Wavecom WMO1-G900 User Manual

Wavecom GSM Modem
Wavecom GSM MODEM WMO1-G900
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Reference: WCOM/GSM/WMO1-G900/modATcmd
This confidential document is the property of WAVECOM and may not be copied or circulated without permission
Version: 7.3
Wavecom GSM Modem
1.0 29-02-96 P NHI Creation
2.0 18-03-96 P RMA Add of new commands
3.0 10-06-96 P RMA Add of new commands
4.0 08-07-96 P RMA Add of new commands
5.0 29-07-96 P RMA Add of new commands
5.1 25-09-96 P RMA Modification of commands
5.2 03-10-96 P RMA Add of new commands
5.3 21-10-96 P RMA Add of V25 ter commands
6.0 16-01-97 P RMA Add of new commands
6.1 10-02-97 P RMA Modifications of +CBST, +CRLP, +SIDET
7.0 29-05-97 P RMA Add of new commands
7.1 24-07-97 P RMA Modifications for error codes
7.2 16-10-97 P FDE Add Network & SIM lock (+CLCK, +CPWD)
7.3 21-12-97 P FDE Add phonebook management (+CPBS, +CPBR, +CPBF, +CPBW)
Add Fax management
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Wavecom GSM Modem
1. INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................................. 6
1.1. SCOPE OF THIS DOCUMENT.............................................................................................................. 6
1.2. GSM REFERENCE DOCUMENTS ....................................................................................................... 6
1.3. ETSI CONTACT.............................................................................................................................. 7
1.4. DEFINITIONS.................................................................................................................................. 7
1.5. TECHNICAL DATA.......................................................................................................................... 7
2. AT COMMANDS FEATURES........................................................................................................11
2.1. WAVECOM LINE SETTINGS .........................................................................................................11
2.2. COMMAND LINE............................................................................................................................11
2.3. INFORMATION RESPONSES AND RESULT CODES................................................................................11
3. AT COMMANDS FOR CALL CONTROL.....................................................................................12
3.1. DIAL COMMAND D ........................................................................................................................12
3.2. HANG-UP COMMAND H .................................................................................................................13
3.3. ANSWER A CALL A........................................................................................................................13
3.4. REMOTE DISCONNECTION..............................................................................................................13
3.5. DTMF SIGNALS +VTD, +VTS ......................................................................................................14
3.6. OPERATOR SELECTION +COPS......................................................................................................14
3.7. REDIAL LAST NUMBER ATDL ........................................................................................................15
3.8. SIGNAL QUALITY +CSQ...............................................................................................................16
3.9. NETWORK REGISTRATION +CREG.................................................................................................16
3.10. AUTOMATIC ANSWER ATS0........................................................................................................16
3.11. GAIN CONTROL +VGR, +VGT ...................................................................................................17
3.12. SIDETONE MODIFICATION +SIDET .............................................................................................18
3.13. ECHO CANCELER +ECHO...........................................................................................................18
4. AT COMMANDS FOR SIM, E2PROM..........................................................................................20
4.1. PRODUCT SERIAL NUMBER +CGSN...............................................................................................20
4.2. REQUEST MODEL IDENTIFICATION +CGMM...................................................................................20
4.3. REQUEST REVISION IDENTIFICATION +CGMR.................................................................................20
4.4. MANUFACTURER IDENTIFICATION +CGMI.....................................................................................21
4.5. CAPABILITIES LIST +GCAP...........................................................................................................21
4.6. PHONE ACTIVITY STATUS +CPAS..................................................................................................21
4.7. POWER OFF +CPOF......................................................................................................................21
4.8. SET PHONE FUNCTIONALITY +CFUN..............................................................................................22
