Modem IP Address Displays VersaLink’s IP address
Subnet Mask Displays the Subnet Mask, which determines what portion of an IP
DHCP Start Address Displays the first IP address that the DHCP server will provide.
DHCP End Address Displays the last IP address that the DHCP server will provide.
DHCP Lease Time Displays the amount of time the provided addresses will be valid,
NOTE: DHCP Lease Time is displayed in the following format: (dd:hh:mm:ss)* This value must be greater than 10
seconds. The default = 01:00:00:00. Seconds must be between 0 and 59, minutes must be between 0 and 59, and
hours must be between 0 and 23.
*(dd = days, hh = hours, mm = minutes, ss = seconds).
If the settings you have entered in the Private LAN Configuration screen are incorrect, the following warnings
messages may be displayed via pop-up screens. If this occurs, check the settings in the Private LAN Configuration
Start Address is not part of the Subnet Check the value in the DHCP Start Address field
End Address is not part of the Subnet Check the value in the DHCP End Address field
End Address is below the Start Address Check the value in the DHCP End Address field
Lease time must be greater than 10 seconds Check the values in the DHCP Lease Time fields
Seconds must be between 0 and 53 Check the Seconds value in the DHCP Lease Time field
Minutes must be between 0 and 59 Check the Minutes value in the DHCP Lease Time field
Hours must be between 0 and 23 Check the Hours value in the DHCP Lease Time field
12.5.6 Public LAN Configuration
The following screen will be displayed if you select Public LAN from the Advanced LAN menu. Click in the
Public LAN DHCP Server Enable box. A check mark will appear in the box.
NOTE: The Public LAN feature, if available from your service provider, allows VersaLink to use LAN IP addresses
that are accessible from the WAN. Public LAN allows your computer to have global address ability. To utilize the
Public LAN feature on VersaLink, your ISP must support Public LAN and Static IP. Contact your ISP for details.
VersaLink™ Small Business Router
LAN to use the NAT interface.
address is controlled by the network and which portion is controlled
by the host.
after which the DHCP client will usually re-submit a request.
Warning Message Check Private LAN DHCP Settings
030-300390 Rev. A Draft 3 71 January 2004
User Guide
VersaLink™ Small Business Router
The public devices are visible on the Internet unlike a local NAT’ed PC. The example below shows four NAT’ed
PCs and one global PC. The arrows show the data path for each flow.
IP Router
030-300390 Rev. A Draft 3 72 January 2004
User Guide
Public LAN DHCP Server Enable Default = NOT CHECKED
Public LAN Enable Default = NOT CHECKED
Public LAN IP Address Provides a Public IP Address if the service provider does not
Public LAN Subnet Mask Provides a Public Subnet Mask if the service provider does not
If you clicked on the Public LAN DHCP Server Enable box, the following screen will be displayed. Click on the
Public LAN Enable box to enable Public LAN.
NOTE: By enabling the Public DHCP Server, you automatically disable the Private LAN DHCP Server on
VersaLink™ Small Business Router
If this box is CHECKED, it enables DHCP addresses to be served
from the Public LAN pool.
If this box is CHECKED, it enables the addresses from the Public
LAN to bypass the NAT interface.
automatically provide one.
automatically provide one.
If you clicked on the Public LAN Enable box, the following screen will be displayed, showing the Public LAN
Enable box selected. Click on save.
030-300390 Rev. A Draft 3 73 January 2004
User Guide
VersaLink™ Small Business Router
If you selected Public LAN Enable, or if you made other changes in the Public LAN Configuration screen and
clicked on save, the following pop-up screen will be displayed. Click on OK to save the new settings. If you click
on Cancel, your new settings will not take effect.
NOTE: DHCP Lease Time is displayed in the following format: (dd:hh:mm:ss)*. This value must be greater than 10
seconds. The default = 01:00:00:00. Seconds must be between 0 and 59, minutes must be between 0 and 59, and
hours must be between 0 and 23.
*(dd = days, hh = hours, mm = minutes, ss = seconds).
