Command Translator
Install Translator and TaskBuilder
1 Install the Translator soware then access the login page by opening a Web browser and navigating to
“http://<hostname or IP Address of Translator>/Translator/.”
2 Once on the login page, enter your username and password (default “administrator” and “password”)
then click Login.
3 Select System from the menu bar then click on the TaskBuilder link on the le side of the page.
4 Click on the TaskBuilder link to download and install TaskBuilder on the local machine.
Create a task
Tasks for Translator are created in TaskBuilder. Once
TaskBuilder is open, follow
the steps below to create a
new task:
1 Select New Task from
the File menu or click
the button on the toolbar,
opening the Task Details
2 Enter the information in
the Task Details window
and click Done (only
Task Name is required).
3 To add components to a
task, drag one or more
components from the
Component List at le to
the main task window.
4 Congure a component by selecting it in the main task window and lling out the applicable properties.
5 Create an action between two components by selecting the button, then using your mouse to drag from
the start component to the end component (valid end components will be highlighted in green).
6 Congure the properties of an action by selecting it in the main task window and lling out the appli-
cable information.

Debugging a task
Once a task is created, follow the steps below
to debug the task:
1 Click the button on the toolbar.
TaskBuilder will ask for any user-dened
values, then the Debug menu will open
on the toolbar.
2 Click the button to execute the entire
task. Actions will be highlighted in red
as they are executed. Any errors will
appear aer the task is run in an Error
Report dialog.
If you would like to step through each action
one by one, use the button. Errors will be
displayed immediately aer each step if they
occur. Click to stop execution entirely and return to the normal editing mode.
In the Conguration Options menu, accessed by clicking the button, TaskBuilder can be congured to
run the entire task automatically aer clicking the button, instead of using the Debug toolbar.
Export a task
Aer creating a task, follow the steps below
to export that task to the Translator service:
1 Open the Export Task window by select-
ing Export Task(s) from the File menu
or by clicking the button.
2 All registered tasks will be listed in the
Tasks to Export box; check the task(s)
you would like to export.
3 Select Export to Translator Service,
then select the currently running host
name or IP address from the drop-down
4 Click the Export button. e status box will let you know whether the attempt was successful.
You can also export to an XML le. To do this, open the Export Task window and select Export to File.
Enter the le name in the text box or click the . . . button to browse for the le, then click Export.