Western Digital® CL SN720 NVMeTM
SSD for Data Centers
Western Digital CL SN720 NVMe SSD
Key Benefits and Features
• Up to 800 TBW Endurance (1TB Model)
• Read Speeds up to 3,400MB/s
• 2M Hours MTTF
• 256GB – 2TB Capacities
• M.2 2280 Form Factor
• 0°C – 85°C Extended Operating Temperature
• 5-Year Limited Warranty
• Remove Management Capabilities
Purpose-built for the demands of edge computing and
operating system boot drives
The Western Digital CL SN720 NVMe SSD for data centers provides high performance
for read-intensive workloads: content delivery, internet gaming, IoT, data analytics, and
operating system boot operations.
Available in capacity points from 256GB to 2TB, the Western Digital CL SN720 NVMe SSD
allows for storage flexibility based on data size requirements related to edge computing
and operating system operations.
LDPC error correction mechanisms provide enhanced reliability and help support a
five-year limited warranty. The Western Digital CL SN720 NVMe SSD operates with most
common data center operating systems, including Windows Server® 2012/2016 and
multiple versions of the enterprise Linux® operating systems.
The Western Digital CL SN720 NVMe SSD is a PCIe Gen3 x4 storage device offered in a
M.2 2280 form factor. In environments where data access speed is essential, the Western
Digital CL SN720 NVMe SSD delivers extreme per formance with sustained sequential read
and write speeds up to 3,400MB/s and 2,800MB/s respectively.
It is architected to help minimize the probability of data loss due to unexpected power
loss. To help address data security requirements, the Western Digital CL SN720 NVMe
SSD supports self-encrypting-drive (SED) capability, which is compliant with TCG OPAL
2.01 to help protect data from unauthorized access. The Western Digital CL SN720 NVMe
SSD also includes Instant Secure Erase (ISE) functionality to speed and simplify drive
redeployment and retirement.
The Western Digital CL SN720 NVMe SSD enables outstanding performance, optimal
endurance, and extended enterprise validation for Boot and Edge applications. With
capacities from 256GB to 2TB in an M.2 form factor, the Western Digital CL SN720 NVMe
SSD delivers a robust, reliable, and future-ready storage solution.
Performance Reliability Rigorous Testing Security
Feature Optim ized
performance for readintensive applications
Beneft 2.5–6X the
performance versus
LDPC error-correction
mechanisms and datapath protection
Add additional
reliab ility to your dat a
Serve r and sof tware
System integrat ion
testin g ensures
quality and br oad
platform compatibility
SED func tionality
with TCG Opal 2.01
Helps address
data se curit y and
effective retirement/

Western Digital CL SN720 NVMe SSD for Data Centers
Form Factors M.2 2280
Interface PCIe Gen3 X4 NVMe v1.3
Formatted Capacities2 256GB, 512GB, 1TB, 2TB3
Security TCG OPAL 2.01
Performance4 256GB 512GB 1TB 2TB
Sequential Read (128KB MB/s up to) 3,000 3,400 3,400 3,470
Sequential Write (128KB MB/s up to) 1,600 2,500 2,800 2,800
Random Read (4KB, 32QD, IOPS up to) 210K 420K 500K 450K
Random Write (4KB, 32QD, IOPS up to) 180K 320K 410K 390K
Sustained Sequential Write (128KB MB/s up to) 450 800 1,400 1,380
Sustained Random Write (4K, IOPS up to) 3,900 5,850 2,650 3,200
Sustained Random 70/30 Read/Write (4K, IOPS up to) 10,500 16,500 6,450 9,000
Endurance5 (TBW ) 200 400 800 1600
Power 256GB 512GB 1TB 2TB
Peak Power (10s) (A) 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8
Average Ac tive Power67 (mW) up to 140 up to 140 up to 140 up to 140
Low Power (PS3) (mW) up to 100 up to 100 up to 100 up to 100
Sleep (PS4) (mW) 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
Supply Voltage (V / ±5%) 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3
MTTF8 up to 2M hours
Operating Temperatures9 0°C to 85° C
Non-operating Temperatures
Certifications FCC, UL, TUV, KCC, BSMI, VCCI, C-Tick
Limited Warranty11 5 years
Physical Dimensions
Width 22mm ± 0.15mm
Length 80mm ± 0.15mm
Thickness (max) 2.38mm
Weight 7.5g ± 1g
Ordering Information 256GB 512GB 1TB 2TB
SKUs for M.2 2280 S3-M Form Factor SDAQNT W-256G-200 0 SDAQNT W-512G -2000 SDAQNTW-1T00–2000 SDAQNT X-2T00–2000
-55°C to 85° C
1 Specifi cations b elow are based on 1TB c apacity and var y by capacity. Conta ct Western Digita l for further de tails. P roduct s pecifications s ubject t o change w ithout n otice. Not a ll products are av ailabl e in all regi ons of the
2 As used fo r storag e capaci ty, one giga byte (GB) = on e billion by tes and one teraby te (TB) = one trilli on bytes. Tota l accessible cap acity varies de pendin g on oper ating envi ronment.
3 2TB expe cted avai labili ty in earl y 2019.
4 Test Condit ions: Sustaine d Performance i s based on th e FIO benchmark u sing a 1TB West ern Digi tal CL SN720 N VMe SSD and a 1 000MB LBA r ange ASUS Z170A desk top with Int el® i7–6700K 4 .0GHz, 8GB 2133MHz D DR4.
Windows 10 P ro 64-bi t using Mic rosoft StorNVMe d river, secon dary drive. Per forman ce may vary based on h ost device. 1 MB = 1,000,0 00 bytes. IOPS = inp ut/outpu t operations pe r second .
5 TBW (teraby tes writ ten) values calcul ated using JEDEC clie nt worklo ad (JESD219) and var y by produc t capacity.
6 Measur ed using M obileM ark™ 2014 on H P EliteBo ok X360 1030 G 2 with i7–7600U, 8GB R AM. Windows 10 Pro, 64- bit RS3 usi ng Microsoft Stor NVMe driver, primar y drive.
7 Power me asurements at 25° C.
8 MTTF = Mea n Time To Failur e based on i nternal t esting a nd by using Telco rdia stress par t testing (Telecor dia SR-332, GB , 40°C). MTTF is bas ed on a samp le population an d is estim ated by statistic al measurement s and
acceler ation algorith ms. MTTF does not p redict a n individual dri ve’s reliab ility and does no t consti tute a warr anty.
9 Operational temperature as repo rted by device (composite temperature).
10 Non-operational storage temperature does not guarantee data retention.
11 5 years or Max E nduran ce (TBW) limit, whi chever occ urs first . 5 year warranty i n regions n ot recognizing “li mited.” See https://www.westernd igital .com/suppor t for more details .
5601 Great Oaks Pa rkway
San Jose, CA 95119, USA
US ( Toll -F re e) : 800.801.4618
International: 408.717.6000
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the prop erty o f their res pective owners . Picture s shown may va ry from actual p roduct s. References in t his publi cation to Western Dig ital product s, progr ams, or se rvices
do not imp ly that the y will be ma de availa ble in all co untries. Produc t specification s provided are samp le specificatio ns that are subjec t to change a nd do not constitu te
a warran ty. Please vi sit our website, http://www.westerndigital.com for additional information on product specifications.
02–01-WW-04–00015 v2 June 2019