West Penn PP-W2U1 Specsheet

Detailed Specification & Technical Data
2 RU Rack Mount Panel 6 Slots
Product Description 2 RU Rack Mount Panel 6 Slots
Product Overview Wirewerks’ rack mount panels are fabricated from sheet steel and nished in a light textured black powder coat nish. ese
Package Qty. 1
panels are compatible with standard 19” and 23” equipment racks and are designed to accept Wirewerks adapter strips and splice trays or distribution modules. Faceplates incorporate contrasting color identication labeling. All of the panels include ber management features for slack management of incoming cables and patch cords. e 1U panels accommodate 3 strips or modules (up to 72 bers); the 2U panels accommodate 6 strips or panels (up to 144 bers) and the 4U panels accommodate 12 strips or modules (up to 288 bers).
Data Centres Telecommunications or Equipment Room LAN, WAN and SAN FTTx
Features • Adaptable to 19” or 23” standard racks.
• Easy access from front or back.
• Eective slack management.
• Adapter strips or modules accomodated.
• Better adapter strip positioning to ease the patch cords access.
Technical Information • Panel(s) Material: 16 Gauge Cold Rolled Steel.
• Panel(s) Finish: Sandex Black
• Avaialble in 1U, 2U or 4U Rack-space increments
• Included into the packaging: Hardware Kit and Identication labels.
• 1U Rack-mount Dimensions: 17” x 14” x 1.74”
• 2U Rack-mount Dmensions: 17” x 14” x 3.47”
• 4U Rack-mount Dimensions: 17” x 17” x 6.98 “
2833 West Chestnut Street | Washington, PA 15301 | Toll Free: 800-245-4964 | www.westpenn-wpw.com