Westell AWC‐TMAV‐850‐FB Installation Manual

030‐300302 Rev A, December 2013
Equipment Issue 1
‐ Installation Guide
Westell AWC‐TMAV‐850‐FB Tower Mounted Amplifier
Section AWC‐TMV‐850‐301
1.1 Document Purpose
This document provides installation and specification information on Westell's AWC‐TMAV‐850‐FB 850 MHz Full Band Tower Mounted Amplifier (TMA). A Westell AWC‐TMAV‐850‐FB TMA is shown in Figure 1. See Table 1 for ordering information.
1.2 Document Status
Whenever this document is updated, the reason will be stated in this paragraph.
‐ NOTE ‐
Hereafter, the AWC‐TMAV‐850‐FB Tower Mounted Amplifier may be referred to as the “TMA.”
1.3 Product Purpose & Description
Westell's TMA's are costeffective tools to extend cell site cover age and improve cell site capacity by conditioning and amplifying the user‐endpoint uplink signal in an LTE radio ac cess network. Westell's TMAs can be used in any application which requires improved receiver sensitivity of the BTS/eN odeB.
1.4 Product Mounting Location
The TMA is typically installed on a cell tower, close to the an tenna. See Paragraph 3.4 for mounting steps and Figure 6 for dimensions.
1.5 Product Features
Features of the TMA are shown in the following list.
S Advanced, balanced LNA design with variable gain capability
S Low noise figure, return loss, and bypass insertion loss
S Compact size
Front View
Rear View
Figure 1. Tower Mounted Amplifier (TMA) Unit
2.2 PreLNA Rx BPF
This is the preLNA (Low Noise Amplifier) band pass filter. This filter conditions the uplink signal from the antenna before the LNA.
2.3 Balanced Low Noise Amplifier
This is the amplifier of the TMA and includes the bypass cir cuitry.
2.4 PostLNA Rx BPF
This is the postLNA band pass filter. This filter conditions the uplink signal to the eNodeB.
2.5 Tx BPF
This is the transmit band pass filter. This filter conditions the du plexed downlink signal from the eNodeB to the antenna.
S Heavy‐duty top and bottom mounting brackets with various
mounting holes to accept mounting bolts/screws and mounting straps or bands
S Two, female, 7/16 DIN connectors at the bottom of the unit;
one for antenna connection and one for BTS
S Weather rating of IP67 (temperature range of ‐40_ to +65_C)
The TMA includes the following functional blocks, as shown in Figure 2.
2.1 Control, Bias & Alarm Electronics
This block includes the control processor, AISG modem, and lightning protection.
Control, Bias &
Alarm Electronics
Balanced Low
Noise Amplifier
RF Bypass & Switches
Copyright 2013 Westell, Inc. All rights reserved.
Figure 2. Block Diagram
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Section AWC‐TMV‐850‐301
When installing: Verify connectors are free of debris Mount TMA so connectors face down Weatherize connections after connecting cables
Remove caps
Figure 3. Bottom View Showing Connectors
7/16 DIN connector
030‐300302 Rev. A
cable. For deployments where the eNodeB provides power, a CIM is not needed as power is injected onto the center pin of the RF cable leading to the TMA directly by the eNodeB.
3.2 Verifying Functionality Prior to Mounting
Prior to mounting the TMA on the tower, verify proper opera tion of the unit by following the steps listed in either Paragraph
3.2.1, 3.2.2, or 3.2.3 below, depending on the powering method.
3.2.1 Powered from the PDU using a CIM
When power is from the Power Distribution Unit (PDU, such as a Westell AWC‐PDU‐6) using a Current Injector Modem (CIM, such as the Westell AWC‐CIM+R), follow the steps below.
Improper grounding could be service affecting and cause service interruptions.
Visually inspect the product for damages prior to installation. If damaged in transit, immediately report the damage to the transporta tion company and to Westell.
Do not apply power until all connections are complete.
Risk of electric shock. Differential voltages of up to 260V can exist on telecommunications lines.
This product contains static‐sensitive components! Proper electrostatic discharge procedures must be followed to maintain personal and equipment safety. Do not store units near magnetic, electromagnetic or electrostatic fields. Always store or ship units in the original static‐protective packaging from Westell. Use anti‐static mats when working on units.
3.1 Determine Power Options
The AWCTMAV850FB is powered by applying DC voltage to the center pin of the 7/16 DIN connector labeled BTS. There are several options for providing the power:
1. Connect the connector labeled `ANT' of the CIM to the connector labeled `BTS' on the TMA. Note that depending on the model of CIM used, an adapter may be required.
2. Connect the AISG connector of the CIM power cable to the CIM. Connect the other end of the CIM power cable to PDU.
3. Connect PDU power cable to appropriate power source as indicated in the PDU installation documentation.
4. Check TMA functionality by observing the LED's on the PDU. A red LED indicates the TMA is in alarm.
5. If the TMA is in alarm, verify all connections. If all connec tions are correct, replace TMA.
3.2.2 Powered from a Westell AISG Controller using CIM
When power is from an AISG Controller (such as a Westell AISG‐RM3 controller or an AISG‐CNTRL‐A controller kit), follow the steps below.
1. Connect the connector labeled `ANT' of the CIM to the connector labeled `BTS' on the TMA. Note that depending on the model of CIM used, an adapter may be required.
2. Using an AISG cable provided with the AISG controller, connect the cable to the male AISG connector on the CIM. Connect the other end of the AISG cable to the AISG con troller.
3. Using the AISG controller software, verify that the TMA is operational and that no alarms are present.
4. If alarms are present, verify all connections. If all connec tions are correct, replace TMA.
S eNodeB
S Westell Power Distribution Unit (e.g., AWCPDU6)
S Westell Rack‐Mount AISG Controller A99AISGRM3
S Westell's A99AISGCNTRLA portable AISG controller
kit to power the TMA for running AISG commands
Westell PDU's and AISG controllers supply the DC voltage to power the TMA via Westell's Current Injector Modem (CIM). The CIM injects the DC voltage onto the center pin of its 7/16 DIN connector labeled BTS. To power the TMA, the CIM can be connected to the TMA or can be connected via an RF jumper
3.2.3 Powered from an eNodeB without CIM
Verification of the TMA operation when used with an eNodeB as the power source is beyond the scope of this document. The basic steps are shown below:
1. Connect the connector labeled `BTS' on the TMA to the eNodeB.
2. Power up the TMA using the eNodeB command line inter face.
3. Check for alarms using the eNodeB command line inter face.
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