Westell PSA41080-VHF User Manual

VHF Product Manual
July 2018, Rev B
VHF 1/4W Public Safety Signal Booster
Users Guide
©2017 Westell Technologies July 2018; Doc No. VHF Signal Booster UM RA
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VHF Product Manual
July 2018, Rev B
All information and statements contained herein are accurate to the best of Westell Technologies knowledge. Westell makes no warranty with respect there to, including without limitation any results that may be obtained from the products described herein or the infringement by such products of any property rights of any persons. Use or application of such information or statements is at the users’ sole risk, without any liability on the part of Westell. Nothing herein shall be construed as license or recommendation for use, which infringes upon any propriety rights of any person. Product material and specifications are subject to change without notice. Westell standard terms of sale and the specific terms of any particular sale apply.
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VHF Product Manual
July 2018, Rev B
Table of Contents
PREFACE................................................................................................................................... 7
Purpose ............................................................................................................................................................. 7
Scope................................................................................................................................................................. 7
Audience ........................................................................................................................................................... 7
Document Organization ................................................................................................................................ 8
References ........................................................................................................................................................ 9
Document Conventions ................................................................................................................................. 9
Safety Notices ............................................................................................................................................... 10
Technical Support ......................................................................................................................................... 10
Acronyms and Abbreviations ..................................................................................................................... 10
Copyright and Trademark Acknowledgements ...................................................................................... 10
1 GENERAL INFORMATION ............................................................................................... 11
1.1 Document Purpose and Intended Users .......................................................................................... 11
1.2 Application ............................................................................................................................................. 11
1.2.1 Product Registration Information ........................................................................................................................ 11
1.3 Safety Guidelines .................................................................................................................................... 12
1.3.1 Important Safety Information ..................................................................................................................................... 13
1.4 FCC Part 90 Signal Boosters ................................................................................................................ 13
1.5 FCC Contact Information ...................................................................................................................... 15
2.1 Product Information .............................................................................................................................. 16
2.2 Product Features .................................................................................................................................... 17
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...................................................................................................................... 16
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2.3 Included Accessories............................................................................................................................. 17
2.4 Optional Accessories ............................................................................................................................. 19
3 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION .............................................................................................. 18
3.1 RF Specifications .................................................................................................................................... 18
3.2 Power Specification ............................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.18
3.3 Mechanical Specification .................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.18
4 PRODUCT APPEARANCE....................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.
4.1 External Configuration ............................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
5.1 Important Installation Guidelines ..................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.22
5.2 Donor Antenna Installation Guidelines ........................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.23
5.3 Indoor Antenna Installation Guidelines ........................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.23
5.4 Mounting the Signal Booster ............................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.24
6.1 Connecting Step-By-Step .................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.36
7.0 SYSTEM OPERATION .................................................................................................... 38
8.0 STATUS INDICATORS.................................................................................................... 43
9.0 SOFTWARE ..................................................................................................................... 45
9.1 Introduction………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Error! Bookmark not defined.45
9.2 Local Software…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Error! Bookmark not defined.45
10.0 REMOTE WEB SERVER OPTION ................................................................... 51
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10.1 Introduction………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Error! Bookmark not defined.51
10.2 Webpage Description………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Error! Bookmark not defined.52
11.0 RF PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS .............................................................................. 62
12.0 SPECTRUM ANALYZER .............................................................................................. 70
13.0 SNMP AGENT .............................................................................................................. 73
14.0 SNMP TRAPS ............................................................................................................... 83
APPENDIX A IMPORTANT PRODUCT INFORMATION .............................................. 94
A.1 Registration Number............................................................................................................................. 94
A.2 UL .............................................................................................................................................................. 94
APPENDIX B ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ...................................................... 95
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This Preface includes the following:
Document Organization
VHF Product Manual
July 2018, Rev B
Document Conventions
Safety Notices
Technical Support
Acronyms and Abbreviations
Copyright and Trademark Acknowledgements
This manual contains information and procedures for the operation of the Westell VHF Public Safety Signal Booster.
Changes that occur after the publishing date may be incorporated by a complete manual revision or as additions.
Reference this manual when there is a need to add enhanced signal capability to a new or existing system, to monitor a system, make maintenance adjustments, or address alarms.
This manual is intended for installers and users who are familiar with similar types of equipment.
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Document Organization
This manual includes the following chapters:
Chapter 1: General Information – Outlines the document purpose and intended users, application, product registration, safety guidelines, disclaimer and FCC Part 90, FCC Warning Labels.
Chapter 2: Product Overview – Provides product information, describes product features and lists accessories.
