Wavetronix SS-105 User Manual

SmartSensor 105
SmartSensor 105
www.wavetronix.com  78 East 1700 South Provo, Utah 84606  801.734.7200
© 2012 Wavetronix LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Wavetronix, SmartSensor, Click, Command, and all associated product names and logos are trademarks of Wavetronix LLC. All other products or brand names as they appear are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.
e Company shall not be liable for any errors contained herein or for any damages arising out of or related to this document or the information contained therein, even if the Company has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
is document is intended for informational and instructional purposes only. e Company reserves the right to make changes in the specications and other information contained in this document without prior notication.
FCC Part 15 Compliance: e Wavetronix SmartSensor sensors comply with Part 15 of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) rules which state that operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesirable operation. FCC compli­ance statements for applicable optional modules are to be found in the module specications. Unauthorized changes or modications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance with the FCC rules could void the user’s authority to operate this equipment.
Disclaimer: e advertised detection accuracy of the Wavetronix SmartSensor sensors is based on both external and internal testing, as outlined in each product’s specication document. Although our sensors are very accurate by industry standards, like all other sensor manufacturers we cannot guarantee perfection or assure that no errors will ever occur in any particular applications of our technology. erefore, beyond the express Limited Warranty that accompanies each sensor sold by the company, we oer no additional representa­tions, warranties, guarantees or remedies to our customers. It is recommended that purchasers and integrators evaluate the accuracy of each sensor to determine the acceptable margin of error for each application within their particular system(s).
WX-500-0050 12/2011


Chapter 1 Introduction 5
SmartSensor 105 Package 6 • Selecting a Mounting Location
Part I Installing the SmartSensor 105
Chapter 2 Installing the SmartSensor 105 11
Selecting the Oset and Mounting Height 11 • Attaching the Mount Bracket to the Pole 13 • Attaching the Sensor to the Mount Bracket 14 • Aligning the Sensor to the Roadway 15 • Applying Silicon Dielectric Compound 16 • Connecting the
SmartSensor Cable 16
Chapter 3 Connecting Power and Surge Protection 17
Connecting Lightning Surge Protection 17 • Connecting AC Power Conversion 21 • Connecting DC Power 24 • Wiring
Communication 26
Part II Using SmartSensor Manager
Chapter 4 Getting Started with SmartSensor Manager 31
Installing SmartSensor Manager 31 • About Screen 32 • Table
of Contents 32
Chapter 5 Communication 35
Serial Connection 36 • Modem Connection 38 • Internet
Connection 39 • Firmware Upload 41 • Connection Proper­ties 43 • Address Book 44 • Communication Error 46
Chapter 6 Sensor Settings 49
Sensor Info 49 • Sensor Settings 50 • Sensor Date & Time 56
• Operating Mode 57
Chapter 7 Lane Setup 59
Lane Conguration – Automatic 59 • Lane Conguration – Manual 62 • Verifying Lane Conguration 67
Chapter 8 Data Collection 73
Data Collection Setup 73 • Data Download 76 • Data Logs
Chapter 9 Tools 83
Hyperterminal 83 • Firmware Upload 84
Chapter 10 Contact Closure Communications 87
Selecting the Contact Closure Model 87 • Programming Sensors for Use with Contact Closures 89 • Programming
Contact Closures 90
Chapter 11 Appendix 91
Appendix A – 9-conductor Cable Denitions 91 • Appendix B – Old Cable Denitions 93 • Appendix C – Cable Lengths 95 • Appendix D – Direct Serial Connections 97


In this chapter
SmartSensor Package Selecting a Mounting Location
e Wavetronix SmartSensor 105 utilizes patented Digital Wave Radar™ technology to detect lane occupancy, trac volume and average speed in up to eight lanes of trac simul-
taneously. Classied as Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW ) radar, Smart­Sensor collects data using a 10.525 GHz (X-band) operating radio frequency.
e installation and conguration process is quick and easy. Once installed, SmartSensor congures automatically, requires little or no on-site maintenance and may be remotely re­congured. is user guide provides the step-by-step process for installing and conguring the SmartSensor, including mounting and alignment guidelines and instructions for both automatic and manual sensor congurations. Any questions about the information in this guide should be directed to Wavetronix or your distributor.
Do not attempt to service or repair this unit. This unit does not contain any compo­nents and/or parts serviceable in the field. Any attempt to open this unit, except as expressly written and directed by Wavetronix, will void the customer warranty. Wavetronix is not liable for any bodily harm or damage caused if service is attempted or if the back cover of the SmartSensor unit is opened. Refer all service questions to Wavetronix or an authorized distributor.
