Westcode Semiconductors F070CxxxN, F070CxxxS Tripping Curves

WESTCODE An IXYS Company French Ferrule Type Fuses 690V
Electrical Characteristics:
Times vs current characteristics
The following curve indicate, for each rated current, pre-arcing time as a function of RMS value of pre-arcing current I.
Tolerance for mean pre-arcing current: ±10% = ratings from 1, 2, 4A ± 8% = ratings from 6 to 63A Fuses with gR characteristics can eliminate all
overloads. They do not show a minimum breaking capacity
but limit currents of non-operation or operation in compliance with standard VDE 636/23.
Total clearing I²T: Cut off Characteristics:
Horizontal curve shows maximum values of total clearing I
t (I2tt) for each rated current as a
function of prospective current Ip @ 690V cosϕ =
The curve above shows, for each rating, value of peak let-through current I available fault current Ip.
0.15 (for 125-135A @ 600V cosϕ = 0.15). Oblique lines indicate total clearing duration Tt, with associated pre-arcing duration in brackets.
as a function of
Data Sheet. F070CxxxN/S Issue 1 Page 3 of 4 March, 2005
WESTCODE An IXYS Company French Ferrule Type Fuses 690V
Corrective Factor Peak arc voltage
Mean curves showing variation of total clearing time
tt) and total clearing duration Tt as a function of
(I operating voltage U.
125A and 135A rating (2) 20-100A rating
Curves showing peak value Um of arc voltage which appears across fuse-link as a function of operating voltage U @ cosϕ = 0.15
Data Sheet. F070CxxxN/S Issue 1 Page 4 of 4 March, 2005