Way Huge WHE-406 User manual

Th e Co nq uis ta do r™ Fuz zs to r ti on i s p owe r ed b y a si ng le 9- vo lt battery, a 9 -volt AC adapt er such as the Dunlop ECB0 03/ECB0 03EU, or the DC Bri ck is a 5 .5 m m x 2.1mm j ac k wi th th e po si tiv e vo lt ag e on th e ou te r sleeve. Using an external power supply will disconnect the battery. Disconnect the i nput jack to pr eser ve bat ter y life when not in use. The pe dal will lock i nto bypass mo de whe n it is ti me to ch ange t he ba t te r y. I t al s o in c lu d es p ow e r pr ote ct i on c i rc u it r y to pr ev ent damage from AC power supplies.
and Iso-Brick™ power su ppl ies. The power input
INPUT IMPEDANCE...................................................................38 kΩ
OUTPUT IMPEDANCE.............................................................< 30 kΩ
NOISE FLOOR........................................................................-99 dBV
DIMENSIONS.........................................................6" x 4-1/4" x 3-1/4"
CURRENT DRAW......................................................................1.8 mA
POWER SUPPLY................................................................ 9 volts DC
All measurements made with controls at center. Noise measurements are A-weighted.
WHE- 406
instruction manual
Exploring the new world of fuzz!
Want to know what the Conquistador™ Fuzzstortion so unds li ke? Take a gian t Ve lc ro st rip a nd te ar it apart with great vi gor, and you’ll have your a nswer. This aggressive gated fuzz conquers sonic frontiers wi t h ease a n d sim p lici t y. J u s t use t h e c las s ic Volu me, Tone, Fu zz co ntr ol se tup t o dia l in your so und an d then p lay a s ound trac k to sh r ed th e space-time continuum. Even at extreme settings, the Conquistador Fuzzstortion remains musically pleasing in its onslaught of destruction.
sets output level
FUZZ – adjusts fuzz intensity
TON E – adjusts tone from warm to bright
FOOTSWTICH – toggles the effect on/bypass (Blue LED indicates
effect is on)