Selfcal Digital Multimeters
Model 1281/1271
Configurable for DCV, ACV, DCI, ACI and Ohms measurement
Dual inter-compared ‘Selfcal’ references for enhanced confidence levels — stability
better than 3 ppm/year over a ±5°C temperature range
81/2-digit DCV and Ohms, 61/2-digit ACV, 100% over-ranging
10 GΩinput impedance (up to 20 V DC) and 10 nV input sensitivity
Special Ohms functions for ultra-high accuracy resistance measurements
Range-to-range and function-to-function ratio measurements
Simultaneous display of
voltage and frequency
Model 1281 — versatile precision for Standards
Laboratory measurements
Configurable for DCV, ACV, DCI, ACI and Ohms measurement
‘Selfcal’ for stability over a 0°C to 50°C temperature range
Simultaneous display of voltage and frequency — saving the cost
of a separate frequency counter
High-speed AC measurements — 61/2digit readings at
20 readings/second
Special Ohms functions for high accuracy in-circuit measurements
Comprehensive IEEE 488.2 interface
Model 1271 — speed and accuracy
for Bench and ATE systems
Stable enough to replace standard cells.
Much easier to use.
/2-digit scale length with usable last-
digit resolution.
100% over-ranging maintains 10 GΩ
input impedance up to 20 V.
Simultaneous readout of AC voltage/current and
frequency saves the cost of an additional
instrument in ATE systems.
Monitor functions give instant access to
measurement uncertainties and
secondary measurement parameters.
Access secondary functions using
no more than two front-panel
keystrokes, followed if necessary
by simple numeric entry.
Math functions allow direct
display of derived values.
Trade speed for resolution to optimise
performance in every application.
Special Ohms Functions: ‘2/4-Wire Ohms’ eliminates errors due to
lead resistance. ‘True Ohms’ eliminates errors due to thermal emfs.
‘LoI Ohms’ minimises self-heating in PRTs and allows in-circuit
measurements with diode junctions in parallel. ‘Ohms Guard’ allows
in-circuit resistance measurements and guards out leakage paths.
Three separate input channels save the cost
of an external scanner and allow functionto-function ratio measurements.
Comprehensive self-test ensures maximum operability.