Wavecom W-RCI User Manual

XML SDK V8.7.0
Remote Control Interface
PUBLISHED BY WAVECOM ELEKTRONIK AG Hammerstrasse 8 CH-8180 Buelach Switzerland
Phone: +41-44-872 70 60 Fax: +41-44-872 70 66 Email: sales@wavecom.ch Internet: http://www.wavecom.ch
© by WAVECOM ELEKTRONIK AG. All rights reserved.
Reproduction in whole or in part in any form is prohibited without written consent of the copyright owner.
The publication of information in this document does not imply freedom from patent or other protective rights of WAVECOM ELEKTRONIK AG or others.
All brand names in this document are trademarks or registered trademarks of their owners.
Specifications are subject to change without further notice.
Printed: April 17, 2015
Welcome 1
Options ....................................................................................................... 1
Training ....................................................................................................... 1
Revisions ..................................................................................................... 1
Issues ......................................................................................................... 3
XML Messages 3
Scope .......................................................................................................... 3
Constraints .................................................................................................. 3
Message categories ....................................................................................... 3
Encoding ..................................................................................................... 4
Message template ......................................................................................... 4
XML header ...................................................................................... 4
Extended XML header ........................................................................ 4
Message elements ............................................................................. 4
Data messages 5
Main data message tag .................................................................................. 5
Data element .................................................................................... 5
Binary data messages ................................................................................... 5
Binary element .................................................................................. 5
Text data messages ...................................................................................... 6
Text element .................................................................................... 6
Raw element ..................................................................................... 6
Graphic data messages ................................................................................. 7
Graphic element ................................................................................ 7
AxisInfo element ............................................................................... 7
Axis element ..................................................................................... 7
GraphicData element ......................................................................... 8
Point element .................................................................................... 8
BinaryFFT element ............................................................................. 9
Result messages ........................................................................................... 9
Result element .................................................................................. 9
Signal messages ......................................................................................... 10
Signal element ................................................................................ 10
Metadata messages 10
Main metadata message tag ........................................................................ 10
MetaData element ........................................................................... 10
MDCode message ....................................................................................... 10
MDCode element ............................................................................. 10
MDModulation message ............................................................................... 11
MDModulation element ..................................................................... 11
MDInput message ....................................................................................... 11
MDInput element ............................................................................. 11
MDParameter message ................................................................................ 12
MDParameter element ...................................................................... 12
MDDefaultItem message.............................................................................. 12
MDDefaultItem element ................................................................... 12
MDItemRange message ............................................................................... 12
MDItemRange element ..................................................................... 12
XML SDK V8.7.0 Remote Control Interface Contents  iii
MDSteps, MDLowerLimit and MDUpperLimit messages .................................... 13
MDSteps element ............................................................................ 13
MDLowerLimit element .................................................................... 13
MDUpperLimit element ..................................................................... 13
MDItemList message ................................................................................... 13
MDItemList element ......................................................................... 13
MDItem message ........................................................................................ 14
MDItem element ............................................................................. 14
Command messages 14
Main command message ............................................................................. 14
Command element .......................................................................... 14
Set messages ............................................................................................. 14
Set element .................................................................................... 14
Speed element ................................................................................ 14
ParameterList element ..................................................................... 15
Parameter element .......................................................................... 15
Configuration element ...................................................................... 15
Key element ................................................................................... 16
MilStanagMessageType element ........................................................ 17
ClassifierSetup element .................................................................... 18
CustomInput element ...................................................................... 19
WCloudSources element ................................................................... 20
ConfigFile element ........................................................................... 21
Get messages ............................................................................................ 21
Get element .................................................................................... 21
Start messages .......................................................................................... 23
Start element .................................................................................. 23
Connect message ....................................................................................... 23
Connect element ............................................................................. 23
Card element .................................................................................. 23
Disconnect message ................................................................................... 24
Disconnect element ......................................................................... 24
Activate messages ...................................................................................... 24
Activate element ............................................................................. 24
Server element ............................................................................... 24
Information messages 25
Main information message tag ...................................................................... 25