SmartSensor 105 Package
A typical sensor package contains the following items:
10.525 GHz SmartSensor Radar Trac Sensor  SmartSensor mounting kit  SmartSensor cable SmartSensor Manager software  SmartSensor User Guide
Check the packing slip for actual contents. If any of these items are missing, note the serial number located on the back of the sensor and contact your distributor.
Additional products may be purchased through your distributor. e following optional items are not included unless specically ordered (check packing list for actual inventory):
 Click 172/174™ contact closure adapter  Click 200™ surge protector  Click 201/202™ AC to DC converter  Click 210™ circuit breaker and switch  Click 230™ AC surge module
Selecting a Mounting Location
Consider the following guidelines when selecting a mounting location:
Lane Coverage – Sensor mounting locations should be selected so that all monitored
lanes are within 10 to 200 ft. (3 to 61 m) and run parallel with each other. If more than eight lanes need to be simultaneously monitored, consider using multiple sensors or
the SmartSensor HD, which can monitor up to 10 lanes simultaneously.
Parallel Lanes – When the sensor is used to collect both mainline and ramp data, the
pole position should be selected so that the on and o ramp lanes run parallel with the mainline. If lanes are not parallel, installation of multiple SmartSensor units should be considered to achieve the sensor’s ±2° side-to-side angle requirement.
Sensors on the Same Pole – When multiple sensors are mounted on the same pole,
they will not be subject to interference if they are congured to operating using dif­ferent RF channels and are separated vertically by a few feet. e higher sensor would typically be used for the lanes further from the pole in order to minimize occlusion.
Sensors on Opposing Poles – SmartSensor units facing each other on opposing poles
should operate on dierent RF channels and be separated by a 40-ft. (12.2-m) lateral oset, if possible.
Line of Sight – e SmartSensor is designed to work accurately in the presence of
barriers, but in general if there is an alternate mounting location that would avoid any type of structural occlusion, this is preferred. Avoid occlusion by trees, signs, and other roadside structures.
Neighboring Structures and Parallel Walls – It is also preferred that sensor locations
have a 30-ft. (9.1-m) lateral separation from overhead sign bridges, overpasses, tunnels, parallel walls and parallel-parked vehicles in order to avoid multiple reection paths from a single vehicle.
Mounting Height – e mounting height should be based upon the oset from the
lanes of interest. For each oset, the minimum, maximum and recommended range of heights is shown in Table 1.1, found in chapter 1. In general, the range of recom­mended heights is between 9 and 50 ft. (2.7 to 15.2 m).
Mounting Oset – e minimum recommended oset from the edge of the rst lane
of interest is 10 ft. (3 m).
Arterial Locations – Sensor sites on arterials or other roadway segments with regu-
lated stop lines should be selected at mid-block positions to increase accuracy by in­creasing line of sight to stop-and-go vehicles.
9 – 50 ft.
10 ft. min.
Roadway Roadway
Figure I.1 – Portable (left) and Permanent (right) Sensor Stations
Freeway Locations – SmartSensor is often used at permanent ATR stations. e
number of stations along a single roadway and the distance between stations should be selected to achieve adequate levels of statistical condence. Permanent ATR sta­tions, which are selected to cover interstate, principal arterial and other national and state highways, are used to establish seasonal adjustment factors for count data from temporary collection sites (see Figure I.1).
Cable Lengths – Ensure that you have sucient homerun and sensor cabling. Cable runs
as long as 600 ft. (182.9 m) using 24 VDC operation and RS-485 communications. For
longer connections, alternate wired and wireless options should be considered.
Part 1
Installing the SmartSensor 105
Chapter 1 – Installing the SmartSensor 105 Chapter 2 – Connecting Power and Surge Protection
Installing the SmartSensor 105 1
In this chapter
Selecting the Oset and Mounting Height Attaching the Mount Bracket to the Pole Attaching the Sensor to the Mount Bracket Aligning the Sensor to the Roadway Applying Silicon Dielectric Compound Connecting the SmartSensor Cable
Installing the SmartSensor 105 is quick and easy. Once installed, the SmartSensor requires little or no on-site maintenance. is chapter will describe the installation process, includ­ing how to attach the sensor to the pole and how to correctly align the sensor.