4.9. ENTER PIN/PUK CODE +CPIN......................................................................................................23
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4.9.1. Remark.................................................................................................................................24
4.10. FACILITY LOCK +CLCK .............................................................................................................25
4.11. CHANGE PASSWORD +CPWD......................................................................................................26
4.12. SELECT PHONEBOOK MEMORY STORAGE +CPBS...........................................................................26
4.13. READ PHONEBOOK ENTRIES +CPBR.............................................................................................27
4.14. FIND PHONEBOOK ENTRIES +CPBF ..............................................................................................27
4.15. WRITE PHONEBOOK ENTIY +CPBW .............................................................................................28
5. AT COMMANDS FOR SHORT MESSAGES ................................................................................29
5.1. PARAMETERS DEFINITION..............................................................................................................29
5.2. SELECT MESSAGE SERVICE +CSMS...............................................................................................30
5.3. PREFERRED MESSAGE STORAGE +CPMS .......................................................................................30
5.4. PREFERRED MESSAGE FORMAT +CMGF........................................................................................30
5.5. SAVE SETTINGS +CSAS.................................................................................................................32
5.6. RESTORE SETTINGS +CRES...........................................................................................................32
5.7. SHOW TEXT MODE PARAMETERS +CSDH ......................................................................................32
5.8. SELECT TE CHARACTER SET +CSCS..............................................................................................32
5.9. NEW MESSAGE INDICATION +CNMI..............................................................................................33
5.10. READ MESSAGE +CMGR ............................................................................................................35
5.11. LIST MESSAGE +CMGL...............................................................................................................36
5.12. SEND MESSAGE +CMGS.............................................................................................................37
5.13. SET TEXT MODE PARAMETERS +CSMP.......................................................................................37
5.14. DELETE MESSAGE +CMGD.........................................................................................................38
5.15. SERVICE CENTER ADDRESS +CSCA..............................................................................................38
6. AT COMMANDS FOR SUPPLEMENTARY SERVICES .............................................................39
6.1. CALL FORWARDING +CCFC .........................................................................................................39
6.2. CALL BARRING +CLCK.................................................................................................................40
6.3. MODIFY SS PASSWORD +CPWD...................................................................................................40
6.4. CALL WAITING +CCWA................................................................................................................41
6.5. CALLING LINE IDENTIFICATION RESTRICTION +CLIR......................................................................42
6.6. CALLING LINE IDENTIFICATION PRESENTATION +CLIP....................................................................42
6.7. CONNECTED LINE IDENTIFICATION PRESENTATION +COLP ............................................................43
7. AT COMMANDS FOR DATA.........................................................................................................44
7.1. BEARER TYPE SELECTION +CBST..................................................................................................44
7.2. REPORT CONTROL +CR, +CRC.....................................................................................................45
7.2.1. Outgoing call +CR...............................................................................................................45
7.2.2. Incoming call +CRC.............................................................................................................45
7.3. ECHO E.......................................................................................................................................46
7.4. FIXED DTE RATE +IPR................................................................................................................46
7.5. BACK TO ONLINE MODE O.............................................................................................................46