Information element ........................................................................ 25
ParameterList message ............................................................................... 25
ParameterList element ..................................................................... 25
Parameter element .......................................................................... 26
Indicators message ..................................................................................... 26
Indicators element ........................................................................... 26
Cards message ........................................................................................... 27
Cards element ................................................................................. 27
Card element .................................................................................. 27
WCloudSources message ............................................................................. 28
WCloudSources element ................................................................... 28
WCloudSource element .................................................................... 28
License message ........................................................................................ 28
License element .............................................................................. 28
Options element .............................................................................. 29
ExpiryDate element ......................................................................... 29
Key element ................................................................................... 29
BufferOverflow message .............................................................................. 30
BufferOverflow element .................................................................... 30
AlphabetList message.................................................................................. 30
AlphabetList element ....................................................................... 30
Alphabet element ............................................................................ 30
CustomInputList message ............................................................................ 31
iv  Contents XML SDK V8.7.0 Remote Control Interface
CustomInputList element .................................................................. 31
CustomInput element ...................................................................... 31
Confidence message ................................................................................... 32
Confidence element ......................................................................... 32
Error message 32
Error message tag ...................................................................................... 32
Error element .................................................................................. 32
Parameter names and values 33
Parameter element ..................................................................................... 33
List of Parameters ....................................................................................... 33
code .............................................................................................. 33
ias ................................................................................................. 38
ecc ................................................................................................ 38
polarity .......................................................................................... 39
scan-mode ..................................................................................... 39
alphabet ......................................................................................... 39
code-table ...................................................................................... 40
auto-speed ..................................................................................... 40
bit-inversion ................................................................................... 40
subcode ......................................................................................... 40
frame-length ................................................................................... 41
frame-format .................................................................................. 41
free-run ......................................................................................... 42
letter-figure-mode ........................................................................... 42
shift-register ................................................................................... 42
display-mode .................................................................................. 42
display-format................................................................................. 42
modulation ..................................................................................... 42
speed ............................................................................................. 43
shift ............................................................................................... 43
center ............................................................................................ 43
auto-mode ...................................................................................... 43
afc ................................................................................................. 43
input .............................................................................................. 43
inputgain ........................................................................................ 44
number-of-channels ......................................................................... 44
offset ............................................................................................. 45
bandwidth ...................................................................................... 45
fine-speed ...................................................................................... 45
ioc-module ..................................................................................... 45
als ................................................................................................. 45
filter .............................................................................................. 45
passband-center .............................................................................. 45
passband-bandwidth ........................................................................ 45
twinshift-1 ...................................................................................... 45
twinshift-2 ...................................................................................... 45
twinshift-3 ...................................................................................... 45
twin-v1 .......................................................................................... 46
twin-v2 .......................................................................................... 46
am-offset ....................................................................................... 46
am-gain ......................................................................................... 46
data-interleaver .............................................................................. 46
data-blocksize ................................................................................. 46
dte-databits .................................................................................... 46
dte-parity ....................................................................................... 46
dte-startbits .................................................................................... 46
dte-stopbits .................................................................................... 46
diversity (mil-188-110-39tone only) .................................................. 46
threshold-level (W61PC and W-CODE only) ......................................... 46
output-demod-symbol (W-PCI/e and W-CODE only) ............................. 47
XML SDK V8.7.0 Remote Control Interface Contents  v
acars-reassemble ............................................................................ 47
acars-enable-ads-c .......................................................................... 47
live-sound-mute .............................................................................. 47
TCP/IP Interface 47
Overview ................................................................................................... 47
Architecture ............................................................................................... 48
