6.4 Configuration parameters P28, P43, P44,
P46, P50...P57, P61...P64 ............................. 71
6.4.1 P28 - Operation Mode ......................... 71
6.4.2 P43 - By-pass relay ............................. 74
6.4.3 P44 - Energy save ................................ 75
6.4.4 P46 - Default values (it loads factory
parameters) ......................................... 75
6.4.5 P50 - Function of the relay RL3............ 76
6.4.6 P51 - Function of the relay RL1 .......... 76
6.4.7 P52 - Function of the Relay RL2 ......... 77
6.4.8 P53 - Programming of the digital
input 2 ................................................. 78
6.4.9 P54 - Programming of the digital
input 3 ................................................. 79
6.4.10 P55 - Programming of the digital
input 4 ................................................. 79
6.4.11 P56 - Programming of the analog
output .................................................. 80
6.4.12 P57 - Scaling of the analog output .. 80
6.4.13 P61 - Control enabling ...................... 81
6.4.14 P62 - Address of the Soft-Starter at
the communication network ............... 82
6.4.15 P63 - Watch dog time of the serial
communication ................................... 83
6.4.16 P64 - Action after watch dog time is
elapsed ................................................ 83
6.5 Motor Parameters P21, P25, P26, P27 ......... 84
6.5.1 P21 - Motor Current Setting
(% IN of the switch) .............................. 84
6.5.2 P25 - Thermal Class of the Motor
Protection ............................................ 85
6.5.3 P26 - Motor service factor................... 89
6.5.4 P27 - Auto-reset of the Thermal
motor image ........................................ 90
7.1 Errors and possible causes ........................... 91
7.1.1 Programming error (E24) .................... 91
7.1.2 Serial.................................................... 91
7.1.3 Hardware errors (E0X)......................... 91
7.2 Preventive maintenance ............................... 95
7.2.1 Cleaning instructions .......................... 96
7.3 Changing supply fuse ................................... 96
7.4 Spare part list ............................................... 97
8.1 Power Data ................................................... 99
8.2 Power / current table .................................... 99
8.2.1 Table of Power and Currents for
Three Cable Standard Connection
(Ambient Temperature of 40°C (104°F)) 99
8.2.2 Table of Power and Currents for
Three Cable Standard Connection
(Ambient Temperature of 55°C (131°F)) 99