Werner A211003, A220300, A211004, A211103, A211106 User Manual

Complies with ANSI Z359.1-2007, OSHA 1910 and 1926 requirements.
Cumple con las normas ANSI Z359.1-2007, OSHA 1910 y 1926.
(See back page for specic model numbers.)
(Vea la página trasera para obtener los números de modelo especícos).
Werner Fall Protection 724-588-2000 93 Werner Rd. 888-523-3371 toll free/ llamada gratuita Greenville, PA 16125 888-456-8458 fax
If use of fall protection equipment is necessary then the work environment is dangerous and potentially deadly. Werner Company products are designed to eliminate as much of the hazard as possible but can do that ONLY if they are used correctly. Use this equipment as it was designed to be used, after appropriate training, under the direct supervision of a competent person, according to the instructions provided, and in accordance with OSHA and local safety regulations. User MUST read and understand all cautions and instructions. Failure to heed these guidelines could result in injury or even death. Please, WORK SAFE! WORK SMART!
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I. BEFORE USING THE ANCHORAGE CONNECTOR ........................................ 4
a. Inspect ......................................................................................................................4
b. Compatibility ............................................................................................................6
c. Clearance ..................................................................................................................6
d. Rescue Plan .............................................................................................................6
e. Training .....................................................................................................................6
II. ANCHORAGE CONNECTOR INSTALLATION AND USE ................................ 6
a. Cable and Webbing Slings, Chokers and Cross-arm Straps ................................6
b. Anchorage Structure ...............................................................................................7
c. Cable Chokers ..........................................................................................................8
d. Cross-arm Straps / Webbing Chokers ....................................................................9
e. Cable Anchor Extensions ......................................................................................10
f. Pour-In Anchor Straps ...........................................................................................11
III. USE WARNINGS, RESTRICTIONS AND CAUTIONS ................................... 12
a. Fall Distance ..........................................................................................................12
b. Swing Fall Hazard ..................................................................................................13
c. Rated Capacity .......................................................................................................13
d. Environmental Hazards .........................................................................................13
e. Components/Subsystems .....................................................................................14
IV. LABELS/IDENTIFICATION/INSPECTION RECORDS .................................. 14
V. EQUIPMENT RECORDS ................................................................................18
VI. INSPECTION RECORDS .............................................................................. 18
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This product is just one part of a personal fall arrest system. It must be matched correctly with other components to form a complete and functional system. The user must understand the function of each of these components and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for use for each. The user must be provided these instructions, should read and follow them, and consult the competent person who will supervise his work if he has any questions about any part of the instructions. The employer must provide training in the proper use, inspection, and maintenance of all components in the system, and these instructions can be used as part of that training. The equipment should be used ONLY in accordance with these instructions, local ordinances and codes, the applicable OSHA and ANSI standards, and the employer’s safety plan.
These devices are designed to provide an anchorage connection between fall protection products and/or anchorages, for both fall protection and fall restraint. They can accommodate attachment options for a variety of fall protection products for fall protection or rescue equipment that might be required, so long as the rated capacity is not exceeded.
I. Before Using the Anchorage Connector
Before using this equipment the user should take certain steps to ensure that it is in suitable condition and safe for use. Users must read and understand these instructions. It is the employer’s obligation to ensure that all users have been trained in safe work procedures as well as in the use and limitations of fall protection equipment. All users should be aware of and comply with all applicable OSHA, ANSI, CSA and local or regional regulations concerning fall protection equipment and its use.
a. Inspect
Examine all equipment thoroughly, daily before use by the user,
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and periodically by a competent person who is not the user.
1. Verify the condition of each component. If any damage or abnormalities are found the equipment should be removed from service.
2. Check the webbing for cuts, abrasion, burns, welding spatter, or discoloration that could be caused by chemical exposure.
3. For cable legs examine the entire length for any breaks, and the swaged ttings for any irregularities.
4. Check all stitching for any broken threads.
5. Check all hardware for cracks, bends, irregularities, corrosion, or sharp edges. Check the snap hook gates for proper smooth operation. The engagement release for the hook’s gate is visible for inspectability. Ensure the mechanism is undamaged and functioning correctly.
6. Verify that all labels are intact, in place, and legible. If abnormalities are found in
any of these areas, then the competent person should be consulted to determine if that item is safe for continued use or if it should be removed from service.
A. B.
D. E. F.
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b. Compatibility
Verify compatibility of any subsystems being used. Werner products connected to Werner products should be compatible, but connection to other products should be veried by a competent person for compatibility to ensure there is no accidental detachment from side-loading, rollout, non-standard closures, etc.
c. Clearance.
Verify that adequate clearance exists below the work area and there are no objects or obstructions below the work area that the user could contact in the case of a fall.
d. Rescue Plan
If a worker falls and is forced to remain suspended for any length of time, physical damage to the body or even death can result. For this reason Werner, OSHA, ANSI, CSA and most local regulations require that a rescue plan and the means to implement the rescue plan are in place before use of this equipment.
e. Training
OSHA, ANSI, and most local ordinances require that workers using this product receive adequate training before use of this product. These instructions and their entire contents should be a part of that training.
II. Anchorage Connector Installation and Use
a. Cable and Webbing Slings, Chokers and Cross-arm Straps
Also known as tie-off adapters, these devices are designed to wrap around a structure which is the anchorage. They act as a connector to that anchorage for attachment of a complete fall protection system. All have D-rings, O-rings, or web loops and are passed around the structure and then secured by being passed back through the second O-ring, D-ring or web loop to “choke” the anchorage.
