Wavecom Q2406, Q2426 Customer Design Manuallines

WISMO Quik Q2400 series
Q2406 and Q2426
Customer Design Guidelines
Revision: 007
Date: January 2006

WISMO Quik Q2400 series

Q2406 and Q2426
Customer Design Guidelines
Reference: WM_PRJ_Q2400_PTS_005
Revision: 007
Date: 18
January 2006
This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.
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WM_PRJ_Q2400_PTS_005 -007
18th January 2006

Document Information

Revision Date History of the evolution
001 14 Apr 03 Creation from PTS WM_PRJ_Q2400_PTS_002-002
002 13 Dec 04 Update document legal mentions.
003 26 Feb 05 Add SIM 1.8/3V management
004 26 Feb 05 No content modification; document goes from version 3 to
005 4 March 05 No content modification; document goes from version 4 to
006 25th July
007 18th January
Remove Q2406D and Q2426D of available products list. Update Power Supply section Modification of RF connection mode Modification of figures and mechanical information due to change of module design
Update of 3V SIM Socket implementation diagram
version 4
version 5 Update §, §3.2.2, §4 for Lead free introduction( Update § for power supply voltage Update § for module capability Update § for two-wire interface
Update §2.2.1 for serial resistors on digital I/O Update §2.2.5 for Uart Input level in OFF state and serial resistors Update § for SIM_VCC capacitor Update §2.4 for battery type charging and software version
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This document gives recommendations for WISMO Quik Q24x6 sub-series integration in an application and particularly:
The baseband design rules and typical implementation examples,
The RF design rules and typical implementation examples
The mechanical constraints for module fitting,
The PCB routing recommendations,
The Test and download recommendations.
It also gives some part references and suppliers.
8 versions of the WISMO Quik Q24x6 sub-series are available:
Q2406A: E-GSM/GPRS 900/1800 MHz version with 16 Mbits of Flash memory and 2 Mbits of SRAM (16/2).
Q2406B: E-GSM/GPRS 900/1800 MHz version with 32 Mbits of Flash memory and 4 Mbits of SRAM (32/4).
Q2426A: GSM/GPRS 850/1900 MHz version with 16 Mbits of Flash memory and 2 Mbits of SRAM (16/2).
Q2426B: GSM/GPRS 850/1900 MHz version with 32 Mbits of Flash memory and 4 Mbits of SRAM (32/4).
Please be aware that some of the interfaces provided by the Q24x6 sub-series
can not be handled when using the module driven by AT commands.
These functions have then to be managed externally i.e using the main processor of the application.
This symbol is used to indicate the interfaces not available with AT commands.
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Document Information........................................................................... 2
Overview................................................................................................ 3
Contents................................................................................................ 4
List of Figures........................................................................................ 6
Caution.................................................................................................. 7
Trademarks ........................................................................................... 7
Reference documents ............................................................................ 8
1 General description......................................................................... 9
1.1 General information .................................................................................. 9
1.1.1 Module Features ............................................................................... 9
1.1.2 Module external connection .............................................................. 9
1.1.3 Additional customizing functions .................................................... 10
1.1.4 RoHS compliance............................................................................ 10
2 Baseband Design........................................................................... 11
2.1 Power supply and ground design rules................................................... 11
2.1.1 Electrical constraints ....................................................................... 11
2.1.2 Design Requirements...................................................................... 13
2.1.3 PCB routing constraints .................................................................. 15
2.2 Digital I/O and peripheral implementation ............................................... 16
2.2.1 Electrical information for digital I/O ................................................. 16
2.2.2 LCD interface .................................................................................. 16
2.2.3 SPI Auxiliary bus............................................................................. 17
2.2.4 Keyboard interface .......................................................................... 17
2.2.5 Main serial link (UART1).................................................................. 18
2.2.6 SIM interface .................................................................................. 20
2.3 Analog I/O implementation ..................................................................... 24
2.3.1 Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) inputs ........................................ 24
2.3.2 Audio interface................................................................................ 25
2.4 Battery charging interface....................................................................... 31
2.5 ON / ~OFF .............................................................................................. 32
2.6 BOOT signal (optional) ............................................................................ 33
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Reset signal (~RST) ................................................................................ 34
2.8 External Interrupt (~INTR)....................................................................... 34
2.9 VCC output ............................................................................................. 35
2.10 VCC_RTC (Real Time Clock Supply) ......................................................... 35
2.10.1 General ........................................................................................... 35
2.10.2 Typical implementation................................................................... 36
3 Radio design ................................................................................. 38
3.1 Antenna characteristics .......................................................................... 38
3.2 Antenna implementation ........................................................................ 38
3.2.1 Recommendations .......................................................................... 38
3.2.2 RF connection ................................................................................. 39
4 Mechanical specifications............................................................. 41
5 PCB design.................................................................................... 42
5.1 General design rules ............................................................................... 42
5.2 Design rules for application manufacturing............................................. 42
5.3 Recommendation for lead free soldering........................................... 42
5.4 Power supply.......................................................................................... 42
5.5 Pads design ............................................................................................ 43
6 EMC recommendations ................................................................. 44
7 Firmware upgrade ......................................................................... 45
7.1 Recommendations .................................................................................. 45
7.2 Nominal upgrade procedure.................................................................... 45
7.3 Backup procedure ................................................................................... 46
8 Embedded testability .................................................................... 47
9 Part references and suppliers........................................................ 50
9.1 General Purpose Connector .................................................................... 50
9.2 SIM Card Reader .................................................................................... 50
9.3 Microphone ............................................................................................ 50
9.4 Speaker .................................................................................................. 51
9.5 Antenna Cable ........................................................................................ 51
9.6 GSM antenna ......................................................................................... 51
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List of Figures

