Click 500
is guide will introduce you to developing a custom Click 500 application. It will cover how to mount the
Click 500, how to connect it to your computer, how to install necessary soware and how to compile and
load a simple programming example. For more detailed development instructions, please see the Click 500
Developer Guide.
e guide assumes you have a way to power the Click 500. is must be done by providing power to a T-bus
that the Click 500 is mounted on. Such a T-bus, and a desktop stand for putting it on, can be obtained by
purchasing the Click Desktop Kit. You could also buy the Click 500 Development Bundle, which combines
the Desktop Kit and the Click 500 Development Add-on. If you already have the equipment to power your
Click 500, you won’t need to purchase anything else.
Install the Click 500 software package
e Click 500 soware package contains the Click 500 libraries, example source code, and application binary code. Download the Click
500 soware package by following these steps:
1 Go to www.wavetronix.com and click on the Support tab.
2 Select Click from the Start by drop-down menu and then select
Click 500 from the list that appears.
3 Click on the Click 500 Soware Package in the list of down-
loads that appears. Follow the instructions to download it to
your computer.
When you have the compressed le, simply decompress it into a directory of your choosing.
Install Dynamic C
1 Go to www.rabbit.com/support/downloads/dc/dc10.shtml. e Click 500 example code and applica-
tions have been tested with Dynamic C version 10.40 (it may also work with newer versions).
2 Follow the online instructions to download the installation soware package and complete the installa-
tion process.
3 Run the installer program (usually named something close to “DynamicC_10.40_WebFull.exe”).

Configure Dynamic C
Next you’ll need to congure Dynamic C to work with the
Click 500. First, open the Examples project:
1 Run the Dynamic C soware.
2 Select File > Project > Open from the menu bar and
browse to the directory where the Click 500 soware
package has been decompressed (i.e. “C:\CLICK500_
3 Select the Examples.dcp project from the Examples
subdirectory and click Open.
Next, congure settings in the Project Options
1 Select Project Options from the Options
drop-down menu.
2 Select the Compiler tab from the Project Op-
tions window.
3 Under the Store Program In box, select the
ash radio button.
4 Under the Separate Instruction & Data Space
box, make sure the Enable separate instruc-
tion and data spaces checkbox is checked.
5 Click the Advanced button in the lower-right
hand corner of the window and the Advanced
Compiler Options window will appear.
6 Under the User Dened Lib Directory File
box, click the … button and open the LIB.DIR
le in the Examples directory, then click OK.
7 Select the Targetless tab, then the Board
Selection sub-tab.
8 Select 58 MHz, RCM 4120, 512K+512K
SRAM, 512K ash from the list and click OK.
Finally, use a text editor to edit the Lib.dir
le in the Examples directory. Make sure
that the paths to the Library, Examples
and Applications directories correspond to
locations where you installed the soware