DC SA620
1.92TB – 400GB | 15nm MLC
2.5-inch 7mm | SATA 6Gb/s
• Capacity from 400GB to 1.92TB
• Optimized to help scale Cloud and
Hyperscale environments
• 6Gb/s SATA interface works with existing
• Advanced power loss data management
• Demanding QoS, latency-sensitive
applications and databases
• IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS infrastructure
• NoSQL performance acceleration
• DBaaS, MySQL
• Social media, web ser vers
• Software-defined storage
• E-commerce, micropayments
, PostgreSQL transaction
Elastic Infrastructure is Essential for Cloud and
Software-Defined Storage Environments
Elastic infrastructure powers databases, mission-critical applications, mobile apps,
collaboration, and IT infrastructure. Whether delivered by cloud service providers or
cloud-like software-defined storage solutions, elastic infrastructure requires storage
performance to enable the type of data services that help run enterprises or enable
personal productivity and leisure time.
Storage performance—intensive I/O operations at low response times—is key
to enabling transaction processing that is the basis of cloud-based e-commerce,
micropayments, in-app purchases, and on-premises software-defined storage to run
enterprise latency-sensitive workloads.
Cloud Economics Require Price/Performance
In order for XaaS cloud business models and software-defined storage solutions to
flourish, price/performance must be attainable. Though many varieties of proprietary,
high-performing storage solutions already exist, cloud service providers and softwaredefined storage solutions, e.g., hyperconverged infrastructure, architect their systems
to maximize the utility of standard, commodity hardware. The ability to achieve
maximum performance, while achieving price/performance based on commodity
hardware is crucial for cloud delivery on an elastic infrastructure.
Ultrastar DC SA620 SATA SSDs Deliver Economics
to Cloud and Hyperscale Data Centers
To help enable elastic infrastructure for the cloud era, Western Digital offers a SATA SSD
with price/performance capability to enable cloud and software-defined storage to
provide elastic performance for latency-sensitive workloads.
Ultrastar® DC SA620* is a flash-based SATA SSD that offers up to 1.92TB of capacity and
works within existing infrastructure. With data center features to support “missioncritical” types of data services, Ultrastar DC SA620 delivers a balance of storage
capacity and performance. Delivering up to 52K random mixed 70/30 R/W IOPS and
maximum write latencies as low as 56 microseconds, DC SA620 is well-suited to support
demanding tiers of service at multi-petabyte capacity levels.
Ultrastar DC SA620 price/performance value is achieved by leveraging enterprise-class
performance to enable cloud storage and compute density without the sacrifice of a
low latency QoS or write operations. Ultrastar DC SA620 provides an overall lower total
cost of ownership (TCO) based on the ability to achieve storage and compute density
for elastic cloud computing.
Features & Benefits
Feature / Function Benefits
Performance • 15mm MLC NAND flash memory
Capacity • 400GB to 1.92TB • More capacity in standard form factor with lower Watts/TB
Reliability • 0.44% AFR (2M hours MTBF)
Security • Cryptographically signed firmware • Protection against unauthorized firmware updates
Integration • HDD architecture commonality
*Previo usly known as Cloudspeed Ultra™ Gen. II a nd Clou dspeed Eco™ Gen. II f rom the S anDisk® brand
• 525/460 MB/s sequential R/W
• 76K/36K IOPS random R/W
• 52K IOPS on 70/30 mixed R/W
• 1E-17 bit error rate
• Power loss data management
• Guardian Technology
• S ATA 6 G b/s i nte r f a ce
• Reliable throughput for cloud and hyperscale environments
• Supports fast access to data
• Reduced field replacement effort
• Enhanced error detection and correction for optimal data integrity
• Assures data integrity during power failure
