Webasto Thermo Top C, Thermo Top E Repair Manual

Water Heaters Repair Shop Manual
Thermo Top Z
Supplementary Heater
Thermo Top E Thermo Top C
Auxiliary Heater
Type Thermo Top E - B Type Thermo Top Z/C - B
Type Thermo Top E - D Type Thermo Top Z/C - D
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List of Contents Thermo Top E and Z/C
List of Contents
1 Introduction
1.1 Scope and Purpose .............................................................................................................................. 101
1.2 Meaning of Warnings, Cautions, and Notes ......................................................................................... 101
1.3 Additional Documentation to be used................................................................................................... 101
1.4 Safety Information and Regulations...................................................................................................... 101
1.4.1 Legal Provisions for Installation.................................................................................................. 101
1.4.2 General Safety Notes ................................................................................................................. 102
2 General Description
2.1 Combustion Air Fan Assembly.............................................................................................................. 202
2.1.1 Combustion Air Fan.................................................................................................................... 202
2.2 Burner Housing..................................................................................................................................... 202
2.3 Burner Insert......................................................................................................................................... 202
2.4 Control Unit / Heat Exchanger.............................................................................................................. 203
2.4.1 Control Unit................................................................................................................................. 203
2.4.2 Temperature Sensor................................................................................................................... 203
2.4.3 Overheat Protection.................................................................................................................... 203
2.4.4 Heat Exchanger.......................................................................................................................... 203
2.5 Circulation Pump (Thermo Top E and C only)...................................................................................... 203
2.6 Dosing Pump ........................................................................................................................................ 203
3 Functional Description
3.1 Functional Description Thermo Top Z (Supplementary Heater)........................................................... 301
3.1.1 Switch On / Starting.................................................................................................................... 301
3.1.2 Heating Operation....................................................................................................................... 301
3.1.3 Switch Off / Deactivation............................................................................................................. 301
3.2 Functional Description Thermo Top E and C (Auxiliary Heater)........................................................... 302
3.2.1 Switch On ................................................................................................................................... 302
3.2.2 Heating Operation....................................................................................................................... 302
3.2.3 Switch Off ................................................................................................................................... 302
3.2.4 Auxiliary Heater in Supplementary Heater Function................................................................... 303
4 Technical Data
4.1 Thermo Top E....................................................................................................................................... 401
4.2 Thermo Top Z/C (Heating Flow 5.0 kW)............................................................................................... 402
4.3 Thermo Top Z/C (Heating Flow 5.2 kW)............................................................................................... 403
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Thermo Top E and Z/C List of Contents
5 Troubleshooting
5.1 General Fault Symptoms...................................................................................................................... 501
5.2 Error Messages during Functional Test with Diagnosis Tester Thermo Test....................................... 502
5.3 Malfunctions.......................................................................................................................................... 503
5.3.1 Error Lockout by Malfunction of Heater...................................................................................... 503
5.3.2 Error Lockout due to Low or High Voltage.................................................................................. 503
5.3.3 Error Lockout Reset.................................................................................................................... 503
6 Functional Checkouts
6.1 General................................................................................................................................................. 601
6.2 Functional Tests in the Vehicle............................................................................................................. 601
6.2.1 Heating Operational Test (Thermo Top E and C)....................................................................... 601
6.2.2 Timer Functional Test (Thermo Top E and C)............................................................................ 602
6.2.3 Telestart T60 Functional Test (Thermo Top C).......................................................................... 602
6.2.4 Telestart T70 Functional Test (Thermo Top C and E)................................................................ 602
6.2.5 Functional Test with Diagnosis Tester Thermo Test.................................................................. 603
6.2.6 CO2 Setting ................................................................................................................................ 604
6.3 Repair Shop Level Testing ................................................................................................................... 604
6.3.1 Components Testing .................................................................................................................. 604
7 Circuit Diagrams
7.1 General.................................................................................................................................................. 701
8 Servicing
8.1 General................................................................................................................................................. 801
