Wayne GLOBAL VISTA CNG Instruction Manual

2008-03-20 V0 Rev.01.0
Global Vista CNG
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2008-03-20 V0 Rev.01.0
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Product Liability
The supplier’s product liability is only valid if no alterations, additions etc. have been made to the equipment without the supp­lier’s express permission. Use only genuine parts.
För att en leverantörs produktansvar skall gälla får ändringar, kompletteringar och liknande ej göras i ut­rustningen utan leverantö­rens godkännande. Originalreservdelar skall alltid användas
Damit die Produkthaftung des Lieferanten ihre Gültigkeit behält, dürfen ohne ausdrückliche Genehmigung des Lieferanten keine Änderungen, Ergänzungen o. Ä. an der Ausrüstung vorgenommen werden. Verwenden Sie nur Originalteile.
Oтветственнoсть пoставщика
Для сохранения ответственности нельзя вводить в оборудование изменения, дополнения и т.п. без разрешения поставщика. Пользуйтесь только оригинальными запасными частями, выпущенным изготовителем бензоколонки.
To prevent damage that might result in electric shock or fire, disconnect the main power prior to any work.
Gör pumpen/enheten ström­lös innan Du gör ingrepp i den. I annat fall föreligger risk för skada.
Um Beschädigungen zu vermeiden, die zu einem elektrischen Schlag oder Feuer führen können, unterbrechen Sie vor jeder Arbeit die Stromzufuhr.
Во избежание поражения электрическим током или пожара отключайте напря­жение питания перед началом любых работ.
Never run a leaking pump! Be careful with the environ­ment and mind the skidding risk; take care of leaking fuel immediately.
Använd aldrig en läckande pump. Tänk på miljön och halk­risken, sanera utläckt driv­medel snarast.
Lassen Sie nie eine undichte Zapfsäule laufen! Seien Sie umweltbewusst und denken Sie an die Rutschgefahr; beseitigen Sie austretenden Kraftstoff umgehend.
Не пользуйтесь колонкой при наличии утечки топлива! Охраняйте окружающую среду, помните об опасности скольжения: в случае утечки топлива на дорожное покрытие возле колонки, примите меры немедленно.
The contents of this publication may not be copied either wholly or in part without the consent of Dresser Wayne AB.
Dresser Wayne AB reserves the right to change specifications contained in the text and illustrations without notice.
Innehållet i denna pub­likation får ej helt eller delvis kopieras utan medgivande från Dresser Wayne AB.
Dresser Wayne AB för­behåller sig rätten att utan särskilt meddelande ändra specifikationer givna i text och bild.
Der Inhalt dieses Handbuches darf ohne die Erlaubnis von Dresser Wayne weder ganz noch teilweise kopiert werden.
Dresser Wayne behält sich das Recht vor, textliche oder bildliche Inhalte ohne besondere Mitteilung zu ändern.
Не разрешается копировать полностью или частично содержание настоящей публикации без разрешения фирмы
Dresser Wayne АВ. Dresser Wayne АВ
оставляет за собой право вносить изменения в спецификации, содержащиеся в тексте и иллюстрациях, без предварительного уведомления.
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2008-03-20 V0 Rev.01.0
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General Warnings............................................................................................4
Warnings for fuel station operators...............................................................4
Consulting the manual....................................................................................................................................5
Warnings and safety.......................................................................................................................................5
Protection from pressure-related risks............................................................................................................ 5
Preventing CNG leaks....................................................................................................................................5
Breakaway devices.........................................................................................................................................5
Electrical installation / Preventing electrical shocks ......................................................................................6
Dispenser Identification .................................................................................................................................6
Main technical characteristics ........................................................................................................................ 6
Main technical characteristics ........................................................................................................................ 7
Operating principles....................................................................................................................................... 7
Electrical system ............................................................................................................................................ 7
Typical operating diagram ............................................................................................................................. 8
Transportation, unpacking and handling internal components.......................................................................8
Initial start-up............................................................................................................................................... 16
Dispensing procedure...................................................................................................................................16
Hydraulic components.................................................................................................................................. 17
Electrical components..................................................................................................................................17
HYDRAULIC COMPONENTS...................................................................18
Manual ball valve.........................................................................................................................................18
Particulate filter............................................................................................................................................18
Check valve..................................................................................................................................................18
Mass-flow meter...........................................................................................................................................18
Motorized valve ...........................................................................................................................................18
Pressure gauge..............................................................................................................................................18
Delivery hose ...............................................................................................................................................18
Delivery Nozzle ...........................................................................................................................................18
Three-way valve...........................................................................................................................................19
Breakaway Device........................................................................................................................................ 19
ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS.................................................................19
Electronic head.............................................................................................................................................19
Electrical components used in hazardous areas............................................................................................20
Relieving pressure from the dispenser..........................................................................................................21
Disassembling / Scrapping the dispenser ..................................................................................................... 21
Changing prices............................................................................................................................................22
Operational modes of the dispenser .............................................................................................................23
Further information......................................................................................................................................23
ID PLATE.......................................................................................................24
DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY........................................................25
MARKET & SERVICE ................................................................................27
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2008-03-20 V0 Rev.01.0
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The descriptions and illustrations in this manual are not binding. DRESSER reserves the right to make any modifications it considers necessary to make technical improvements or for any other structural or commercial reason, at any time and without having to update the present publication. Modifications will not compromise the essential characteristics of the equipment.
