West Control Solutions 6500 Data Sheet

Large Three Digit Single Display.
A special tuning algorithm developed for electric heater applications, which com­bines West’s Pre-tune and Self-tune algorithms.
Continuous indication of both process and alarm status via LEDs.
Security via a setpoint lock.
Optional alarm output.
6500 1/16 DIN
Supplied pre-configured from factory.
The 6500 was designed for basic electric heater appli­cations and uses the latest proven technology from the process industry to get on control quicker and stay there. It has a simplified operator interface which make it easy to use, setup and support, providing quality control at an affordable price.
The 6500 has a single 3 digit display which is designed for maximum visibility. The operator can easily view the actual temperature, setpoint and alarm value. A green LED indicates that the control is either below, above, or right on setpoint. A red LED indicates the alarm status.
The controller comes with a specifically developed tun­ing algorithm for electric heater applications. This con­trol requires no further tuning in most applications.