8.2 Work on the Heater............................................................................................................................... 801
8.3 Work on the Vehicle.............................................................................................................................. 801
8.4 Heater Test Run ................................................................................................................................... 801
8.5 Servicing............................................................................................................................................... 801
8.6 Visual Inspections and Installation Regulations.................................................................................... 801
8.6.1 Connection to Vehicle Cooling System ...................................................................................... 801
8.6.2 Connection to Vehicle Fuel System............................................................................................ 803
8.6.3 Air Intake Muffler ........................................................................................................................ 805
8.6.4 Exhaust Line............................................................................................................................... 805
8.7 Removal and Installation ...................................................................................................................... 806
8.7.1 Heater, Removal and Installation ............................................................................................... 806
8.7.2 Timer, Removal and Installation................................................................................................. 806
8.8 Initial Operation..................................................................................................................................... 806
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List of Contents Thermo Top E and Z/C
9 Repair
9.1 General................................................................................................................................................. 901
9.1.1 Work on Components after Disassembly ................................................................................... 901
9.2 Disassembly and Assembly.................................................................................................................. 902
9.2.1 Circulation Pump, Replacement (Thermo Top E and C)............................................................ 902
9.2.2 Combustion Air Fan, Replacement............................................................................................. 903
9.2.3 Burner Insert with Glow Plug / Flame Sensor, Replacement...................................................... 905
9.2.4 Control Unit / Heat Exchanger with Burner Housing, Replacement ........................................... 905
10 Packaging, Storage and Shipping
10.1 General............................................................................................................................................... 1001
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Thermo Top E and Z/C List of Figures
List of Figures
501 Fault Symptoms......................................................................................................................................... 501
502 Error Messages ......................................................................................................................................... 502
701 Control Unit Connector Pin Assignment (Thermo Top E and C) ............................................................... 701
702 Automatic Switching Circuit for Thermo Top E and Z/C, 12 V Timer and Telestart T60............................ 702
703 Automatic Switching Circuit for Thermo Top E and Z/C, 12 V Timer......................................................... 703
704 Automatic Switching Circuit for Thermo Top Z, 12 V................................................................................. 704
801 "Inline Integration" in the Engine Water Cooling Circuit............................................................................. 801
802 Example for Heater Installation in Passenger Vehicle............................................................................... 802
803 Fuel Supply................................................................................................................................................ 802
804 Webasto Fuel Tap ..................................................................................................................................... 803
805 Pipe/Hose Connection............................................................................................................................... 804
806 Dosing Pump, Installation Position ............................................................................................................ 804
807 Air Intake Muffler, Installation Position....................................................................................................... 805
808 Exhaust Pipe Outlet, Installation Position.................................................................................................. 805
809 Timer, Removal and Installation ................................................................................................................ 806
901 Replacement of Circulation Pump (Thermo Top E and C) ........................................................................ 902
902 Heater Disassembly................................................................................................................................... 904
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List of Figures Thermo E and Top Z/C
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Thermo Top E and Z/C 1 Introduction
1 Introduction
1.1 Scope and Purpose
This repair shop manual is intended to support familiarised personnel in the repair of the water heaters Thermo Top E, Thermo Top Z and Thermo Top C of the fuel and Diesel types.
As their appearance is identical or similar, the heaters are marked by type on their identification plate with "Benzin" (fuel) or "Diesel". The heaters may only be operated with the specified type of Diesel (or with fuel oil EL) and the appropriate type of electrical installation.
Heaters which have Diesel or fuel specified on their identification plate must not be operated with PME (vegetable methyl ester).
Thermo Top E and C are variants of Thermo Top Z with a circulation pump.
1.2 Meaning of Warnings, Cautions, and Notes
WARNINGS, CAUTIONS, and NOTES in this manual have the following meaning:
This heading is used to highlight that non-compliance with instructions or procedures may cause injuries or lethal accidents to personnel.
This heading is used to highlight that non-compliance with instructions or procedures may cause damage to equipment.
This heading is used to highlight and draw specific attention to information.
1.3 Additional Documentation to be used
This workshop manual contains all information and procedures necessary for the repair of water heaters Thermo Top E, Thermo Top Z and Thermo Top C. The use of additional documentation is normally not necessary. Operating instructions/installation instructions and the vehicle specific installation proposal may be used as complementary information as necessary.
