements indicates that a “Y” fitting may partition some particles preferentially into one arm of the “Y” (Twardowski et al. 1999).
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In profiling applications where the sensor package may experience abrupt changes in rates of descent and/or ascent, it is recommended that the inlet and outlet pressures of the flow system be balanced. This is achieved by assuring that the entrance point and exit point of the tubing are positioned at the same depth, i.e., a tube is installed that runs from the outflow leaving the pump to the bottom of the cage where the sample intake tube is positioned (taking care not to orient them too close together).
3.5 Attaching Prefilter to Remove the Particulate Fraction
An ac-9 or ac-s can be used to measure absorption by the dissolved fraction of water only. The dissolved material responsible for this absorption is collectively known as colored dissolved organic material (CDOM), “yellow matter,” or Gelbstoff. A capsule filter, typically with 0.2 µm pore size, is attached in-line to either the “a” or “c” flow tube (or both) intake, so that particles are removed prior to measurement. It is best to carefully cut the outer capsule of the filter off with a saw (careful not to cut the filter pleats) to expose more filter surface area to the water. Because CDOM is primarily composed of hydrophobic humic material, it is essential that the capsule filter have a hydrophilic membrane. Otherwise, the filter may remove important hydrophobic dissolved material.
Because scattering from the material present in the <0.2 µm fraction from natural waters typically is negligible, attaching the filter to the intake of either the “a” or “c” side should yield the same results. This is actually an excellent test to determine if your meter is operating as expected. When deploying multiple ac devices, occasionally attaching prefilters to all the meters is also an effective means of cross-calibrating the sensors.
To measure both the dissolved and particulate fractions of water independently, a dual ac-9 or ac-s configuration may be assembled where one device has a prefilter (measures the dissolved fraction only) and the other device does not (measures the dissolved + particulate fractions). One ac device may be used to obtain the same set of data if successive casts are made, some with the prefilter and some without. Extra care must be given to purging the system of air when a filter is used, and there are other considerations to take into account, such as smearing of the data because of longer (and variable as the filter captures more and more particles) time lags (the time required for a sample to transit from the intake, through the filter, into the flow tube, and undergo measurement). Using a high-speed pump (e.g., 4000-RPM SBE-5) is recommended to minimize this effect. Even with a high-speed pump, however, time lags are typically greater than 10 seconds (see section 5.3).
3.6 Deployment
The ac-9 and ac-s may be used in a variety of deployment modes. While emphasis and protocol development has focused primarily upon profiling applications, the meter has also been used in moored, lab flow-through, autonomous underwater vehicle, and towed applications. Each of these modes requires some consideration in how best to optimize results from the meter. Below, some of the most important issues are addressed with the primary modes of deployment.
3.6.1 Moorings Anti-fouling—One of the most problematic aspects of a moored deployment of any optical device is accumulation of biological growth on the optical surfaces. The enclosed flow path of the ac-9 helps to retard biological fouling of the meter’s windows and the
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reflecting tube. Additional protection against biofouling may be provided by using copper tubing on the inflow and outflow tubing of the flow tubes. The inhibitive effect is provided by the slow dissolution of copper into the water between sampling events. Research has shown that the use of copper tubing on the inflow and outflow tubing on an ac meter can extend the measurement duration up to 60 days on coastal moorings (Manov, et al., 2004). Warm-up—It is normally best to characterize and use the ac-9 or ac-s after a 5- to 10­minute warm-up from initially powering the meter. Moored deployments, however, typically require sampling within thirty seconds after turning the unit on to conserve power. In order to assure accuracy in the field, multiple samples should be collected with a clean dry system in the lab, using the sample interval that is to be employed in the mooring. For best results, the testing should occur at temperatures close to those to be found in the water. Once multiple files have been collected, measurements in optically clean water (see Calibration, section 4) may be made and compared to baseline zero values expected when applying the device file (.dev) provided by the factory. Any offsets, which may or may not have a temporal dependence while the instrument warms up, can later be applied to field measurements as a correction. Ground loops—The housing of the ac-9 and ac-s operates at ground potential, effectively tying the instrument common to the seawater. Under normal circumstances this should create no problems. However, depending upon other instrumentation attached to the mooring, inadvertent current leakage paths, and ill-considered power schemes, there lies potential for ground loops. In moored deployments, where packages can potentially be left unattended for months, the ground loops can drain batteries, result in noisy measurements, and damage instruments. While there is no set method for the determination and elimination of ground loops the following steps provide general guidelines:
Create a systems grounding diagram. Consider the seawater as a ground plane.