Win32 Remote Control Interface API ............................................................. 48
C Application Programming Interface ............................................................ 49
Source ........................................................................................... 49
Sink ............................................................................................... 50
C++ Application Programming Interface ........................................................ 51
Source ........................................................................................... 51
Sink ............................................................................................... 52
XML Message Format .................................................................................. 52
XMLFormatting ................................................................................ 52
XMLEncoding .................................................................................. 53
XMLEOLType ................................................................................... 53
XML Remote Control Interface ...................................................................... 53
Data Package Protocol ...................................................................... 53
Messages ....................................................................................... 54
Connecting to the server .................................................................. 56
Sample Code 58
XML command samples ............................................................................... 59
CONNECT TO CARD ......................................................................... 59
GET STATUS ................................................................................... 59
SET FFT .......................................................................................... 59
SET BITSTREAM .............................................................................. 59
SET FFTs PER SECOND ..................................................................... 59
GET METADATA FOR FEC-A ............................................................... 59
GET METADATA CODELIST ................................................................ 59
SET FEC-A ...................................................................................... 60
SET BAUDOT ................................................................................... 60
SET COQUELET-8 ............................................................................ 60
SET PACKET-9600 ........................................................................... 60
SET CCIR-1 .................................................................................... 60
SET INMARSAT-C-TDM ..................................................................... 61
SET PACTOR-II ................................................................................ 61
SET PSK-31 .................................................................................... 61
SET MIL-188-110A .......................................................................... 61
SET INMARSAT-MINI-M .................................................................... 62
SET ALS ......................................................................................... 62
GET STATUS ................................................................................... 62
SET FFTs PER SECOND ..................................................................... 62
XML RCI Image Modes ................................................................................ 62
Left-to-right codes ........................................................................... 62
Top-down codes .............................................................................. 63
Appendix 64
Conditions of Sale ....................................................................................... 64
General .......................................................................................... 64
Prices ............................................................................................. 64
Delivery time .................................................................................. 64
Dispatch ......................................................................................... 64
Return of goods ............................................................................... 65
Payments ....................................................................................... 65
Reservation of ownership ................................................................. 65
Cancellation .................................................................................... 65
Changes of order Quantities .............................................................. 65
Legal Domicile ................................................................................. 65
vi  Contents XML SDK V8.7.0 Remote Control Interface
Warranty ........................................................................................ 65
Obligation ....................................................................................... 65
Copyright ....................................................................................... 65
Liability .......................................................................................... 65
Laws and Regulations ....................................................................... 66
License Terms ............................................................................................ 66
Manufacturer Address ................................................................................. 67
Manufacturer and International Distribution ........................................ 67
WAVECOM Distributor ...................................................................... 67
Documentation ........................................................................................... 67
Literature .................................................................................................. 67
Glossary of Terms 69 Index 71
XML SDK V8.7.0 Remote Control Interface Contents  vii
Initial draft
Added: BinaryFFT element fft-data-format frame-length frame-format
Minor bug fixes Added: passband-center passband-bandwidth MilStanagMessageType element
New codes in table New diversity parameter New threshold-level parameter New layout Added: ClassifierSetup element Get element - item classifiersetup settings
W-CODE added
Added: AlphabetList Element Get element - item New codes in table
CustomInputList Element
Get element - item (CustomInputList) Set element - item (CustomInput)
New codes in table
Congratulations on your purchase of a WAVECOM decoder product. The product that you bought incorpo­rates the latest technology in data decoding together with the latest software release available at the time of shipment.
Please check our website http://www.wavecom.ch for software updates. Always check the latest documentation on the installation DVD or on our website. We thank you for choosing WAVECOM decoder and look forward to working with you in the future.
Various options to the decoder series are available from WAVECOM. In the manual, options are marked with “(Option)”.
WAVECOM provides training on the WAVECOM XML interface. Training can take place at a customer se­lected location or at our offices in Switzerland.
XML SDK V8.7.0 Remote Control Interface Welcome  1
Parity changed Display format changed
robust-packet-radio replaced with robust-packet
IP-CONF: correction of wrong spelling Additional range information for the port number, sampling rate and number-
of-channels attributes
Release version system changed. In the future the XMLRCI manual and a soft­ware release will have identical release versions
CustomInput element: sr-finetuning=““ added IP-PXGF (Grintek) streaming format added DMR added PSK-63 added PSK-125 added PSK-250 added
MilStanagMessageType element: display-format “ascii” removed and documen- tation changed
CustomInput element: sr-finetuning=““ removed Documentation improved and errors corrected
Timeslot parameter removed SAT-A and METEOSAT removed CODAN renamed to CODAN-SELCAL Shift and center changed from short to integer. MilStanagMessageType “auto-detect” added. BR-6028 changed from demodulator type to mode dPMR added TETRA added X.25 added New parameters and commands added for Classsifier-Code-Check (CCC)
ClassifierSetup documentation completed “CC-timeout”, “CC-table” etc. changed to lower case APCO-25 added
Manual revised GW-OFDM added LINK-11 added cc-table-vhfdir and cc-table-vhfind added CC and CCC restart command added Removed: AGC on, off, low-noise Changed: low pass
Just increase the version number to match that of the W-PCI/e and W-CODE.