If the settings you have entered in the Public LAN Configuration screen are incorrect, the following warnings
messages may be displayed via pop-up screens. If this occurs, check settings in the Public LAN Configuration
Warning Message Check Public LAN DHCP Settings
Start Address is not part of the Subnet Check the value in the DHCP Start Address field
End Address is not part of the Subnet Check the value in the DHCP End Address field
End Address is below the Start Address Check the value in the DHCP End Address field
030-300390 Rev. A Draft 3 74 January 2004
User Guide
Lease time must be greater than 10 seconds Check the values in the DHCP Lease Time fields
Seconds must be between 0 and 53 Check the Seconds field at DHCP Lease Time
Minutes must be between 0 and 59 Check the Minutes field at DHCP Lease Time
Hours must be between 0 and 23 Check the Hours field at DHCP Lease Time
If you clicked on OK in the Load new Public LAN configuration? screen, the following pop-up screen will be
displayed. This will allow the modem to be reset and the new configuration will take effect. Click on OK.
If you clicked on OK in the preceding screen, the following screen will be displayed. VersaLink will be reset and
the new configuration will take effect.
VersaLink™ Small Business Router
After a brief delay, the home page will be displayed. Confirm that you have a DSL sync and that your PPP session
displays UP. (Click on the connect button to establish a PPP session).
030-300390 Rev. A Draft 3 75 January 2004
User Guide
12.5.7 VLAN
The following settings will be displayed if you select VLAN from the Advanced LAN menu.
VersaLink™ Small Business Router
VLAN Enable Factory Default = DISABLED
If this box is check, VLAN will be Enabled. This will allow VLAN
tagging to occur according to the data port’s configuration.
LAN Port This allows you to select the LAN port that you wish to configure.
Possible responses are:
Ethernet Port 1
Ethernet Port 2
Ethernet Port 3
Ethernet Port 4
VLAN ID This allows you to assign a VLAN ID to the port.
Possible responses are:
1 through 8
VLAN Priority This allows you to set the VLAN priority for the port.
Possible responses are:
0 through 7
Outgoing VLAN Tag This allows you to keep or remove the VLAN tag on the port when
data is outgoing.
To enable VLAN click on the box adjacent to the VLAN Enable field. A check mark will appear in the box.
Click on save.
030-300390 Rev. A Draft 3 76 January 2004
User Guide
VersaLink™ Small Business Router
If you clicked on save, the following pop-up screen will appear. Click OK.
030-300390 Rev. A Draft 3 77 January 2004
User Guide
12.6 Advanced WAN
This section explains the configurable features of VersaLink that are available if you select Advanced WAN from
the Configuration menu.
VersaLink™ Small Business Router
12.6.1 ATM Loopbacks
If you select ATM Loopbacks from the Configuration menu, the following settings will be displayed.
This option enables the 0/21 loopback , which is used by your ISP.
NOTE: Westell does not recommend that you change this setting.
030-300390 Rev. A Draft 3 78 January 2004
User Guide
12.6.2 VC Configuration
The following settings will be displayed if you select VC from the Advanced WAN menu.
NOTE: The actual information displayed in this screen may vary, depending on the network connection established.
VersaLink™ Small Business Router
NOTE: If you experience any problems, please reset VersaLink via the external hardware reset button or via the
procedure defined under the Maintenance menu.
Status Allows you to enable or disable your VC (Virtual Connection)
VPI Displays the VPI (Virtual Path Indicator) value for a particular VC, which is
defined by your Service Provider.
VCI Displays the VCI (Virtual Channel Indicator) value for a particular VC,
which is defined by your Service Provider.
NOTE: The configuration
specified by your Service
Provider will determine which
Protocols are available to you.
Bridge Broadcast Factory Default = CHECKED
030-300390 Rev. A Draft 3 79 January 2004
Displays the Protocol for each VC, which is specified by your Service
PPPoA = Point to Point Protocol over ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode)
PPPoE = Point to Point Protocol over Ethernet
Bridge = Bridge Protocol
Classical IPoA = Internet Protocol over ATM (Asynchronous Transfer
Mode). This is an ATM encapsulation of the IP protocol.
User Guide
When this setting is CHECKED, VersaLink will allow Broadcast IP packets
Bridge Multicast Factory Default = CHECKED
Spanning Tree Protocol Factory Default = DISABLED
The following settings will be displayed if you select edit from your VC Configuration menu on any of your
existing VC (Virtual Connections) settings. If you change any of your existing VC settings, click on Set VC.
NOTE: If you experience any problems, please reset VersaLink via the external hardware re-set button or via the
procedure defined under the Maintenance menu.
VersaLink™ Small Business Router
to/from the WAN.