Note all terminations to the seawater.
Measure voltages across these terminations to determine possible voltage potentials.
Also check voltages across the instruments to the cage.
If possible, immerse the package in salt water, and repeat the previous step
A 2–3 day test deployment with instruments in the water could provide important
information on expected versus realized battery voltage decay.
Mitigating a suspected ground loop is highly system specific. If you suspect a loop you
may wish to consult the factory for advice. Plumbing—The inability to pre-purge moored deployments in near surface waters makes it vitally important to properly plumb your system. If the tubing and meter orientation do not facilitate rapid flushing of bubbles, air could easily become entrapped within the flow assemblies. Also, in areas where the meter may be sampling large amounts of re-suspended particulates, good flushing is critical to prevent sediment build-up within the meter. If possible, pumping speeds may be set to higher speeds (4000–4500 RPM for the SBE-5) and the incorporation of the larger nozzle diameter lock sleeves is recommended. Calibration—Field calibrations immediately before and after mooring deployments are essential to allow tracking of any drift due to fouling or possible instrument changes (see section 4). The calibration should be performed as soon as possible after removal of the
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mooring from the water and after stored data is uploaded. Conducting a field water calibration before cleaning the meter allows drift assessment in the “as-is” condition, which will include drift due to both fouling and instrument changes. A second calibration after the meter has been thoroughly cleaned will allow the user to track instrument specific drift. The effects of fouling may be obtained by taking the difference between these two calibrations. In situations where optically clean water is not available, obtaining an air tracking file after the meter has been cleaned and dried will at least provide an indication of the meter stability through the period of performance. Power consumption and battery life—To assure that a viable data set is collected during the entire period of deployment one must assure that they provide enough energy capacity (batteries) to effectively operate throughout the duration. The ac-9 or ac-s with pump will consume approximately 1 amp at 12 volts DC. Assuming a nominal on-time of one minute for each sample, the instrument will use about 1/60 of an amp-hour during each cycling. In addition, one must consider the power consumed by the data logger tied to the instrument in both its “on” and “off” states. Batteries typically provide a rated capacity in amp-hours, but this can mean different things for different types of batteries. For instance a twelve volt, D-cell alkaline battery pack is rated around 12–14 amp hours, but due to the near-linear decay rate of the batteries and the fact that this rating implies the amount of energy that the battery might provide until it is at 50 percent voltage, the usable capacity is only about 1/3 of the rated capacity. You must also take into account de-rating of the capacity due to lower water temperatures. Near-zero degree Celsius temperatures could reduce usable lifetimes by 30 percent. In generally, it is wise to provide ample over-capacity in your power system. All things considered, the price of batteries is usually cheap compared to the price of lost data.
3.6.2 Towed Bodies Mounting—In mounting to a towed unit you must consider both the stability of the device and the flight characteristics of the entire towed unit. While the latter consideration is out of scope for this discussion, the former topic is straightforward. The mounting should firmly secure the meter towards both ends, without applying excessive torque on the unit. Neoprene-lined saddle clamps are recommended for this purpose. The clamps should be securely anchored to the frame. In securing the meter, make sure that adequate clearance is provided for plumbing and wiring. Because of size constraints, the meter usually must be mounted near horizontal. As a result, it is imperative that a field water calibration be carried out with the installed meter in the orientation expected during measurement to ensure the meter is stable in its new orientation (see Section 4). Plumbing—It is recommended that flow inlets and outlets be oriented so that the hydrostatic pressure is equivalent, thus avoiding variable flow rates associated with variable rates of ascent and descent (if applicable). This is most easily established by locating the inlet and outlet hoses at the same level. Plumbing should be installed to allow the system to completely purge all air when deployed. Because the meter may be mounted horizontally, use bubble degassers and tubing to allow bubbles to escape. If possible, sending the package down to 10 m or deeper before underway towing will help pressurize air out of the system. If orientation and space constraints do not permit a plumbing configuration that enables air to fully escape, plumb the meter in a manner that will allow air to escape when positioned in another orientation. On initial deployment, use a tag line to allow immersion of the towed
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