WEG Electric CFW700E142T4DBN1C3 Data Sheet

Variable Speed Drives
Main Features
Basic data
Power supply : 380-480 V Input minimum-maximum voltage : 323-528 V Number of phases Input : 3 Output : 3
Supply voltage range 380-480 V 380-480 V Overload regime Normal (ND) Heavy (HD) Normal (ND) Heavy (HD) Rated current 142A 115 Overload current at 60 s 156A 156A Overload current at 3 s 213A 200
Maximum applicable motor
Power (HP / kW) [1]Voltage/Frequency
Normal Overload (ND) 380V / 50Hz 100 / 75 380V / 60Hz 100 / 75 75 / 55 400V / 50Hz 100 / 75 75 / 55 400V / 60Hz 100 / 75 75 / 55 440V / 50Hz 100 / 75 75 / 55 440V / 60Hz 100 / 75 75 / 55 460V / 60Hz 125 / 90 100 / 75 480V / 60Hz 125 / 90 100 / 75
Dynamic braking [2] : Optional with braking Electronic supply : Internal Safety Stop : No RFI internal filter [3] : With filter (C3 category) External filter : Not available Link Inductor : Yes Memory card : Not included in the product USB port : Available in HMI Line frequency : 50/60Hz Line frequency range (minimum - maximum) : 48-62 Hz Phase unbalance : less or equal to 3% of input rated line voltage Transient voltage and overvoltage : Category III Rated current of single-phase input
- Overload (ND) :
- Overload (HD) : Rated current of three-phase input
- Overload (ND) : 142A
- Overload (HD) : 115 A Power factor : 0,94 Displacement factor : 0,98 Rated efficiency : ≥ 97% Maximum connections (power up cycles - on/off) per hour : 60 DC power supply : Allow Standard switching frequency
- Overload ND : 2,5 kHz
- Overload HD : 2,5 kHz Selectable switching frequency : 1,25; 2; 2,5 and 5 kHz Real-time clock : Not available COPY Function : Yes, by MMF Dissipated power:
Overload Overload (*)Mounting type
Surface 1680 W 1290 W Not applicable Not applicable
Flange 210 W 200 W Not applicable Not applicable
Source available to the user
Output voltage : 24 Vcc Maximum capacity : 500 mA
Heavy Overload (HD)
75 / 55
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values. Subject to change without notice.
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Variable Speed Drives
Control/performance data
Power supply : Switched-mode power supply Control method : V/f, VVW, Sensorless and Encoder Encoder interface : Available in inverter Control output frequency : 0 to 300 Hz Frequency resolution : Equivalent to 1 rpm V/F Control
- Speed resolution : 1% of rated speed
- Speed range : 1:20 VVW Control
- Speed resolution : 1% of rated speed
- Speed range : 1:30 Sensorless vector control
- Speed resolution : 0,5% of rated speed
- Speed range : 1:100 Vector control with encoder
- Speed resolution : 0,2% of nominal speed
- Speed range : Up to 0 rpm
Analog inputs
Quantity (standard) : 2 Levels : 0-10V, 0/4-20mA and -10-+10V Impedance
- Impedance for voltage input : 400 kΩ
- Impedance for current input : 500 Ω Function : Programmable Maximum allowed voltage : ±15 Vdc
Digital inputs
Digital inputs - Quantity (standard) : 8 Activation : Active low and high Maximum low level : 2 V Minimum high level : 10 V Input current : 7.5 mA Maximum input current : 9.5 mA Function : Programmable Maximum allowed voltage : 30 Vcc
Analog outputs
Analogic outputs - Quantity (standard) : 2 Levels : 0 to 10V, 0 to 20mA and 4 to 20mA RL for voltage output : 10 kΩ RL for current output : 500 Ω Function : Programmable
Digital outputs
Digital outputs - Quantity (standard) : 1 NO/NC relay and 4 transistor Maximum voltage : 240 Vac and 30 Vdc Maximum current : 0.75 A and 80 mA Function : Programmable
- Modbus-RTU (Standard)
- Modbus/TCP (Not available)
- Profibus DP (with accessory: PROFIBUS DP-01)
- Profibus DPV1 (Not available)
- Profinet (Not available)
- CANopen (with acessory: CAN-01)
- DeviceNet (with accessory: CAN-01)
- EtherNet/IP (Not available)
- EtherCAT (Not available)
- BACnet (Not available)
Protections available
- Output overcurrent/short circuit
- Power supply phase loss
- Under/Overvoltage in power
- Overtemperature
- Motor overload
- IGBT's modules overload
- Fault/External alarm
- Output phase-ground short-circuit
- CPU or memory failure
Operation interface (HMI)
Avaliability : Included in the product Installation : Local Number of HMI buttons : 9 Display : Graphic LCD
The information contained are reference
values. Subject to change without notice.
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