7.6. DTE-DCE CHARACTER FRAMING +ICF .........................................................................................47
7.7. REPEAT LAST COMMAND A/..........................................................................................................47
7.8. DEFAULT CONFIGURATION Z.........................................................................................................47
7.9. DTE-DCE LOCAL FLOW CONTROL +IFC........................................................................................48
7.10. SET DCD SIGNAL &C.................................................................................................................48
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Wavecom GSM Modem
7.11. SET DTR SIGNAL &D.................................................................................................................49
7.12. SET DSR SIGNAL &S..................................................................................................................49
7.13. SAVE CONFIGURATION &W.........................................................................................................49
7.14. RADIO LINK PROTOCOL PARAMETERS +CRLP...............................................................................49
8. OTHER AT COMMANDS...............................................................................................................51
8.1. V.25 TER RECOMMANDATION........................................................................................................51
8.2. GSM 07.05 RECOMMANDATION....................................................................................................51
8.3. GSM 07.07 RECOMMANDATION....................................................................................................51
9. FAILURE RESULT CODES............................................................................................................52
9.1. REPORT MOBILE EQUIPEMENT ERRORS +CMEE.............................................................................52
9.2. EXTENDED ERROR REPORT +CEER................................................................................................52
9.3. MOBILE EQUIPMENT ERROR RESULT CODE : +CME ERROR: XXX...................................................53
9.4. MESSAGE SERVICE FAILURE RESULT CODE: +CMS ERROR : XXX ..................................................53
9.5. CAUSE INFORMATION ELEMENT VALUES FROM GSM RECOMMANDATION 04.08................................54
9.6. GSM 04.11 ANNEX E-2: MOBILE ORIGINATING SM-TRANSFER ......................................................57
10. FAX MANAGEMENT....................................................................................................................60
10.1. SETTING UP THE MODULE FOR FAX ...............................................................................................60
10.2. SETTING UP THE PC FAX APPLICATION: ........................................................................................61
10.3. RESTORING THE MODULE'S DEFAULT PROFILE FOR DATA CALL.......................................................61
11. SECURITY ADVISES AND WARNINGS! ...................................................................................62
11.1. LIMITATION OF RESPONSES..........................................................................................................62
11.2. ATTENTION FOR USERS!..............................................................................................................62
11.3. RF SAFETY..............................................................................................................................63
11.4. GENERAL SAFETY.................................................................................................................65
11.5. SAFETY STANDARDS............................................................................................................67
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Wavecom GSM Modem
1. Introduction
1.1. Scope of this document
This document describes the messages exchanged between an external application module and the WMO1-G900 GSM mobile station, based on AT commands in order to control incoming and outgoing calls. This document presents the AT-commands implemented for the voice call tele-service, the data tele-service and the short message tele-service.
1.2. GSM reference documents
The following GSM reference documents are recommended: ETSI GSM 03.40
GSM 03.45 GSM 04.11 GSM 04.21 GSM 05.08 GSM 07.01 GSM 07.02 GSM 07.05 GSM 07.07
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Wavecom GSM Modem
1.3. ETSI contact
The Technical Specifications can be ordered from the following address:
European Telecommunications Standards Institute
ETSI Secretariat Postal Address: F-06921 Sophia AntipolisCEDEX - FRANCE Office Address: 650 Route des Lucioles - Sophia Antipolis - Valbonne -
FRANCE X.400: c=fr, a=atlas, p=etsi, s=secretariat Internet: secretariat@etsi.fr Tel.:+33 (0)4 92 94 42 00 - Fax: +33 (0)4 93 65 47 16 ETSI http://www.etsi.fr
1.4. Definitions
In the GSM vocabulary, a call from GSM mobile to the Network is named “mobile originated call“ or „outgoing call“, and a call from fixed network to a GSM mobile is called „mobile terminated call“ or „incoming call“.
