GBDA60 User Guide
1. Introduction
This document specifies the ways for simple use to GBDA60 .
2. User interface tables
2.1 Press
Function GSH300 GBDA60 Button
Power On / Off
Pairing Pairing Off
Long-press (2s) PAP until blue
LED flashes
Very-long-press (5s) PAP until
LED flashes blue/red
Power Off / On
Note: A Short Press is assumed to be any button press less than or equal to 1 seconds. A
On and no AV
On and in Standby
Short-press (1s) PAP
Very-long-press (5s) PAP until
red LED f l ashes
Long Press is assumed to be any button press longer than 2 seconds. See the following
tables for detailed press-functionality descriptions
2.2 LED
GBDA60 State Blue LED Red LED
Power off OFF OFF
Pairing mode Blue LED and Red LED
flash by turns
Pairing successful Flash 3 times OFF
Standby(no audio channel) Flash 1 time every 2s OFF
Active mode (audio
channel open)
Flash 3 times in 500ms,long
off 2s
Standby(Low battery) Flash 1 time every 2s Flash 1 time every 5s
Active mode(Low battery) Flash 3 times in 500ms,long
off 2s
Charging mode Across to the status On until charging is over
Note : Full battery voltage has been set to 3.7V
Low battery voltage has been set to 3.3V
Shutdown voltage has been set to 3.0V
To temporarily return from shutdown point change battery
Red LED and Blue LED
flash by turns
Flash 1 time every 5s

2.3 PIO Assignment
PIO Definition Function
PIO0 REDLED_ENA Blue led control
PIO1 BLUELED_ENA Red led control
Power and pairing button, pairing/connect/
power on/power off
PIO9 POWER_HOLD Power on/off control
The requirements stated in this section are given as power levels at the
antenna connector of the equipment. If the equipment does not have a connector,
a reference antenna with 0 dBi gain is assumed .
Due to difficulty in measurement accuracy in radiated measurements, it is preferred
that systems with an integral antenna provide a temporary antenna conne ct or
during type approval.
If transmitting antennas of directional gain greater than 0 dBi are used, the
applicable paragraphs in ETSI 300 328 and FCC part 15 must be compensated
The equipment is classified into three power classes.
A power control is required for power class 1 equipment. The powe r cont ro l is
used for limiting the transmitted power over 0 dBm. Power control capability
under 0 dBm is optional and could be used for optimizing the power consumption
and overall interference level. The power steps shall form a monotonic sequ en ce ,
with a maximum step size of 8 dB and a minimum step size of 2 dB.
A class 1 equipment with a maximum transmit power of +20 dBm must be able
to control its transmit power down to 4 dBm or less.