Increase the version number to match that of the W-PCI/e and W-CODE.
A new parameter “output-demod-symbol” for demodulated symbol output with the value “on” and “off”.
Parameter “translation” renamed to “offset”. Add “display-mode” to Pactor
Add on several new mode strings.
Change mode string “chinese-4-4” to “chn-4-4”. Add on WCloudSources message.
Add commands to retrieve CCC tables (Get CC Table HF, Get CC Table VHF­DIR and Get CC Table VHF-SUB).
Classifier results streamed in a structured way, by their tags. API improved.
DMR has a “bit-transparent” output. Choose via “subcode” in “Parameter name”.
New mode: MIL-188-110A-MOD. New mode: THROB and THROBX. dPMR has a “bit-transparent” output. Choose via “subcode” in “Parameter
2  Welcome XML SDK V8.7.0 Remote Control Interface
name”. Small correction in “alphabet” parameter.
Add the message “Confidence”. Add following strings of new decoders to the parameter “code”: clover-2500,
sat-b-c-hsd and sat-mini-m-c-hsd.
Add new parameters: “acars-reassemble” and “acars-enable-ads-c”. Add new parameters: “live-sound-mute” to turn on/off sound output to the
speaker. New “CustomInput” element supporting the VITA-49 format.
Incomplete un-installation of XML RCI SDK Cause:
A windows background application is started if you start the RCI test
software. This software continues running even if the RCI test software is stopped. Because of this the directory is still in use if you start a un­installation of the XML RCI SDK and installation is incomplete.
Restart your computer. Run un-installation of the XML RCI SDK.
Data type
Server to client
Text, images, binary da­ta, analysis data
Server to client
Parameter information
Client to server
Server to client
Server to client
Error messages
XML Messages
This section describes all XML messages used to interact with the WAVECOM Remote Control Interface (RCI) and contains information from the DTD (Document Type Definition). The DTD file is available in the XMLRCI installation folder.
The values used in the description of the XML messages are only valid in the XML Remote Control Inter­face context. In the context of the business logic of the WAVECOM decoders the values may be invalid.
Message categories
Messages are divided into five categories:
Data messages contain data derived from the captured signal, i.e., text, images, binary or analysis data. Metadata messages return parameter values. Command messages allow the client to control the behavior of the server and the decoder(s) it controls.
XML SDK V8.7.0 Remote Control Interface XML Messages  3
Information messages provide information about the hardware, the software or hardware versions, the state of the decoders, and the state and configuration of the server.
Error messages provide information about server system errors (not errors in the decoded data).
The XML files are encoded in UTF-8, UTF-16 or Unicode.
Message template
XML header
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE Message SYSTEM "RCI/1.0/DTD/WAVECOM.dtd">
Extended XML header
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE Message SYSTEM "RCI/1.0/DTD/WAVECOM.dtd"> <Message version="1.0" instance="0" subinstance="0" serial-nr="0210125807" date="20050412" time="19:45:55:367"> Content </Message>
The XML header is not interpreted by the server and may be included or omitted. For server messages the header is empty.
Message elements
The implied attributes instance/subinstance, serial-nr, date and time only contain a value if the ex­tended message header is set on the server. This can be done by sending a set configuration message.
Attribute List
The message version is formatted as major.minor version. A server will handle all messages from a client as long as the major versions of the server and the client are equal and the minor version of the server is equal to or greater than the minor version of the client. This attribute is locked to the version of the DTD in the current Wavecom DTD.
instance subinstance
In future decoder releases multiple codes may be instantiated on a single card. This feature requires that the server knows the destination of the message or the client knows the source of the message. These at­tributes are implied and are not used in this release.
The serial number of the decoder assigned to this client. This attribute is implied and represents a string.
Date of message creation. This attribute is implied and represents a string. The format of date is YYYYMMDD.
Time of message creation. This attribute is implied and represents a string. The format of time is hh:mm:ss:milliseconds.
The content is a choice between the Data, Metadata, Command, Information and Error elements.
4  XML Messages XML SDK V8.7.0 Remote Control Interface
Data messages
Main data message tag
<Message version="1.0"> <Data> Content </Data> </Message>
Data element
The content is a choice between one or more of the Binary, Text, Graphic and Result elements.
