The maximum output power allowed by FCC Rule Part 15 depends on power spectral density
(PSD) at a given output power setting, on antenna gain, and on the amplitude of emission bandedge
energy in restricted bands starting at 2483.5 MHz and 2390 MHz.
Data Rate: 19.2 kB/s
Frequency/Channel Maximum Ouput Power
(MHz, Plan, Channel)
2401.868, P3, C1 (lowest) 23 dBm 23 dBm 23 dBm 23 dBm
2478.227, P3, C48 23 dBm 23 dBm 15 dBm 5 dBm
2479.851,P3, C49 23 dBm 8 dBm 0 dBm not used
2481.476,P3, C50 (highest) 23 dBm 0 dBm not used not used
All others not listed 23 dBm 23 dBm 23 dBm 23 dBm
0 dBi 8 dBi 15 dBi 24 dBi
Data Rate: 64 kB/s
Frequency/Channel Maximum Ouput Power
(MHz, Plan, Channel)
2404.468, P2, C1 (lowest) 26 dBm 26 dBm 26 dBm 24 dBm
2474.652, P1, C14 25 dBm 25 dBm 25 dBm 23 dBm
2478.552, P2, C20 16 dBm 0 dBm not used not used
2479.851,P3, C49 (highest) 3 dBm 8 dBm 0 dBm not used
All others not listed 25 dBm 25 dBm 25 dBm 25 dBm
0 dBi 8 dBi 15 dBi 24 dBi
Data Rate: 128 kB/s
Frequency/Channel Maximum Ouput Power
(MHz, Plan, Channel)
2407.067, P1, C1 (lowest) 27 dBm 26 dBm 26 dBm 24 dBm
2472.053, P3, C7 (highest) 25 dBm 25 dBm 23 dBm 15 dBm
All others not listed 28 dBm 28 dBm 27 dBm 24 dBm
0 dBi 8 dBi 15 dBi 24 dBi
Data Rate: 256 kB/s
Frequency/Channel Maximum Ouput Power
(MHz, Plan, Channel)
2411.446,P1, C1 (lowest) 25 dBm 23 dBm 23 dBm 8 dBm
2461.476, P1, C6 26 dBm 26 dBm 23 dBm 17 dBm
2472.107, P3, C4 (highest) 8 dBm not used not used not used
All others not listed 28 dBm 28 dBm 27 dBm 24 dBm
0 dBi 8 dBi 15 dBi 24 dBi

Compliance with RF Exposure Guidelines in FCC Rule para. 1.1307(b)1
The AIRPRO transmitter must meet the RF exposure requirements described in paragraph
1.1307(b)1 of FCC’s Rules. The specific requirement for a transmitter of this type is that the
maximum permissible exposure level (MPE) meets the limits for “General
Population/Uncontrolled Exposure “ (Table 1, para. 1.1310). The required MPE is 1.0 mW/cm2.
For each antenna used with the AIRPRO transmitter, the antenna gain and maximum output
are used to calculate the distance from the antenna at which MPE is exceeded. The installer shall
take all reasonable steps to maintain this separation distance between the antenna and personnel.
Calculating Minimum Separation Distances to meet MPE Requirements
E2/377 = S, W/m
Specification: 1 mW/cm2 = 10 W/m2, Emax = 61.4 V/m
Ev/m = (30*P*G)
d = (30*P*G)
/ d, P= power in watts, G = ant. gain over isotropic, d = distance, meters
Ant Gain, dBi RF In, dBm Minimum Dist, cm
0.0 28.0 7.1
8.0 28.0 17.8
15.0 27.0 35.5
24.0 24.0 70.9