Westell PSA91080-UHF User Manual

UHF Product Manual
July 2018, Rev B
installer windows appears in order to install USB drivers. Follow the installer step­by-step process
5. Connect Ethernet or USB cable between computer and Signal Booster, keeping the
Signal Booster powered off. New USB device will be detected
7. Turn on the Signal Booster
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8. Execute the Westell Control Software. Next window will appear:
User interface controls:
Scan Devices Button: refresh the available COM ports and identify Westell
Connection Button: connect / disconnect software from Signal Booster
List of available devices: below two buttons, is placed a dropdown list that
shows all available COM ports. Available COM ports not related to Westell Signal Boosters will be shown with its number and Unknown device label. COM ports related to Westell Signal Boosters will show a device description.
Embedded Web browser: graphical area where configuration and monitoring
parameters will be shown.
File menu: contains menus to save Signal Booster configuration to a file and
load configuration from file to Signal Booster.
NOTE: if Westell Signal Booster is not turned on, related COM port will appear as
nknown device”
8. Click “Scan Devices”
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Now, the Westell Digital Signal Booster is shown in the list of available devices, and connection button is enabled.
NOTE: Westell Signal Booster could not appear in list, if COM port number is higher than COM16, depending on Windows version. COM port number can be forced to arbitrary number (below COM16) through Device Administrator. In order to change COM number, click “Properties” pop-up menu.
Click “Advanced Options”
Change COM port number
9. Click “Connect”. Westell Control Software window will be automatically maximized, and web browser will show the configuration screen. Application screens are described in the next section due to these application screens and web pages (in webserver remote mode) are the same.
10. Once Signal Booster is configured, user can disconnect software using connection button, now labelled “Disconnect”. Initial window will be shown.
If Signal Booster is disconnected or turned off, while Westell Control Software is connected to device, software will go back to initial window. Moreover, if some communication problem occurs while device is monitored, the software will go back to initial state as well.
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Initial window for narrow
Initial window for narrow----band filters version
Initial window for narrowInitial window for narrow
band filters version
band filters versionband filters version
Initial window for adjustable bandwidth filters version
Initial window for adjustable bandwidth filters version
tial window for adjustable bandwidth filters versionInitial window for adjustable bandwidth filters version
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Initial window for dual firmware version
Initial window for dual firmware version
10 Remote Web Server option
Remote Web Server option
Remote Web Server option Remote Web Server option
10.1 IP Connection
Westell Signal Boosters use an Ethernet module and 3G Router to give TCP/IP connectivity (webserver and SNMP Agent). In local mode, user can connect directly a computer to the Ethernet module using the inside Ethernet cable.
In order to access to web browser, default IP addresses of Ethernet module are detailed in the next table:
IP Address IP Address
Network submask Network submask
Gateway Gateway
tial window for dual firmware versionInitial window for dual firmware version
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Computer network adapter configuration needs to be set to same network submask and gateway. IP address can take any value in this IP range (, for instance). These addresses can be changed by user.
10.2 Web pages description
Once the Ethernet module is properly configured, user can connect to the Signal Booster,
ting IP address in URL toolbar of any web browser available in its computer. Default URL is
First screen to appear is Authentication. Default login and password are:
Login admin Login
Password admin Password
UHF Product Manual
July 2018, Rev B
Password can be changed by user, using menu described in next sections.
NOTE: in order to restore password, push the button placed close to USB Connector during 5 seconds.
After authentication, web browser will load the main page of Westell Signal Booster showing RF configuration and monitoring parameters.
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At left side of webpage, configuration menus are shown:
Status: whole RF configuration and monitoring parameters are shown. These
arameters are described in the next section.
Tag: user can set a tag to ease Signal Booster identification. For modifying the
TAG, write a new value in text field and click over Apply Changes link
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IP: At this page, Signal Booster IP address, network submask, gateway address and
IP addresses of SNMP Managers are shown. User can set addresses of two SNMP Managers (IP where SNMP agent will send TRAP information). To modify, click over Apply Changes link after writing new values on text fields.
case the Signal Booster had been fit with an internal modem-router, its own IP
In address settings would be fixed and the modem's address would be shown in the greyed boxes.