1.5. Technical Data
Dimensions: B x H x T 115mm x 54mm x 33mmWeight: 130gPower Supply: 10,8...31,2 V/DC (worst case, including application board on
basis DS 87C520/PLCC44) 325 mA transmit mode 10,8V 47 mA idle mode 10,8V
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Wavecom GSM Modem
110 mA transmit mode 31,2V 25 mA idle mode 31,2V
Temperature Range: Storage: -20°C to +70°C
Use: -20°C to +55°C
Interface A: Antenna 50 FME Male
Interface B: RS232 / V24 9 pin D-Sub to DIN 41652
Interface C: RJ 45 8 pin shielded for hand set, RX, TX, Power and ground
(pin 1, 2, 3, 4 not used)
Interface D: Power supply
RJ11 connector white +10,8 - 31,2V
yellow, green not used brown ground
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Wavecom GSM Modem
SIM-Card interface: for small SIM-Cards
Digital interface: V24 (9 pole D-Sub)
V28 AT-commands according to ETSI GSM 0707 and GSM 0705 Extended AT-commands List
Data communication: asynchronous, transparent and not transparent
GSM 07.01, 07.02, 04.21
2400 BPS V22 bis
2400 BPS V26 ter
4800 BPS V32
9600 BPS V32
2400 BPS V110
4800 BPS V110
9600 BPS V110
Routes: MOC and MTC INFO transf. mode: 3,1Khz audio ex PLMN (analogue) or UDI/V.110 (ISDN) Clock mode: Asynchronous Connection elem.: Transparent/Non Transparent Structure: Unstructured/Structured Layer 2 protocol: NAV Data bits: 8 Parity bits: None Bits/char.: Always 10 bits/char. Stop bits: 1 Radio channel: Full rate Intermed. rate: 16 kbit/s User rate: 2400, 4800 or 9600 bit/s Modem type: V.22bis, V.26ter, Auto-baud, V.32 Bearer service: Bs 24, BS 25, Bs 26
Short Message Service: GSM 03,40, 07.05
SMS mobile originated
SMS mobile terminated
CBS Text mode /PDM mode
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Wavecom GSM Modem
7 bit user data / 8 bit user data
Routes: SMS MO and MT MODE: Text mode, PDU, 7/8 bits user data Teleservice: TS22, TS21
Group 3 /Class I CCITT Rec.: CCITT T.30, T.4 Routes: MOC and MTC Info. transf. mode: Synchronous Connection elem.: Transparent Structure: Unstructured Radio channel: Full rate Intermed. rate: 16kbit/s User rate: 2400,4800 or 9600 bit/s Teleservice: TS 62
Audio interface:
Electret-Microphone recommended :
Impedance 100k / Sensitivity of the inputs : 4 - 40mV p.p
(gain set with AT+VGT)
Loudspeaker :
Impedance 150 / Outputs level : 0 - 2.5V p.p max
Power 6V regulated DC
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Wavecom GSM Modem
2. AT commands features
2.1. WAVECOM line settings
Currently, WAVECOM's handler is set to 9600 bps, 8 bits data, 1 bit stop, no parity, RTS/CTS flow control. Please use the commands +IPR, +IFC, +ICF to change these settings.
2.2. Command line
Commands always finish with a <CR> character.
2.3. Information responses and result codes
Responses always start with <CR><LF> and end with <CR><LF>.
If the syntax command is wrong, the string ERROR is sent.
If the syntax command is correct but with some incorrect parameters,
the string +CME ERROR : XX is sent with different error codes.
If the command line has been performed successfully, the string OK is
Please note that in the some cases like "AT+CPIN?", "AT+EXPKEY?", incoming events etc... the mobile does not finish its response with the string OK.
Examples : AT+CGSN<CR>
<CR><LF>123456789<CR><LF> <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>
In the following examples <CR> and <CR><LF> will be intentionally omitted.
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Wavecom GSM Modem
3. AT commands for Call Control
3.1. Dial command D
This AT command is used by the external application to establish a call.
For a data call, the application sends to the GSM module the following ASCII string : (the bearer has to be selected before with the +CBST command)
ATD<xyz> where <xyz> is the called phone number.
For a voice call, the application sends to the GSM module the following ASCII string : (the bearer may be selected before, if not a default bearer is used)
ATD<xyz>; where <xyz> is the called phone number.
The answer to the command is the following :
OK if the call succeeds, for voice call only CONNECT <speed> if tthe call succeeds, for data call only, <speed>
takes the value negotiated by the GSM module. BUSY if the called party is in communication NO ANSWER if no hang up is detected after a fixed network
Please, notice that in case of international number, the local international prefix has not to be set (usually 00) but need to be replaced by the '+' character.
Example : to establish a voice call to Wavecom from another country, the AT command shall be :
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Wavecom GSM Modem
Notice that some country can have particular numbering rules for their GSM handset numbering.
