Westell CS17 145 410 Users Manual

CS17-145-410 Single Band Repeater LTE-700 Upper C
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Table of Contents
Product Registration Information .................................................................................................... 4
Application .................................................................................................................................. 4
Important Safety Information ......................................................................................................... 5
Product Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 5
Band Plan .................................................................................................................................... 5
Feature Overview ......................................................................................................................... 6
Optional Accessories ..................................................................................................................... 6
Important Installation Notes .......................................................................................................... 6
Installation Tips............................................................................................................................ 7
Donor Antenna ............................................................................................................................. 7
Indoor Antennas ........................................................................................................................... 7
Mounting the Repeater .................................................................................................................. 7
Physical System Set-Up Verifi cation ................................................................................................ 8
Controlling the Repeater ................................................................................................................ 8
Software Installation ..................................................................................................................... 8
Directory Location ...................................................................................................................... 10
Installation Status ...................................................................................................................... 11
Starting the Program .................................................................................................................. 12
Status Mode .............................................................................................................................. 13
Control Mode ............................................................................................................................. 14
Specifi cations Section ................................................................................................................. 15
Repeater Photographs ................................................................................................................. 15
Outline Drawing ......................................................................................................................... 16
System Block Diagram ................................................................................................................ 17
RF Specifi cations ........................................................................................................................ 17
Power Specifi cations ................................................................................................................... 18
Mechanical Specifi cations ............................................................................................................. 18
Environmental Specifi cations ........................................................................................................ 18
Alarm Confi guration .................................................................................................................... 18
Alarm Relay ............................................................................................................................... 18
Alarm Interface .......................................................................................................................... 19
Suggested spectrum analyzer setting ............................................................................................ 19
Registration Numbers: ................................................................................................................ 20
One Year Limited Warranty .......................................................................................................... 20
Index ........................................................................................................................................ 21
Product Registration Information
The serial number may be found on the label on the bottom panel near the power connectors. Note this number below. Retain this manual, along with proof of pur­chase, to serve as a permanent record of your purchase.
DISCLAIMER: All information and statements contained herein are accurate to the best of the knowledge of Cellular Specialties, Inc. (CSI), but Cellular Specialties makes no warranty with respect thereto, including without limitation any results that may be obtained from the products described herein or the infringement by such products of any proprietary rights of any persons. Use or application of such information or state­ments is at the users sole risk, without any liability on the part of Cellular Specialties, Inc. Nothing herein shall be construed as licence or recommendation for use, which infringes upon any proprietary rights of any person. Product material and specifi cations are subject to change without notice. Cellular Specialties’ standard terms of sale and the specifi c terms of any particular sale apply.
This guide should be applied whenever a need exists to add Repeater capability to an existing system or when this capability is being included with a new installation.
Radio and Television Interference
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reason­able protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commer­cial environment. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense. In order to maintain compliance with FCC regulations shielded cables must be used with this equipment. Operation with non-approved equip­ment or unshieled cabled is likely to result in interference to radio & television reception. Changes and Modifi cations not expressly approved by Cellular Specialties can void your authority to operate this equipment under Federal Communications Commissions rules.
The general safety information in this guideline applies to both operating and service personnel. Specifi c warnings and cautions will be found in other parts of this manual where they apply, but may not appear in this summary. Failure to comply with these precautions or specifi c warnings elsewhere in the manual violates safety standards of design, manufacture, and intended use of equipment. Cellular Specialties, Inc. assumes no liability for the customer’s failure to comply with these requirements:
Grounding This Repeater system is designed to operate from 100-240 VAC and should always
be operated with the ground wire properly connected. Do not remove or otherwise alter the grounding lug on the power cord.
Explosive Atmospheres To avoid explosion or fi re, do not operate this product in the presence of fl ammable
gases or fumes.
Lightning Danger Do not install or make adjustments to this unit during an electrical storm. Use of a suitable
lightning arrester, such as CSI’s model number CSI-CAP, is very strongly recommended.
No User Serviceable Parts Inside
chassis will void your warranty. If you suspect a malfunction with this product, call your dealer or the Cellular Specialties Support Line at: (603) 626-6677, Toll Free (USA) 1-877-844-4274.
