2833 West Chestnut Street
This document is the property of West Penn Wire.
Standard Lengths a re 1000ft.
Technical Data Sheet
Plenum Dat a Grade RS-48 5 Cables
DESCRIPTION: 24/2 Stranded tinned copper conductors, shielded with an overall jacket.
NEC RATING: CMP, NEC Article 800
APPLICATION: Indoor Plenum data cable for: Computer Application, Low-Capacitance Data.
Construct ion Paramete rs:
Conductor 24 AWG Tinned Copper
Stranding 7x32
Insulation Material Foamed Teflon
Number of Conductors 2 (1 Pair)
Shield 100% Aluminum Polyester Foil
Drain Stranded Tinned Copper
Jacket Material Plenum PVC
Overall Cable Diameter 0.202'' Nom.
Approximate Cable Weigh t 30 Lbs/1M' Nom.
Flame Rating NFPA-262
Electrical & Environm e n tal Properties:
Temperature Rating -20deg C to 60deg C
Operating Voltage 300 V RMS
Max.Capacitance Between C onductors @ 1 KHz 12.8 pf/ft Nom.
Capacitance Between Co nductors to Shield @ 1 KHz 23 pf/ft Nom.
DC Resistance per Conductor @ 20deg C 24 Ohms/1M' Nom.
Velocity of Propagation 72% Nom.
Impedance 120Ω Nom
Insulation Colors 1. Blue- White/Blue
Jacket Color Gray
RoHS Compliant
Mechanical Properties:
Max. Recommended Pu ll Tension 47 lbs.
Min. Bend Radius (Install) 2.”
Specification Issu e Date: 3/08
The inform at i o n contained he r ein is conside r ed
Proprietary and not to be reproduced by any means
Without written consent of West Penn Wire
Washington, PA 15301
Toll Free: (800) 245-4964
Fax: (724) 222-6420
The Jacket is sequential ly footmarked.
The inform at i o n pr esented here is, to the best of our
knowledge, is true and accurate. However, since
conditions of use are beyond our control, all
recommendations or sugg estions are presented
without guarantee or resp onsibility on our pa r t. We
disclaim all liability in connection with the use of
information contained herein or otherwise.