B) Calibrate all blower speed settings
in real time mode.
It is now possible to calibrate all speed set-
tings (1 to 5) before actually putting the system into service.
To do so entrer programming mode with setpoint at 15° C.; proceed to following line i.e.
code <6> = speed 5 (max).
The blower will start to function as soon as
you access code <6>.
Alter value to the right of code <6> and
blower speed will immediately change in
real time. When satisfied go to follo wing line
<7> = speed 4 and do the same.
Proceed until lowest speed N° 1 and go back
again to speed N° 5 if not satisfied.
When all speeds are programmed according
to need, validate by pushing on/off key
(<memo> will be displayed briefly). See also
page 8 - programming access.
Attention : Never program speeds
so low that the blower is in danger
of stopping or will not re-start at
that setting.
This will inevitably entail motorwindings burn-out and will not be
covered by WEBASTO warranty.
C) Automatice De-Icing Control :
During intermediate seasons (spring,
autumn) when moderate temperature
conditions prevail, there is a definite risk
of icing the evaporator coil in cool mode
and pressure safety cut-outs in heat mode.
To allow maximum blower speed variation and still function within a normal
operating window, the TCC card is
equipped with a second temperature sensor which reads the exact evaporator coil
Whenever coil temperature approaches
the danger zone, blower speed is
increased to half speed; if that is not sufficient the micro-processor will stop compressor operation for pre-determined
intervals and will resume normal operation when coil temperature has moved
back to within normal operating values.
This feature is completely transparent to
the end-user without an error code display; in short this feature belongs to the
normal operating procedures in the same
way as the temperature set-points.
D) Infra-Red Remote Control :
Infra-red remote control can be obtained as
an option. This remote control is based on the
standard protocols also used by TV and other
appliances. Although the WEBASTO controls have been chosen so as to avoid interference with most TV models, the end-user
should be aware that in certain cases interference may occur with TV sets or other appliances.
In general it is therefore advisable to avoid
locating a WEBAST O Air Control panel next
to other appliances using infra-red control
units whenever it is planned to use infra-red
control mode.
The end-user can deny access to all program
settings by introducing an access code (see
page 8 - code <b>). Blower speed and setpoints always remain accessible.
Once an access code is validated, the digital
panel will show <Code> if the end-user tries
to access other functions then blower speed
or set-point. To gain full access push the sun
key to reach the code number as programmed
and push the <F> key again to gain access to
full program settings.
The F/Blower key gives immediate access to
commands and display necessary for day to
day operation. When pushing the F key you
will see to the left a code which indicates the
type of display or command and to the right
the present value.
In order of appearance here-after an explanation of these commands/displays :
a) Blower speed control : < b A>
This command preceeded by the letter b
(blower) allows the following settings :
A = automatic blower speed adjusted to tem-
perature differential.
1 to 5 = Manual Speed Control
Speed control is in real time mode i.e.
changes are effected immediately without
any validation procedure.
Attention : All following func-
tions need validation before a new
value is accepted.
Validation is obtained by pushing
the F key again and by going to the
next function line.
Then final validation will occur
automatically when the display
goes back to room temperature
read-out or final validation can be
forced by pushing the on/off key
briefly while still in F mode.
Validation is witnessed by the brief
display of the message <memo>.
b) Read out of evaporator coil temperature :
<E10.2> (10.2 ° C) - example.
c) Cycle mode choice : <F 3> (1 to 4)
The following cycle modes can be choosen
manually :
1 = cool cycle only
2 = heat cycle only
3 = automatic cycle switching with reversible
4 = automatic cycle switching without
reversible compressor
d) AC Voltage read-out : < U232>
(232 Volts) - example
e) Manual on/off Compressor 1 : <1C01>
<1C01> = Compressor 1 on
<1C00> = Compressor 1 off
f) Manual on/off Compressor 2 : <2C01>
<2C01> = on
<2C00> = off
Idem for compressors 3 and 4 - <3C01> and
g) Starting Priority Compressors 1 to 4 :
<P123> = 1,2,3,4 ; <P341>=3,4,1,2
<P A> = automatic priority rotation; when
in this priotity mode, the starting
order will be changed every next
restart after thermostatic cut-out.
h) Starting delay between compressors :
<L 9> (9 seconds) - programmable
between 1 and 9 seconds.
i) Automatic dehumidification while absent.
factory default setting : <d 0>
0 = non active
1 = 1 cycle per 24H
2 = 2 cycles per 24H etc
k) display time of secondary functions (F/
Blower key) by periods of 20 seconds.
<t 1> (factory default setting) = display
time 20 seconds.
The following malfunctions will be displayed directly on the digital display by a
Operation/Installation Manual - WBCC Series - Page : 5
Operation/Installation Manual - WBCC Series - Page : 5
Edition dated 1st January 2004