angled leg sideboard
assembly instructions
! Tools required:
! Do not throw away packaging materials until assembly is complete.
! Proper assembly of this item requires 2 people.
cam bolt: M6 * 51mm 15x
short screw: dia 3 * 1 9mm 32x
19mm 6x
cam lock: M1 5 * 14mm 1 5x
large bolt: 8mm dia by 38mm 6x
lock washer: 8mm 6x
allen key 8mm
shelf support 16x
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angled leg sideboard
assembly instructions
1. Insert cam bolts (A) into left end panel (1) and partition (2) as shown and tighten with a phillips screwdriver.
2. Set cam locks (B) into cross brace (be sure holes in cam locks always face toward the outside edge of panel to t into cam
bolt). Fit side panels into cross brace and tighten cam locks with a phillips screwdriver.
3. Insert cam bolts (A) into bottom panel (5) as shown and tighten with a phillips screwdriver.
4. Set cam locks (B) into end panels and partition. Fit end panels and partition into bottom panel and tighten cam locks with a
phillips screwdriver.
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angled leg sideboard
assembly instructions
5. Insert cam bolts (A) into top panel (6) as shown and tighten with a phillips screwdriver.
6. Set cam locks (B) into end and partition. Fit end panels and partition into top panel and tighten cam locks with a phillips
7. Move to back side of case. Fasten back panels (7) & (8) in place as shown using short screws (C) as shown. Tighten screws with
a phillips screwdriver.
8. When finished attaching back panels, turn case on back (two persons required) to attach legs to base.
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