Selecting the Oset and Mounting Height
After selecting a mounting location within the recommended range of osets (see intro-
duction), use Table 1.1 to select a mounting height. See Figure 1.1 for an illustration of
what is meant by oset and mounting height.
Center Line
Mounting Height
Figure 1.1 – Mounting and Aiming a SmartSensor
Oset from 1st Detection Lane (ft / m)
10 / 3 12 / 3.7 9 / 2.7 15 / 4.6
11 / 3.4 12 / 3.7 9 / 2.7 16 / 4.9
12 / 3.7 13 / 4 10 / 3 16 / 4.9
13 / 4 13 / 4 11 / 3.4 17 / 5.2
14 / 4.3 14 / 4.3 11 / 3.4 17 / 5.2
15 / 4.6 15 / 4.6 12 / 3.7 18 / 5.5
16 / 4.9 15 / 4.6 12 / 3.7 18 / 5.5
17 / 5.2 16 / 4.9 13 / 4 18 / 5.5
18 / 5.5 17 / 5.2 14 / 4.3 19 / 5.8
19 / 5.8 17 / 5.2 14 / 4.3 19 / 5.8
20 / 6.1 18 / 5.5 15 / 4.6 20 / 6.1
21 / 6.4 18 / 5.5 15 / 4.6 21 / 6.4
22 / 6.7 18 / 5.5 16 / 4.9 22 / 6.7
23 / 7 19 / 5.8 16 / 4.9 23 / 7
24 / 7. 3 19 / 5.8 16 / 4.9 24 / 7. 3
25 / 7.6 20 / 6.1 17 / 5.2 25 / 7.6
26 / 7.9 20 / 6.1 17 / 5.2 26 / 7.9
27 / 8.2 21 / 6.4 18 / 5.5 27 / 8.2
28 / 8.5 21 / 6.4 18 / 5.5 28 / 8.5
29 / 8.8 21 / 6.4 18 / 5.5 29 / 8.8
30 / 9.1 22 / 6.7 19 / 5.8 30 / 9.1
31 / 9.4 22 / 6.7 19 / 5.8 31 / 9.4
32 / 9.8 22 / 6.7 19 / 5.8 32 / 9.8
Recommended Mounting Height (ft / m)
Center of Roadway
Minimum Mount­ing Height (ft / m)
Maximum Mount­ing Height (ft / m)
33 / 10.1 23 / 7 19 / 5.8 33 / 10.1
34 / 10.4 23 / 7 19 / 5.8 34 / 10.4
35 / 10.7 23 / 7 20 / 6.1 35 / 10.7
36 / 11 23 / 7 20 / 6.1 36 / 11
37 / 11.3 23 / 7 20 / 6.1 37 / 11.3
38 / 11.6 24 / 7. 3 21 / 6.4 38 / 11.6
39 / 11.9 24 / 7.3 21 / 6.4 39 / 11.9
40 / 12.2 25 / 7.6 22 / 6.7 40 / 12.2
41 / 12.5 25 / 7.6 22 / 6.7 41 / 12.5
42 / 12.8 26 / 7.9 22 / 6.7 42 / 12.8
43 / 13.1 26 / 7.9 22 / 6.7 43 / 13.1
44 / 13.4 27 / 8.2 23 / 7 44 / 13.4
45 / 13.7 27 / 8.2 23 / 7 45 / 13.7
46 / 14 28 / 8.5 23 / 7 46 / 14
47 / 14.3 28 / 8.5 24 / 7. 3 47 / 14.3
48 / 14.6 29 / 8.8 24 / 7. 3 48 / 14.6
49 / 14.9 29 / 8.8 24 / 7.3 49 / 14.9
50–180 / 15.2–54.9 30 / 9.1 25 / 7.6 Must be < oset
Table 1.1 – Mounting Height Guidelines
Attaching the Mount Bracket to the Pole
Before attaching the mount bracket to the pole, rst make sure that your cables are long
enough to reach the sensor height and to stretch across the distance from the sensor to the cabinet.
Follow the steps below to correctly attach the mount to the pole (see Figure 1.2):
1 Look up the recommended mounting height from Table 1.1. 2 Insert the stainless steel straps through the slots in the mount bracket. 3 Position the mount on the pole so that the head of the mount is pointing towards the
middle of the lanes of interest.
4 Tighten the strap screws.
Figure 1.2 – Attaching the Mount Bracket to the Pole
Depending on the site and type of trac, the sensor may tend to over or undercount. If the sensor is overcounting, reduce the height of the sensor by three ft. (0.9 m) and reconfigure the sensor. If the sensor is undercounting, increase the height of the sen­sor by three ft. (0.9 m) and reconfigure. Normally, reducing the height of the sensor improves performance.