Binary data messages
Binary element
<Message version="1.0"> <Data> <Binary encoding=”base64” bit-count="0"> Content </Binary> </Data> </Message>
Attribute List
Indicates how the content is encoded. This attribute is required and may assume the values “base2”, “base16”, “base64” or “base64-mime”. The difference between “base64” and “base64-mime” is the way the encoded string is terminated. Both encodings use the same character set, but “base64-mime” follows
the specification for SMTP messages and aligns the string to four characters and fills unused positions with
the padding character “=”, whereas “base64” reduces the number of characters to just the ones required,
depending on the bit count.
Indicates the number of bits transferred excluding trailing zeros which are appended to achieve byte boundary alignment. This attribute is required and is a string representing a positive integer.
The content is a string of data decoded by the decoder and encoded as described by the encoding attrib­ute.
The IAS (ISO-ASYNCHRONOUS and SYNCHRONOUS modes) Bit Stream Output sends a raw, synchronized bit stream (FSK, some PSK only) to an external application. Before data can be transferred, the parame­ters of the decoder software (e.g. demodulator, shift frequency, center frequency etc.) must be set to cor­rect values.
In case of “base2” encoding, a “FALSE” bit is encoded as character ‘0’, “TRUE” as character ‘1’. In case of “base16” encoding, 4 bits are encoded by their respective hexadecimal character, i.e., ‘0’ to ‘F’. In case of “base64(-mime)” encoding, 6 bits are represented by a single character of the base64-code.
XML SDK V8.7.0 Remote Control Interface Data messages  5
Text data messages
Text element
<Message version="1.0"> <Data> <Text channel=”A” error-indication=”no”> Content </Text> </Data> </Message>
Attribute List
Specifies the channel from which decoded data originates. In case of single channel systems, the value is always channel “A”. This attribute is required and may assume the values “A”, “B”, “C” and “D”.
Indicates an error in the decoded data. This attribute is required and is a choice between “no” or “yes”.
Note: The channel information and the error indication are valid for all content of a single text element.
The content is either a Translated element, a Raw element, or both. Translated element
<Message version="1.0"> <Data>
<Text channel=”A” error-indication=”no”> <Translated alphabet=”ita2-latin”>
Text </Translated> Content </Text> </Data> </Message>
Attribute List
Indicates which alphabet is used to translate the decoded data. This attribute is required and represents a string (for values, see section “Parameter names and values”).
The content is translated text data.
Raw element
<Message version="1.0"> <Data> <Text channel=”A” error-indication=”no”> Content <Raw> Text </Raw> </Text> </Data> </Message>
6  Data messages XML SDK V8.7.0 Remote Control Interface
The content is the hexadecimal representation of the decoded data, not translated into any alphabet.
Graphic data messages
Graphic element
<Message version="1.0"> <Data> <Graphic type=”FFT”> Content </Graphic> </Data> </Message>
Attribute List
Indicates which type of graphic data is sent. This attribute is required and is a string. Possible values are “FFT”, “SSTV” and “Fax”.
The content is a sequence of AxisInfo and GraphicData elements.
AxisInfo element
<Message version="1.0"> <Data>
<Graphic type=”FFT”> <AxisInfo count=”2”>
Content </AxisInfo> Content </Graphic> </Data> </Message>
Attribute List
Indicates how many axes are described. This attribute is required and represents an integer.
The content is a sequence of one or more Axis elements.
Axis element
<Message version="1.0"> <Data> <Graphic type=”FFT”> <AxisInfo count=”2”>
<Axis name=”x” unit=”Hz” max=”4000” min=”0”/> <Axis name=”y” unit=”db” max=”0” min=”-60”/>
</AxisInfo> Content </Graphic> </Data> </Message>
Attribute List
The name of the axis. This attribute is a choice between “x”, “y” and “z”.
XML SDK V8.7.0 Remote Control Interface Data messages  7
Unit of the values on the axis. This attribute is required and is a string, the value depends on the selected mode.
Maximum possible value. This attribute is required and represents an integer, the value depends on the selected mode.
Minimum possible value. This attribute is required and represents an integer, the value depends on the se­lected mode.
This element has no content.
GraphicData element
<Message version="1.0"> <Data> <Graphic type=”FFT”> Content <GraphicData count=”2”> Content </GraphicData> </Graphic> </Data> </Message>
Attribute List
Indicates the number of pixels (points) returned. This attribute is required and represents an integer. Count is 1 in case of type “Fax” and 2 in case of “FFT” and “SSTV”.
