P-Com Inc. provides this Installation Guide without warranty of any kind, either express or implied,
including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular
P-Com Inc. may make imp rov emen ts and cha nge s to the prod uct descr ibe d in thi s manu al at any ti me
and without any notice. P-Com Inc. assumes no responsibility for its use, nor any infringements of
patents or other rights of third parties that w ould result.
This publication may contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Periodic changes are
made to the information contained herein. These changes, and mechanical corrections, will be
incorpo rated in subsequent revision levels of the publi cation.
No part of this pu bli cati on may be st ored i n a r etri eva l syst em, trans mit te d, or re pr oduced i n any way,
including but not limited to photocopy, photograph, magnetic or other records, without the prior
written permission of P-Com Inc.
AirPro Gold
is a trademark of P-Co m Inc.
All other brand and product names are the trademarks of their respective holders.
P/N 32066-MNL Rev B
Jan 2002
This produ ct , except a s sta te d o ther wis e in an appl icab le pric e list , is w arr ant ed aga in st de fe ct s in work mans hi p
and material for a per iod of three (3) years from date of de livery as evidenced by the manufact urer’s packing
slip or other transportation receipt.
The manufac tu rer’ s sol e resp ons ibi lit y unde r this warr an ty shal l be to eith er repair or r eplac e, at its op ti on, any
component whi ch fail s d uring t he a pplic ab le w arran ty peri od b eca use of a def ec t in work mans hip and m ater ia l,
provided PU RCH A SER has promptly reported same to the manufacturer in writ ing. All replaced Products or
parts s hall become property of the manufacturer.
P-Com shall honor the warranty at its repair facility in Campbell, California. It is PURCHASER’s responsibility
to return, at its expe nse, the all egedly defective Product to the manuf acturer. PURCHAS ER m ust obtain a
Return Materials Auth orization (RMA) number and shippin g instructi ons from the man ufacturer prior to
returning any Product under warranty. Transportation char ges for the retu rn of the Product to PURCHASER
shall be p aid by the manuf acturer w ithin the Un ited States. For all ot her locations, the warranty ex cludes all
costs of shi pp ing , cust oms cl ea ra nce and ot he r r elate d ch arg es. If th e manu fac ture r de term ines tha t the Pr oduc t
is not defective wi thin the term s of the warranty, PURC H ASER shall pay to the manufacturer all cost s of
handling, transpor tation and repairs at the then prevail ing repair rates.
All the above w arrantie s are contingent upon prope r use of the Product. These war ranties wil l not apply (i) if
adjustm ent, repair or parts replacement is r equired because of accide nt, unusual physical, electrica l or
electroma gnet ic s tr ess, ne glige nce of PURCH ASER, misus e, fai lu re of el ectr ic powe r, en vi ronm ental co ntrol s,
transportation, not maintained in accordance with manufacturer’s specifications, or abuses other than ordinar y
use (ii) if the Product has been modifie d by PU RCH A SER or has been repaired or alter ed outside the factory,
unless the manufacturer s p ecifically auth orizes such repairs or alterations; (iii) where manufacturer serial
numbers, warranty data or quality assurance decals have been removed or altered.
P-Com also r eserves the right to make product improvements without incurring any obligation or liability to
make the same changes in Products previously manufactured or purchased. In no event shal l the manufacturer
be liable for any breach of warranty in a n am ount exceeding the net selling price of any defect ive Product. N o
person, including any dealer, agent or representative of P-Com is author ized to assume for P-Com any other
liabili ty on i t s be half e xc ept as set fort h h er ein. No npa yment of an y in voi ce re nde red wit hin t he s tate d pa ymen t
terms automatically cancels any warranty or guarantee stated or implied. If any payment is due to the
manufacturer for services performed hereunder, it shall be subject to the same payment terms as the original
PARTICULAR PURPOSE. T he wa rrantie s expr essly st ated h erein ar e the s ole obli gati on or lia bili ty on the p art
of P-COM arising out of or in connection with the sale or performance of the products.