1.4 Safety Information and Regulations
The general safety regulations for the prevention of accidents and the relevant operating safety instructions have to be observed at all times. "General Safety Regulations" beyond the scope of these regulations are detailed in the following.
The specific safety regulations applicable to this manual are highlighted in the individual chapters by Warnings, Cautions, and Notes.
1.4.1 Legal Provisions for Installation
Within the scope of the StVZO (Road Licensing Regulations of the Federal Republic of Germany) "Design General Approvals" laid down by the Federal Office for Motor Traffic exist for the Water Heaters Thermo Top with the following official marks of conformity:
~ S316 for Heater Thermo Top E-B (fuel type) ~ S317 for Heater Thermo Top E-D (Diesel type) ~ S292 for Heater Thermo Top Z/C-B (fuel type)
~ S289 for Heater Thermo Top Z/C-D (Diesel type).
Installation of the heater is to be performed in accordance with the installation instructions and must be checked in case of a) the vehicle type inspection in accordance with
§ 20 StVZO
b) the individual inspection in accordance with
§ 21 StVZO or
c) the examination in accordance with § 19 StVZO
performed by an officially authorised expert or examiner for road traffic, a vehicle inspector or a public servant as per section 4 of Annex VIIIb to the
StVZO. In the event of c) the installation must be certified on the acceptance certificate included in the copy of the “General Operating License” giving details about – manufacturer – type of vehicle and – vehicle identification number. This validates the “Design General Approval”. The acceptance certificate must be kept with the vehicle.
The obligation to apply for a new "Operating License" (with expertise) after heater installation does not exist, if the installation meets entirely the requirements of an installation instruction, for which a special supplement exists for the "Design General Approval". The "Design General Approval" and the "Operating License" documentation are to be kept with the vehicle.
The heaters are cleared for heating the vehicle engine and the vehicle cabin. When using the heaters in vehicles not subject to the Road Licensing Regulations (StVZO) (e.g. ships), the applicable partially regional regulations
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1 Introduction Thermo Top E and Z/C
must be observed. The use of the heater in "vehicles for the transportation of dangerous goods" (ADR) is not permitted.
The examination is performed by presentation of the manufacturer’s operating/installation instructions. The year of first operation must be durably marked by the installer on the heater identification label by removing the numerals of the years not applicable.
The heater must not be installed in the passenger or driver compartments of vehicles.
The heater may only be installed in vehicles or independent heating systems with a minimum coolant capacity of 4 litres. When checking the cooling water level proceed in accordance with the vehicle manufacturer's instructions. The water in the heating circuit of the heater must contain at least 10 % of a quality brand anti-freeze.
Extracting combustion air from the vehicle interior is prohibited.
The exhaust line outlet is to point downwards or to the side, or in case of exhaust venting below the vehicle floor, to be located at the nearest possible location of the vehicle's or cockpit side or rear end.
Exhaust lines must be routed so that exhaust fumes are unlikely to penetrate into the vehicle's interior. The function of any part of the vehicle essential for operation must not be impaired. Accumulations of condensate in the exhaust line must be directly drained. A drain hole may be provided as required.
The openings of the combustion air inlet and the exhaust outlet must not allow a ball of 16 mm in diameter to be inserted.
Electrical lines and switching gear of the heater must be located in the vehicle so that their proper function cannot be impaired under normal operating conditions.
For the routing of fuel lines and the installation of additional fuel tanks §§ 45 and 46 of the StVZO are to be adhered to. The most important regulations are:
fuel lines are to be designed in such a way that they remain unaffected by torsional stresses in the vehicle, engine movement, and the like. They must be protected against mechanical damage. Fuel-carrying parts are to be protected against excessive heat and are to be arranged so that any dripping or evaporating fuel can neither accumulate nor be ignited by hot components or electrical equipment.
the heater must not be located in rooms accommodating persons.
the heater mode of operation – at least "on" or "off" – must be clearly visible.
1.4.2 General Safety Notes
At filling stations and fuel depots the heater must be switched off as there is a potential danger of explosion.
Due to the danger of poisoning and suffocation the heater must not be operated, not even with timer or under remote radio control (Telestart), in enclosed areas such as garages or workshops not equipped with an exhaust venting facility.