The content is a sequence of one or more Point elements or a single BinaryFFT element.
Point element
<Message version="1.0"> <Data> <Graphic type=”FFT”> Content
<GraphicData count=”2”> <Point x=”0” y=”-20.25” z=”” rgb=””/> <Point x=”1” y=”—40.5” z=”” rgb=””/>
</GraphicData> Content </Graphic> </Data> </Message>
Attribute List
x, y, z
The coordinates of the returned pixel. These attributes are implied and represents integers or floating point values depending on the type of graphic.
RGB color information values. This attribute is implied and is a string. It is sent in a hex format 0xRRGGBB, where each of the colors red, green and blue has a weight between 0 and 255.
This element has no content.
8  Data messages XML SDK V8.7.0 Remote Control Interface
Encoding type
Bits per character
Character set
0, 1
0-9, A-F
0-9, A-Z, a-z ,+, /
0-9, A-Z, a-z, +, / (“=” padding character for byte alignment)
BinaryFFT element
<Message version="1.0"> <Data> <Graphic type="FFT"> <AxisInfo count="2"> <Axis name="x" unit="Hz" max="1050" min="950"/> <Axis name="y" unit="db" max="0" min="-60"/> </AxisInfo> <GraphicData count="2048"> <BinaryFFT>023F023FAAAA….023F023F</BinaryFFT> </GraphicData> </Graphic> </Data> </Message>
Attribute List
This element has no attributes.
The content is the binary encoded FFT data. The encoding type (base2, base16, base64 or base64-mime) is set by the Set Configuration Message.
Characters are converted into bits according to the selected encoding type.
Each FFT value is represented by a signed 16 bit word, where 12 bits are used for the integer part and 4 bits are used for the real part of the value. The following example shows how to extract the FFT value from a bit stream:
Received: 1101 0101 0011 1111 Mirrored: 1111 1100 1010 1011 (network order) Integer-part: 1111 1100 1010 = -54 (two's complement) Real-part: 1011 value = 11/16 = 0.6875 FFT value = -54 + 0.6875 = -53.3125 dB
Result messages
Result element
<Message version="1.0"> <Data> <Result description=”status-line”> content </Result> </Data> </Message>
Attribute List
Description of the result. This attribute is required and is a string.
The content is the result in a text format.
XML SDK V8.7.0 Remote Control Interface Data messages  9
Signal messages
Signal element
<Message version="1.0"> <Data> <Signal> <SignalParameter name="...">...</SignalParameter> <SignalParameter name="...">...</SignalParameter> ... </Signal> </Data> </Message>
The “Signal” element is used to return signal parameters delivered by the classifier. One message block
<Signal> ... </Signal> is sent for each classified signal.
Following signal parameters names are supported: center, shift, spacing, baudrate, bandwidth, modula­tion, confidence and level.
Contents of the signal parameter tags all have the same format: [Value][Unit][Flags]. The value (in [Value]) is required, unit and flags are optional.
Metadata messages
Main metadata message tag
MetaData element
<Message version="1.0"> <MetaData info="code"> Content </MetaData> </Message>
Attribute List
Indicates the type of metadata returned. This attribute is required and is a choice between “code” and “code-list”. “code” is synonymous with the term “mode” used when referring to the decoder.
The content is a sequence of one or more MDCode elements.
MDCode message
MDCode element
10  Metadata messages XML SDK V8.7.0 Remote Control Interface
<Message version="1.0"> <MetaData info="code"> <MDCode value="fec-a"> Content </MDCode> </MetaData> </Message>
Attribute List
Returns the name of the mode being decoded. This attribute is required and is a choice between all possi­ble modes (for values see section “Parameter names and values”).
The content is a sequence of zero or more MDParameter elements, zero or more MDModulation ele­ments and zero or more MDInput elements.
MDModulation message
MDModulation element
<Message version="1.0"> <MetaData info="code"> <MDCode value="fec-a"> <MDModulation value="dsp"> Content </MDModulation> </MDCode> </MetaData> </Message>
Attribute List
Indicates the modulation type used. This attribute is required and is a choice between all possible modul a­tion types (for values see section “Parameter names and values”).