When this setting is NOT CHECKED, VersaLink will block Broadcast IP
packets to/from the WAN.
This setting is only valid if one of the Virtual Channels is configured for
Bridge mode.
When this setting is CHECKED, VersaLink will allow Multicast IP packets
to/from the WAN.
When this setting is NOT CHECKED, VersaLink will block Multicast IP
packets to/from the WAN.
This setting is only valid if one of the Virtual Channels is configured for
Bridge mode.
Spanning Tree Protocol is a link management protocol that provides path
redundancy while preventing undesirable loops in the network. For Ethernet
network to function properly, only one active path can exist between two
When ENABLED, two bridges are used to interconnect the same two
computer network segments. Spanning Tree Protocol will allow the bridges to
exchange information so that only one of them will handle a given message
that is being sent between two computers within the network.
030-300390 Rev. A Draft 3 80 January 2004
User Guide
NOTE: The actual information displayed in this screen may vary, depending on network connection established.
VersaLink™ Small Business Router
VC 1 Configuration
VPI This setting allows you to change your VPI (Virtual Path Indicator) value for a
particular VC, which is defined by your Service Provider.
VCI This setting allows you to change your VCI (Virtual Channel Indicator) value for a
particular VC, which is defined by your Service Provider.
PCR Factory Default = 100%
Peak Cell Rate (PCR)-The maximum rate at which cells can be transmitted across a
virtual circuit, specified in cells per second and defined by the interval between the
transmission of the last bit of one cell and the first bit of the next.
030-300390 Rev. A Draft 3 81 January 2004
User Guide
QoS Quality of Service, which is determined by your Service Provider.
Protocol The Protocol for each VC, which is specified by your Service Provider.
Status The protocol status.
IP Address Displays the IP network address that your modem is on.
VersaLink Displays VersaLink IP VersaLink address
DNS Primary Provided by your Service Provider
DNS Secondary Provided by your Service Provider
MRU Negotiation Factory Default = DISABLED
LCP Echo Disable Factory Default = Enable
LCP Echo Failures Indicates number of continuous LCP echo non-responses received before the PPP
LCP Echo Retry Duration The interval between LCP Echo transmissions with responses.
LCP Echo Retry Duration The interval between LCP. Echo after no response.
Tunneling Factory Default = ENABLE
NOTE: The values for IP Address, VersaLink, DNS Primary, and DNS Secondary are all “Override of the value
obtained from the PPP connection,” They default to “,” in which case the override is ignored. Westell
recommends that you do not change the values unless your Internet Service Provider instructs you to change them.
If you have made any changes to your VC settings, you need to save them. To save the new VC settings, click on
OK when asked Set this PPPoE VC configuration? If you click on cancel, the new VC settings will not be saved.
VersaLink™ Small Business Router
This value is a percentage of the current data rate.
100 allows this VC to use 100% of the available bandwidth.
80 allows this VC to use 80% of the available bandwidth.
CBR = Constant Bit Rate
UBR = Unspecified Bit Rate
VBR = Variable Bit Rate
PPPoA = Point to Point Protocol over ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode)
PPPoE = Point to Point Protocol over Ethernet
Bridge = Bridge Protocol
Classical IPoA = Internet Protocol over ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode). This
is an ATM encapsulation of the IP protocol.
VC x PPPoE Settings
If ENABLED, the Maximum Received Unit (MRU) would enforce MRU
negotiations. (NOTE: enable this option only at your Internet Service Provider’s
If checked, this option will disable the modem LCP Echo transmissions.
session is terminated.
If ENABLED, this option allows PPP traffic to be bridged to the WAN. This feature
allows you to use a PPPoE shim on the host computer to connect to the Internet
Service Provider, by bypassing VersaLink’s capability to do this.
030-300390 Rev. A Draft 3 82 January 2004
User Guide
If you clicked on OK in the preceding pop-up screen, the following pop-up screen will appear. VersaLink must be
reset in order for the new configuration to take effect. Click on OK.
VersaLink™ Small Business Router
If you clicked on OK in the preceding screen, the following screen will be displayed. VersaLink will be reset and
the new configuration will take effect.
After a brief delay, the home page will be displayed. Confirm that you have a DSL sync and that your PPP session
displays UP. (Click on the connect button to establish a PPP session).
