SmartSensor HD
Complete steps 1–10 to install the Wavetronix SmartSensor HD. If you need
technical support or have questions, please contact Wavetronix Technical
Services at 801.734.7200. For more information, see the SmartSensor HD
User Guide.
Ensure that all necessary components are available
You will need a number of items in order to install your sensor, including but not limited to the items below:
˽ Mount bracket and Band-It clamping system
˽ Sensor cable and homerun cable
˽ Click equipment and pole-mount box
˽ Laptop or PDA with SmartSensor Manager HD
˽ Bucket truck
˽ Pertinent documentation
Select a mounting height
Use the table to select
the mounting height
for the sensor based
on the oset from the
nearest detection lane.
e range of ideal
osets is highlighted
in gray.
If possible, use the
mounting height contained in the second
column, which is
marked Recommended
Mounting Height.
Oset from first
Detection Lane
6 / 1.8 12 / 3.7 9 / 2.7 19* / 5.8*
10 / 3 12 / 3.7 9 / 2.7 22 / 6.7
15 / 4.6 15 / 4.6 12 / 3.7 26 / 7.9
20 / 6 18 / 5.5 15 / 4.6 30 / 9.1
25 / 7.6 26 / 7.9 17 / 5.2 33 / 10
30 / 9.1 29 / 8.8 19 / 5.8 37 / 11.2
35 / 10.7 30 / 9.1 20 / 6 40 / 12.2
40 / 12.2 33 / 10 22 / 6.7 43 / 13.1
45 / 13.7 36 / 11 23 / 7 40 / 14
50 / 15.2 39 / 11.9 25 / 7.6 50 / 15.2
Mounting Height
Mounting Height
*Reduction in number of reported speeds
Mounting Height

Attach the sensor and mount bracket to the pole
Attach the mount bracket to the pole:
1 Insert the stainless steel straps through the slots in the mount
2 Position the mount on the pole so that the head of the mount is
pointing towards the middle of the lanes of interest.
3 Tighten the strap screws partway. e sensor alignment will need
to be ne-tuned later, so keep the straps loose enough to be adjustable but tight enough to be secure.
Attach the sensor to the mount bracket:
1 Align the bolts on the sensor’s backplate with the holes in the mount bracket. e connector at the bot-
tom of the unit should be pointing towards the ground.
2 Place the lock washers onto the bolts aer the bolts are in the mount bracket holes.
3 read on the nuts and tighten.
Align the sensor to the roadway
1 Tilt the sensor down so that the front is aimed at the center of the detection area.
2 Adjust the side-to-side angle as close to perpendicular to the ow of trac as possible. e side-to-side
alignment will be ne-tuned in step 10 using the SmartSensor Manager HD soware.
Attach the SmartSensor cable
1 Tear the tab o the silicon dielectric compound and squeeze
about 25% of it into the connector at the base of the sensor.
Wipe o any excess compound.
2 Insert the cable into the connector and twist clockwise until
you hear it click into place.
3 To avoid undue movement from wind, strap the cable to the
pole or run it through a conduit, but leave a small amount of
slack at the top of the cable to reduce strain.