WD WDS250G1B0C Product Data Sheet

Product Highlights
• Fueled by Western Digital® in-house controller and 3D NAND
• Read speeds up to 1,700MB/s
• Lower power draw over our SATA drive
Step-up to NVMe Performance
Drive Performance Beyond SATA
The WD Blue™ SN500 NVMe™ SSD steps up performance three times over our high­end SATA SSDs with a superior NVMe solution for high-per formance and mainstream PCs. The WD Blue SN500 NVMe SSD allows resellers, system builders and consumers to take advantage of a reliable NVMe storage solution when creating their next PCs. Available in 250GB and 500GB capacities in an M.2 2280 form factor, the WD Blue SN500 NVMe SSD will give your system the boost you need.1
Read Speeds Up to 1700MB/s
The WD Blue PC SN500 NVMe SSD is designed to deliver high performance with sequential read speeds up to 1700MB/s and sequential write speeds up to 1450MB/s (500GB model) with ef ficient power consumption as high as 2.7W.2
Low Power Draw
Based on proven technology descended from our WD Black™ SN750 NVMe SSD, the WD Blue SN500 NVMe SSD enables a low power draw while maintaining significantly higher performance over our SATA SSD.
In-house Controller and 3D NAND
Fueled by the Western Digital in-house controller and 3D NAND supporting the PCIe® NVMe™ interface and DRAM-less configurations.
Download WD SSD Dashboard
Monitor your drive’s available capacity, operating temperatures, SMART attributes and more with the WD SSD Dashboard.
5 Year Limited Warranty
Every WD Blue SN500 NVMe SSD comes with a 5-year limited warranty, so you can be confident of your storage when you upgrade or replace any of your drives.
WD Blue SN500 NVMe SSD Product Features and Specifications
Interface M.2 2280123 PCIe Gen3 8 Gb/s, up to 2 Lanes
Formatted Capacity4 250GB, 500GB
Performance 250GB 500GB
Sequential Read up to (MB/s) (Queues=32, Threads=1) 1,700 1,700
Sequential Write up to (MB/s) (Queues=32 , Threads=1) 1,300 1,450
Random Read 4KB IOPS up to (Que ues=32 , Threads=1) 210K 275K
Random Write 4KB IOPS up to (Queues=32, Threads=8) 170K 300K
Endurance5 (TBW ) 150 300
Average Ac tive Power
Peak Power (10us) 1.8A 1.8A
Low Power (PS3) 25mW 25mW
Sleep (PS4) (low power) 2.5mW 2.5mW
MTTF7 1.75M hours (Telcordia SR-332, GB, 25°C) 1.75M hours (Telcordia SR-332, GB, 25°C)
Operating Temperatures8 32°F to 158°F (0°C to 70°C) 32°F to 158°F (0°C to 70°C)
Non-operating Temperatures
Certifications FCC, UL, TUV, KCC, BSMI, VCCI, C-Tick FCC, UL, TUV, KCC, BSMI, VCCI, C-Tick
Limited Warranty10 5 years 5 years
Physical Dimensions
Form Factor M.2 2280 M.2 2280
Length 80 ± 0.15mm 80 ± 0.15mm
Width 22 ± 0.15mm 22 ± 0.15mm
Height 2.38mm 2.38mm
Weight 6.5g ± 1g 6.5g ± 1g
Ordering Information
Model Number WDS250G1B0C WDS500G1B0C
-67°F to 185°F (-55°C to 85°C) -67°F to 185°F (-55°C to 85°C)
75mW 75mW
1 As used fo r storag e capaci ty, one giga byte (GB) = one b illion bytes. Total a ccessib le capacity var ies depending on o perating enviro nment. 2 As used fo r transf er spee d, megaby te per second (MB/s) = one mill ion bytes p er second. Perf ormanc e will var y depending on you r hardware and sof tware compone nts and co nfigura tions. 3 Back ward comp atible with PCIe G en3 x2, P CIe Gen3 x 1, PCIe Ge n2 x4, PCIe G en2 x2, and PCIe Ge n2 x1. 4 Not all pr oduct s may be available in al l regions of the worl d. As used for stora ge capacity, one gig abyte (GB) = one billio n bytes, and one ter abyte (TB) = one tril lion byt es. Total acce ssible c apacity varie s depend ing on
operating environment.
5 TBW (teraby tes writ ten) values calcul ated using JEDEC clie nt worklo ad (JESD219) and var y by produc t capacity. 6 Measur ed using M obileM ark™ 2014 on H P EliteBo ok X360 1030 G 2 with i7–7600U, 8GB R AM. Windows 10 Pro 64- bit RS3 usi ng Microsoft Stor NVMe driver, Primar y drive. 7 MTT F = Mean Time To Failure bas ed on inter nal testing usin g Telcordia s tress par t testing (Telcord ia SR-332, GB, 25°C). MTT F is based o n a sample p opulation and is e stimate d by statistica l measure ments and accel eration
algori thms. MT TF does not predic t an individual d rive’s reli abilit y and does not const itute a warranty.
8 Operational temperature as repor ted by device (composite temperature). 9 Non-operational storage temperature does not guarantee data retention. 10 5 years or M ax Endur ance (TBW ) limit, wh ichever occurs firs t. See suppor t.wdc.com fo r regiona l specific warran ty details.
5601 Great Oaks Pa rkway San Jose, CA 95119, USA
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02–05-WW-04–00076 February 2019