WESTCODE An IXYS Company German Standard DIN 80 Knife Blade Fuses – 700V
Outline Drawing & Ordering Information:
070GQCAxxxxN without indicator (110g) 070GQCAxxxxF with indicator (110g)
070GTCAxxxxF with trip (tag) indicator and adaptable for micro switch (130g)
ORDERING INFORMATION (Please quote code as below)
Voltage Rating (V)
500 – 700 GQ / GT C A 0080 - 0400 F / N
Order code: e.g. 070GTCA0080F = 700V, German Standard, DIN 80, 80A with trip (tag) indicator.
IXYS Semiconductor GmbH
Edisonstraße 15
D-68623 Lampertheim
Tel: +49 6206 503-0
Fax: +49 6206 503-627
E-mail: marcom@ixys.de
IXYS Corporation
3540 Bassett Street
Santa Clara CA 95054 USA
Tel: +1 (408) 982 0700
Fax: +1 (408) 496 0670
E-mail: sales&ixys.com
The information contained herein is confidential and is protected by Copyright. The information may not be used or disclosed
except with the written permission of and in the manner permitted by the proprietors Westcode Semiconductors Ltd.
In the interest of product improvement, Westcode reserves the right to change specifications at any time without prior notice.
Data Sheet 070GQCAxxxxF/N & 070GTCAxxxxF Issue 1 Page 5 of 5 March, 2005
Size 80mm Fixing
Current Rating
Westcode Semiconductors Ltd
Langley Park Way Langley Park
Chippenham Wiltshire SN15 1GE
Tel: +44 (0)1249 444524
Fax: +44 (0)1249 659448
E-mail: WSL.sales@westcode,com
Westcode Semiconductors Inc
3270 Cherry Avenue
Long Beach CA 90807 USA
Tel: +1 (562) 595 6971
Fax: +1 (562) 595 8182
E-mail: WSI.sales@westcode.com
© Westcode Semiconductors Ltd.