The content is a sequence of zero or more MDParameter elements.
MDInput message
MDInput element
<Message version="1.0"> <MetaData info="code"> <MDCode value="fec-a"> <MDInput value="inp1" description=”AFIF#1:0-25 MHz input”> Content </MDInput> </MDCode> </MetaData> </Message>
Attribute List
Indicates the input used. This attribute is required and is a choice between all possible inputs.
Additional textual information about the input.
XML SDK V8.7.0 Remote Control Interface Metadata messages  11
The content is a sequence of zero or more MDParameter elements.
MDParameter message
MDParameter element
<Message version="1.0"> <MetaData info="code"> <MDCode value="fec-a"> <MDParameter name="shift" info="integer" access="read-write"> Content </MDParameter> </MDCode> </MetaData> </Message>
Attribute List
Name of the parameter. This attribute is required and is a string. The choice of valid parameters depends on the selected mode.
Information on the parameter data type. This attribute is required and is a choice between “integer”, “floating-point” and “string”.
Access rights to a parameter. This attribute is required and is a choice between “read-only” and “read­write”.
The content is a sequence of MDDefaultItem elements, zero or one MDItemRange element and zero or one MDItemList element.
MDDefaultItem message
MDDefaultItem element
<Message version="1.0"> <MetaData info="code"> <MDCode value="fec-a"> <MDParameter name="shift" info="integer" access="read-write"> <MDDefaultItem> Content </MDDefaultItem> </MDParameter> </MDCode> </MetaData> </Message>
The content is an MDItem element.
MDItemRange message
MDItemRange element
12  Metadata messages XML SDK V8.7.0 Remote Control Interface
<Message version="1.0"> <MetaData info="code"> <MDCode value="fec-a"> <MDParameter name="shift" info="integer" access="read-write"> <MDItemRange> Content </MDItemRange> </MDParameter> </MDCode> </MetaData> </Message>
The content is a sequence of zero or one MDSteps element, a MDLowerLimit element and a MDUpper­Limit element.
MDSteps, MDLowerLimit and MDUpperLimit messages
MDSteps element MDLowerLimit element MDUpperLimit element
<Message version="1.0"> <MetaData info="code"> <MDCode value="fec-a"> <MDParameter name="shift" info="integer" access="read-write"> <MDItemRange> <MDSteps> Content </MDSteps> <MDLowerLimit> Content </MDLowerLimit> <MDUpperLimit> Content </MDUpperLimit> </MDItemRange> </MDParameter> </MDCode> </MetaData> </Message>
The content is an MDItem element.
MDItemList message
MDItemList element
<Message version="1.0"> <MetaData info="code"> <MDCode value="fec-a"> <MDParameter name="shift" info="integer" access="read-write"> <MDItemList> Content </MDItemList> </MDParameter> </MDCode> </MetaData> </Message>
The content is one or more MDItem element.
XML SDK V8.7.0 Remote Control Interface Metadata messages  13
MDItem message
MDItem element
<Message version="1.0"> <MetaData info="code"> <MDCode value="fec-a"> <MDParameter name="shift" info="integer" access="read-write"> <MDDefaultItem> <MDItem value="50"/> </MDDefaultItem> </MDParameter> </MDCode> </MetaData> </Message>
Attribute List
This attribute is required and represents an integer, a floating point or a string, and it depends on the info attribute of the MDParameter element.
Command messages
Main command message
Command element
<Message version="1.0"> <Command> Content </Command> </Message>
The content is a choice between the elements Set, Get, Start, Connect, Disconnect and Activate.
Set messages
Set element
<Message version="1.0"> <Command> <Set> Content </Set> </Command> </Message>
The content is a choice between the elements Speed, ParameterList, Configuration, Key, MilStanag­MessageType, ClassifierSetup, CustomInput and WCloudSources.
Speed element
14  Command messages XML SDK V8.7.0 Remote Control Interface
<Message version="1.0"> <Command> <Set> <Speed limit="no"/> </Set> </Command> </Message>
Attribute List
Speed limit of the connection to the server. This attribute is required and its value is a choice between
“9600”, “14400”, “19200”, “56k”, “64k”, “128k”, “512k”, “1M”, “2M”, “5M”, “10M” and “no” (unlimited
This element has no content.