Figure 1: Typical power supply voltage in GSM mode ...................................... 11
Figure 2: Maximal voltage ripple (Uripp) vs Frequency in GSM & DCS ............. 13
Figure 3: Burst simulation circuit ...................................................................... 14
Figure 4: Example of SPI Bus typical implementation ....................................... 17
Figure 5: Example of keyboard implementation................................................. 18
Figure 6: Example of RS232 level shifter implementation.................................. 19
Figure 7: Example of Serial Link interface implementation ................................ 19
Figure 8 Example of 3V SIM Socket implementation ......................................... 21
Figure 9: Example of 1.8 V / 3 V SIM interface implementation......................... 22
Figure 10: Example of 3 V / 5 V SIM interface implementation.......................... 23
Figure 11: Example of ADC input implementation............................................. 24
Figure 12: Microphone decoupling capacitor .................................................... 25
Figure 13: Example of main microphone MIC2 implementation (differential
connection) ................................................................................................. 26
Figure 14: MIC1 inputs (differential connection) ............................................... 27
Figure 15: MIC1 inputs (single-ended connection)............................................ 28
Figure 16: Speaker outputs (differential mode).................................................. 29
Figure 17: Speaker outputs (single-ended connection)...................................... 29
Figure 18: Example of Buzzer implementation .................................................. 30
Figure 19: Example of battery implementation.................................................. 31
Figure 20: BOOT pin connection....................................................................... 33
Figure 21: RST pin connection ........................................................................ 34
Figure 22: RTC Supplied by a capacitor ............................................................ 36
Figure 23: RTC supplied by a super capacitor ................................................... 36
Figure 24: RTC supplied by a battery cell with regulator................................... 37
Figure 25: RTC supplied by a non rechargeable battery .................................... 37
Figure 26: Antenna connection......................................................................... 39
Figure 27: Antenna cable preparation (drawing not to scale) ............................ 40
Figure 28: Maximum bulk occupied on the application board ........................... 41
Figure 29: Pads design ..................................................................................... 43
Figure 30: Example of serial link routing for downloading................................. 47
Figure 31: Download cable schematics (1/2)..................................................... 48
Figure 32: Download cable schematics (2/2)..................................................... 49
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Information furnished herein by Wavecom are accurate and reliable. However no responsibility is assumed for its use. Please read carefully the safety precautions for a terminal based on WISMO Quik Q24x6 Series.
General information about Wavecom and its range of products is available at the following internet address: http://www.wavecom.com


®, WAVECOM®, WISMO®, , Open AT® and certain other trademarks and logos appearing on this document, are filed or registered trademarks of Wavecom S.A. in France or in other countries. All other company and/or product names mentioned may be filed or registered trademarks of their respective owners.
This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.
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Reference documents

