Product Highlights
• Read speeds up to 3,470MB/s² (1TB model) for
improved load times.
• Available in capacities ranging from 250GB to
• Sleek heatsink design to customize and intensify
your gaming rig while helping to maintain peak
• An exclusive WD BLACK™ SSD dashboard⁴ with
gaming mode improves game performance.
Space To Play
The WD BLACK SN750 NVMe SSD is available in
capacities ranging from 250GB – 2TB¹. At the core
of the WD BLACK drive is its revolutionary NAND
technology. By doubling the storage density from
its previous generation, our 3D NAND pushes the
limitations of storage and showcases the amazing
feat of NAND innovation. This means extended
capacity up to 2TB¹ on a single-sided drive that’s
roughly the size of a gumstick, enough to store your
large files and video games.
Level Up to NVMe SSD Performance
The WD BLACK™ SN750 NVMe™ SSD delivers top-tier performance for gaming and
hardware enthusiasts who are looking to build or upgrade their PC. Available in capacities
up to 2TB1, the WD BLACK SN750 NVMe SSD rivals some of the best performing drives on
the market to help give gamers that competitive edge.
Performance Matters
Live life in the fast lane, whether you’re looking to boost your system’s overall
responsiveness or load games and levels quickly, the WD BLACK drive cuts down on your
wait time to get back into action and gets you ahead of the game.
Our fastest computing NVMe SSD can deliver speeds more than six times faster than
our fastest SATA SSD (up to 3,470MB/s2 vs. 560MB/s²) to give hardcore gamers the
competitive edge they need.
Sleek Heatsink Design
Every system is not created equal. From different graphics cards and CPUs to DRAM and
storage, PCs all differ in performance and appearance. The WD BLACK SSD’s sleek and
modern heatsink model goes well with desktop PC builds that support the M.2 form
factor and is the perfect component to complement systems with RGB lighting and other
cooling technologies, such as water cooling3.
The EKWB heatsink is designed to help keep the WD BLACK NVMe SSD running at peak
performance for longer sustained periods. It’s sleek and non-intrusive design not only
gives your system a boost in appearance, but also helps your drive maintain optimal
levels of per formance with its passive cooling features.
The WD BLACK SSD Dashboard
The WD BLACK SSD Dashboard gives you the ability to optimize performance by enabling
the gaming mode feature. This disables the low power mode function on the SSD, which
keeps your drive firing on all cylinders during intense gaming sessions.
1 As used fo r storage capa city, one gigaby te (GB) = one billion by tes and one teraby te (TB) = one trillio n bytes. Total acces sible capaci ty
varies depending on operating environment.
2 Megaby te per second (MB/s) = one milli on bytes per secon d. Based on intern al testing; per formance may var y depending upo n host
device, us age conditions, d rive capacity, and ot her factors.
3 Heats ink option not avail able for the 250GB ve rsion of WD BLACK ™ SN750 NVMe™ SSD. Heat sink model reco mmended for des ktop PC
4 Available for download at www.westerndigital.com.
Interface M.2 228012 PCIe Gen3 8 Gb/s, up to 4 Lanes
Formatted Capacity3 250GB, 500GB, 1TB, 2TB
Performance 250GB 500GB 1TB 2TB
Sequential Read up to (MB/s) (Queues=32, Threads=1) 3,100 3,430 3,470 3,400
Sequential Write up to (MB/s) (Queues=32, Threads=1) 1,600 2,600 3,000 2,900
Random Read 4KB IOPS up to (Queues=32, Threads=8) 220K 420K 515K 480K
Random Write 4KB IOPS up to (Queues=32, Threads=8) 180K 380K 560K 550K
Endurance4 (TBW ) 200 300 600 1,200
Peak Power (10us) 2.8A 2.8A 2.8A 2.8A
PS3 (low power)5 70mW 70 mW 100mW 100mW
Sleep (PS4) (low power) 2.5mW 2.5mW 2.5mW 2.5mW
MTTF6 1,750,000 h ours (Telcordi a SR-332, GB, 40° C)
Operating Temperatures7 32°F to 158°F (0°C to 70° C)
Non-operating Temperatures
Certifications FCC, UL, TUV, KCC, BSMI, VCCI, C-Tick
Limited Warranty (years)9 5 years
Physical Dimensions M.2 2280 M.2 2280 with Heatsink
Form Factor M.2 2280-S3-M M.2 2280 -S3-M with heatsink
Length 80 ± 0.15mm 80 ± 0.15mm
Width 22 ± 0.15mm 24.2 ± 0.30mm
Height 2.38mm 8.10 mm
Weight 7.5g ± 1g 33.2g ± 1g
Ordering Information 250GB 500GB 1TB 2TB
With Heatsink10 N/A WDS500G3XHC WDS100T3XHC WDS200T3XHC
Without Heatsink WDS250G3X0C WDS500G3X0C WDS100T3X0 C WDS200T3X0C
-67°F to 185°F (-55°C to 85°C)
1 Backw ard compatibl e with PCIe Gen3 x 2, PCIe Gen3 x1, PC Ie Gen2 x4, PCIe Ge n2 x2, and PCIe Ge n2 x1.
2 As used fo r transfer rate o r interface, meg abyte per second ( MB/s) = one millio n bytes per second , megabit per se cond (Mb/s) = one million bit s per second, and g igabit per seco nd (Gb/s) = one billi on bits per seco nd. IOPS =
input/output operations per second. Performance will vary depending on your hardware and software components and configurations.
3 Not all p roducts may be av ailable in all re gions of the worl d. As used for stor age capacity, one g igabyte (GB) = one bi llion bytes, an d one terabyte ( TB) = one trillion by tes. Total accessib le capacity va ries dependin g on
operating environment.
4 TBW (teraby tes written) value s calculated usin g JEDEC client workl oad (JESD219) and var y by product cap acity.
5 Measur ed using Mobile Mark™ 2014 on HP EliteB ook X360 1030 G2 with i7–7600U, 8G B RAM. Windows 10 P ro 64-bit RS3 usin g Microsoft StorN VMe driver, Primar y drive.
6 MTTF = Me an Time To Failure based o n internal test ing using Telcordia s tress part tes ting (Telcordia SR-3 32, GB, 25°C). MTTF is b ased on a sample po pulation and is e stimated by stat istical meas urements and a cceleration
algori thms. MTTF doe s not predict an in dividual drive’s r eliability an d does not consti tute a warranty.
7 Operationa l temperature as reported by device (composite temperature).
8 Non-operational storage temperature does not guarantee data retention.
9 5 years or M ax Endurance ( TBW) limit, whichev er occurs first . See support .wdc.com for r egional spec ific warranty d etails.
10 The M.2 22 80 with heatsin k version is not reco mmended for la ptops.
5601 Great Oaks Parkway
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02–05-WW-04–00054 v3.0 April 2019