Way Huge Red Llama Instruction Manual

The Red Llama™ Overdr ive is powered b y a single 9-volt bat ter y, a 9-v olt AC adapt er such a s th e Dunlo p ECB 00 3, o r th e DC Br ic k and Iso-Brick
power supplies. T he powe r inpu t is a 5.5 mm x 2.1mm jack wi th the posit ive vol tage o n the ou ter sl eeve. Us ing an exter nal power supply will disconnect the battery. Disconnect the input jack to pr es er ve ba tt er y li fe wh en n ot in u se . The p ed al will l ock i nt o bypass mode w hen it i s time t o chan ge the b attery. It also inc ludes po we r p rot ect i on c i rc u it r y t o pre ve n t da m age f rom A C po wer supplies.
INPUT IMPEDANCE..................................................................100 kΩ
OUTPUT IMPEDANCE.............................................................< 10 kΩ
NOISE FLOOR........................................................................-75 dBV
CURRENT DRAW........................................................................5 mA
POWER SUPPLY................................................................ 9 volts DC
All measurements made with controls at center. Noise measurements are A-weighted.
WHE- 206
Red Llama
instruction manual
Twenty-five years of warm, shaggy goodness!
In 1992, the groundbreaking ungulate thunder of the Red Llama Overdrive was unleashed upon the world. We’re celeb ra ting this bea st ie’s first app earance in th e sonic r ecord w ith a s pec ial 2 5t h Ann ivers ary edi tion, limited to 1,0 00 pieces worldwide. It comes in a smaller, more pedalboard-friendly housing with a Hi-Cut control added to the austere control panel so you can season any amp, big or small, clean or dirty, to yo ur taste. The Red Lla ma O ve rd rive provides a ri ch ha r mon ic pa let te and a w ide r ang e of dir t y tones, from a gentle grind all the way up to massive distortion. This is a pedal that definitely belongs in the herd.
sets output level
FOOTSWTICH – toggles the effect on/bypass (Blue LED indicates
effect is on)