Werner R230050, R230018, R213060, R231007, R230011 User Manual

Complies with the ANSI Z359.14 standard and OSHA 29 CFR 1910 and 1926 regulations.
This manual applies to SRL model numbers starting with R2
Compliant fall protection equipment must only be used as it was designed. Users MUST read and follow all user instructions provided with the product. Before using a fall arrest system, users must be trained in the safe use of the system, as required by OSHA 29 CFR 1910.30 and
1926.503, or local safety regulations. Misuse or failure to heed these warnings and
instructions may result in injury or even death.
Werner Co. Fall Protection 724-588-2000 93 Werner Rd. 888-523-3371 toll free Greenville, PA 16125 888-456-8458 fax
These User Instructions are not to be removed except by the user of this equipment. Current User Instructions must always be available to the user.
1. Failure to follow all instructions and limitations on the use of Self-Retracting Lifelines (SRL) may result in serious personal injury or death.
2. Minors, pregnant women and anyone with a history of either back or neck problems should not use this equipment.
3. Do not use or install equipment without proper training from a “competent person” as de ned by OSHA 29 CFR 1926.32(f).
4. SRL’s are designed for a single user.
5. Not all fall protection and rescue components are rated for the same user weight capacity. Only use components rated for the same weight capacity.
6. Caution must be taken when using SRL near moving machinery, electrical hazards, sharp edges, or abrasive surfaces. Contact with these elements may cause equipment failure, personal injury, or death.
7. Do not expose SRL to chemicals or harsh solutions which may have a harmful effect.
8. Personal fall arrest systems, including SRL’s, must be inspected prior to each use for wear, damage and other deterioration. Defective components must be immediately removed from service in accordance with the requirements of OSHA 29 CFR 1910.140 and 1926.502.
9. The SRL is designed to be used in temperatures ranging from -40°F to +130°F (-40°C to +54°C).
10. Do not use if inspection reveals any defect, wear, damage, deterioration, inadequate maintenance, or unsafe condition. Do not use any equipment that has been subjected to the forces of arresting a fall or if any part of the load indicator warning is showing.
11. Not suitable for leading edge applications.
12. Never attach the unused leg of the lanyard back to the harness at any location other than the lanyard parking attachment.
13. Only lanyards designed for tie-back are approved for tie-back directly onto the webbing.
14. Do not work on the far side of an opening, opposite the SRL anchor point.
15. Only Werner Co., or persons or entities authorized in writing by Werner Co., shall make repairs or alterations to the equipment.
16. Alterations or misuse may result in serious personal injury or death.
If an SRL is used in conjunction with a cross-arm strap anchorage connector, other anchorage extension, horizontal lifeline, or extended D-ring, the additional length of the anchorage connector, extended D-ring, or sag from the lifeline must be taken into consideration during the clearance calculation process.
Before use, the user must read and understand these User Instructions. Keep these User Instructions for reference.
Self-Retracting Lifelines are designed to be used as part of a complete personal fall arrest system.
1. Failure to follow all instructions and limitations on the use of the SRL may result in serious personal injury or death.
2. Before using a personal fall arrest system, employees must be trained in accordance with the requirements of OSHA 29 CFR 1910.30 and 1926.503 in the safe use of the system and its components.
3. Personal fall arrest and rescue systems, including the SRL, must be inspected prior to each use for wear, damage, and other deterioration. Defective components must be immediately removed from service in accordance with the requirements of OSHA 29 CFR 1910.140 and 1926.502.
4. The complete fall arrest system must be planned (including all components, calculating fall clearance, and swing fall) before using.
5. Users must have a rescue plan, and the means at hand to implement it, that provides for the prompt rescue of the user in the event of a fall, or assures that the user is able to rescue themselves. A fall over an edge may require special rescue measures.
6. Store the SRL in a cool, dry, clean environment, out of direct sunlight, when not in use.
7. After a fall occurs on the system, immediately remove from service until a “competent person” can make the determination for reuse or disposal.
1. CAPACITY: SRL’s are designed for users with a capacity (including clothing, tools, etc.) up to 310 lb (141 kg) total working weight.
Not all fall protection and rescue components are rated for the same user weight capacity. Only use components rated for the same weight capacity.
2. CORROSION: Do not leave SRL’s in environments where corrosion of metal parts could take place as a result of vapors from organic materials. Use near seawater or other corrosive environments may require more frequent inspections to ensure corrosion damage is not affecting the performance of the product.
3. CHEMICAL HAZARDS: Solutions containing acids, alkali, or other caustic chemicals, especially at elevated temperatures, may cause damage to the SRL’s. When working with such chemicals, frequent inspection of this equipment must be performed. Contact Werner Co. with any questions concerning the use of the SRL around chemical hazards.
4. EXTREME TEMPERATURE: SRL’s are designed to be used in temperatures ranging from -40°F to +130°F (-40°C to +54°C). Protection should be provided for SRL’s when used near welding, metal cutting or similar activities. Contact Werner Co. with any questions concerning high temperature environments.
5. ELECTRICAL HAZARDS: Use extreme caution when working near high voltage power lines due to the possibility of electric current  owing through the SRL or connecting components.
6. HEALTH: Minors, pregnant women and anyone with a history of either back or neck problems should not use this equipment.
7. RESCUE: In the event of a fall over the edge, special rescue measures may be required.
8. TRAINING: Do not use SRL’s without proper training from a “competent person” as de ned by OSHA 29 CFR 1910.140(b) and 1926.32(f).
9. REPAIRS: Only Werner Co., or persons or entities authorized in writing by Werner Co., may make repairs or alterations to the equipment.
All anchorages to which the SRL attaches must meet the requirements of ANSI Z359.2 and OSHA 29 CFR 1910 and 1926.
OSHA states:
Anchorages used for attachment of personal fall arrest equipment shall be independent of any anchorage being used to support or suspend platforms and capable of supporting at least 5,000 pounds (22.2 kN) per employee attached, or shall be designed, installed, and used as part of a complete personal fall arrest system which maintains a safety factor of at least two; and under the supervision of a quali ed person.
ANSI Z359.2 states that anchorages selected for fall arrest systems must have a strength capable of sustaining static loads, applied in all permitted directions by the system:
A) no less than 5,000 pounds (22.2 kN) for non-certi ed anchorages; or
B) at least two times the maximum arresting force for certi ed anchorages; C) according to ANSI Z359.6, Speci cations and Design Requirements for Active Fall
Protection Systems.
When more than one personal fall arrest system is attached to the anchorage, the strength in (A) or (B) must be multiplied by the number of personal fall arrest systems attached to the anchorage.
All connecting subsystems must only be coupled to compatible connectors. OSHA 29 CFR 1910.140 and 1926.502 prohibit snap hooks from being engaged to certain objects unless two requirements are met: snap hook must be a locking type and must be “designed for” making such a connection. Under OSHA “designed for” means that the manufacturer of the snap hook speci cally designed the snap hook to be used to connect to the equipment in question. The following connections must be avoided because they can result in rollout* when a non-locking snap hook is used:
Direct connection of a snap hook to horizontal lifeline.
Two (or more) snap hooks connected to one D-ring.
Two snap hooks connected to each other.
A snap hook connected back on its integral lanyard.
A snap hook connected to a webbing loop or webbing lanyard.
Improper dimensions of the D-ring, rebar, or other connection point in relation to the snap hook dimensions that would allow the snap hook keeper to be depressed by a turning motion of the snap hook.
*Rollout: A process by which a snap hook or carabiner unintentionally disengages from another connector or object to which it is coupled.
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