Ceiling Fan and Fixture Support
MODELS 01030, 01030-11,
01036, 01036-11,
The Saf-T-Box® and Saf-T-Pan® are UL listed for fan support and exceed the requirements of the National
Electric Code for fans weighing up to 70 lbs. and lighting fixtures weighing up to 150 lbs.
Turn off electrical power at breaker!
1. Pull wire into electrical box and clamp using the connector provided (figure 1).
2. Mount electrical box to joist using the wood screws provided (figure 4).
NOTE: Mount heavy fixture and ceiling fans with the 10-24 x
fixtures and cover plates with the 8-32 screws in the electrical box ears (figure 3).
3. Mount fan bracket to the electrical box using the two 10-24 x
manufacturer’s instructions (figure 5).
⁄4" bolts into the threaded inserts (figure 2). Mount lightweight
⁄4” bolts provided and connect wires according to fan or fixture
figure 1
figure 4
Westinghouse Lighting Corporation
Philadelphia, PA 19154-1029, U.S.A.
Westinghouse Lighting Corporation,
a Westinghouse Electric Corporation licensee
“Westinghouse” and “You can be sure. . . if it’s Westinghouse”
are all registered trademarks of Westinghouse Electric Corporation
figure 2
figure 5
figure 3

Soporte para Abanicos de Techo y
Accessorios de Iluminación
MODELOS 01030, 01030-11,
01036, 01036-11,
Las Saf-T-Box® y Saf-T-Pan® figuran en la lista de UL para soportar ventiladores y exceden los requisitos del
Código Eléctrico Nacional (National Electrical Code) para ventiladores que pesan hasta 70 libras (32 kg) y
artefactos de iluminación que pesan hasta 150 libras (68 kg).
¡Apague la corriente electrica en el disyuntor!
1. Hale el cable dentro de la caja de empalme y sujete con abrazadera usando el conector provisto (figura 1).
2. Monte la caja de empalme a la vigueta usando los tornillos provistos de madera (figura 4).
NOTE: Monte el adorno pesado y los ventiladores de techos con las pernas 10 de 24 x
Monte los adornos ligeros y chapas de cubiertas con los tornillos de 8-32 en las orejas de la caja de empalme (figura 3).
3. Monte el soporte del ventilador a la caja de empalme usando los dos tornillos de 10-24 x
de acuerdo a las instrucciones del fabricante (figura 5).
⁄4" en los intercalados (figura 2).
⁄4” provistos y conecte los cables
figura 1
figura 4
Westinghouse Lighting Corporation
Philadelphia, PA 19154-1029, U.S.A.
Westinghouse Lighting Corporation,
a Westinghouse Electric Corporation licensee
“Westinghouse” y “You can be sure. . . if it’s Westinghouse”
son marcas registradas de Westinghouse Electric Corporation
figura 2 figura 3
figura 5