In the vicinity of the heater a temperature of 120° C (storage temperature) must not be exceeded under any circumstances (e.g. during body paint work). Excessive temperatures may cause permanent damage to the electronics.
All fuel lines must have leak-proof connections, must show no damage and must be checked in regular intervals (at least to the same schedule as the vehicle itself). Should damage or leakage be detected, it is not permitted to continue heater operation until the damage has been rectified by an authorized Webasto repair shop.
Make heater inoperative by removing fuse. The fuel lines (Mecanyl hoses) must not come into direct contact with exhaust pipe and must be thermally insulated to prevent fires.
Non-compliance with the installation instructions will void the Webasto warranty. The same applies for unskilled repairs or repairs not using original spare parts. This will also void the general marks of conformity of the heater and thus the vehicle’s permit of operation.
Before first operation make sure to read the heater operating instructions.
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Thermo Top E and Z/C 2 General Description
2 General Description
The water heater Thermo Top Z (supplementary heater) is intended to compensate for the shortage in heat generated by engines optimised for low fuel consumption.
The water heater Thermo Top E and C (auxiliary heater) is used to:
heat the vehicle cabin,
defrost the vehicle windscreens,
preheat water-cooled vehicle engines. The heater Thermo Top Z may be converted into an
auxiliary heater using a retrofit kit.
The heater designed to the evaporator principle operates intermittently controlled by the temperature sensor.
In order to minimise the battery's workload the heater switches from full-load operation to part-load operation after reaching a water temperature of 72° C. In this mode of operation the heater operates with extremely low noise and particularly low power and fuel consumption.
The heater consists of the combustion air fan assembly, the control unit/heat exchanger, the burner insert and the combustion chamber. The Thermo Top E and C heater has an additional circulation pump.
Combustion air fan assembly
Combustion chamber
Control unit/
Thermo Top Z
heat exchanger
Control unit/ heat exchanger
Combustion air fan assembly
Combustion chamber
Circulation pump
Thermo Top E and C
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2 General Description Thermo Top E and Z/C
2.1 Combustion Air Fan Assembly
The combustion air fan assembly includes the
combustion air fan combustion air line inlet fuel supply inlet.
The heater Thermo Top E and Z has the circulation pump mounted on the combustion air fan assembly.
2.1.1 Combustion Air Fan
The combustion air fan delivers the air required for combustion from the combustion air inlet to the burner insert.
Combustion Air Fan Assembly
2.2 Burner Housing
The burner housing includes the
coolant inlet coolant outlet exhaust outlet.
The burner housing accommodates the burner insert and is combined with the control unit / heat exchanger to an assembly.
Burner Housing
2.3 Burner Insert
Inside the burner insert fuel is distributed across the combustion pipe fuel cross section. Combustion of the fuel/air mixture takes place within the combustion pipe to heat the heat exchanger.
The glow plug/flame sensor located in the burner insert ignites the fuel/air mixture during start of the heater. After start the glow plug / flame sensor operates in the flame sensor function. The glow plug / flame sensor designed as an electrical resistor is located in the burner insert opposite the flame side.
Burner Insert
Exhaust outlet
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Thermo Top E and Z/C 2 General Description
2.4 Control Unit / Heat Exchanger
The control unit / heat exchanger includes the
control unit temperature sensor overheat protection heat exchanger connector terminal.
The control unit / heat exchanger and the burner housing represent an assembly and must not be disassembled.
2.4.1 Control Unit
The control unit is the central unit and ensures control and monitoring of combustion operation.
The control unit is ventilated by means of a ventilation hose routed from the combustion air collector compartment of the burner.
2.4.2 Temperature Sensor
The temperature sensor senses the coolant temperature in the heat exchanger of the heater as an electrical resistance. This signal is routed to the control unit for processing.
2.4.3 Overheat Protection
Overheat protection, controlled by a temperature resistor, protects the heater against undue operating temperatures. Overheat protection responds at a water temperature in excess of 105° C and switches the heater off.
2.4.4 Heat Exchanger
The heat exchanger transfers the heat generated by combustion to the coolant circuit.
