Th e Co nq uis ta do r™ Fuz zs to r ti on i s p owe r ed b y a si ng le 9- vo lt
battery, a 9 -volt AC adapt er such as the Dunlop ECB0 03/ECB0 03EU,
or the DC Bri ck
is a 5 .5 m m x 2.1mm j ac k wi th th e po si tiv e vo lt ag e on th e ou te r
sleeve. Using an external power supply will disconnect the battery.
Disconnect the i nput jack to pr eser ve bat ter y life when not in use.
The pe dal will lock i nto bypass mo de whe n it is ti me to ch ange t he
ba t te r y. I t al s o in c lu d es p ow e r pr ote ct i on c i rc u it r y to pr ev ent
damage from AC power supplies.
and Iso-Brick™ power su ppl ies. The power input
INPUT IMPEDANCE...................................................................38 kΩ
OUTPUT IMPEDANCE.............................................................< 30 kΩ
NOISE FLOOR........................................................................-99 dBV
BYPASS.........................................................True Bypass with Relay
DIMENSIONS.........................................................6" x 4-1/4" x 3-1/4"
CURRENT DRAW......................................................................1.8 mA
POWER SUPPLY................................................................ 9 volts DC
All measurements made with controls at center.
Noise measurements are A-weighted.
WHE- 406
instruction manual
Exploring the
new world of fuzz!
Want to know what the Conquistador™ Fuzzstortion
so unds li ke? Take a gian t Ve lc ro st rip a nd te ar it
apart with great vi gor, and you’ll have your a nswer.
This aggressive gated fuzz conquers sonic frontiers
wi t h ease a n d sim p lici t y. J u s t use t h e c las s ic
Volu me, Tone, Fu zz co ntr ol se tup t o dia l in your
so und an d then p lay a s ound trac k to sh r ed th e
space-time continuum. Even at extreme settings, the
Conquistador Fuzzstortion remains musically
pleasing in its onslaught of destruction.
sets output level
adjusts fuzz intensity
adjusts tone from
warm to bright
toggles the
effect on/bypass
(Blue LED indicates
effect is on)