Important Safety Information
Antennas used for the purpose of radiating signals indoors are limited to a maximum gain of 3 dBi. The outdoor antenna used for the purpose of communicating to the wireless infrastructure is limited to 14dBi gain, or any combination of gain and loss that equates to 14dB at input. Each antenna must be positioned to observe minimum separation requirements from all users and bystanders. The following guidelines should be used when considering separation distances.
INDOOR antennas must be placed such that, under normal conditions, personnel cannot come within 20 cm (~0.65 ft.) from any inside antenna. Adhering to this minimum separation will ensure that the employee or bystander cannot exceed RF exposures beyond the maximum permissible limit as defi ned by section 1.1310 i.e. limits for General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure.
OUTDOOR antenna must be positioned such that, under normal conditions, personnel cannot approach closer than 122 cm. (~4 ft.). A directional antenna having a maximum gain of 14 dBi is used, precautions should be taken to prevent personnel from routinely passing through the main radiation beam at a distance closer than specifi ed.
Product Introduction
Cellular Specialties, Inc. (CSI) developed the CS17-145-410 LTE - 700 U7C repeater for use within enclosed structures where signal strength from the local cell site is insuffi cient to operate mobile phones. Adequate signal must be available outside the structure as a prerequisite to achieving in-building coverage. The Repeater is connected via coax cable to an external antenna, usually on the roof, and to one or more internal antennas placed strategically throughout the area where wireless service is desired.
The external antenna typically is directional, such as a “yagi”. Internal antennas are typically omnidirectional, although various other types may be used depending on the coverage application. The Repeater amplifi es both the “uplink” (phone to tower) & “downlink” (tower to phone) signals thus facilitating communications to and from the intended wireless infrastructure.
With a maximum total of +85dB nominal gain on both the up and down links, gain can be adjusted over a range 30dB in 1.0dB steps. Control of the repeater is achieved utilizing a computer connected to the NMS 9 pin D-Sub RS323C port. This model is designed to cover the Upper C portion of the LTE 700 MHz band.
Band Plan
Feature Overview
The CSI-repeater incorporates the following features for convenient operation, access, protection, and control.
Control using a Windows based Graphical User Interface
and accessed by connecting a laptop or desktop computer
the NMS 9 pin sub-D serial port.
User Gain Control
Automatic Level Control
Automatic Shut Down Function
Oscillation Protection
Over Drive Protection
Under/Over Voltage Protection
Fault Protection
Alarm Notifi cation
External Interfaces - Serial
Persistent Status and Error information
Optional Accessories
A complete line of accessories is available from Cellular Specialties, Inc. Check with your CSI distributor for any additional items
needed. Below are just a few examples suitable for most in-building needs.
Outside Donor Antenna
Panel - model number: CSI-AP/698/2.7K/7-10
Inside Omnidirectional Antenna
Quad-band - model number: CSI-AO/700/2.7K/3
Directional Couplers
6dB - model number: CSI-DC6/700-2.7K/N
10dB - model number: CSI-DC10/700-2.7K/N
15dB - model number: CSI-DC15/700-2.7K/N
20dB - model number: CSI-DC20/700-2.7K/N
30dB - model number: CSI-DC30/700-2.7K/N
Power Dividers
2:1 - model number: CSI-SPD2/700-2.7K/N
3:1 - model number: CSI-SPD3/700-2.7K/N
4:1 - model number: CSI-SPD4/700-2.7K/N
Grounding Kit - model number: CSI-GKIT
Lightning Arrestor - model number: CSI-CAP
Battery backup, 2 hr Single band
1 hour dual band - model number: CS48-985-600
Battery backup, 4 hr Single band
2 hour dual band - model number: CS48-985-601
Important Installation Notes
Inadequate isolation between the outside and inside antennas may cause regenerative feedback in the system. This feedback can cause the amplifi er to emit a continuous signal at maximum amplitude and, in some cases, interfere with normal operation of the donor site. Careful consideration of the layout and placement of the system is imperative to minimize this possibility and to minimize the amount of signal leaking from the building. See installation tips for general guidelines.
The installer should refer to the Safety Guidelines section and the Important Safety Information section for proper antenna selection and installation. To avoid serious injury or death and damage to the repeater, do not install donor or server antennas near overhead power lines or high power components. Allow enough distance so that if antennas should fall they will not come in contact with those compo­nents.
Close proximity to the donor or server antennas with the repeater in operation may expose the user or installer to RF fi elds that exceed FCC limits for human exposure.
