Werner L201100, L201075, L201200, L201050, L201030 User Manual

Cumple con las normas ANSI Z359.1-2007, OSHA 1910 y 1926.
(This manual applies to all rope vertical lifelines with
model numbers starting L201.)
(Este manual es para todas las cuerdas salvavidas
verticalescon numero de modelo comenzando en L201.)
Werner Fall Protection 724-588-2000 93 Werner Rd. 888-523-3371 toll free/ llamada gratuita Greenville, PA 16125 888-456-8458 fax
If use of fall protection equipment is necessary then the work environment is dangerous and potentially deadly. Werner Company products are designed to eliminate as much of the hazard as possible but can do that ONLY if they are used correctly. Use this equipment as it was designed to be used, after appropriate training, under the direct supervision of a competent person, according to the instructions provided, and in accordance with OSHA and local safety regulations. User MUST read and understand all cautions and instructions. Failure to heed these guidelines could result in injury or even death. Please, WORK SAFE! WORK SMART!
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I. BEFORE USING THE VERTICAL LIFELINES SYSTEM ................................... 4
a. Inspect ......................................................................................................................4
b. Compatibility ............................................................................................................5
c. Fall Protection Plan ..................................................................................................6
d. Training .....................................................................................................................8
a. Making a Connection ...............................................................................................9
b. Anchorage Strength ..............................................................................................10
III. USE WARNINGS, RESTRICTIONS AND CAUTIONS ................................... 11
a. Purpose ..................................................................................................................11
b. Limitations..............................................................................................................12
IV. LABELS/IDENTIFICATION/INSPECTION RECORDS .................................. 14
V. EQUIPMENT RECORDS ................................................................................15
VI. INSPECTION RECORDS .............................................................................. 15
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This product is just one part of a personal fall arrest, work positioning, travel restraint, climbing or rescue system. It must be matched correctly with other components to form a complete and functional system. The user must understand the function of each of these components and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for use for each. The user must be provided these instructions, should read and follow them, and consult the competent person who will supervise his work if he has any questions about any part of the instructions. The employer must provide training in the proper use, inspection, and maintenance of all components in the system, and these instructions can be used as part of that training. The equipment should be used ONLY in accordance with these instructions, local ordinances and codes, the applicable OSHA and ANSI standards, and the employer’s safety plan.
This temporary rope system is designed to provide a connection for users to an anchorage as they traverse any type of vertical work or access, for both fall protection and fall restraint. They can accommodate a variety of fall protection or rescue equipment that might be required, so long as the rated capacity is not exceeded.
I. Before Using the Vertical Rope System
Before using this equipment the user should take certain steps to ensure that it is in suitable condition and safe for use. Users must read and understand these instructions. It is the employer’s obligation to ensure that all users have been trained in safe work procedures as well as in the use and limitations of fall protection equipment. All users should be aware of and comply with all applicable OSHA, ANSI, CSA and local or regional regulations concerning fall protection equipment and its use.
a. Inspect
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Examine all equipment thoroughly, daily before use by the user, and periodically by a competent person who is not the user.
1. Inspect lifeline hardware (snap hooks, ferrules, thimbles, etc.). These items must not be damaged, broken or distorted. These items must be free of sharp edges, burrs, cracks, worn parts, or corrosion. Hook gates must move freely and lock upon closing.
2. Inspect the synthetic rope lifeline per the following:
i. Inspect rope for concentrated wear. Material must be free
of frayed strands, broken yarns, cuts, abrasions, burns, and discoloration.
ii. The rope must be free of knots, excessive soiling, paint
build-up, and rust staining.
iii. Rope splices must be tight, with ve full tucks, and thimbles
must be held rmly by the splice.
iv. Check for chemical or heat damage; indicated by brown,
discolored, or brittle areas.
v. Check for ultraviolet damage; indicated by discoloration and
splinters and slivers along the rope surface.
vi. All of the above factors are known to reduce rope strength.
Damaged or questionable rope should be replaced.
vii. Verify the condition of each component. If any damage or
abnormalities are found the equipment should be removed from service.
3. Inspect label. Labels must be present and fully legible.
4. Inspect each system component or subsystem according to manufacturer ’s instructions.
5. Record the inspection date and results in the inspection log.
6. If inspection reveals an unsafe or defective condition, remove equipment from service. A competent person should be consulted to determine if that item is safe for continued use or if it should be removed from service.
b. Compatibility
Werner Co. equipment is designed for use with Werner Co. approved components and subsystems only. Substitutions or replacements made with non-approved components or subsystems may jeopardize compatibility of equipment and may affect the safety and reliability of the complete system.
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IMPORTANT: The type of lifeline used is dependent upon the
application and compatibility requirements of other system components. Compatible rope grabs must be used with Werner Co. lifelines.
Connectors are considered to be compatible with connecting elements when they have been designed to work together in such a way that their sizes and shapes do not cause their gate mechanisms to inadvertently open regardless of how they become oriented. Contact Werner Co. if you have any questions about compatibility. Connectors (hooks, carabiners, and D-rings) must be capable of supporting at least 5,000 lbs. (22kN). Connectors must be compatible with the anchorage or other system components. Do not use equipment that is not compatible. Non-compatible connectors may unintentionally disengage. Connectors must be compatible in size, shape, and strength. Self locking snap hooks and carabiners are required by ANSI Z359 and OSHA.
c. Fall Protection Plan
Plan your fall arrest or restraint system before using this equipment. Consider all factors that will affect your safety during use of this equipment. Consider the following points when planning your system:
1. ANCHORAGE: Select a rigid anchorage point that is capable of sustaining the loads specied. For fall arrest applications, select anchorage locations that will minimize free fall and swing fall hazards. For restraint applications, locate the anchorages such that no vertical free fall is possible.