Spectrum: this page shows estimation for input and output spectrum in either DL or UL,
whatever is selected by the user. Estimation for output spectrum takes into account RF input levels, and gain, bandwidth filters and squelch options programmed by the user, and it can be a useful tool for users to know how the undesired signals are rejected by the
channel selective Signal Booster.
The user can change start and stop frequency modifying text fields placed at the page bottom. Minimum span is 200KHz and maximum span is the band covered by the Signal Booster. In case the same frequency is set for both start and stop, then zero-span is set. For user convenience, a zero-span checkbox is available that makes that operation with one click, and chooses the start frequency setting as the measurement frequency. That also disables the stop frequency setting and changes it according to start frequency. And finally, measurements can be averaged up to 32 times.
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Date and Time: page to modify real time clock. When the Signal Booster is not powered,
this clock runs with a voltage supply provided by a 3V lithium battery, button type of 20mm (CR2032) with 220mA·h. This suffices for at least half year. When the Signal Booster is powered, no current is drained from the battery. So, actual battery life will depend on Signal Booster usage. For battery replacement, please locate battery holder between USB
and Ethernet connectors on main board. Battery positive side is UP, i.e. on holder clip.
Date and time setting
Date and time setting
te and time settingDate and time setting
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After clicking on “Apply Changes” link, next message will appear, warning the user that
system needs to be rebooted.
Filter Info: following this link, a new window appears with detailed information of
frequency and delay response of all available filter bandwidths (1dB, 3dB and 10dB
bandwidths and delay at center frequency)
Filter tool: assistant to easily configure signal booster filters with minimum delay
response (all filters set to 90KHz bandwidth). It is especially useful if carriers are grouped in “frequency packets” where it is not possible to configure an independent filter for each one. With this tool filtering parameters are automatically set from a desired frequency carriers list. This tool executes in a pop-up window as the image below and is described in next sections:
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The desired carrier frequencies of the downlink band, are to be typed in the text area of this window expressed in MHz. The tool will try to enable as many filters of 90KHz bandwidth as necessary for all carriers, using a fine gain of 0dB by default. This is trivial when carrier frequencies are sufficiently separated apart. For instance:
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The button "Compute Configuration Proposal" shows the computed filter frequencies in another text area and, if accepted, the button "Apply Proposal" would actually perform the configuration change.
However, for carrier frequencies that come in packets, the filter frequencies should not be set too close because the overall response would be distorted. Depending upon signal modulation, that response distortion might not have any consequence. But in the case that distortion cannot be tolerated, consider that the minimum frequency separation between two filters to avoid this problem is 1.25 times the semi-sum of their bandwidths. For instance, two filters width bandwidths 90KHz and 30KHz respectively, must be separated apart by 1.25·(90 + 30) / 2 = 75 KHz.
Nevertheless, there are certain conditions under which filters can be set closer to make up a single filter with wider bandwidth:
o The frequency separation must be 93.75 KHz. o All of them must have the same bandwidth setting of 90 KHz. o All of them must have the same fine gain setting.
The Filter Info window shows the frequency response of the combination of up to five filters:
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Now, consider for instance a case with the following downlink carrier frequencies: 392.0,
392.05, 392.1, 392.15, 392.2, 393.0 and 394.0 MHz. This is when the Filter Tool comes in handy. It will automatically choose the filters required to cover the range between 392.0 MHz and 392.2 MHz. As shown in next picture, it would set three filters with frequencies
392.00625 MHz, 392.1 MHz and 392.19375 MHz for the four carriers in the packet, and two more filters for the two separated carriers.
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It is certainly possible to do this same operation manually, in the Filter Control Frame, although it would be less convenient. Should the user set filters without keeping these rules, the software would show a warning message, as in the following image:
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+ 31 hidden pages