The relay must be mounted on an stable and vibration free surface.
Mounting without contactor
The relays can be mounted at any position.
The relay must be mounted on an stable and vibration free surface.
Mounting without contactor
The relays can be mounted at any position.
Mounting with contactor
The mounting position showed at the left figure below is equivalent
to 0º degrees - not requiring a correction factor on the dial of the
relay. The assembly can work with mounting variations of 0º to
180º, however the mounting with the relay above the contactor,
position between 135º and 225º, is required a correction factor of
+10% on the dial of the relay. Laterally, as showed at the right
figure below, the inclination can not exceed ± 30º for a perfect
functioning of the contactor.
The relay must be mounted on an stable and vibration free surface.
Mounting without contactor
The relays can be mounted at any position.
Mounting with contactor
The mounting position showed at the left figure below is equivalent
to 0º degrees - not requiring a correction factor on the dial of the
relay. The assembly can work with mounting variations of 0º to
180º, however the mounting with the relay above the contactor,
position between 135º and 225º, is required a correction factor of
+10% on the dial of the relay. Laterally, as showed at the right
figure below, the inclination can not exceed ± 30º for a perfect
functioning of the contactor.
As showed at the left figure below, the inclination can not exceed ±
30º degrees for a perfect functioning of the contactor. Laterally, as
showed at the right figure below, the mounting position is
equivalent to 0º degrees - not requiring a correction factor on the
dial of the relay. The assembly can work with mounting variations
of 0º to 180º.
Thermal Overload Relays - RW Series
Operating Positions
RW17D, RW27D, RW67D, RW117D, RW317D, RW407D
RW27D, RW67D, RW117D, RW317D, RW407D
RW17D with CWC07
WEG Automation - Products and Solution 105