ParameterList element
<Message version="1.0"> <Command> <Set> <ParameterList> content </ParameterList> </Set> </Command> </Message>
The content is a sequence of one or more Parameter elements.
Parameter element
<Message version="1.0"> <Command> <Set> <ParameterList>
<Parameter name=”code” value=”fec-a”/> <Parameter name=”modulation” value=”dsp”/>
</ParameterList> </Set> </Command> </Message>
Attribute List
Name of the parameter. This attribute is required and is a string.
Value of the parameter. This attribute is required and is an integer, a floating point or a string value de­pending on the actual parameter.
This element has no content.
Note: A detailed description of the name and value pairs is found later in this document. The pairs can be received with the MetaData message.
Configuration element
XML SDK V8.7.0 Remote Control Interface Command messages  15
<Message version="1.0"> <Command> <Set> <Configuration message-header="short" text-data-format="translated" binary-data­format="base64" information-indicators-interval-per-minute="60" fft-interval-per-second=”5” fft-data-format="text"/> </Set> </Command> </Message>
Attribute List
The Message element has a few implied attributes (see message template) which are only filled by the server if recommended by the client, and the message-header attribute sets the filling preferences. This attribute is implied and is a choice between “short” and “extended”.
Specifies how the content is displayed in a text data message. This attribute is implied and is a choice be-
tween “translated”, “raw” and “all”. “translated” indicates that the decoded text is translated with the se- lected alphabet. “raw” indicates the decoded text is raw and unformatted. “all” indicates that all formats of
displaying the text are transferred.
Indicates how the content is encoded. This attribute is required and may assume the value of “base2”, “base16”, “base64” or “base64-mime”. The difference between “base64” and “base64-mime” is the way of the encoded string is terminated. The difference between “base64” and “base64-mime” is the way the encoded string is terminated. Both encodings use the same character set, but “base64-mime” follows the
specification for SMTP messages and aligns the string to four characters and fills unused positions with the padding character “=”, whereas “base64” reduces the number of characters to just the ones required, de­pending on the bit count.
Determines the maximum number of information indicator messages per minute sent to the client. If con­figured to 60 messages per minute the client will receive between 0 and 60 messages per minute. A value of 0 indicates that no messages are sent and a value greater than 6000 indicates that all messages are sent. This attribute is implied and represents an integer.
Determines the maximum number of FFT graphic messages per second sent to the client. If configured to 20 messages per second the client will receive between 0 – 20 messages per second. A value of 0 indi­cates that no messages are sent and a value greater than 100 indicates that that all messages are sent. This attribute is implied and represents an integer.
Determines the FFT data format. This attribute may assume the values “text” or “binary”. The default set- ting is “text”.
This element has no content.
Key element
<Message version="1.0"> <Command> <Set> <Key> XADF3BDFERTP233QWWTR2WQ66 </Key> </Set> </Command> </Message>
Attribute List
This element has no attributes.
16  Command messages XML SDK V8.7.0 Remote Control Interface
all variants
1 or 2
“none” only
7 or 8 data bits; default is 7 data bits
5 data bits only
5 to 8 data bits
5 to 8 data bits
5, 7 and 8 data bits; default is 7 data bits
The content is the product key to be set.
MilStanagMessageType element
<Message version="1.0"> <Command> <Set> <MilStanagMessageType sync-mode="async" data-bits="7" parity-bits="none" stop-bits="0" bit-sequence="lsb" data-polarity=”nor” display-format="ita5" auto-detect=”idle”/> </Set> </Command> </Message>
Attribute List
The sync mode is a choice between "async" and "sync".
The number of data bits. The valid range is 5 to 8.
The parity bit is a choice among "none", “even”, “odd”, “mark” and "space".
The number of stop bits. The valid range is 0 to 2. Valid attribute combinations:
The bit sequence order is a choice between "lsb" and "msb".
The data polarity is a choice between "nor" and "inv".
The auto-detect command is a choice between “start”, and “stop”. The auto-detect information is a choice between “idle”, “active”, and “success”.
The display format is a choice among "ita5", "ita2", "hex" and "binary". The Stanag-4285 mode includes an additional display format, "s5066". Valid combinations:
Note: Depending attributes are forced to valid values if their current values are not compatible with the updated reference attribute. For example, if display-format is changed from “ita2” to “ita5”, then data- bits is set to 7 bits.
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