Products Manufactu red by Others - For products not ma nufactured by P-COM, the original manufacturer’s
warrant y shall be as signed to PU RCHASER to the extent permi tted and is in lieu of any other war ranty, ex press
or implied. For warranty information on a speci fic product, a w ritten requ est should be made to the
No actio n, whethe r in co ntract o r tort, incl uding negl igence, aris ing out of or in con necti on with this Agr eement,
may be brought by either party more than eighteen (18 ) m onths after the cause of action has accr ued, except
that an action for nonpayment may be brought within ei ghteen (18) m onths of the dat e of last payment.
While every effort has been made to ve rify operation of this p roduct with many different communic ations products and
network s, P-Com Corp oration makes no claim of compatibility b etween its products and other vendors’ e quipment. It is
assumed that users ha ve thoroughly evaluated this product’ s performance in the communications environme nt in which
it will be used.
The follo w ing general safety precautions mus t be observed during all phases of operation and se rvice of this product.
Failure to compl y w ith these precautions or with speci fic warn ings elsewhere in this Manual willfully viol ates standards
of design, manufacture, and inte nded use of the product. P-Com Cor poration assumes no liabi lity for the customer’s
failure to comply with these requirements.
This produc t must be ground ed. In the e ven t o f a sho rt circ ui t, gr oun ding r edu ces the r i sk o f ele ctri cal shoc k by pro vi ding
an escape wire for the curre nt .
We recommend that you use preferred power—a dedicated power circuit with an assigned ci rcuit breaker.
The produc t’s AC power cord ends in a three-pole gro unding plug. Do not use a three -pole to two-pole adapter with the
plug. Verify that the outlet you inte nd to use is prope rly installed and grounded; the outle t used must comply w ith the
Nationa l Electric Cod e (N EC) NFPA70 (1990) in U.S.A. or other local and national or internati onal applicable code.
Do not ins ta ll or oper ate t hi s produ ct in t he p resen ce of flam ma ble gases or f umes . Ope ra tion o f an y elec tr ic al ins tr umen t
in such an en vironment constitutes a definite safety hazard.
No user maintained or adjustable components are present within this product. Do NOT attempt to open this unit. Do not
attempt to service this unit except under the dir ection of Customer Servi ce. Only P-Com-authorized service personnel
should service this equipment. The potential for elect rical shock exists with in the enclosures at all times unless they are
Do not i nstall substitute parts or perfo rm any unauthorized modificat ion to the product. Return the product to t he factory
for se rvice and repair to ensure that safety f eatures are maintained. Prior to r eturning any product(s) f o r repair, contact PCom at the telephone numbe rs or address located in this Manual, and obtain a Return Ma terial Authorization (RMA)
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by P-Com Corporation can void the user’s authority to operate this
Direct grounding of the antenna, mas t, and tower ser ves as protection from li ghtning str ikes and stati c buildup. A direct
electri cal connec ti on shoul d be made t o a suit abl e groun din g ro d at the ba se of the t ower or mas t using at l east #10 AWG
ground wi re , or i t s equi val en t, an d non -c orros iv e ha rdwa re. F or det ails an d sa fe ty st and ar ds, co nsu lt the a ppr opria te lo cal
Electrical Codes or a si m ilar document. Use lightning arresters in appr opriate plac es.
Complianc e with lo cal zo nin g an d tow er con st ructi on reg ulat ions i s r eco mmende d whe n Ai rPro G old
tower. These regulations generally mandate that permits be obtained before any tower construction begins. Check with
local zo ning and aviation authorities fo r m ore inform ation.
systems require a
This device complies wit h Part 15.247. As signed FCC Regist ration Number (FRN) is 0005-8888-70.
This equipm ent has been t ested and fo und to com ply w ith th e limit s fo r a clas s B devic e, pur sua nt to Par t 15 of the FCC
Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.
This eq uipment generates, u ses and can radiate radio frequency energy and , if not installed and used in accordance with
the instructions, may cause harm ful interference to radio communications. H ow ever, there is no guarantee that
interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interfernce to radio or
televisi on rece ption, which can be dete rmined by turni ng the equip ment off and on, the use r is encour aged to t ry to corre ct
the interference by one or more of the following measures:
- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
- Increase the seperation between the equipment and receiver.
- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
- Consult the dealer or an experince d radio/TV technician for help.
1.) Professional installation required.
2.) The antenna(s) used for this transmitter must be fixed-mounted on outdoor permanent structures with a separation
distance of at l east 2 me ters fr om all p ersons and must not be co- located o r oper ating in conjunc tionwi th any ot her ant enna
or transmitte r.
1.) Professional installation required.
2.) The antenna(s) used for this transmitter must be fixed-mounted on outdoor permanent structures with a separation
distance of at least 2 meter s fr om all per sons and must not be co-lo cated or opera ting in con junctio n with any othe r ant enna
or transmitte r.
3.)The maxi m um peak outdoor pow er of the intentional radiator sha ll not exceed 1 watt (+30dBm). In addition, this
system operating in the 2400-2483.5 Mhz band may employ transmitting ant ennas with directional gain greater than 6
dBi provided the maximum peak outdoor power of the intentional radiator is reduced by 1 dB for every 3 dB that the
directional gain of the antenna exceeds 6dBi.
Product Output Power selection setting instructions:
a.) Connec t a PC (se ri al por t ) to t he uni t ’s fr ont pa nel Comp ute r Port. This por t is a s tandar d R S-2 32 iner co nne ction . (See
section A-7 of the installation manual)
b.)Configure Output Power setting via:
1.) Hype r-Termin al
- Baud Rate115200
- Data Bits8
- ParityNone
- Stop Bits1
- Flow Co nt rolHardw are
Establ ish a terminal session, at the Command Line Interface; enter Pwr and the Power Selection. Reboot the system by
entering BOOT, then ENTER. It is not necess ary to power down the unit.
2.) P-Com’s proprietary installation soft w are-Site Manager
See Site Man ager instuction manual f o r O utput Power Setting configuration.
This device complies with ETSI 300-328 and ETSI 300-326 ETSI rules. Operation is subject to the following two
(1) This de vice may not cause ha rmful inte rfe rence, and
(2) This device may not cause any int erference that may cau se undesired operation.
Changes or mod ificatio ns not expressly approved by P-Com Inc. can void the user’s author ity to operat e the equipment.
ETSI regu lati ons requi re that thi s devi ce be p rofes si onall y i nstal l ed by a pe rs on k nowl edgeab le in e lect ro nics a nd t rain ed
in the correct installation of this device.
All interface cables must be shielde d.
E-mail Servicexvii
Telephone and Fax Servicexvii
Service and Repair Centersxviii
United States Service and Repair Center xviii
Brazil Service and Repair Center xviii
China Service and Repair Center xviii
India Service and Repair Centerxviii
This Installation Guide assumes that you are knowle dgeable about basi c
hardware install ation concepts and practices. If you are not, the
information in this Installation Guide may be difficult for you to
understand and implement .
Before beginning the installation process, review all the chapters so that
you have a sense of what each chapter provides. Verif y that you have
selected the proper installation procedure to meet site-specific needs.
Read through an entire procedur e bef ore you begin performing the stepby-step instruct ions. By doing this, you will be prepared with the
appropriate information, equipment, or tools.
A caution gives you information that you need so that you will not damage the
equipment or lose data.
A warning gives you infor mation t hat y ou need s o that you do not ca use harm to
yourself or any other person, and so that you do not damag e or interfere with
the network application.
P-Com distributors are authorized local service providers and are
responsible for immediate customer support. If problems are not
resolved, yo u ca n cont act P-Com Customer Service for assist an ce .
P-Com Customer Service provides the following e-mail address for
customer assistan ce:
P-Com Customer Service maintain s a 24-hour answering service for
emergency telephone suppor t. Customer Service responses to
emergency calls consist of over-the-phone troubleshooting and
assistance in obtaining distributor support .
See Table A for Customer Service telephone numbers.
xviiP-Com AirPro Go ld
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