Direct dialling from a phonebook location (stored in SIM card) can be done with the following command :
ATD>17 ; or ATD>SIM17 ; (voice call here)
3.2. Hang-Up command H
This command is used by the application to disconnect the remote user. The application sends :
Application to GSM ATH ask for disconnection GSM to application OK even if there is no
communication established
3.3. Answer a call A
When the GSM module receives a call, it set the RingInd signal and sends to the application the ASCII string RING. Then it waits for the application to accept the call.
Application to GSM ATA GSM to application OK normal case Application to GSM ATA GSM to application NO CARRIER if ATA is sent when no incoming call was
indicated (operation not allowed)
3.4. Remote disconnection
This message is used by the GSM module to indicate to the application that the communication has been released by the remote user.
The GSM module sends "NO CARRIER" to the application, and set the DCD signal.
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3.5. DTMF signals +VTD, +VTS
The GSM module offers the user application to send DTMF tones. One command shall be used for defining the duration of the tones (default value is 70 ms), the other for sending the Tones.
For defining the duration, the application uses :
AT+VTD=<n> where <n>*100 gives the duration in ms.
Application to GSM AT+VTD=1 for defining 100 ms tone duration GSM to application OK command valid Application to GSM AT+VTD=100000 GSM to application +CME ERROR: 3 if the duration is too long (the limit is to
define for each application) Application to GSM AT+VTD=0 for setting the manufacturer default value GSM to application OK
For sending DTMF tones, the application uses :
AT+VTS=<Tone> where <Tone> is in {0-9,*,#,A,B,C,D}
Application to GSM AT+VTS=A GSM to application OK command valid Application to GSM AT+VTS=11 GSM to application +CME ERROR: 4 if the <Tone> is wrong Application to GSM AT+VTS=4 GSM to application +CME ERROR: 3 if there is no communication
Exemple : to send the Tone sequence 13#, the application shall send :
AT+VTS=1 and then wait for OK AT+VTS=3 and then wait for OK AT+VTS=# and then wait for OK
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Wavecom GSM Modem
3.6. Operator selection +COPS
To select the operator, two possibilities exist :
The mobile enters the manual mode, and then try to find an operator which is indicated by the application. If it finds and registers correctly, then the mobile stays in idle mode.
The mobile enters the automatic mode, and then try to find the home operator. If it finds and registers correctly, then the mobile stays in idle mode ; if not, the mobile looks itself automatically for another network.
To force an attempt to select and register a GSM network operator, the application must send the following command :
AT+COPS=<mode>, <format>, <oper>
The first parameter indicates either automatic (value 0) or manual (value 1). The second parameter indicates the format of the third parameter. The only format supported by Wavecom module is the numerical format (value 2). The third parameter is the operator identifier (MCC3 MCC2 MCC1 MNC2 MNC1).
Application to GSM AT+COPS? ask for current plmn GSM to application +COPS: 0,2,20801
OK Application to GSM AT+COPS=? ask for plmn list GSM to application +COPS: (2,20801), (0,20810)
OK Application to GSM AT+COPS=1,2,20810 ask for registration on SFR network GSM to application +CME ERROR: 3 failed Application to GSM AT+COPS=1,1,20810 ask for registration on SFR network GSM to application +CME ERROR: 4 wrong parameters Application to GSM AT+COPS=0,2 ask for registration on home
GSM to application OK succeeded
Home plmn is France telecom
Home plmn is France Telecom SFR network has been seen
3.7. Redial last number ATDL
This command is used by the application to redial the last number used
in the command ATD. The application sends :
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Application to GSM ATDL redial last number GSM to application 0146290800;
last call was a speech call command valid
3.8. Signal Quality +CSQ
This command shall be used to know the signal strength indication.
Application to GSM AT+CSQ GSM to application +CSQ: <rssi>,<ber>
<rssi> and <ber> as defined in the GSM TS 07 07
3.9. Network registration +CREG
This command is used by the application to know the registration status
of the mobile.