Attaching the Sensor to the Mount Bracket
Use the following steps to securely fasten the sensor to the mount bracket (see Figure 1.3).
1 Align the bolts on the back of the SmartSensor with the holes in the mounting brack-
et. e large 25-pin connector on the SmartSensor should be pointing towards the ground.
2 Place the lock washers onto the bolts after the bolts are in the mounting bracket holes. 3 read on the nuts and tighten.
Figure 1.3 – Attaching the Sensor to the Mounting Bracket
Aligning the Sensor to the Roadway
Follow the steps below to correctly align the SmartSensor (see Figure 1.4):
Figure 1.4 – Aiming the SmartSensor
1 Aim the front of the sensor at the center of the detection area. You may also refer to
Figure 1.1 as an illustration of where to aim the sensor.
2 Adjust the side-to-side angle to within approximately ±2° of perpendicular to the ow
of trac.
3 Tighten mounting bracket bolts.
Applying Silicon Dielectric Compound
Use the following steps to correctly apply the silicon dielectric compound:
1 Tear the tab o the tube of silicon dielectric compound. 2 Squeeze about 25% of the silicon into the connector at the base of the SmartSensor as
shown in Figure 1.5. Be sure to wipe o any excess compound.
Figure 1.5 – Applying Silicon Dielectric Compound
Connecting the SmartSensor Cable
1 Attach the cable connector to the 25-pin connector at the base of the SmartSensor as
shown in Figure 1.6. e SmartSensor connector is keyed to ensure proper connection; simply twist the connector clockwise until you hear it click into place.
2 Strap the cable to the pole or run it through a conduit to avoid undue movement from
wind and reduce cable strain.
Figure 1.6 – Attached Cable
Connecting Power and
Surge Protection 2
In this chapter
Connecting Lightning Surge Protection Connecting AC Power Conversion Connecting DC Power Wiring Communication
Once the sensor is installed, it will need to be wired for power and surge protection. is chapter will explain how to connect lightning surge protection, AC power conversion, DC power and basic communication.
Wavetronix Click products allow you to quickly and easily connect power and surge protec­tion to your sensor application. Please refer to the Click quick-start guides for more com­prehensive product instructions. Chapter 9 contains information on how Click products make the sensor compatible with all standard control cabinets.
A pinout diagram showing the sensor cable’s pinout and appropriate connection points can be found in Appendix A of this document.
Connecting Lightning Surge Protection
It is strongly recommended that the sensor be connected to a surge protection device. e Wavetronix Click 200 and equivalent devices are designed to prevent electrical surges con­ducted along underground cables from damaging the sensor and/or the cabinet. e service
end of the sensor cable should be connected to the PROTECTED side of the Click 200
in a cabinet mounted on the sensor pole. is will help protect the sensor when lightning strikes the ground in the vicinity of the cabinet (see Figure 2.1).
Figure 2.1 – Protecting the Sensor
If you choose not to use surge protection in your installation, please contact Wa­vetronix Technical Services for assistance.
In many installations, the pole-mount cabinet is also connected to a main trac cabinet
via an underground homerun cable. To protect the trac cabinet, a second surge device is
strongly recommended. Follow the steps below to include surge protection using Click 200 devices (see Figure 2.2):
1 Install one Click 200 device in a pole-mount box on the same pole as the sensor being
2 Install another Click 200 in the main trac cabinet. 3 Connect the SmartSensor cable from the sensor to the PROTECTED side of the
Click 200 in the pole-mount cabinet. e SmartSensor cable should be kept as short as possible.
4 Connect a SmartSensor cable from the UNPROTECTED side of the Click 200 on
the pole to the UNPROTECTED side of the Click 200 in the main trac cabinet.
Main Trac Cabinet
Both ends of the home-
run cable connect to the
UNPROTECTED side of the
surge modules
Figure 2.2 – Typical Cable Run
e Click 200 contains three terminal connectors on both the top and the bottom of the module (see Figure 2.3). e terminal connectors are removable and are red-keyed, allow­ing the connector to plug into only one specic jack. is both simplies the wiring process and reduces the possibility of wiring errors.
e back four terminals consist of one +DC power, -DC and two surge ground connec­tions; the middle four terminals are for RS-485 communication and consist of a +485 con­nection, a -485 connection, an RS-232 ground connection and a surge ground connection;
the front four terminals are for RS-232 communication and consist of TD, RD, CTS and RTS.
