Product Information Sheet
Active Tags
L-TG500 (Slimline Tag)
The Link-it™ L-TG500 Active Tag is po wered
by an internal battery. The Tag will, for the
duration of its life, transmit a Ra dio Frequency
(RF) signal at a pre-set time-interval. The Tag
life is estimated to be at least 5 years at a
transmission time interval of approximately 15
seconds. The Tag is simply replaced when the
battery has expired. Battery status can be
inferred by interrogating the internal Tag Age
Counter Value.
Tag data that is transmitted includes Site /
Vendor ID, Tag ID, Tag Age Counter Value,
Movement Alarm and Tamper Alarm status.
For protection against adverse environmental conditions, Link-it™ Tags are
encapsulated in a moulded plastic case, which is ultrasonically sealed during the
manufacturing process.
In addition provides a constant RF power output which reduces makes system
calibration easier as well as faster. The L-TG500 Tag is generally used for pe rsonnel
tagging, although it may be used in other applications, ie. the external tagging of
Laptop Computers. The mounting and affixing depends on the type of application.
The standard method is by VHB type double sided adhesive tape.
Several unique features of the Tag can be configured.
For example: access control and weigand interfacing
Configurable settings, including Site / Vendor ID, Tag ID, Transmission
Repetition Interval and Alarm functions.
Low power consumption. Tag life is estimated to be at least 5 years when
transmitting at a 15-second interval.
Proprietary Encryption Method
Link-it™ Tags can be mounted on a wide variety of items. Where permanent fixing is
required VHB double sided tape is used. Where permanent mounting is not required,
the tags may simply be carried by a person (typically if used as a person identifier)
with a clip attachment, or inserted in a carry pouch and worn around the neck
Operational temperature -10º C to +60º C
Storage temperature -20º C to +70º C
Humidity 5% to 90% (non condensing)
Size 86mm x 54mm x 5mm (Slimline Enclosure)
Weight <25gms
Colour Dark Grey (Clariant 04-600 2%)
Type of material PVC (ultrasonically sealed) IP 65
RF Specifications
Frequency 433.92Mhz
RF Output Power < 300µW
Typical Transmission Range 8 Meters (24 feet)
reader communication distances assume optimal orientation between tag and reader. Read distances may vary as a result of the
presence of meta l and e n vironmenta l co nd it ions. Re fe r to o t he r p ub lica t io ns from AI T re ga rdin g app lic a t io n pr act ise s fo r RF
RSA Patent numbers: 99/1629, 1630, 1631, 1632, 1636, 1673
USA and PCT patents pending
For more information on this and other products and services available contact:
Auto mated I denti fica tio n Te chnolog ie s (Pty) Ltd
2B, The Cloisters Office Park, cnr Rivonia Boulevard & 9
Avenue, Rivonia
P.O. Box 490, Parklands, 2121, South Africa.
Tel +27 (0)11 807 0911, Fax +27 (0)11 807 0915
is a re g istere d trad e ma rk of A IT. S pe c if ic at io ns a nd p roduc t a va ila b ilit y s ub ject to c ha nge w itho ut not ic e. Ta g a nd
Auto mated I denti fica tio n Te chnolog ie s Ltd.
Unit 6, Amber Business Village
Amber Close, Tamworth
Staffordshire, B77 4RP
United Kingdom
Tel +44 1827 311 331 Fax +44 1827 311 661
Revision Date: 02/02/01