Western Reserve Controls WRC-CANR-DF User Manual

CAN-Bus Fiber Optic Bus Extender
User’s Manual
W estern Reserve Controls, Inc.
Western Reserve Controls WRC-CANR-DF-DN User’s Manual PUB 14.1
Although every effort has been made to insure the accuracy of this document, all information is subject to change without notice. WRC takes no liability for any errors in this document or for direct, indirect, incidental or consequential damage resulting from the use of this manual.
Document PUB 14.1
Rev 1.08
March 2002
Copyright © 1998-2002 WRC
Western Reserve Controls, Inc.
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SmartMux-Lite, CAN-Bus Extender and WRC are trademarks of Western Reserve Controls, Inc. DeviceNet is a trademark of the Open DeviceNet Vendor Association, Inc. (“ODVA”). SDS is a trademark of the Honeywell, Inc. All other trademarks are property of their respective companies.
Western Reserve Controls WRC-CANR-DF-DN User’s Manual PUB 14.1
1. OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................................................................1
1.1. FEATURES............................................................................................................................................................................1
1.2. BASIC OPERATION.............................................................................................................................................................2
1.3. REFERENCE DOCUMENTS.................................................................................................................................................2
2. QUICK START.......................................................................................................................................................................3
3. GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS............................................................................................................................................4
4. HARDWARE INSTALLATION AND CONFIGURATION............................................................................................5
4.1. OVERVIEW...........................................................................................................................................................................5
4.2. LED OPERATION................................................................................................................................................................5
4.3. DIP SWITCH SETTINGS.....................................................................................................................................................7
4.3.1. Slide Swith version.................................................................................................................................................7
4.3.2. Piano Switch Version.............................................................................................................................................8
4.4. POWER REQUIREMENTS....................................................................................................................................................8
4.5. NETWORK CABLING AND CONFIGURATION..................................................................................................................9
4.5.1. Cable Lengths..........................................................................................................................................................9
4.5.2. Network Termination.............................................................................................................................................9
4.5.3. CAN-Bus Connection Wiring..............................................................................................................................10
4.5.4. Alternate Connector Options ..............................................................................................................................12
5. OPERATION........................................................................................................................................................................13
5.1. APPLICATION NOTES......................................................................................................................................................13
6. ACCESSORIES AND OTHE R WRC PRODUCTS.......................................................................................................15
7. TROUBLESHOOTING.......................................................................................................................................................17
Western Reserve Controls WRC-CANR-DF-DN User’s Manual PUB 14.1
TABLE 2-1 BAUD RATE SETTINGS .................................................................................................................................................3
TABLE 4-1 MODULE STATUS LED (LABELED MS)....................................................................................................................6
TABLE 4-2 NETWORK STATUS LEDS (LABELED NSA AND NSB)...........................................................................................6
TABLE 4-3 DIAGNOSTIC STATUS LEDS (LABELED DNG)..........................................................................................................6
TABLE 4-4 BAUD RATE SETTINGS – SLIDE SWITCH ONLY......................................................................................................7
TABLE 4-5 BAUD RATE SETTINGS – PIANO SWITCH ONLY ....................................................................................................8
TABLE 4-6 NETWORK MAXIMUM LENGTHS - DEVICENET......................................................................................................9
TABLE 4-7 NETWORK MAXIMUM LENGTHS - SDS....................................................................................................................9
TABLE 4-8 TERMINATING RESISTORS..........................................................................................................................................10
TABLE 4-9 DEVICENET CABLE SPECIFICATIONS ........................................................................................................................11
TABLE 4-10 SDS CABLE SPECIFICATIONS...................................................................................................................................12
TABLE 6-1 ACCESSORIES AND OTHER WRC PRODUCTS..........................................................................................................16
FIGURE 4-1 WRC-CANR-DF-DN CAN -BUS EXTENDER...........................................................................................................5
FIGURE 4-2 DIP SWITCH SETTINGS – SLIDE SWITCH ONLY ....................................................................................................7
FIGURE 4-3 DIP SWITCH SETTINGS – PIANO SWITCH ONLY..................................................................................................8
FIGURE 4-4 L OCATION OF TERMINATING RESISTOR ON NETWORK SIDE A........................................................................10
FIGURE 4-5DEVICENET NETWORK SIDE A CABLE CONNECTOR – MALE (PINS).................................................................11
FIGURE 4-6 SDS MINI CONNECTOR...........................................................................................................................................11
FIGURE 5-1 CANR-DF ON A DROP LINE .....................................................................................................................................13
FIGURE 5-2 CANR-DF ON TRUNK LINE AND DROP ..................................................................................................................14
Westrn Reserve Controls WRC-CANR-DF-DN User’s Manual PUB 14.1
1. Overview
The WRC-CANR-DF-DN Fiber Optic CAN Bus Extender convert s a copper cable medium CAN-Bus network to a fiber optic medium. The WRC-CANR-DF-DN is always used in pairs and, along with the fiber optic cable set, inserts a length of fiber media into the copper CAN Bus network. It typically is used to convert a section of the CAN bus to a pair of fiber optic cables. The primary purposes of configuration is to extend the maximum length defined for one continuous network cable bus and to provide network protection from external, high-energy electrical interference, such as lightning storms, arc welders, etc. They can be connected in a bus trunk line or drop line.