GND/-DC (Black)
+DC (Red)
+485 (White)
-485 (Blue)
CTS (Brown)
RTS (Orange)
Figure 2.3 – Surge Protected Terminal Connections (Top)
Power Drain
232 Drain
485 Drain
Ground (Gray)
TD (Yellow) RD (Purple)
Figure 2.3 above shows the PROTECTED side of the Click 200. e UNPROTECTED
side of the Click 200 contains the same screw terminal connections, but are reversed from left to right.
See Appendix B for a description of how to wire the Click 200 using the old SmartSen­sor cable as well as for a cable connector pin out diagram.
Wiring to Earth Ground
ALL Click 200 devices should be mounted on a DIN rail that is connected to earth ground either through an earth-grounded chassis or a 16 AWG or larger grounding wire attached to a 7-ft. (2.1-m) grounding rod. Follow the steps below to correctly wire to earth ground:
1 Connect the grounding wire from either the DIN rail or a GND screw terminal on
the UNPROTECTED side of the Click 200 to the lug bolt on the inside of the pole-
mount box.
2 Connect another grounding wire from the exterior lug bolt to earth ground (see Figure
Figure 2.4 – Earth Ground Connections
Connecting AC Power Conversion
Since the sensor operates on 10-30 VDC, it is necessary to provide AC power conversion
when reliable DC power is not already available. Wavetronix recommends using the fol­lowing three Click components:
 Click 201/202 AC to DC converter  Click 230 AC surge module  Click 210 circuit breaker and switch
Make sure power to AC mains is disconnected while wiring the AC input.
A Click 201 provides 1 amp of power and is capable of powering a single sensor, while a Click 202 provides 2 amps and can power two sensors. e Click 230 helps limit current surges on the power lines; the Click 210 interrupts power during overload conditions and provides a convenient way to turn power on and o.
Depending on your conguration, these Click modules may be mounted in the pole-mount cabinet or the main trac cabinet. When mounted in the main trac cabinet, a homerun cable is used to conduct DC power and communication signals to the pole-mount cabinet. For connections shorter than 600 ft. (182.9 m), use the SmartSensor cable as your homerun cable. is will simplify the wiring process and ensure reliable connections.
An authorized electrical technician should perform installation and operation of this unit. Persons other than authorized and approved electrical technicians should NOT attempt to connect this unit to a power supply and/or trac control cabinet, as there is a serious risk of electrical shock through unsafe handling of the power source. Ex­treme caution should be used when connecting this unit to an active power supply.
Wiring a Circuit Breaker and Switch
e Click 210 is a compact circuit breaker DIN rail device designed to interrupt an electric current under overload conditions. e breaker is trip-free and can be easily reset after a current interruption by pushing the reset button.
To add a Click 210 circuit breaker and switch (see Figure 2.5):
1 Mount the Click 210 onto the DIN rail. 2 Connect power in to either side of the module. 3 Connect power out to the other side.
Black (Line) Green (Ground)
White (Neutral)
Figure 2.5 – AC Surge Protection
Black (Ground)
Red (+24 VDC)
Wiring AC Surge Protection
To include AC surge protection in your installation (see Figure 2.3):
1 Mount the Click 230 onto the DIN rail. 2 Connect the line conductor (hot) from the Click 210 to terminal 5 on the IN side of
the Click 230.
3 Connect the neutral wire from the AC terminal block or cord to the terminal marked
1 on the Click 230.
4 Connect the ground wire from the AC terminal block or cord to the terminal marked
3 on the Click 230.
5 Connect the outgoing and protected line wire to the terminal marked 2 on the Click
6 Connect the outgoing and protected neutral wire to the terminal marked 6 on the
Click 230.
e terminal blocks 3 and 4 are directly bonded via the metal mounting foot of the base element to the DIN rail. ere is no need for any additional grounding between terminals 3 and 4 and the DIN rail.
Wiring AC Power Into the Click 201/202
Follow the steps below to properly wire an AC to DC power conversion module (see Figure
1 Mount the Click 201/202 onto the DIN rail. 2 Connect the line (hot) wire from the Click 230 into the L screw terminal on the top
of the Click 201/202. e line wire is usually black.
3 Connect the neutral wire from the Click 230 to the N screw terminal to the top of the
Click 201/202. e neutral wire is usually white.