Chapter 3: Product Specification – Provides tables containing RF, power, mechanical and environmental specifications. Also provides information about GUI items, alarm status and alarm relay.
Chapter 4: Product Appearance – Provides physical specifications, photographs and information about the external and internal Signal Booster configuration.
Chapter 5: Installation Guidelines – Lists guidelines for installing the Signal Booster and antennas.
VHF Product Manual
July 2018, Rev B
Chapter 6: Connecting the Signal Booster – Provides guidelines on connecting the signal booster to power, antennas, etc.
Chapter 7: System Operation – Describes product operation, including how to open the communication port and describes the functions in the Status and Control pages.
Chapter 8: Status Indicators – Outlines the LEDs status lights on the signal booster.
Chapter 9: Software Installation – Outlines the steps required to install the software.
Chapter 10: Remote Web Server Option – Outlines the steps required to connect remotely.
Chapter 11: RF Parameters – Outlines the signal booster’s RF parameters in the GUI.
Chapter 12: Spectrum Analyzer – Outlines the steps required to use the imbedded spectrum analyzer.
Chapter 13: SNMP Agent – Outlines the steps required to use the SNMP Agent.
Chapter 14: SNMP Traps – Outlines the traps for the SNMP Agent.
Appendix A: Important Product Information – Provides the product registration number and internal power supply information.
Appendix B: Acronyms and Abbreviations – A table of acronyms and abbreviations and definitions for each.
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Description of an imminent hazard that, if not avoided, may result in severe personal
Description of an imminent hazard that, if not avoided, may result in personal injury or
Description of a conditions or practice that could cause damage to equipment or
Additional important information that the user must be aware of, but is not related to a
Additional information that is beneficial for the user to know, but is not related to a
Bold text indicates an action or provides emphasis.
Instructs the user to press the primary (typically left) mouse button while the pointer is
Instructs the user to press the secondary (typically right) mouse button while the pointer
Instructs the user to press the primary (typically left) mouse button twice, rapidly, while
Instructs the user to perform a selection on the screen by clicking an active object.
Instructs the user to type text using the keyboard.
References References
FCC Part 90
Document Conventions
Document Conventions
Document Conventions Document Conventions
Table P-1 lists the conventions used throughout this document.
Table P-1: Document Conventions
injury or death. Before you work on equipment, be aware of the hazards involved with electrical and RF circuitry and be familiar with standard practices for preventing accidents.
serious equipment damage.
VHF Product Manual
July 2018, Rev B
property. Communicates information that is crucial to preventing loss of data or damage to hardware or software, and actions that could result in equipment failure.
over the specified location.
is over the specified location.
the pointer is over the specified location.
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VHF Product Manual
Indicates a level in a menu. For example,
prompts the user to click on
July 2018, Rev B
Start, then locate and click Programs under the Start menu.
Safety Notices
Safety Notices
Safety Notices Safety Notices
This general safety information applies to both operating and service personnel. Specific warnings and cautions are located in other parts of this manual where they apply and may not appear in this summary. Failure to comply with these precautions or specific warnings elsewhere in the manual violates the safety standards of design, manufacture, and intended use of equipment.
Westell assumes no liability for the customer’s or user’s failure to comply with these requirements:
Explosive atmospheres - To avoid explosion or fire, do not operate this product in the presence of flammable gases or fumes.
Lightning danger - Do not install or make adjustments to this unit during an electrical storm.
Changes and Modifications not expressly approved by Westell can void your authority to operate this equipment under Federal Communications Commission’s rules.
Technical Support
Technical Support
Technical SupportTechnical Support
If you suspect a malfunction with this product or have a technical question, call your dealer or the Westell Support Line at: (603) 626-6677, Toll Free (USA) 1-877-844-4274, press option 2, and then option 1. Westell Support can also be reached via email at IBWsupport@westell.com.
Acronyms and Abbreviations
Acronyms and Abbreviations
Acronyms and Abbreviations Acronyms and Abbreviations
Refer to Appendix B for definitions of the acronyms and abbreviations used in this manual.
Copyright and Trademark Acknowledgements
Copyright and Trademark Acknowledgements
Copyright and Trademark Acknowledgements Copyright and Trademark Acknowledgements
The following products are referred to in this manual:
is a registered trademark of Westell Technologies, Inc.
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1 General Information
1.1 Document Purpose and Intended Users
The purpose of this document is to provide a step-by-step procedure to help experienced technicians or engineers install and commission an in-building Passive Wireless Distributed Antenna System (DAS) using Westell’s VHF Public Safety Signal Booster. Follow the instructions in this guide to minimize risks associated with modifying a live system and preclude service interruptions. This document assumes the technician or engineer understands the basic principles and functionality involved with an RF Signal Booster and in-building wireless systems. This guide has been written to address the practical concerns of the installer.
