Holl WiFi Disk
Mini R2 01
User Quick Guide
©20 Copyright by C .Ltd. All rights reserved.11 HOLL Technology o
Thanks for purchasing Holl wireless hard drive Mini R210.
Holl R210 are the latest generation of multi-functional wireless hard drive.
The product collect of wireless router, Wireless storage, wireless video,
see mobile hard disk and mobile power supply, and other functions in one body
Letti ng your p hone an d PC easi ly shar e the con tents of w irele ss box an ytime a nd anyw here
Mobile HDD
card port can support 32 storage card share wireless by inserting
:SD GB ,
U disk to U SB 2 0 an d also ca n throu gh micr o USB2 0 a s SD card re ader
.. . .
Wireless storage
Support contents auto-sorting ,read, delete, share and sent .
Wireless audio
Support multiple formats of wireless audio.
Mobile power supply
Built in 3800 polymer battery charging for ect smart devices
- mAh . iPhone、iPad、Android .
Wireless router
intelligent router
Suppo rt ZTE , Huawe i modes t urn to wi reles s router
Wireless relay;Realization of signal relay, to extend the range of wireless network coverage.
One Accessories list
Mini 1 the package and list
R2 0
1 Major Product one Mini 210.
2 One m charging line
、 icro USB2.0
3 User instruction.
4 Certificate of approval and warranty card
Two:Products pictorial view
① ②
Rj45 port
USB2.0 port
Micro USB2.0 port
Reset button
Hardwareinter faceIntroductions.
No. Po rt
①Rj45 port
SDcard port
WiFi indicator light
WLAN indicator light Battery capcity indicator light
Logo Function details
Support dynamic and static IP, The defau lt for DH CP and dy namic if need turn to static IP use phone or PC by connect Holl to set up.
Power butt on
No. Port Logo Function details
② USB2.0 port
Micro USB2.0
④ Reset button
⑤SD card port
Power butt on
Can charging for smart devices Conne ct ZTE Hu awei USB 3 G modes EVDO
or inse rt U dis k , hard driv e t
Use line connect charger
Micro USB2.0 and MINI to charge, support input current is 5V@1A Can use d as U disk w hen Min i is shutdown
When the Mini isworking press the reset button, the interior system parameters will be restored the factor y setting .then automatic shutdown.
Support Maximu m of 32G SD c ard sto rage
Power d ispla y or open , shutdo wn butt on Long pr ess the p ower bu tton, i f the machi ne no fac tion, p lease c harge f or it.
o share
2 indicator light instruction.、LED
Three Software Usage
1 Holl micro manager APP download and installing
Holl App support OS W three main operating system Pleas e downl oad the r ight Ap p accor ding to yo ur smar t devi ce oper ating s ystem .
Status Detailed instrcution
Blue light
The blu e light f lash th ree tim es when
Android,i , indows
starting up .
Blue light
The blu e light f lash on ce per se cend af ter
starting up.
Products through the wireless relay to other wireless devices.
Green Not
Not by w ireles s relay t o other w irele ss devices.
Four blue lights, the number of blue lights up says t he curr ent pow er, each la mp
represents about 25% of the battery.(the
power indicator light only to provide the reference power)
Battery is insufficient, the red light, to
Red ight()
remind the user needs to recharge.
IOS Holl micro manager download and installing
Please search Holl Apk in or scan the two­dimension code in the right to download the latest Holl APP . Click “install”to make Holl App installed successfully in your smart d evice s IOS
AndroidHoll micro manager download and installing
Pleasesearch Holl AndroidAPK in “Androidmarket”orscan the two-dimension code in the right to download ,then click “inst all”t o insta ll the la test Ho ll Andro id App su ccess ful.
WinodwsHoll micro manager download and installing
Please search Holl Windows APK on website or scan the two-dimension code in the right to download the latest Windows App then click install to install the Windows App successful
2B、 oot device
Long pr ess the b utton un til the b lue i i indic ator li ght fla sh thre e times , w hen the b lue WiF i LED fla shing , the dev ice rea dy ro work .