The Extenders are transparent to the other nodes on the bus. They receive and actively re-transmit (store-and-forward) each message received at either side of the network without interpreting the message or acting upon it. The Fiber Extenders perform all appropriate CAN Bus arbitration on the copper bus as it re­transmits the message.
The WRC-CANR-DF-DN is a member of WRC’s family of products that extend the system communications lengths for DeviceNet, SDS (Smart Distributed System) and other CAN, V2.0, Part A, serial bus systems. By allowing the user to extend the bus length for any given speed, they assist the user in cost-effectively implementing I/O or other nodes on these buses at remote locations that would be more difficult or more expensive to do otherwise.
The unit derives its power through the copper network connector on Side A.
1.1. Features
The WRC-CANR-DF-DN has the following features:
Extends CAN-Bus cable lengths - trunk line or drop lines
Expands the usable applications for CAN-Bus systems
Allows operation at higher speeds for specific distances
Provides superior electrical interference protection to copper cables
Operates at 125K, 250K and 500K baud
Autobaud version standard, fixed baud rate optional
Automatic speed selection - no configuration required
Isolates the two sections of the copper bus
Transparent to the Master and Slave devices on the bus
No address selection needed
No configuration parameters
DeviceNet; SDS; CAN, V2.0, Part A compatible
Powered from the 24Vdc supplied by bus network or the user
Sealed NEMA-4X enclosure
Standard round, mini-style connector with male pins for copper cable
Standard Fiber Optic ST female connec tor, 62.5/125um technology
Standard CAN chips manage bus error detection
Standard CAN chips handle message bus contention
Less than 100 µsec latency
Termination built in on cable side (may be removed by user when appropriate)
4 bi-color (red/green) status LEDs
Western Reserve Controls WRC-CANR-DF-DN User’s Manual PUB 14.1
2 green fiber transmit and receive LEDs
1.2. Basic Operation
Two CANR-DF units are required for each application – a CANR-DF Type 1 and a CANR-DF Type 2. These are similar devices that must be used in matching pairs. It does not matter which type is placed in which position with respect to the network topology or other devices on the network.
There are two bus connections for each CANR-DF, referred to as the Copper Cable Network Side (Side A) and Fiber Cable Network Side (Side B). The CAN Bus copper cable is connected to side A of the CANR-DF receives its power from side A.
Error! Reference source not found. for a typical application.
Whenever a message is transmitted on the Bus to which CANR-DF is connected, CANR-DF receives the message on the side where it was initiated and performs a store-and-forward of the message to the other side. This action is performed in each direction and is performed for any valid CAN message independent of who generated it or to whom it is intended.
There is approximately a 75µsec propagation delay of the message through the CANR-DF.
The CANR-DF is not addressed as a specific device on the Bus and cannot be interrogated by other nodes. It is transparent to all other nodes on the bus.
1.3. Reference Documents
The following documents are referenced in this User’s Manual
ODVA DeviceNet Specification Volume I, Release 2.0
Honeywell Micro Switch Specification GS 052 104, “SDS Smart Distributed System Physical
Layer Specification”, release date 12/8/1994
Western Reserve Controls WRC-CANR-DF-DN User’s Manual PUB 14.1
2. Quick Start
To quickly and easily install your CAN-Bus Fiber Optic Extenders in your DeviceNet system, follow the instructions below. For more details, see Section 4.
1. These units are used in pairs. You need a CANR-DF Type 1, a CANR-DF Type 2 and two (2) fiber
cable lengths, terminated with ST male connectors.
2. Set the baudrate of each CANR-DF using switches 5 and 6 on the 6-position switch block SW1.
Table 2-1 Baud Rate Settings
Baudrate Switch 5 Switch 6
Autobaud OFF / OPEN OFF / OPEN
3. Make sure that there is power on the copper CAN-Bus Network A and plug the Network A cable into the CAN-Bus Extender on the side marked Network A.
4. The CANR-DF Extender will undergo its initialization sequence, flashing the LEDs. After approximately 5 seconds, the Module Status LED (labeled “MS”) will go on solid green and network LEDs (labeled “NSA” and “NSB”) will flash green.
5. Connect the fiber cables to the Fiber Network Side B.
6. Connect the second CANR-DF as above. Be sure to connect the fiber from the TX port on one device to the RX port on the other.
7. Both Network A and B Status LEDs (NSA and NSB) will go on solid on each unit once a valid CAN message is received into either side of the Extender and the baudrate auto-detect has been successfully performed (if applicable).
8. You may observe the small green LEDs marked RXF and TXF, next to the fiber ports, flicker when data is received or transmitted.
9. The CAN-Bus Extenders are now operating on the network and they are ready operate in the CAN network.
10. If the red LED marked DGN (diagnostic) blinks, this indicates that the internal message buffer on the CANR-DF has been filled before the device could transfer all previously received messages out the other side. Some messages may be lost. Slowing down the scan rate should help eliminate this.
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