Western Digital Quick Installation
(A C2540-A C 34000)
WD Caviar Series 3.5-Inch EIDE Hard Drives (EZ-Drive 8.0W)
DRIVE AC2540 AC2635 AC2700 AC2850 AC21000 AC31000 AC11200 AC21200 AC31200 AC21600
Capacity (MB) 540.8 639.9 730.8 853.6 1083.8 1083.8 1281.9 1281.9 1281.9 1624.6
DRIVE AC31600 AC22000 AC32100 AC32100 AC22500 AC32500 AC33100 AC33200 AC34000
Capacity (MB) 1624.6 2000.3 2111.8 2111.8 2559.8 2559.8 3166.7 3249.3 4000.7
This document is for use with EZ-Drive 8.0 or below. Check the version number on the EZ-Drive diskette. If you have version 9.0W or abov e, refer to Document 79-850086-000 S0225, 8/97.
Before you begin, gather these supplies:
Computer system manual
DOS and other operating system installation disks or
Windows 95 startup disk
Operating sys te m manu al
Small Phillips screwdriver and flat-blade screwdriver
Create a Bootabl e DOS Disk
For Windows 3.1x and DOS users, you must have a bootable DOS
disk to install your new hard drive. Disk 1 of your standard DOS
installation disks is a bootable disk. If you don’t have DOS
installation disks, you can create a bootable disk if you have a
bootable C: drive.
1. Insert a blank disk into drive A.
2. Type format a:/s and press
Create a Windows 95 Startup Disk
For Wi nd o ws 95 u s ers , yo u mus t ha ve a boo table operating disk
before you install the new hard drive. If you don’t have a Windows
95 Startup disk, you can create one if you have a bootable C: drive.
1. Insert a blank disk into drive A.
2. From Windows 95, click My Computer, and then click Control
3. Click Add/Remove Programs.
4. Select the Startu p Disk tab.
5. Click Create Disk. Follow the onscreen prompts to create a
Windows 95 startup disk.
Back Up Existi ng Drives
Back up the data on your existing hard drive before installing your
new Western Digital hard drive. Save the data to flo p p y di sks , tape
or other media. Most DOS versions include a backup utility. Consult
your operating system or utilit ie s d ocumentatio n f o r backup
Handling Precautions
W estern Digital products are designed to withstand normal handling
during unpacking and installat ion. Hard drives are typically damaged
because of electrostatic di scharg e (ESD), rough handling, or sho c k
and vibration. Be aware of the following precautions when
unpacking and installing your Western Digital hard drive.
Save you r pack ing materials for the un li kel y event that you need
to return the hard drive. Shipping your hard drive in anything
other than the original packa gi ng materials may void y o u r
To avoid ESD problems, ground yourself by touching the metal
chassis of the comput er before ha ndling the hard d r ive. Articles of
clothing generate static electricity. Do not allow clothing to come
in direc t co n tact wit h the hard dr iv e o r circuit board com p o n ents.
Handle the hard drive b y t he sides only. Avoi d t ou ching th e
circuit board components.
Do not drop the hard drive.
W e recommend that you do not unpack the hard drive until you
are ready to install it . O nce your Western D igital hard drive is
unpacked, place the drive on its antistatic bag on a clean, level
work area. D o not stack hard drives or stand the Western Digi tal
hard drive on its edge.
Do not remove the tape seal or any labels from the drive; the
warranty will be void.
Open Your Computer
1. Tur n off your system.
2. Discharge static electrici ty by to u ch ing the met al cha ssis of the
compute r.
3. Unplug your computer.
4. Remove the compute r’s outside cover. Consult your computer
system manual for details. Be sure to keep all screws and other
parts together fo r re as s embly.
Remove Existi ng Hard Drives
If replacing an existing drive, follow these instructions.
1. Disconn ec t the p ower cable and interface cable.
2. Rem o ve screws and s li de the hard drive out of the drive bay.
Handle the drive with care. You might need this drive if you have
difficulty installing the new drive.
Note: Do not scratch th e si de s of the hard dr iv e ; th is w ill voi d y our
79-850078-001 S0210 9-97

Figure 1. Jumper Settings for Western Digital Hard Drives
Set the Drive Jumpers
Western Dig ital is currentl y ship p ing hard drive s w ith two ty p e s of
connectors. Your hard drive may have either a 6-pin or a 10-pin
connector. The first 6 pins on each of the jumper blocks are identical.
The additional four pins on the 10- pin connector are res erved for
future enha n cements.
The Western Digital hard drive is factory set for single drive
installatio n w ith a ju mp e r in the neutral storag e po si tion (across pi ns
5-3). For standard jumper settings, see Figure 1 on page 2.