Figure 2.6 – Wiring AC Power into the Click 201/202
The NC screw terminal is not connected internally. Connecting a wire to a no connect (NC) terminal simply gives it a convenient termination point.
Wiring DC Power Out of the Click 201/202
1 Connect a +DC conductor (usually a red wire) to the + screw terminal on the bottom
of the Click 201/202 (see Figure 2.7).
2 Connect a -DC conductor (usually a black wire) to either of the - screw terminals on
the bottom of the Click 201/202.
Figure 2.7 – Wiring DC Power Out of the Click 201/202
Do not use the screw terminal marked DCOK; it provides only 20 mA and should be used only for monitoring the power supply.
e screw terminal connectors on the top and bottom of the module are removable to sim­plify wiring and are red-keyed, allowing the connector to plug into only one correct jack.
Connecting DC Power
To power the sensor, 10-30 VDC needs to be connected to the Click 200 in the pole-
mount cabinet. Additionally, if there is a main trac cabinet connected by a homerun cable, you will need to connect DC power to the Click 200 in that cabinet.
In the Pole-Mount Cabinet
Whether DC voltage comes from a homerun cable or from a Click 201/202 within the pole­mount cabinet, you can always wire the DC wires to the last screw terminal on the UNPRO-
TECTED side of the Click 200 module. is will protect your sensor from surges.
To wire DC power into the Click 200:
1 Connect +DC (usually a red wire) to the +DC screw terminal.
2 Connect -DC (usually a black wire) to the GND screw terminal next to the +DC
If the DC power comes from a Click 201/202 in the pole-mount cabinet that is surge pro-
tected using a Click 230, you can also connect power to the T-bus using a 5-position screw terminal. To wire DC power directly into a 5-position screw terminal (see Figure 2.8):
1 Connect +DC (24 VDC) to the top screw terminal. 2 Connect –DC to the second screw terminal. 3 Connecting Power Directly to the T-bus
+24 VDC
-485 GND
(red wire)
(black wire)
Green T-bus connectors provide power and communication connectivity on the DIN rail backplane; gray T-bus connectors only provide power connectivity and are used to distribute power without connecting communication.
In the Main Trac Cabinet
If DC voltage is sent across a homerun connection, AC power conversion is provided in the main cabinet. In the main cabinet, the DC wires out of the Click 201/202 should be wired
to the PROTECTED side and the homerun cable should be connected to the UNPRO­TECTED side of the Click 200.
The purpose of the Click 200 in the main cabinet is not to protect the sensor, but the electrical equipment inside of the main cabinet.
e last screw terminal block on the PROTECTED side of the Click 200 module contains
a +DC, -DC and two surge ground connections (see Figure 2.9).
1 Connect +DC (usually a red wire) to the +DC screw terminal. 2 Connect -DC (usually a black wire) to the GND screw terminal next to the +DC
Figure 2.8 – Wiring DC Power into the Click 200
Wiring Communication
After wiring the sensor cable into the PROTECTED side of the Click 200 in the pole
mount cabinet, two isolated serial connections are available. e sensor’s native RS-232
port is available via the DB-9 connector on the faceplate.
In addition, the sensor’s native RS-485 connection is available in the pole mount cabinet via the following three ports on the Click 200:
 Screw terminals on the bottom  RJ-11 connector on the faceplate T-bus backplane
The Click 200 does not convert RS-232 communication to RS-485. It simply provides surge protection for these two independent connections.
One common way to connect communications back to a main cabinet is to use a Smart­Sensor cable as your homerun cable. See Appendix C for information about maximum cable lengths for wired communication. Wavetronix Click products facilitate a wide variety of additional wired and wireless communication options. Contact a Wavetronix-authorized technical representative to nd out which options are best suited for your application.
Contact Closure Connections
While any of the RS-485 ports on the Click 200 can be connected to contact closure mod­ules, it is often easiest to connect from the RJ-11 port. In some cases, several contact closure
cards can be daisy-chained together. However, the chain should not be connected until each
card has been independently programmed (see Figure 2.10).
Figure 2.9 – Connecting Contact Closure Modules
Wait to connect contact closure communications until after the sensor is pro­grammed using the configuration software.
See Chapter 9 for more information on contact closure communications.
Part II
Using SmartSensor Manager
Chapter 3 – Getting Started with SmartSensor Manager Chapter 4 – Communication Chapter 5 – Sensor Settings Chapter 6 – Lane Setup Chapter 7 – Data Collection Chapter 8 – Tools Chapter 9 – Contact Closure Communications
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