“ App Store "
Android System
Windows system
iOS system
3 Holl Mic ro mana ger usi ng inst ructi on
Wireless connection: when Mini is working , open the Holl Micro manager, click
set up WLAN”connect Holl wireless box successful
““Local area”is phone or Tablet internal storage of date.
Wireless”is Holl wireless box storage of date.
Users c an clas sify an d manag e your de vice’s s torag e of date by H oll mic ro
4 Device shutdown
When Mi ni is wor king, l ong pre ss power b utton u ntil bl ue WiFI i ndica tor lig ht turn off.
Four Application scenarios
Cable turn wireless and shared network
Table t
WirelessRouter Cableturn wirelessWiFi mode
3G turnwirelessshare network
3G Router
3G turn wifi
work mode
RJ 45 Cable-
Insert USB 3G wireless evdo
RJ 45 Cable
Five Mobile power supply
Wireless relay
Wireless router
Wireless relay
Game machine
Power indicator light indicator light status Detailed instruction
Mini R210 charging instructions.
Step one:Battery power display
Pleas e check t he left p ower be fore charging,the way as below:
Press button Battery
a) , indicator light up then you can check the lef t power, t he ligh t will go o ut ten
Table t
None Please charging
One Lower than 25%
Two Bet ween 25 % and 50%
Three Betwe en 50% an d 75%
Four Between 75% and Full
Press bu tton to ch eck the p ower.
Charge for smart devices by USB
Power indicator light Four levels()
Step two Cha rging f or Phon e or Tablet
Conne ct Mini a nd Phon e Tabl et) by USB to start c hargi ng(2.0.
Friendly Tips:
Please use Apple original charge line for
iPhone, iPad, iPod,
Phone tablets please
Android ,
use the standard charging line.
Six: Charging for Mini R210
The two w ays of cha rging f or Mini w hen the p ower is r unnin g out
1.Adapter charger Connect of Mini and the USB 20 of adapter
Micro USB2.0 .
charger by USB charging line.
2.Com puter U SB Co nnect of Mini a nd USB of comput er
Micro USB2.0 2.0/3.0
by USB charging line.
Charging notes
1 600
. Please choose adapter charger output is 5V current output bettwen and
20 ), 、 、
00mA such as the charger of iPhone iPad Android
2: 2 ;
. Charging time the charger is 5V 000mA need about 3-4 hours
. Please stop charging for others devices when chagring for Box
Seven Firmware upgrade
Welcom e user s downl oad the la test co rresp ondin g firmw are on Hol l
websi te. cop y to Box, op en the wi reles s funct ion the n run Hol l App and enter the configuration management interface to upgrade the firmware.
More details please check on www.holl.com.cn or call 8853 82400- -8
Micro USB2.0
Micro USB2.0 Please insert this port
1.Thi s devic e compl ies wit h Part1 5 of the FCC R ules. Opera tion is s ubjec t to the fo llowi ng two co nditi ons: (1)Th is devi ce may no t cause h armfu l inter feren ce, and (2)This device must accept any interference received, including Interference that may cau se unde sired o perat ion.
2. Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party respo nsibl e for com plian ce coul d void the u ser's a uthor ity to op erate th e equipment. NOTE: Th is equi pment h as been t ested a nd foun d to compl y with th e limit s For a Class B d igita l devic e, purs uant to Pa rt 15 of th e FCC Rul es. The se limi ts Are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference In a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate Radio frequ ency en ergy and , if not in stall ed and us ed in acc ordan ce with t he instr uctio ns, may c ause ha rmful i nterf erenc e to radi o commun icati ons. Ho wever, there i s no guar antee th at inte rfere nce wil l not occ ur in a par ticu lar ins talla tion.
If this e quipm ent doe s cause h armfu l inter feren ce to radi o or tele visio n recep tion,
which c an be det ermin ed by tur ning th e equip ment off a nd on, th e user is encou raged t o try to co rrect t he inte rfere nce by on e or more of the fol lowin g measu res:
--Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
--Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
--Con nect th e equip ment in to an out let on a ci rcuit di ffere nt from t hat to wh ich the receiver is connected.
--Con sult th e deale r or an exp erien ced rad io/TV t echni cian fo r help.
3. FCC Radiation Exposure Statement: This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure requirement. The device can
be used in portable exposure condition without RF striction.