Application to GSM AT+CREG? GSM to application +CREG: 0,<stat>
OK Application to GSM AT+CREG=1 automatically shots on GSM to application OK command valid
as defined in the GSM TS 07 07
3.10. Automatic answer ATS0
This S-parameter controls the automatic answering feature of the mobile.
Application to GSM ATS0=2 automatic answer after 2 rings GSM to application OK Application to GSM ATS0? Current value GSM to application 002
OK Application to GSM ATS0=0 no automatic answer GSM to application OK command valid
always 3 characters with leading zeros
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3.11. Gain control +VGR, +VGT
This command shall be used by the application to tune the receive gain of the speaker and transmit gain of the microphone. The application shall send
AT+VGR=<val> for the receive gain AT+VGT=<val> for the transmit gain 0 to 15 +6 db 0 to 31 +14 db 16 to 31 +4 db 32 to 63 +17 db 32 to 47 +2 db 64 to 95 +20 db 48 to 63 0 db 96 to 127 +23 db 64 to 79 -2 db 128 to 159 +26 db 80 to 95 -4 db 160 to 191 +29 db 96 to 111 -6 db 192 to 223 +32 db 112 to 127 -8 db 224 to 255 +35 db 128 to 143 -10db 144 to 159 -12 db 160 to 175 -14 db 176 to 191 -16 db 192 to 207 -18 db 208 to 223 -20db 224 to 239 -22 db 240 to 255 -24 db
16 levels for receive gain are provided and 8 levels for transmit gain.
Application to GSM AT+VGR=25 GSM to application OK command valid Application to GSM AT+VGT=45 GSM to application OK command valid
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Wavecom GSM Modem
3.12. SideTone modification +SIDET
The syntax of the command is :
This command is used to get an echo of the voice in the speaker (to hear what is said in the speaker).
<val2> level <val1> presence
0 0 db 0 SideTone is disabled 1 - 6 db 1 SideTone is enabled 2 -12 db 3 -18 db
Application to GSM AT+SIDET=1,0 GSM to application OK command valid Application to GSM AT+SIDET? current value GSM to application +SIDET: 1,0
command valid
3.13. Echo canceler +ECHO
The syntax of the command is :
This command is used for car kit applications to reduce the echo effects than can occur in a car.
<val2> attenation <val1> presence
0 - 18 db 0 Echo is disabled 1 - 24 db 1 Echo is enabled 2 -30 db 3 - 36 db
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Application to GSM AT+ECHO=1,0 GSM to application OK command valid Application to GSM AT+ECHO? current value GSM to application +ECHO: 1,0
command valid
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4. AT commands for SIM, E2prom
4.1. Product Serial Number +CGSN
This command allows the user application to know the IMEI of the GSM module. The application sends :
Application to GSM AT+CGSN request IMEI GSM to application 135790248939
OK Application to GSM AT+CGSN request IMEI GSM to application +CME ERROR: 22 IMEI not found in E2PROM
IMEI present in E2PROM
4.2. Request model identification +CGMM
This command is used to get the hardware version.
Application to GSM AT+CGMM get hardware version GSM to application GSM P 900
command valid
4.3. Request revision identification +CGMR
This command is used to get the software version.
Application to GSM AT+CGMR get software version GSM to application V2.74
command valid
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4.4. Manufacturer identification +CGMI
This command gives the manufacturer identification.
Application to GSM AT+CGMI get manufacturer identification GSM to application WELCOME
command valid (« WELCOME » is not a manufacturer identification !)
4.5. Capabilities list +GCAP
This command gives the complete capabilities list.
Application to GSM AT+GCAP get capabilities list GSM to application +CGSM
supports GSM commands
4.6. Phone activity status +CPAS
This command returns the activity status of the mobile.
Application to GSM AT+CPAS Current activity status GSM to application +CPAS: "x"
"x" as defined in the GSM TS 07 07
4.7. Power off +CPOF
This command stops the GSM software stack and then the hardware
Application to GSM AT+CPOF GSM to application OK command valid
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