Westell CSI DSP85 1W C Users Manual

CSI Wireless Engine
Digital Repeater
Product Registration/Certification Information............... 1
Safety Guidelines........................................................... 1
Product Description ....................................................... 2-4
LED Indicators .................................................. 3
Local Communication Interface Ports………… 3
Pin-out Chart..................................................... 4
Installation...................................................................... 6
Important Safety Information ......................................... 7
Circuit Description………………………………………… 7-12
Block Diagram…………………………………… 9
Mechanical Drawings…………………………….12-13
Performance Adjustment ............................................... 13-27
View Menu Series............................................. 14
View Menu Flow Diagram................................. 17
Configuration Menu Series ............................... 18
Configuration Flow Diagram ............................. 21-27
Troubleshooting............................................................. 28
Product Warranty........................................................... 29
FCC Information…..……………………………………… 29
Appendix A (Error & Control Messages) ……………….30
Appendix B (Interconnect Information) .………..…..…..31-32
Product Warranty........................................................... 41
Product Certification/Registration Information
The serial number may be found on the label on the rear panel of the unit. For your convenience, note this number below. Retain this manual, along with proof of purchase, to serve as a permanent record of your purchase for future reference or in the event of theft.
MODEL NUMBER...................................................................SERIAL NUMBER
DATE OF PURCHASE ...........................................................POINT OF SALE COMPANY
DISCLAIMER: All information and statements contained herein are accurate to the best of the knowledge of Cellular Specialties, Inc. (CSI), but Cellular Specialties makes no warranty with respect thereto, including without limitation any results that may be obtained from the products described herein or the infringement by such products of any proprietary rights of any persons. Use or application of such information or statements is at the users sole risk, without any liability on the part of Cellular Specialties, Inc. Nothing herein shall be construed as license or recommendation for use, which infringes upon any proprietary rights of any person. Product material and specifications are subject to change without notice. Cellular Specialties’ standard terms of sale and the specific terms of any particular sale apply.
Document Purpose
The purpose of this document is to provide a step-by step procedure to install and commision a Digital Repeater System. Following the procedures outlined below will minimize risks associated with modifying a live system and preclude service interuptions.
This guide should be applied whenever a need exists to add Digital Repeater capability to an existing system or when this capability is being added simultaneously with a new installation.
Safety Guidelines
The general safety information in this guideline applies to both operating and service personnel. Specific warnings and cautions will be found in other parts of this manual where they apply, but may not appear in this summary. Failure to comply with these precautions or specific warnings elsewhere in the manual violates safety standards of design, manufacture, and intended use of equipment. Cellular Specialties, Inc. assumes no liability for the customer’s failure to comply with these requirements:
This amplifier system is designed to operate from 120 VAC @ 3.5A max current and should always be operated with the ground wire properly connected. Do not remove or otherwise alter the grounding lug on the power cord.
Explosive Atmospheres
This product has an integral circuit breaker, which may cause an electrical flash if the breaker should reset. To avoid explosion or fire, do not operate this product in the presence of flammable gases or fumes.
Lightning Danger
Do not install or make adjustments to this unit during an electrical storm.
No User Serviceable Parts Inside
HAZARDOUS VOLTAGES ARE PRESENT WHEN THE COVER IS REMOVED. Opening the chassis will void your warranty. If you suspect a malfunction with this product, call your dealer or the Cellular Specialties Support Line at
(603) 626-6677.
Product Description
Cellular Specialties, Inc. (CSI) developed the Wireless Engine Digital Repeater for use within enclosed structures where sufficient signal from local cell sites to operate cell phones is unavailable. Adequate signal must be available outside the structure as a prerequisite to achieving in-building coverage. The Digital Repeater is connected to an external antenna, usually on the roof, and to one or more internal antennas placed strategically throughout the area where wireless services are desired.
The external antenna typically is a directional type such as a “yagi”. Internal antennas are typically omni-directional, although various other types may be used depending on the coverage application. The Frequency Agile Repeater (FAR) amplifies both the “Uplink” (phone to tower) & “Downlink”(tower to phone) signals thus facilitating communications to and from the intended wireless infrastructure.
There are seven amplification stages on either the downlink or the uplink each link. Gain can be adjusted over a 31 dB range utilizing the local PLED display and soft switches. There are also LED indicators near the display to indicate power overload, gain reduction, and shutdown that may be invoked by built-in automatic protection processes.
Each amplification chain is interrupted by a specific filtering process. This process digitally converts the assigned spectrum and then applies digital signal processing (DSP) techniques. DSP is used to create passbands that limit the RF energy passing through either the uplink or downlink paths. After the digital processing is complete, the information is converted back to an analog signal that is applied to the remaining stages of amplification. The resulting signals emitted by the FAR are specific to the network service providers’ license requirements. If these requirements change, only the DSP configuration parameters need to change in order to adapt. Configuration parameters are created at the factory and supplied as files that may be downloaded to the FAR. The total number of paired file parameters that can be stored within an individual repeater is limited by CPU flash memory and the complexity of the filters. The filter set configurations stored in memory determine the unit’s adaptability to varied field applications.
creating a total of +85 dB nominal gain on
Functional Overview
The CSI-DSP85-1W repeater incorporates the following features for convenient operation, access, protection, and control.