2. FREE FALL: To avoid increased free fall distance, do not work above the anchorage level. Rig personal fall arrest systems (PFAS) so that the free fall is limited to six feet (ANSI Z359.1). Rig restraint systems such that no vertical free fall is possible.
3. FALL ARREST FORCES: The personal fall arrest system must limit fall arrest forces to 1,800 lbs. Do not use a body belt for fall arrest applications.
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4. SWING FALLS: Swing falls occur when the anchorage point is not directly above the point where a fall occurs. The force of striking an object in a swing fall may cause serious injury. Minimize swing falls by working as directly below the anchorage point as possible. Do not permit a swing fall if injury could occur.
5. FALL CLEARANCE: Ensure sufficient clearance exists in your fall path to prevent striking an object during a fall. The clearance required is dependent upon the subsystem (rope grab and lanyard, rope grab and carabiner) and lifeline properties. The chart to the right shows the approximate elongation for new Werner Co. lifelines in dry conditions. The elongation specied is for an applied static load of 1,800 lbs. Wet ropes generally have more elongation than dry ropes. Allow for additional elongation in wet or humid conditions. Lifeline elongation must be considered when estimating fall clearance.
6. SHARP EDGES: Avoid working where your lifeline, lifeline subsystem, or other system components will be in contact with, or abrade against, unprotected sharp edges. Do not loop a lifeline around small diameter structural members. If working with this equipment around sharp edges is unavoidable, provide protection by using a heavy pad over the exposed sharp edge.
7. RESCUE: Should a fall occur, the user (employer) must have a rescue plan. If a worker falls and is forced to remain suspended for any length of time, physical damage to the body or even death can result. For this reason Werner, OSHA, ANSI, CSA and most local regulations require that a rescue plan and the means to implement the rescue plan are in place before use of this equipment.
8. AFTER A FALL: Components which have been subjected to fall arrest forces must be removed from service.
30 ft 3.0 ft 50 ft 5.0 ft 75 ft 7.5 ft
100 ft 10.0 ft
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9. GENERAL USE CONSIDERATIONS: Avoid working where your lifeline may cross or tangle with that of another worker. Do not allow your lifeline to pass under your arms or between your feet.
d. Training
OSHA, ANSI, and most local ordinances require that workers using this product receive adequate training before use of this product. These instructions and their entire contents should be a part of that training.
II. Temporary Vertical Rope System Installation and Use:
Temporary vertical systems are connecting subsystems. These systems are applicable for both fall arrest, typically when ladder or scaffold climbing, working in a boatswain’s chair or similar, and also for fall restraint, often on rooftop work, or other similar work situations, to restrict movement and restrain access to a roof edge or other danger of vertical freefall.
Do not alter or intentionally misuse this equipment. Consult Werner Co. when using this equipment in combination with components or subsystems other than those described in this manual. Some subsystem and component combinations may interfere with the operation of this equipment. Use caution when using this equipment around moving machinery, electrical hazards, chemical hazards, and sharp edges.
Do not use this system if you are unable to tolerate the impact of a fall arrest. Age and tness can seriously affect your ability to withstand a fall. Pregnant women and minors must not use this equipment.
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a. Making Connections
1. Only use self-locking snap hooks and carabiners with this equipment. Only use connectors that are suitable to each application. Ensure all connections are compatible in size, shape and strength. Do not use equipment that is not compatible. Ensure all connectors are fully closed and locked.
2. Werner Co. connectors (snap hooks and carabiners) are designed to be used only as specied in each product’s user’s instructions. See inappropriate connections.
A. B.
D. E. F.
Werner Co. snap hooks and carabiners should NOT be connected:
i. to a D-ring to which another connector is attached. ii. in a manner that would result in a load on the gate. If the
connecting element that a snaphook or carabiner attaches to is undersized or irregular in shape, a situation could occur where the connecting element applies a force to the gate of the snaphook or carabiner. This force may cause the gate (of either a self-locking or a non-locking snaphook) to open, allowing the snaphook or carabiner to disengage from the connecting point.
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NOTE: Large throat opening snap hooks should not be
connected to standard size D-rings or similar objects which will result in a load on the gate if the hook or D-ring twists or rotates. Large throat snap hooks are designed for use on xed structural elements such as rebar or cross members that are not shaped in a way that can capture the gate of the hook.
iii. in a false engagement, where features that protrude from
the snap hook or carabiner catch on the anchor and without visual conrmation seems to be fully engaged to the anchor
point. iv. to each other. v. directly to webbing or rope lanyard or tie-back (unless
the manufacturer’s instructions for both the lanyard and
connector specically allow such a connection). vi. to any object which is shaped or dimensioned such that the
snap hook or carabiner will not close and lock, or that roll-
out could occur.
b. Anchorage Strength
The anchorage strength required is dependent upon the application:
1. FALL ARREST: Anchorages used for personal fall arrest systems must be capable of sustaining static loads in the directions permitted by the personal fall arrest system of at least: 3,600 lbs. with certication of a qualied person; or 5,000 lbs. without certication. See ANSI Z359.1 for certication denition. Inappropriate Connections than one personal fall arrest system is attached to an anchorage, the strengths stated above must be met at each anchorage location independently. From OSHA
1926.500 and 1910.66: Anchorages used for attachment of personal fall arrest systems shall be independent of any anchorage being used to support or suspend platforms, and capable of supporting at least 5,000 lbs. per user attached, or be designed, installed, and used as part of a complete PFAS which maintains a safety factor of at least two, and is under the supervision of a qualied person.
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2. RESTRAINT: The restraint system must be attached to an anchorage capable of sustaining static loads in the directions permitted by the restraint system of at least 3,000 lbs. When more than restraint system is attached to an anchorage, the
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