West Elm Hammered Copper Floor Mirror Assembly Instruction

hammered copper fl oor mirror
mounting instructions
! Tools required: ! Do not throw away packaging materials until assembly is complete. ! Assemble this item on a soft surface, such as cardboard or carpet, to protect fi nish. ! Proper assembly of this item requires 2 people.
Mounting Plate 2x
Anti Tip Kit
Nylon Strap 1x
Small Screw 3x
Large Screw 2x
Drywall Toggle Anchor 2x
Long Screw 2x
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hammered copper fl oor mirror
1. Using a pencil, mark the locations on the wall where the hangers will line up. This is where the hardware will be inserted.
2. Using a Philip’s head screwdriver, insert the drywall toggle anchors (A) into the wall at the insertion points. Press and turn clockwise until anchors are  ush with the wall.
3. Insert screws (B) into the anchors (C), leaving approximate­ly 1/2” between the back of the screw head and the wall.
4. Align “D” rings over the screw heads.
5. Slide the mirror down until it rests on the screws. Tighten or loosen screws as needed to  t the shelf snugly against the wall.
mounting instructions
“D” Rings
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