Quick Installation Guide
Industrial 2-Port PoE Injector
Westermo Teleindustri AB

Thank you for purchasing PII-2G Power over Ethernet (PoE) Injector, the PII-2G is an
advanced and cost effective high power PoE injector, which applies power to Ethernet RJ-
45 data pairs for powered devices (PDs), PII-2G has the IEEE 802.3at and IEEE 802.3af
standard and industrial grade EMC standards as well as offering 2-channels Gigabit high
power connection. It is an ideal solution to upgrade legacy Gigabit Ethernet to Gigabit PoE
for use in the industrial applications where there are shortages of power, such as wireless
AP and video surveillance. The PII-2G powering method is according to alternative A, i.e. PII-
2G injects power through data pairs of 4-pair UTP cables. It is specied in the IEEE 802.3at
standard and ofcial denition - Alternative-A (Data Pair powering).
The quick installation guide will guide you through to make connection with PD devices,
powering the PII-2G, and installing the PII-2G.
Package Checking List
When unpacking the product box; the following items will be included in the unit box:
4Quick Installation Guide
4One 4-pin removable terminal block connector
If the product is not complete or if any part is missing, or you have any enquires please
contact your local sales consultant.
Powering the PII-2G
The PII-2G supports one 4-pin removable terminal block with wide power input – DC 46~57V,
one surge grounding connect. The wiring diagram of power connector with power supply as
displayed in the chart below.

The E.G. pin must be connected with Earth Grounding Screw and which makes connection
to the Power System’s Earth Grounding. If the E.G. pin is not connected to Earth Grounding,
then the Surge / Spark protective function will not be enabled. Besides, the connection of E.G.
and Earth Grounding must remove before performing Hi-Pot or Insulation Testing. If not, the
Surge protection circuit will be damaged during the Hi-Pot / Insulation testing, and the testing
result will fail.
The Front Panel
The PII-2G supports 2-channels Gigabit high power connection,
and there are several LED to indicate the system power, PoE1
and PoE2. The data ow on each channel is shown individually.
LED Status
Pwr Green on: power i s applying
Port Description
Data In
Green on: PoE pow er is applying
Slow Blinkin g: PoE over current or cable sh ort
Green fast bli nking: over voltage or over temp erature
Connects to P D (WiFi AP, IP Camera)
Port trans mits Data and Power togethe r
Speed: 10/100/100 0Mbps connection
Connects to Et hernet Switch Device,
Port transmits data only
Speed: 10/100/100 0Mbps connection
Channel # 1
Channel # 2
Power LED
Data &
Data &
Power over Ethernet Connection
Each PoE channel supports 30W power budget with a compliance of IEEE 802.3af /
802.3at. If the PD device does not have power, please check PD’s powering method
whether it is in complies with IEEE 802.3af/at standard which has the same powering
mode as PII-2G.
If different pairs of the PD’s are used as feed in power, then the PoE connection will not be
constructed. As shown in the charts below the powering pair cables for you reference.
Model Powering c able pai r Note
PII-2G Alt ernative A 1,2,3,6 Data Pair powe ring
Note: If the PD can’t be powering by PII-2G, then it may not be fully compliant with the
IEEE802.3 PoE standard. It is recommended to use legacy power injector which feeds
power directly to the PD device.

Vielen Dank für den Kauf des PII-2G Power over Ethernet (PoE) Injektor. Der PII-2G ist
ein moderner und kostenefzienter Hochleistungs-PoE Injektor; Er versorgt das Powered
Device (PD) über die Ethernet RJ-45 Datenleitungs, gemäß den Power over Ethernet
Standards IEEE 802.3at und IEEE 802.3af. Er besitzt 2 PoE -Kanäle und ist besonders
für den drahtlosen Fernzugriff oder Videoüberwachungs- Anwendungen geeignet, bei
denen die Stromversorgung nur aufwendig oder gar nicht verlegt werden kann. Der PII-2G
Stromversorgungsmethode ist gemäss Alternative A nach IEEE 802.3at., d.h. den Strom wird
über die Datenleitungen des 4-paarigen UTP Kabels injiziert. In dieser Kurzanleitung (“Quick
Installation Guide”)wird gezeigt, wie die Verbindung zum PD Gerät gemacht wird, der PII-2G
mit Strom versorgt wird und wie der PII-2G installiert wird.
Das Gerät wird mit den nachfolgenden Teilen geliefert:
4Eine Kurzanleitung (Quick Installation Guide (QIG))
4Ein abnehmbarer 4-Pin Schraubklemmblock
Sollte ein Teil fehlen, kontaktieren Sie bitte Ihren lokalen Händler.
Stromversorgung des PII-2G
Der PII-2G bietet über den abnehmbaren 4-Pin Schraubklemmblock einen Weitbereich-
Spannungseingang von 46~57 VDC und einen Anschluss für die Masse. Die Verdrahtung
der Spannungsversorgung mit dem Klemmblock zeigt die unten abgebildete Skizze.