Front Panel “Soft-key” Display (Power, Gain, Feature Control, Fault)
Keypad for user feature selection
Network Configuration and Control (Telnet/http)
User Gain Control (affects all passbands)
Automatic Level Control
Automatic Power Control (rev 2.0)
Oscillation Protection
Over Drive Protection (P.A. limiting)
Under/Over Voltage Protection
Low Gain detection on PA (rev 2.0)
Fault protection (rev 2.0)
Alarm Notification – Local
Fan speed and temperature control (automatic)
Upgrade Support – local
External Interfaces: USB/Ethernet/Serial
Field Re-loadable filters (local)
Web-based monitoring and control - local/remote (rev 2.0)
Persistent Status and Error information
LED Indicators
Automatic safety precautions are built into the amplifier system. As a catastrophic response, a shutdown circuit is incorporated that will effectively disable all emissions should the uplink or downlink be overdriven or should an oscillation event occur. The amplifier will periodically attempt to recover from the detected condition based on time and various system measurements performed automatically. Warning light indicators are as follows:
Warning: Indicated by a yellow LED. The unit has sensed instability due to insufficient
isolation between the inside antenna and the outside antenna, and has reduced the gain of the amplifier. This is done to prevent oscillation, which can interfere with the handsets in the covered area and/or the wireless service provider’s base station. Also an indication of additional minor fault events defined in the Display Events menu.
Fault: Indicated by a red LED. The gain of the unit has been reduced to a minimum in
order to prevent very strong input signals from overloading the amplifier. The amplifier will attempt to recover from this condition, initially at fifteen-second intervals and then at four-minute intervals. This is also an indication of a major fault.
Power: Primary power is indicated by an illuminated green LED. The repeater is not
equipped with an ON/OFF power switch.
As described previously, various automatic safety precautions are built into the amplifier system. As a catastrophic response, a shutdown circuit is incorporated that will effectively disable all emissions should the uplink or downlink be overdriven or should an oscillation event occur. The amplifier will periodically attempt to recover from the detected condition based on time and various system measurements performed automatically.
Local Interfaces
To facilitate monitoring and control, the FAR is equipped with four ports that provide external communication access (2 DB-9 serial, 1 USB, and 1 Ethernet). One serial interface provides communications to a local PC and the second to an external modem. The USB interface provides a means to download files from a memory device. Ethernet is provided as an optional communications port to the PC in lieu of serial communications. The DB-9 pin assignments conform to the standard Electronic Industries Association (EIA232) specification. A diagram of the pin descriptions is provided for reference follows.
Communication to the control processor’s Command Line Interface (CLI) is facilitated by connecting a null modem cable to Com 1 and using a terminal emulation program with any PC. No login is required, however, functions are severely limited. See Appendix B for additional information.
Pin descriptions for a DB25 are also provided as part of appendix B in the event adaptation is required for interface to a unique application.
EIA232 Pin Specifications
USB Interface
The Universal Serial Port (USB) interface conforms to Intel’s Universal Host Controller Interface (UHCI) version 1.1 dated March 21, 1996. This interface will support data transfer rates up to 12 Mbps.
The Ethernet AUI conforms to IEEE 802.3 and is capable of supporting 10/100 Mbps communication speeds.
Monitoring & Alarms
There are no physical connections provided to specifically communicate system states or alarm status. This information is imbedded in data accessible via the communication ports described earlier.
Polymeric Light-Emitting Diode (PLED) Display and Keypad
Example: Standard Single Internal Antenna System Design
Optional Accessories
Accessories are available directly from Cellular Specialties, Inc. or any of CSI’s distributors.
• Outside Gain Antenna PCS – model number (Tessco Part No. 59090)
• Inside Omnidirectional Antennae PCS – model number (CSI-AS/1.85-1.99/2) SMR – model number (CSI-AS/806-866/4) Tri-Band – model number ( CSI-AO/800/2.5K/3)
• Power Dividers 2:1 - model number (CSI-S2BSC) 3:1 - model number (CSI-S3BSC) 4:1 - model number (CSI-S4BSC)
• Grounding Kit - model number (CSI-GKIT)
• Lightning Arrestor - model number (CSI-CAP)
• Directional Couplers and Cross Band Couplers are also available
Important Installation Notes
Inadequate isolation between the outside and inside antennae may cause re-generative feedback in the system. Without a detection and control mechanism, feedback can cause the amplifier to emit a continuous signal at maximum amplitude and, in some cases, interfere with normal operation of the cell site. Careful consideration of the layout and placement of the system is imperative.
• The Installer should refer to the Safety Precautions, in the following section, for proper antenna selection and installation
Important Safety Information
Antennae used for the purpose of radiating signals indoors are limited to a maximum gain of 3 dBi. The outdoor antenna used for the purpose of communicating to the wireless infrastructure is limited to 14 dBi gain, or any combination of gain and loss the equates to 14dB at input. Each antenna must be positioned to observe minimum separation requirements from all users and bystanders. The following guidelines should be used when considering separation distances.