2.5 Circulation Pump (Thermo Top E and C only)
The circulation pump ensures circulation of the coolant within the vehicle and heater coolant circuit. The pump is activated by the control unit and is in continuous operation.
Circulation Pump
2.6 Dosing Pump
The dosing pump is a combined delivery, dosing and shut-off system for the fuel supply of the heater out of the vehicle fuel tank.
Dosing Pump DP 2 for Fuel operated Heaters
Dosing Pump DP 30.2 for Diesel operated Heaters
Connector Terminal
Control Unit
Heat Exchanger
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2 General Description Thermo Top E and Z/C
Page free for notes
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Thermo Top E and Z/C 3 Functional Description
3 Functional Description
3.1 Functional Description Thermo Top Z (Supplementary Heater)
3.1.1 Switch On / Starting
When starting the vehicle engine the heater goes in standby. With a water circuit temperature below 60° C and an outside temperature below 5° C (option with outside temperature sensor) the starting sequence commences. The glow plug and the combustion air fan are activated. After 30 seconds the fuel dosing pump starts operation and combustion air fan operation is suspended for 3 seconds. Subsequently the combustion air fan speed is increased in a ramp within 57 seconds to nearly full load operation. After reaching full load fuel delivery within this period the glow plug is deactivated and the combustion air fan operation increased to full load. During the subsequent 45 seconds as well as in normal operation the glow plug functions as flame sensor to monitor the flame condition. After all these events the automatically controlled heating operation starts. In case of a no flame condition or a flameout, a restart is automatically initiated. If the no flame condition persists, fuel delivery is stopped and the heaters enters an error lockout with a run-down of the combustion air fan.
When starting the vehicle engine the heater goes in standby. With a water circuit temperature below 60° C and an outside temperature below 5° C (option with outside temperature sensor) the starting sequence commences. The glow plug and the combustion air fan are activated. After 30 seconds the fuel dosing pump starts operation and combustion air fan operation is suspended for 3 seconds. Subsequently the combustion air fan speed is increased in two ramps within 56 seconds to nearly full load operation. After a stabilisation phase (constant speed) of 15 seconds the combustion air fan speed is again increased in a ramp within 50 seconds to nearly full load. After reaching full load fuel delivery the glow plug is deactivated and the combustion air fan operation increased to full load. During the subsequent 45 seconds as well as in normal operation the glow plug functions as flame sensor to monitor the flame condition. After all these events the automatically controlled heating operation starts. In case of a no flame condition or a flameout, a restart is automatically initiated. If the no flame condition persists, fuel delivery is stopped and the heater enters an error lockout with a run-down of the combustion air fan. A flameout during normal combustion operation causes an automatic restart.
3.1.2 Heating Operation
When the temperature rises to reach 72° C the heater switches to the energy saving part load operation. A rise in temperature up to 76.5° C causes the heater to enter a control idle period. This also happens when exceeding a total heating operating time of 76 minutes. After cool-down of the coolant to 71° C the heater resumes part load operation. Another rise in temperature to 76.5° C causes the heater to enter again the control idle period. A drop in the coolant temperature during part load operation due to an increased demand in heat will cause the heater to switch to full load operation at 56° C.
Heating operation for the Diesel type heater is identical in the sequence of events. Should the coolant temperature drop during the control idle period to but not below 71° C within 900 seconds, a subsequent drop in the coolant temperature below 71° C causes the heater to perform a regular starting sequence into full load operation. A drop in the coolant temperature during part load operation due to an increased demand in heat will cause the heater to switch to full load operation at 65° C.
3.1.3 Switch Off / Deactivation
When turning the engine off the heater is deactivated. Combustion stops and run-down commences. The combustion air fan first continues operation to cool the heater down (run-down) to be automatically switched off afterwards.
The run-down time and the combustion air fan speed depend on the heater operating condition at the time of deactivation.
Run-down time is for:
168 seconds when deactivated in full load operation and 157 seconds when deactivated in part load operation.
175 seconds when deactivated in full load operation and 100 seconds when deactivated in part load operation. Dependent on the software variant implemented in the control unit there might be deviations from those run-down periods.