If you want to change VersaLink’s protocol settings, select VC from the Advanced WAN menu. The VC
Configuration screen will be displayed. Next, click on the edit button adjacent to any of the existing VC (Virtual
Connection) settings.
VersaLink™ Small Business Router
If you clicked on edit in the VC Configuration screen, the following screen will be displayed. Select a Protocol
from the options listed in Protocol drop-down arrow.
030-300390 Rev. A Draft 3 84 January 2004
User Guide
For example, if you selected the Bridge protocol, the following screen will be displayed. Select a mode from the
options listed in the Mode drop-down arrow under VC 1 – Bridge Settings.
VersaLink™ Small Business Router
VC 1 Configuration
VPI This setting allows you to change your VPI (Virtual Path Indicator) value for a
particular VC, which is defined by your Service Provider.
VCI This setting allows you to change your VCI (Virtual Channel Indicator) value for a
particular VC, which is defined by your Service Provider.
PCR Factory Default = 100%
Peak Cell Rate (PCR)-The maximum rate at which cells can be transmitted across a
virtual circuit, specified in cells per second and defined by the interval between the
transmission of the last bit of one cell and the first bit of the next.
This value is a percentage of the current data rate.
100 allows this VC to use 100% of the available bandwidth.
80 allows this VC to use 80% of the available bandwidth.
QoS Quality of Service, which is determined by your Service Provider.
CBR = Constant Bit Rate
UBR = Unspecified Bit Rate
VBR = Variable Bit Rate
Protocol The Protocol for each VC, which is specified by your Service Provider.
PPPoA = Point to Point Protocol over ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode)
030-300390 Rev. A Draft 3 85 January 2004
User Guide
Status The protocol status.
If you selected the Routed Bridge mode under VC 1- Bridge Settings, the following screen will be displayed.
VersaLink™ Small Business Router
PPPoE = Point to Point Protocol over Ethernet
Bridge = Bridge Protocol
Classical IPoA = Internet Protocol over ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode). This
is an ATM encapsulation of the IP protocol.
VC 1 Bridge Settings
Bridge = A bridge is a layer 2 device that connects two segments of the same LAN that use the
same protocol such as Ethernet. The modem does not have a WAN IP address in this mode. The
client PC will typically get an IP address form a DHCP server in the network or it can be assigned
Routed Bridge = Routed Bridged Encapsulation (RBE) is the process by which a bridged segment
is terminated on a routed interface. Specifically, VersaLink is routing on an IEEE 802.3 or
Ethernet header carried over RFC 1483 bridged ATM. RBE was developed to address the known
RFC1483 bridging issues, including broadcast storms and security. The modem will get a WAN
IP address through DHCP or can be assigned statically. NAT will use the global address assigned
to the modem.
Proxy Bridge = Proxy Bridge is the process in which the modem acts as a proxy ARP agent for a
local public subnet. The modem will be assigned an IP address from within that public subnet.
The modem will direct all traffic to a VersaLink, which is configured statically. VersaLink
address must not reside within VersaLink’s assigned public subnet. All traffic will be sent via
VersaLink’s MAC address. The LAN may also have a private NAT'ed network. NAT will use the
global address assigned to the modem.
VLAN = Assigns VLAN tags to individual data ports on the modem.
030-300390 Rev. A Draft 3 86 January 2004
User Guide
Mode The Mode you have selected to use with Bridge protocol.
DHCP Client Selecting a radio button allows you to either Enable or Disable the DHCP Clien t.
IP Address Displays the IP network address that your modem is on.
Subnet Mask This setting specifies the subnet mask to use to determine if an IP address belongs to
Gateway Displays the modem’s IP gateway address.
DNS Primary Provided by your Service Provider.
DNS Secondary Provided by your Service Provider.
If you selected Proxy Bridge mode under VC 1- Bridge Settings, the following screen will be displayed.
VersaLink™ Small Business Router
VC 1 - Bridge Settings (Routed Bridge)
your local network.
VC 1 - Bridge Settings (Proxy Bridge)
Mode The Mode you have selected to use with Bridge protocol.
Gateway Displays the modem’s IP address.
DNS Primary Provided by your Service Provider.
DNS Secondary Provided by your Service Provider.
030-300390 Rev. A Draft 3 87 January 2004
User Guide
If you selected VLAN mode under VC 1- Bridge Settings, the following screen will be displayed.