INDOOR antennae must be placed such that, under normal conditions, all personnel cannot come within 20 cm. (~ 8.0 in.) from any inside antenna. Exceeding this minimum separation will ensure that the employee or bystander cannot exceed RF exposures beyond the maximum permissible limit as defined by section 1.1310 i.e. limits for General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure.
The OUTDOOR antenna must be positioned such that, under normal conditions, all personnel cannot approach closer than 120 cm. (~ 4 ft.). If a directional antenna having a maximum gain of 14 dBi is used, precautions should be taken to prevent personnel from routinely passing through the main radiation beam at a distance closer than specified.
Circuit Operational Description
The repeater uses a single down-conversion/up-conversion scheme (see Figure 1). There are three RF amplifier stages prior to each down-converting mixer. The down-converting mixers are followed by a single IF amplifier. A Digital Signal Processor block then processes the resultant digitized IF signal that was previously generated by an Analog-to-Digital Converter. The processed (filtered) digital signal is fed to a Digital-to-Analog Converter and then up-converted to RF. A driver amplifier and a final power amplifier make up the final gain stages before application to the diplexer. The maximum total system gain (diplexer input to diplexer output) is nominally 85 dB for either the downlink or the uplink paths with both links having independent manual and automatic gain controls (AGC).
AGC reacts to analog power detection on both the input and output of the uplink and downlink RF chains. A control algorithm continuously monitors these detected values and dynamically adjusts various gain stages such that the net system gain value, entered manually, is maintained without either exceeding FCC parameters or overdriving the A/D converters.
LEDs on the top panel provide immediate visual indications of the unit’s primary power and major or minor alarm status. The repeater features automatic shutdown protection as a safety measure should excessive drive be applied to the input or an oscillation condition occur. When in a protected mode, a control algorithm determines the appropriate method of recovery to a normal, previously defined state, or maintains the protection until manually reset. If recovery has been established, the associated LED(s) will either be extinguished or available to be reset.
Digital signal processing is performed concurrently on the complete spectral band allocation. Therefore, in the case of the US PCS band, digitization of 60 MHz (Up or Down links) is first accomplished. Next, coefficients are applied to a mathematical algorithm that has been established in a specialized Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) processor. These coefficients, stored in memory, initiate the algorithm calculations needed to form Start and Stop bands, roll-off, passband flatness, and other characteristics of the entire digitized signal. Performance tradeoffs are made based on the finite computational power of the FPGA and the necessary operational requirements.
Coefficients used in the DSP process are stored in non-volatile memory and recalled when a filter set is required. Two filter sets are quickly accessible from EEPROM while the remaining are stored in flash memory. The two sets stored in EEPROM can be interchanged in less than 2 seconds. Depending on the size of the coefficient files, replacing EEPROM files with files stored in flash memory takes approximately 2-3 minutes.
Fig. 1 Functional Block Diagram, Model DSP 610
Operating Power Parameters
Parameter Specification Notes
Maximum RF input Power
without damage
Nominal Gain 85 dB
Gain Flatness +/-2.0 dB (+/- 1.0 dB typical)
Gain Stability +/-1.0 dB Gain vs. Temperature
Automatic Level Control (ALC) 31 dB max
Manual Gain Control 55-85 dB max In 0.5 dB steps
Minimum Composite Output
Noise Figure 5.0 dB max At Maximum gain
OIP3 45 dBm Measured with 2 CW tones at 14
+10 dBm .
Factory Calibrated Gain
In 0.5 dB steps
+27 dBm
+30 dBm
Uplink and Downlink
RMS Vector Error (EVM) 3% max TDMA, EDGE, W-CDMA, CDMA2000
CDMA RHO 0.98 min CDMA 2000,1x-EVD0
Group Delay 2.5 usec max Typical delay when 400 tap
filter implemented; < 2.5 usec.
VSWR 2:1 max (1.5:1 typical)
Spurious Emissions &
Applicable Documents
Industry Canada
-13 dBm max
-13 dBm max
Per FCC part 2, 20,24
Per UC RSS 131
AC Power Specifications
Parameter Specifications Notes
AC Voltage
AC Current
AC Power Frequency
Power Consumption
85 – 264 VAC Specification SP-200-24
3.5 Amps
1.7 Amps
@ 115 VAC @ 230 VAC
47 – 63 Hz
285 Watts (Max)
Mechanical Specifications
Parameter Specifications Notes
Box size
9.117 in.
15.12 in.
Box weight 27.5 / 12.5 lbs/kg
Mounting Brackets Description needed
Box Thermal Management External Air 4 Variable speed fans
Surface Coating Powder Coating
Color Sherman Williams #____ Satin Black
Label See Label Diagram
Battery Backup None
Acoustic Emission N/A
18.5 in.
Temperature controlled
Enclosure Drawings
Figure 1 Mechanical Drawing - Front
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