• Supports improved flash endurance and data integrity
• Works in existing infrastructure
• Truste d, proven design

DC SA620
1. 8 D W/ D 0. 6 D W/ D
Model Number / Part Number
SDLF1DAM-400G-1HA1 / 0TS1819
SDLF1DAM-800G-1HA1 / 0TS1820
SDLF1CRM-016T-1HA1 / 0TS1821
Interface SATA 6Gb /s
Capacity 1.6TB / 800GB / 400G B 1.92TB / 960GB / 4 80GB
Endurance (Drive Writes per Day – DW/D) 1.8 for 5 years -or- 3 for 3 years 0.6 for 5 years -or- 1 for 3 years
Maximum Terabytes Written (TBW) 5,256 / 2,628 / 1,314 2,102 / 1,051 / 526
Form Factor 2.5-inch
Flash Memory Technology 15nm MLC NAND
Sequential Read Throughput (max MiB/s, Seq 128KiB, QD32) 512
Sequential Write Throughput (max MiB/s, Seq 128KiB, QD32) 445
Read IOPS (max, Rnd 4KiB, QD32) 76,000
Write IOPS (max, Rnd 4KiB, QD32) 32,000 16,000
Mixed IOPS (70/30 R/W, max, 4KiB, QD32) 52,000 28,000
Write Latency (s, max) 56 66
Unrecoverable Bit Error Rate (UBER) 1 in 10
MTBF5 (M ho urs) 2.0
Annualized Failure Rate (AFR) 0.4 4%
Availability (hrs/day x days/wk) 2 4×7
Limited Warranty 5 years or Max TBW, whichever occurs first
Requirement (DC, +10%/- 5%) +5V
Operating (W, average sequential) 3.8 (write) / 2.6W (read)
Idle (W) 1.6
SDLF1DAR-480G-1HA1 / 0TS1791
SDLF1DAR-960G-1HA1 / 0TS1792
SDLF1CRR-019T-1HA1 / 0TS1793
Physical Size
z-height (mm) 7.1 7
Dimensions (width x depth, mm) 69.85 × 100.2
Weight (g, ma x) 89.9
Operating Temperature 0o to 70oC
Non-operating Temperature -40
¹ One meg abyte (M B) is equal to o ne mill ion byt es, one gi gabyt e (GB) is equa l to 1,000MB (on e billi on
bytes), and one teraby te (TB) is equal to 1,000 GB (one tr illion by tes) when referri ng to storage
capac ity. Acces sible c apaci ty will v ary fr om the st ated ca pacit y due to fo rmatting, sys tem sof tware,
and other factors.
² Endura nce rat ing base d on DW/D using 4KiB ra ndom wr ite work load ove r 5 years
³ Perfo rmanc e will var y by capacity po int, or wi th the ch anges i n useab le capa city. Con sult pro duct
manual for fur ther d etail s. All pe rfor mance m easure ments a re in full s usta ined mo de and ar e peak
values . Speci ficatio ns subj ect to cha nge. 1Mi B=1,048,576 by tes or 2
5601 Great Oaks Pa rkway
San Jose, CA 95119, USA
US (Toll- Free): 800.801.4618
International: 408.717.6000
© 2018 Western D igital Corpor ation or i ts affi liates. A ll right s reser ved. Produced 09/18. Wester n Digital, the Weste rn Digital logo, S anDisk , CloudSpeed Eco,
CloudSpeed Ultra, Guardian Technology, and Ultrastar are registered trademarks or trademarks of Western Digital Corporation or its affiliates in the US and/or other
countri es. MySQL i s a trademark of Or acle and/or its affili ates. All other mar ks are the p roper ty of their respe ctive own ers. Ref erence s in this pu blicat ion to Wester n
Digita l products, pro grams, o r services do not i mply tha t they will b e made avillable i n all count ries. Pro duct specifica tions pr ovided ar e sampl e specifi cation s that are
subjec t to change and do not co nstitute a warra nty. Please v isit the Suppor t section of our web site, ww w.wdc.com/dc-supp ort, fo r additi onal inf ormation on prod uct
specifications. Pictures shown may vary from actual products.
, 1KiB= 1,024 by tes or 210.
⁴ Average wr ite late ncy at 4Ki B QD=1
⁵ MTBF and A FR speci ficati ons are ba sed on a sa mple p opulation and are esti mated by s tatis tical
measurements and acceleration algorithms under typical operating conditions for this drive model.
MTBF and A FR ratin gs do not p redict a n indiv idual d rive’s reli abili ty and d o not cons titute a warranty.
⁶ The warranty f or the pro duct w ill expi re on the ea rlier o f (i) the d ate when t he flash m edia ha s reache d
one-pe rcent (1%) of it s remai ning lif e or (ii) t he expi ration o f the tim e perio d asso ciated wi th the pr oduct .
⁷ Intern al drive te mpera ture as me asured v ia the dr ive’s temp eratur e sensor.
to 85oC