General Warnings
Before using this equipment, read carefully the instructions in this manual in order to effectuate a correct carry out transportation, start-up and ordinary maintenance.
Dresser is not responsible for any operations not listed in this manual. In case of breakdown, failure or malfunction, refer exclusively to the Maintenance Company or Dresser itself.
Dresser declines responsibility for any damage to things and/or persons due to non-compliance with safety rules.
The safety rules in this manual are an integration and not a replacement of the laws in effect in those countries where this equipment is installed. It is assumed that the station operators have full knowledge of the safety rules of the country where they operate.
In case of doubts regarding the proper functioning of the equipment, please refer to the maintenance company or to Dresser itself to obtain any necessary instructions.
In case of breakdowns and/or malfunctions of the pump or of its components, refrain from performing any intervention that may compromise the safety of the equipment. Refer exclusively to the maintenance company of Dresser itself.
Periodically check the safety devices in compliance with the instructions of this manual and ensure they are in perfect condition.
Dresser will not be held responsible for any tampering performed by the customer, who in this case will be the only party held liable by the competent authorities.
For further information on the main components of the equipment (mass flow meter, actuator, board, etc) and/or original spare parts, see the specific technical documentation given to your technical assistance/after-sales company.
Warnings for fuel station operators
The station manager and attendant must carefully read this manual before starting the equipment. We also recommend keeping this manual throughout the operational life cycle of the equipment, without adding or modifying anything.
The customer will be held responsible for any damages due to corrosion, incrustation, pollution, oxidation, dust, wear-and-tear and gradual deterioration of the product for which conformability limits have not been set. The customer will also be responsible for any damages related to improper use or maintenance of the product. Furthermore the customer will also be responsible for any damages caused by any modifications to the product without prior consent by Dresser, in particular modifications that are not compliant to what was established in the initial purchase order.
The use of non-original spare parts by the customer will discharge Dresser from any responsibilities and from any compensation.
The GLOBAL VISTA CNG dispenser has the marking guaranteeing that the equipment has been manufactured in conformity with the applicable EU directives. The dispenser leaves the factory equipped with the CE declaration of conformity (see the last page of this manual). The CE declaration, just like this manual, must be kept and shown upon request by the competent authorities, in case of inspections and/or tests. Any modifications to the product that have not been previously approved by Dresser will invalidate the declaration of conformity.
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2008-03-20 V0 Rev.01.0
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Consulting the manual
The GLOBAL VISTA CNG compressed natural gas dispenser is used in areas that are potentially dangerous and with flammable products. We recommend scrupulously to follow the precautions and warnings described hereafter. Non-compliance with the rules listed in this manual could potentially bring serious damages to things or persons.
Warnings and safety
Always follow safety precautions in the CNG area of the fuelling station. Display the following the signs in clearly visible areas:
The positions of these warnings depend on local conditions but they must be visible from the dispenser. Ensure that all station attendants know how to behave in an emergency situation
Protection from pressure-related risks
The hydraulic circuit of the dispenser works under pressure. Before performing any maintenance, accurately close the cut-off valve/s located at the base of the dispenser and release the internal circuit pressure. Pay particular attention in releasing pressure, as, if not performed properly, some sections of the hydraulic circuit can remain under pressure due to the presence of check valves and/or motorized valves. To release the dispenser pressure follow the instructions mentioned later on in the manual.
Preventing CNG leaks
Take all the necessary measures to prevent any gas leaks.
Breakaway devices
In some countries the use of breakaway devices are obligatory by law. We recommend it nonetheless even in countries where it is not compulsory, in order to guarantee interruption of gas flow in case of an accidental pull on the hose.
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2008-03-20 V0 Rev.01.0
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Electrical installation / Preventing electrical shocks
Ensure a correct power supply Never open the CPU when the dispenser is powered.
Never disconnect cables when the dispenser is powered.
Before opening the dispenser for maintenance, always disconnect all power connections.
During maintenance, prohibit or restrict access to the switches used to interrupt power supply to the dispenser.
Ensure that the fuelling station has both an electrical line equipped with an automatic breakaway device as well as a proper grounding system in compliance with all applicable regulations.