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3 Functional Description Thermo Top E and Z/C
3.2 Functional Description Thermo Top E and C (Auxiliary Heater)
3.2.1 Switch On
When operating the "instant heat" switch button the timer display shows or when operating the switch on the Telestart transmitter the operating indicator light on the transmitter flashes. This puts the heater in standly. The glow plug, the combustion air fan and the circulation pump are activated. After 30 seconds the fuel dosing pump starts operation and combustion air fan operation is suspended for 3 seconds. Subsequently the combustion air fan speed is increased in a ramp within 57 seconds to nearly full load operation. After reaching full load fuel delivery within this period the glow plug is deactivated and the combustion air fan operation increased to full load. During the subsequent 45 seconds as well as in normal operation the glow plug functions as flame sensor to monitor the flame condition. After all these events the automatically controlled heating operation starts. In case of a no flame condition or a flameout, a restart is automatically initiated. If the no flame condition persists, fuel delivery is stopped and the heater enters an error lockout with a run-down of the combustion air fan.
When operating the "instant heat" switch button the timer display shows or when operating the switch on the Telestart transmitter the operating indicator light on the transmitter flashes. This puts the heater in standby. The glow plug, the combustion air fan and the circulation pump are activated. After 30 seconds the fuel dosing pump starts operation and combustion air fan operation is suspended for 3 seconds. Subsequently the combustion air fan speed is increased in two ramps within 56 seconds to nearly full load operation. After a stabilisation phase (constant speed) of 15 seconds the combustion air fan speed is again increased in a ramp within 50 seconds to nearly full load. After reaching full load fuel delivery the glow plug is deactivated and the combustion air fan operation increased to full load. During the subsequent 45 seconds as well as in normal operation the glow plug functions as flame sensor to monitor the flame condition. After all these events the automatically controlled heating operation starts. In case of a no flame condition or a flameout, a restart is automatically initiated. If the no flame condition persists, fuel delivery is stopped and the heater enters an error lockout with a run-down of the combustion air fan. A flameout during normal combustion operation causes an automatic restart.
3.2.2 Heating Operation
When the temperature rises to reach 72° C the heater switches to the energy saving part load operation. A rise in temperature up to 76.5° C causes the heater to enter a control idle period. This also happens when exceeding a total heating operating time of 76 minutes. The circulation pump, the vehicle's own heating air fan, and the operation indicator light remain on during control idle. After cool-down of the coolant to 71° C the heater resumes part load operation. Another rise in temperature to 76.5° C causes the heater to enter again the control idle period. A drop in the coolant temperature during part load operation due to an increased demand in heat will cause the heater to switch to full load operation at 56° C.
Heating operation for the Diesel type heater is identical in the sequence of events. Should the coolant temperature however not drop within 900 seconds during the control idle period to below 71° C, a subsequent drop in the coolant temperature below 71° C causes the heater to perform a regular starting sequence into full load operation.
3.2.3 Switch Off
When turning the heater off by pushing the "instant heat" switch button ( in indicator panel extinguishes) or when operating the switch on the Telestart (flashing indicator on hand-held transmitter extinguishes) the vehicle heating air fan stops. Combustion terminates and run-down commences. The circulation pump and the combustion air fan first continue operation to cool the heater down (run-down) to be automatically switched off afterwards.
The run-down time and the combustion air fan speed depend on the heater operating condition at the time of deactivation.
Run-down time is for:
168 seconds when deactivated in full load operation and 157 seconds when deactivated in part load operation.
175 seconds when deactivated in full load operation and 100 seconds when deactivated in part load operation. Dependent on the software variant implemented in the control unit there might be deviations from those run-down periods.
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Thermo Top E and Z/C 3 Functional Description
3.2.4 Auxiliary Heater in Supplementary Heater Function Switch On
When starting the engine the heater goes in standby (see 3.1.1). With the temperature of the water circuit below 60° C and the outside temperature below 5° C (option with external temperature sensor) the starting procedure is initiated.
When operating in the supplementary heater function there will be no automatic trigger of the circulation pump and the vehicle's heating air fan. Switch Off
Turning the engine off deactivates the heater. Combustion is terminated and run-down commences. The combustion air fan however continues operation to cool the heater down (run-down) to be automatically switched off afterwards (see 3.1.3).
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