Webbing chokers and cross arm straps should not be left installed permanently outdoors since prolonged exposure to the environment and especially to UV in sunlight will degrade the webbing, reducing
tensile strength.
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b. Anchorage Structure
Inspect the anchorage structure to ensure it is of adequate strength and is sound, without sharp edges, corrosion, cracks or anything else that could weaken the connection. The connectors can be used vertically, but ensure that the choker has some stop so it will not be able to move on the structure in the case of a fall.
1. For fall arrest, anchors need to have strength of either 5000 lbs per attached user (22.2kN), or be certied by a qualied person to have strength of not less than 3600 lbs per attached user (16kN).
2. For fall restraint (where there is no possibility of accidental detachment), anchors need to withstand a static load of 3000 lbs per attached user (13.3 kN), or be certied by a qualied person to be able to withstand two times the foreseeable force.
3. For positioning systems, the anchorage strength must be a minimum of 3000 lbs per attached user (13.3 kN), or be certied by a qualied person to have strength of twice the foreseeable force.
4. For rescue systems, the anchorage should withstand a static load of 3000 lbs per attached user (13.3kN) or be certied by a qualied person for ve times the foreseeable load.
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c. Cable Chokers
Cable chokers are used when the anchorage they are being connected to will not be damaged by the cable in the case of a fall, such as structural I-beams, or when the choker will be left in place and subjected to the environment for an extended period of time.
Installing Cable Chokers
1. Pass cable over structure with choker ends dangling on either side. Pass the small O-ring on one end through the larger O-ring on the other end. Pull small O-ring to tighten (choke) the structure.
2. Continue to pass the extended cable end around the beam or other anchor until there is not enough length left to make another complete revolution. Then “choke” the anchor by passing the smaller O-ring through the larger. The small O-ring will become the anchorage point for a complete fall protection system.
While it is preferable to make several turns of the cabling around the anchorage before “choking” it, in cases where a lower anchorage connection is needed the connector can be choked with only one turn around the beam before passing the small O-ring through the larger O-ring. This is also a convenient way to adjust the length of the choker slightly.
3. Connect fall protection system to the small O-ring.
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d. Cross-arm Straps / Webbing Chokers
Web chokers work the same as cable chokers, but the wider surface of the webbing means that the impact in the case of a fall will be spread over a larger area considerably reducing the impact per square inch.
Installing Cross-arm Straps
1. With labels on outward facing surface of strap. Pass web over structure with choker ends dangling on either side. Pass the small D-ring or O-ring on one end through the larger D-ring, O-ring or web loop on the other end. Pull small D-ring or O-ring to tighten (choke) the structure.
2. Continue to pass the extended web end around the beam or other anchor until there is not enough length left to make another complete revolution, then “choke” the anchor by passing the smaller O-ring or D-ring through the larger O-ring or web loop. The small D-ring will become the anchorage point for a complete fall protection system.
It’s preferable but not necessary to make several turns of the webbing around the anchorage before “choking” by passing the small D-ring or O-ring through the larger O-ring or web loop. This is also a convenient way to adjust the length of the cross arm strap slightly.
3. Connect fall protection system to the smaller D-ring or O-ring.
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e. Cable Anchor Extensions
Cable anchor extensions come in various standard lengths. They differ from cable chokers because they are intended to extend the position of an existing anchorage connector to within reach of a user, so the extensions have a snap-hook on one end to connect to the existing anchorage connector, and an O-ring on the other, to provide the new extended anchorage connection for the user.
Installing a Cable Anchor Extension
1. Calculate the needed extension length considering the worker’s needs and the available fall distance to be sure there will not be any contact with any object in the fall path. Connect the snap hook to the existing fall protection anchorage. Connect ONLY with the snap hook and NEVER loop the extender around the anchorage as you would a choker.
2. The user should connect to the extender’s O-ring as he would to any other suitable anchorage.
Anchor extensions are not cable chokers and should not be used as such. The ONLY approved fall protection attachment point is to the O-ring. NEVER connect two snap hooks to one O-ring or the snap hook to the cable. Connect it ONLY to the existing anchorage. The Anchorage Extenders are not anchorages themselves. They are only extensions of an existing anchorage. ONLY connect the Anchor Extensions to an overhead anchor and never in any position that could increase the user’s fall distance beyond the allowable free fall distance of 6 feet.
f. Pour-In Anchor Straps
Pour-in-place anchors are actually simplied standard web chokers that have been modied to continue functioning as an anchorage connector after being partially embedded in concrete. As such they conform to most of the same instructions and warnings contained in the previous Cross arm strap/ webbing choker section. All Werner Pour-In anchors are for one-time use only.
Installing a Pour-In Anchor Strap
1. Select a location with required anchorage strength and unobstructed fall clearance. Either place the strap’s loop end over the rebar or use the loop to “choke” it. To choke it, loop strap around the re-bar and pull the exposed end (with loop or D-ring) through the end loop. Tighten the choke on the rebar. Position the exposed end with the other loop or D-ring at least six inches outside the form. Secure the strap so that it can not be pulled inside when the concrete is poured. Position the strap’s wear protector so it will be partly embedded in the poured concrete and partly exposed. It’s important that the wear protector is positioned to protect the main load­bearing webbing from contact with the sharp edge of the poured concrete.
Installing on Completed Cage
Anchorage Connector Installed
Concrete Column
Anchorage Connector Installed
4” min
Web Cut
Concrete Column
Imbedded Concrete
Anchor Strap
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