VersaLink™ Small Business Router
VC 1 - Bridge Settings (VLAN Bridge)
Mode The Mode you have selected to use with Bridge protocol.
VLAN is used to assign VLAN tags to individual data ports on the modem.
VLAN ID Assigns a VLAN ID to the port.
VLAN Priority This will set the VLAN priority for the port.
VLAN on WAN Factory Default = DISABLE
Selecting Enable allows VLAN tagging to occur according to the data port’s
030-300390 Rev. A Draft 3 88 January 2004
User Guide
Once you have selected a Mode, click on the set VC button to save your VC settings.
VersaLink™ Small Business Router
If you clicked on set VC, the following pop-up screen will be displayed. Click on OK. If you click on cancel, the
new VC settings will not be saved.
030-300390 Rev. A Draft 3 89 January 2004
User Guide
12.6.3 QOS
The following settings will be displayed if you select QOS from the Advanced WAN menu. Click on save.
VersaLink™ Small Business Router
QOS Enable Factory Default = DISABLED
If this box is checked, Quality of Service (QOS) will be Enabled.
Turbo TCP Enable Factory Default = DISABLED
If this box is checked, Turbo TCP will be Enabled.
QOS Configuration
QOS Filter Enable Factory Default = DISABLED
If this box is checked, this will Enable the QOS filter.
QOS Classification This feature provides the capability to partition network traffic into
multiple priority levels or classes of service. After packet classification,
other QoS features can be utilized to assign the appropriate traffic handling
policies including congestion management, bandwidth allocation, and delay
bounds for each traffic class.
Possible responses are:
Best Effort (BE)
Assured Forwarding (AF1)
Assured Forwarding (AF2)
Assured Forwarding (AF3)
Assured Forwarding (AF4)
Expedited Forwarding (EF)
030-300390 Rev. A Draft 3 90 January 2004
User Guide
Peak Information Rte (%) The maximum allowed rate for this priority, expressed as a percentage of
Committed Information Rate (%) The committed rate for this priority, expressed as a percentage of the DSL
Peak Burst Size The interval in milliseconds for averaging the peak offered rate.
Committed Burst Size The interval in milliseconds for averaging the committed offered rate.
Max Queue Size The number of packets that can be queued for this priority.
Latency Boundary This configures the maximum latency boundary in milliseconds that a
Latency Threshold (ms) This setting configures the maximum latency boundary in milliseconds that
IP Fragmentation Enable Factory Default = DISABLED
IP Fragment Size This is the IP Packet Size.
If you made changes to the QOS Configuration and clicked on save, the following screen will be displayed. Click
on OK. This will save your new QOS settings.
VersaLink™ Small Business Router
Network Control (NC)
the DSL rate.
Latency Measurements
specific packet may be delayed by.
a specific packet may be delayed by.
Possible responses are:
Boundary 1:0 ms
Boundary 2:10 ms
Boundary 3:30 ms
Boundary 4:40 ms
Boundary 5:100 ms
Boundary 6:1000 ms
Boundary 7:3000 ms
If this box is checked, IP Fragmentation will be Enabled. If Enabled and
packets larger than 1500 bytes total are received, they will be fragmented.
Possible responses are:
100, 148, 244, 292, 340, 388, or 436
030-300390 Rev. A Draft 3 91 January 2004
User Guide
12.6.4 Route
The following settings will be displayed if you select Route from the Advanced WAN menu.
VersaLink™ Small Business Router
To add a Route, enter a Netmask address, or check the Host Route box. Click on the add button to establish a static
IP Interfaces
IP Interfaces The list of active interfaces on the modem and their IP address and mask.
Eth0 is the local LAN interface.
Lo0 is the loopback interface.
MainPPP is the main protocol interface.
Address The IP interface address.
Netmask The IP interface netmask address.
Name The IP interface device name.
Network Routing Table
Network Routing Table The list of network routes. These can be either routes for directly connected
interfaces or static routes.
Destination Address The IP address or subnet of the Route.
Netmask If the Route is a network route, netmask is used to specify the subnet mask.
If the Route is a Host route, then the Host Route check box is used.
VersaLink Indicates were to send the packet if it matches this route.
030-300390 Rev. A Draft 3 92 January 2004
User Guide
Interface Indicates were to send the packet if it matches this route.
Metric The RIP metric to be assigned to this route if and when it is advertised using RIP.
RIP Indicates whether a static route should be advertised via RIP.