Dispenser Identification
The GLOBAL VISTA CNG dispenser can be manufactured in different versions due mainly to the different hydraulic configurations. The following drawing illustrates the general shape and dimensions of the standard model:
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2008-03-20 V0 Rev.01.0
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Main technical characteristics
The main technical characteristics of the GLOBAL VISTA CNG dispensers are listed in the following table:
Maximum flow 77 kg/min Minimum flow 0,06 kg/min Minimum measurable quantity 5 kg Measuring accuracy ± 1% Maximum working pressure 250 bar Power supply 230 Vac +15 -25% 50-60 Hz Storage and working temperatures -20°C ÷ +40°C Approximate weight (with packaging) Min. 200 kg - Max. 300 kg
The function of the CNG dispenser is to fill compressed natural gas into vehicle tanks. Dresser CNG dispensers can pump both at high flow and standard flow and can therefore fuel all vehicles using CNG, such as automobiles, vans, buses and trucks.
Operating principles
The compressed natural gas moves from the storage tank or directly from the compression unit, to the CNG dispenser, and then reaches the vehicle’s tank, passing through the mass-flow meter in the dispenser. The information given by the mass-flow meter or any other sensors (temperature sensor, pressure sensor, etc.) are processed by the electronic head, which carries out specific operations based on the values it receives. The CNG dispensers can be:
Single-stage dispensers that control a single valve (first stage level); their hydraulic system communicates with one storage tank only;
Multi-level dispensers (cascade system) which control two or three valves (first, second, third level valves); their hydraulic system communicates with two or three storage tanks with different pressures.
Electrical system
The electrical system, which allows all of the dispenser’s functions (control, command, lighting, etc.), is in compliance with the safety regulations and legislations that are relative to the installations in potentially explosive atmospheres. Cables and safety switches must be chosen and sized according to applicable EN/CEI norms.
In order to respect current safety regulations, wiring must be performed exclusively by technicians who install CNG dispensers
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Typical operating diagram
The following diagram illustrates the operating principles of a CNG dispenser with three levels of pressure.
10 Vehicle connection 9 Breakaway device 8 Pressure transmitter 7 Pressure gauge 6 Valve 5 Meter 4 Vent valve 3 Check valve 2 Filter 1 valve (optional)
Pos. Denomination
Transportation, unpacking and handling internal components
During transportation the dispenser must be handled with care. Please follow the instructions on the packaging at all times. When lifting with forklift trucks lift on the areas indicated with the arrows in this diagram (areas are about 50 cm one from the other). Always use the proper methods to lift and transport the dispenser. Non-compliance with the instructions for moving the dispenser could cause serious damages to things and people. Once you have received the dispenser, carefully inspect the equipment to ensure that it has not been damaged during transportation. Any damaged equipment must be sent back to the shipper. While unpacking, make sure not to damage the painted surfaces. Do not remove the film that protects the dispenser’s lining before it is completely installed. However, it must be removed immediately after installation to ensure an easy removal that will not damage painted surfaces. Use proper products (avoid harmful solvents) to eliminate any glue residues.
Computing head
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To access internal components for installation and ordinary maintenance, use the proper key supplied with the dispenser to open lower front panels and/or the head box.
Before installing the dispenser, it is necessary to ensure that installation is carried out exclusively by qualified technicians that are fully knowledgeable about both installation procedures as well as about prevailing applicable regulations. All equipment must be installed in compliance with the requirements of the applicable regulations. In many countries there are norms on safety distance that must be carefully followed. It is necessary to ensure that these norms are respected, starting from the planning project of the system. In Italy, the connection of the dispenser to the gas adduction line must take place through an excess flow valve.
Dresser cannot be held responsible for any damages to persons and/or things deriving from an improper installation of the dispenser.
When installing, it is necessary to pay particular attention to the following aspects.
Electrical system and safety
Install an emergency stopping system (normally composed of an emergency button and one or more safety switches) that is capable of interrupt the flow to the equipment in case of operating problems. The emergency stopping system, not included with the dispenser, must comply with national regulations (for example EN 60204-1). The safety device must be placed in the gas station in order that it is easily accessible to attendants. Following an emergency stop, the emergency button must be reset before returning back power to the station. Returning power must not cause an automatically start of the fuelling. Ensure that all station attendants fully know where the emergency system is located and how it works.
To install the CNG dispenser, perform the following operations:
open front panels;
place and fasten the dispenser on the base;
make hydraulic connections and check the fastening on the dispenser’s connections;
connect electrical wiring, checking electrical values;
power the dispenser;
open the gas inlet valve;
open the air/instrument valve (6 / 8 bar);
close front panels;
In order to properly make hydraulic and electrical connections, always refer to the diagrams supplied by Dresser.
During transportation the dispenser’s hydraulic connections may loosen. Check whether all the dispenser’s connections are tight. Always verify that the dispenser or, more generally, the whole system has no gas leaks.
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