1.2 Application
Use this guide whenever there is a need to add enhanced signal capability to an existing system or when a Signal Booster is included in a new installation.
1.2.1 Product Registration Information
The serial number is located on the label on the panel near the power connectors. Record this number in Figure 1-1. Retain this manual, along with proof of purchase, to serve as a permanent record of your purchase.
Figure 1-1: Product Registration
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1.3 Safety Guidelines
The general safety information in this guideline applies to both operations and service personnel. Specific warnings and cautions are located in the applicable manual sections, but may not appear in this summary. Failure to comply with these precautions or specific warnings elsewhere in the manual violates safety standards of design, manufacture, and intended use of equipment. Westell assumes no liability for the customer’s failure to comply with these requirements:
Grounding: This Signal Booster is designed to operate at 110VAC or +24/-48VDC and must always be operated with the ground wire properly connected.
Explosive atmospheres: To avoid explosion or fire, do not operate this product in the presence of flammable gases or fumes.
Lightning danger: Do not install or adjust this unit during an electrical storm.
No user-serviceable parts are inside the unit. Hazardous voltages are present when the cover is removed. Opening the chassis will void your warranty. If you suspect a malfunction with this product, call your dealer or Westell’s technical support line at 1.877.844.4274.
Turn the Signal Booster power off when connecting or disconnecting cables.
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1.3.1 Important Safety Information
Antennas used for the purpose of radiating signals indoors are limited to a maximum gain of 10 dBi. Each antenna must be positioned to observe minimum separation requirements from all users and bystanders.
The following guidelines must be used when considering separation distances:
Indoor antennas must be placed so that under normal conditions, personnel cannot come within 55 cm of any inside antenna. Adhering to this minimum separation will ensure that the employee or bystander cannot exceed RF exposures beyond the maximum permissible limit as defined by FCC Regulations section 1.1310 Limits for general population/uncontrolled exposure.
Outdoor antenna must be positioned so that under normal conditions, personnel cannot approach closer than 55 cm. A directional antenna having a maximum gain of 10 dBi is used, and precautions should be taken to prevent personnel from routinely passing through the main radiation beam at a distance closer than specified.
1.4 FCC Part 90 Signal Boosters
This is not a consumer device. It is designed for installation by FCC licensees and qualified installers. You must have an FCC license or express consent of an FCC Licensee to operate this device. You must register class B signal boosters (as defined in 47 CFR 90.219) online at www.fcc.gov/signal-boosters/registration. Unauthorized use may result in significant forfeiture penalties, including penalties in excess of $100,000 for each continuing violation.
FCC Warning Label
The following label will appear on the VHF Signal Booster in accordance with the FCC:
WARNING This is NOT a CONSUMER device. It is designed for installation by FCC
consent of an FCC Licensee to operate this device. You MUST register Class B signal
boosters (as defined in 47 CFR 90.219) online at www.fcc.gov/signal-boosters/
registration. Unauthorized use may result in significant forfeiture penalties, including
penalties in excess of $100,000 for each continuing violation.
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FCC Label Placement on the VHF Signal Booster:
Top View
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Side View
Top View
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1.5 FCC Contact Information:
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street SW
Washington, DC 20554
Phone: 1-888-225-5322
TTY: 1-888-835-5322
Fax: 1-866-418-0232
VHF Product Manual
July 2018, Rev B
IC Compliance
As per RSS-131 Issue 3:
Nominal passband gain: 80dB
Nominal bandwidth: 2MHz
Rated mean output power: +24dBm
Input and Output impedances: 50 ohms
The Manufacturer’s rated output power of this equipment is for single carrier operation. For situations when multiple carrier signals are present the rating would have to be reduced by 3.5dB especially where the signal is re-radiated and can cause interference to adjacent band users. This power reduction is to be by means of input power or gain reduction and not by an attenuator at the output of the device.
RF exposure statement for ISED: “This device complies with Health Canada’s Safety Code. The installer of this radio equipment must ensure that the antenna is located or pointed such that it does not emit RF filed in excess of Health Canada limits for the general population; consult safety code 6, obtainable from Health Canada’s website at www.hc-sc.gc.ca/rpb
The antenna/s used for this transmitter must be installed to provide a separation of at least 55 cm in DL and 55 cm in UL from all persons and must not be collocated or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter. Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
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+ 32 hidden pages