Host Routing Table The list of host routes. A host route is an IP route with a 32-bit mask, indicating a
Destination Address The IP address or subnet of the Route.
Netmask If the Route is a network route, netmask is used to specify the subnet mask.
VersaLink Indicates were to send the packet if it matches this route.
Interface Indicates were to send the packet if it matches this route.
Metric The RIP metric to be assigned to this route if and when it is advertised using RIP.
RIP Indicates whether a static route should be advertised via RIP.
Inactive Routes Static routes whose interface is currently not in service.
Destination Address The IP address or subnet of the Route.
Netmask If the Route is a network route, netmask is used to specify the subnet mask.
VersaLink Indicates were to send the packet if it matches this route.
Interface Indicates were to send the packet if it matches this route.
Metric The RIP metric to be assigned to this route if and when it is advertised using RIP.
RIP Indicates whether a static route should be advertised via RIP.
Add Route This is used to add a new static route in the modem.
Destination Address The IP address or subnet of the Route.
Netmask/ Host Route If the Route is a network route, netmask is used to specify the subnet mask.
VersaLink/IP Address The interface to use for sending the packet, if it matches this route. (Only active
Metric The RIP metric to be assigned to this route if and when it is advertised using RIP.
RIP Conf Determines whether or not to advertise the static route, using RIP. (RIP must also be
Save to Modem If checked, then the route will be made permanent by saving it to flash memory. If
VersaLink™ Small Business Router
Host Routing Table
single destination (as opposed to a subnet, which could match several destinations.)
If the Route is a Host route, then the Host Route check box is used.
Inactive Routes
If the Route is a Host route, then the Host Route check box is used.
Add Route
If the Route is a Host route, then the Host Route check box is used.
VersaLinks can be used to create a static route.)
enabled before the route will be advertised.)
not checked, the route will disappear the next time the modem restarts.
030-300390 Rev. A Draft 3 93 January 2004
User Guide
12.6.5 RIP
The following details will be displayed if you select RIP from the Advanced WAN menu. If you change any
settings in this screen, click on save.
VersaLink™ Small Business Router
RIP Enable Factory Default = DISABLED
If this box is checked, RIP will be Enabled (turned ON).
RIP Configuration
LAN: Select this if you are configuring RIP for the LAN side.
Interface Type
Receive The version of RIP to be accepted.
Transmit The version of RIP to be transmitted. (WAN side RIP never transmits)
RIPv2 Authentication Mode If using RIP V2, you must select the type of authentication to use.
030-300390 Rev. A Draft 3 94 January 2004
WAN: Select this if you are configuring RIP for the WAN side. (WAN side is
receive only.)
Possible responses are:
RIPv1 or RIPv2
Possible responses are:
RIPv1 Compatible
RIP Timer Rate Indicates how often to update the local routing table.
RIP Supply Interval Indicates how often to advertise routes to neighbors.
RIP Expire Time Indicates how long routes received from neighbors become invalid, if no refresh
RIP Garbage Collection Time Indicates how long to advertise invalid routes after they have expired.
If you changed any settings in the RIP Configuration screen and clicked on save, the following screen will be
displayed. Click on OK to save your new RIP settings.
VersaLink™ Small Business Router
MD5 (If MD5 authentication, the password)
If this box is check (Enabled), this feature will determine whether the modem
advertises itself as a VersaLink (i.e., the default route)
If this box is unchecked (Disabled), the modem will not summarize subnets into
a single route before advertising.
of the route is received.
030-300390 Rev. A Draft 3 95 January 2004
User Guide
You can set up additional Service Configuration options for VersaLink that allow you to enter the port forwarding
and trigger ports ranges of your choice. Go to Configuration at the homepage menu and select Services.
When you click on define custom service in the Service Configuration screen, the Custom Service screen will
guide you through the steps of creating an advanced NAT service entry via the define custom service button.
NOTE: Westell strongly recommends that you do not change any values in this section. If you experience any
problems, please reset VersaLink via the external hardware re-set button or the procedure defined under the
Maintenance menu.
VersaLink™ Small Business Router
Port Forwarding Ranges of Ports This option allows you to forward a range of WAN ports to an IP address on
the LAN.
Trigger Ports This option allows you to forward a range of ports to an IP address on the
LAN only after specific outbound traffic.
030-300390 Rev. A Draft 3 96 January 2004
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