Single Hard Drive Installation
If installing the Western Digital hard drive as the only hard drive in
your system, leave the jumper in the neutral storage position for
possible future use. Jumpers are not required for single hard drive
Dual Ha rd Drive Inst a llation
If installing the Western Digital hard drive with an existing drive,
you must use a ju mper to designate wh ich drive is the master (C:) ,
79-850078-001 S0210 9-97
and which is the slave (D:). We recommend using th e new
Western Digi tal har d d rive as the maste r.
If installing the Western Digital har d drive wi th a no n- Western
Digital hard drive, obtain jumper configuration information from
your or ig in al drive ma n u f acturer. Refer to the Troubleshooting section
for the phone numbers of non-Western Digital hard drive
To designate the Western Digital hard drive as the master drive in
a two-drive system, place the jumper on pins 5-6.
To designate the Western Digital hard drive as the slave drive in a
two-drive system, place the jumper on pins 3-4.
To Install a Jumper
Carefully place the shu nt o ver the two pins sp ecified in Figure 1.
Push the s hu nt into place until it is firmly seated against the base of
the jump er block .
Note: The master/slave setting is determined by the jumper configuration, not by the order of the drive on the IDE cable .

Mounting Hardware
Inspect the bay to se e whether it is a 3.5- i n ch o r 5. 25- inch bay. The
Western Dig ital hard drive fi ts into a 3.5-inch bay. If installing the
Western Digital hard drive in a 5. 25- inch bay, you must install the
5.25-inch mounting hardware that is provided. You might also need
to install the s ystem ma n ufacturer’s drive rails. Consult your
operating system manual for i nstallation into a 3. 5- inch bay.
Installing the 5.25 Mounting Hardw are
This step is not required for hard drive installations into a 3.5-inch
drive bay.
1. Gently place the har d driv e horizont ally (circuit board s i de down) on
top of the ESD bag placed on a flat, padded surface.
2. Attach the mounting brack e ts to the hard driv e using the screws
provided. For proper grounding, be sure to use ALL FOUR
Install Your New Hard Drive
1. Thread the cable through the empty drive bay and slide in the
Western Digital hard drive.
2. Attach the end of the 40-pin interface cable to the 40-pin
connector on the back of t he Western Digi ta l hard drive. Match
pin socket 1 on the IDE cable (indicated by a color stripe on the
cable) t o pin 1 on the Western Digital hard d rive. See Fi gure 3.
3. Attach the computer system power supply cable to the 4-pin power
connector on t he b a ck of the Western Digita l ha rd driv e. The
4-pin connector is keyed to ensure proper insertion.
Figur e 2. 5.25 -inch Mounti ng H ardware
Drive Rails (Optional)
Some computer syst em s ha v e 5.25 -inch drive bays that requi re
unique sliding driv e rails to comp l ete the hard d rive installation.
Because each system manufacturer has a different type of drive rail,
rails are not included with Western Dig i tal hard drives.
If your system requires drive rails, contact the computer system
manufacturer. The following list provides phone num bers for
common system manufacturers.
System Manufacturers:
AST 817-232-9824
Compaq 713-518-2000
Dell 512-338-4400
Digital 603-884-5111
Gateway 2000 605-232-2000
HP 208-323-2551
NEC 415-528-6000
Pac kard Bell 801-579-0161
Figure 3. Attaching IDE Cable to the Hard Drive
4. Single Installations: Attach the end of the 40-pin IDE cable from
the Western D ig ital hard drive to th e IDE co nnector on the
motherboard o r controller card. Match pin sock et 1 o n t he IDE
cable (indi cat ed by a co l o r st rip e on the cabl e ) to p in 1 on the
motherboard o r co ntroller card.
Dual Installations: Connect the two hard drives by us ing a
three- connect o r I DE interface cable. A t hree-con nector I DE
interface cable is included in this package. Match the orientation
of pin socket 1 on the 40 -pi n th re e- co nne ct or IDE cable to pi n 1
on the drive connect or. See Figure 3.
Install single drives at the end of the 40-pin IDE cable. The
40-pin IDE cable should be no longer than 18 inches.
The master/slave is determ ine d by jump e r confi gu rat ion, no t
by the order of the driv e o n the ca b l e.
5. Mount the Western Digital hard drive in the drive bay using the
four mounting screws provided. For proper grounding, be sure to
use ALL FOUR screws.
If an extra power connector is not av ail able, purchase a Y-adapter
from your computer dealer.
6. Check all ca ble conne ctions. Replace the system cover, but don’t
screw it on yet. If you can’t get the new drive to work, you may
need to check the connections.
7. Plug in your computer. See the Software Installation section for
hard d r ive setup instructions.
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