Installation Tips
Donor Antenna
1. Accurately determine the azimuth to the donor site . Obtain the donor site information and approval from the
service provider/carrier.
2. Ensure that the radiation path to the donor site is as unobstructed as possible.
3. Mount the donor antenna at or toward the edge of the roof, in the direction of the donor site. Try to avoid having the RF signal from the donor pass above the location(s) of the service antennas. Normally the service antennas will be behind and below the donor antenna if viewed from above. This approach will help avoid interference and feed back both, to and from the service antennas.
4. Normally mounting the donor antenna higher will allow a less obstructed path to the donor site. However, in high traffi c metro areas avoid mounting the donor antenna any higher than necessary as the quality of the donor signal may start to become less stable and it is more likely to encounter adjacent channel interference.
5. When possible shield the donor antenna’s back side by locating it so that any HVAC units and/or penthouse structures are behind the antenna relative to the donor cell site location.
Indoor Antennas
1. Use omnidirectional antennas (see optional accessories) indoors, and locate them centrally with respect to the intended coverage area to minimize signal leakage to the outside. Use directional antennas indoors only in special cases when higher gain and directionality would be helpful and RF exposure limits will not be exceeded.
2. To avoid repeater uplink overload and gain limiting mount the indoor antennas away from areas where mobile subscribers frequently use their phones such as desks or dispatch areas.
3. To determine the quantity and locations of indoor antennas, use an appropriate phone’s signal meter to determine areas of weak signals. These are the approximate areas where indoor antennas may be needed. Also be aware the signal from an indoor antenna, in most cases, can be expected to penetrate about two standard offi ce sheetrock type walls to reach users. After two walls or if the walls are made of other materials, it may be necessary to split the available signal and add more antennas.
Mounting the Repeater
The following photo illustrates the innovative mounting bracket design that makes wall mounting the repeater fast and easy.
1. Using the detachable bracket as a template, mark the locations for the wall anchoring system.
2. Drill holes, install wall anchors and lock the wall mount bracket in place.
3. Slid repeater into receiver rails of the wall mount bracket.
Note: The wall anchoring system selected will depend on the material used in the wall where the repeater is to be mounted. It will need to be capable of supporting the weight of the repeater (12.2 lbs / 5.5 kg) and all the cabling attached to it.
Physical System Set-Up Verifi cation
All cables should be checked for shorts and opens. Also verify that there are no cables with loose or poor connections. RF leakage could cause oscillation to occur under some conditions.
The rooftop antenna (Donor Antenna), if directional, should be checked for proper alignment along the calculated compass heading. Typically, the directional antenna would be aimed at the same site that your handset uses, but it may not always be so. It is critical the
installer contact the service provider for information on, and approval of, the site he or she has selected before the system is turned on.
If cables and alignment are acceptable and a problem persists, it may be necessary to use a spectrum analyzer to examine the signal environment in which the unit is operating. The existence of strong adjacent channel signals within the frequency band(s) can cause the AGC to reduce the amplifi er’s gain or cause alarms. In some cases additional fi ltering or attenuation might be required to reject these unwanted signals. In some instances, the donor antenna can be reoriented horizontally, to place the interference source in an antenna pattern “null”. There also may be some cases where the interference from outside signals is so great that they cannot be fi ltered or oth­erwise reduced or eliminated without expensive and possibly prohibitive measures. In these cases it may not be practical to use the CSI repeater for providing coverage to these sites.
Controlling the Repeater
Control and monitoring of the repeater requires that a properly confi gured computer, with CSI’s LTE700 control software installed, be connected via a serial cable (optional), as shown in fi gure 1, from the serial connector of the computer to the serial port
labeled NMS on the bottom end panel of the repeater. If the gender of the connector is not the same as shown in fi gure 1, a null modem adapter (optional) as shown in fi gure 2 may also be required. If your computer does not have a serial connector, a USB to Serial Adapter may be a option for you.
Figure 1
Note: It may be necessary, in the System Properties section of the control panel; using Device Manager to determine what COM port your computer uses for the communications port. In many cases it’s COM 1.
Figure 2
Software Installation
Locate the Software CD that came with the repeater and insert it into your CD drive. Browse the CD and fi nd the LTE700-Setup fi le and double click on it.
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