[1] WISMO Quik Q2406 and q2426 Product Specification
[2] WISMO Quik Q2400 Series Process Customer Guidelines
[3] AT Commands Interface Guide
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1 General description
1.1 General information
1.1.1 Module Features
WISMO Quik Q24x6 sub-series is a range of self-contained E-GSM 900/1800 or 850/1900 dual-band modules including the following features: Overall dimensions
58.4 x 32.2 x 3.9 mm. Power consumption
2 Watts E-GSM 900/GSM 850 radio section running under 3.6 Volts.
1 Watt GSM1800/1900 radio section running under 3.6 Volts. Power supply voltage
Digital section running under 2.8 Volts.
3V only SIM interface (for both 1.8 V and 5 V SIM interface with
external adaptation, refer to § 0 and ). Module capability
Real Time Clock with calendar.
Battery charge management.
Echo Cancellation + noise reduction.
Full GSM or GSM/GPRS software stack.
Complete shielding.
Complete interfacing through a 60-pin connector:
o Power supply, o Serial link, o Audio, o SIM card interface, o Keyboard, o LCD.
1.1.2 Module external connection
WISMO Quik Q24x6 sub-series has two external connections:
RF connection pads (to the antenna),
60-pin General Purpose Connector (GPC) to Digital, Keyboard, Audio
and Supply.
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1.1.3 Additional customizing functions
WISMO Quik Q24x6 sub-series is designed to fit in very small terminals and only some custom functions have to be added to make a complete dual-band solution:
Keypad and LCD module,
Earpiece and Microphone,
Base connector,
SIM connector.
1.1.4 RoHS compliance
The WISMO Quik Q24x6 sub-series is now compliant with RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment) Directive 2002/95/EC which sets limits for the use of certain restricted hazardous substances. This directive states that “from 1st July 2006, new electrical and electronic equipment put on the market does not contain lead, mercury, cadmium, hexavalent chromium, polybrominated biphenyls (PBB) or polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE)”.
Modules which are compliant with this directive are identified by the RoHS logo on their label.
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2 Baseband Design
Note: Some of the WISMO interface signals are multiplexed in order to limit number of pins but this architecture implies some limitation. For example in case of using SPI bus, 2-wire bus can not be used.
All external signals must be inactive when the WISMO module is OFF to avoid any damage when starting and allow WISMO module to start correctly.
2.1 Power supply and ground design rules
2.1.1 Electrical constraints
The power supply is one of the key issues in the design of a GSM terminal. Due to the bursted emission in GSM / GPRS, the power supply must be able to deliver high current peaks in a short time and assured that the voltage delivered to the module remains always under the limits specified in the table “Maximum voltage ripple (Uripp) vs Frequency in GSM & DCS” hereafter, specially during burst while there is a drop of voltage (see Figure 1).
In communication mode, a GSM/GPRS class 2 terminal emits 577 µs radio bursts every 4.615 ms.
In communication mode, a GPRS class 10 terminal emits 1154 µs radio bursts every 4.615 ms.
or VDD if connected to VBATT
t = 577 µs
T = 4.615 ms
Figure 1: Typical power supply voltage in GSM mode
Two different inputs are provided for the power supply:
the first one, VBATT is used to supply the RF part,
the second one, VDD is used to supply the baseband part.
The power supply voltage features given in the table hereafter will guarantee nominal functioning of the module.
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Power Supply Voltage
VBATT 3.3 V (*) 3.6 V 4.5 V (**)
VDD 3.1 V 4.5 V
Table 1: Power supply voltage
(*): This value has to be guaranteed during the burst (with 2.0 A Peak in GSM or GPRS mode). (**): max operating Voltage Stationary Wave Ratio (VSWR) 2:1. When the module is supplied with a battery, the total impedance (battery+contacts+protections+PCB) should be < 150 m to limit voltage drop­out within emission burst.
As the radio power amplifier is directly connected to VBATT, the module is sensitive to any Alternative Current on lines. When a DC/DC converter is used, Wavecom recommends to set the converter frequency in such a way that the resulting voltage does not exceed the values in following table and Figure 2.
Freq. (kHz)
Freq. (kHz)
Freq. (kHz)
<100 50 800 4 1500 34
200 15.5 900 15.2 1600 33
300 6.8 1000 9.5 1700 37
400 3.9 1100 32 1800 40
500 4 1200 22 >1900 40
600 2 1300 29
700 8.2 1400 30
Table 2: Maximum voltage ripple (Uripp) vs Frequency in GSM & DCS
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50 45 40 35 30 25 20
Uripp (mVpp)
15 10
5 0
200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800
Input Frequency (kHz)
for f<100kHz U for f> 1800kHz U
Max = 50mVpp
Max = 40 mVpp
Figure 2: Maximal voltage ripple (Uripp) vs Frequency in GSM & DCS
2.1.2 Design Requirements Risk
VBATT supplies directly the RF components with 3.6 V. It is essential to keep a minimum voltage ripple at this connection in order to avoid any phase error. Insufficient power supply voltage could dramatically affect some RF performances:
TX power of course and modulation spectrum,
EMC performances (spurious emission),
Emissions spectrum,
Phase error and frequency error. General design rules
A careful attention should be paid to:
Quality of the power supply: capacity to deliver high peak current in a short time (bursted radio emission), low ripple and low impedance.
The battery charger line must support 800 mA to comply with the voltage level required for the product.
The VBATT lines on the PCB must support peak currents with a voltage drop below the specified limit.
In order to test the supply tracks, a burst simulation circuit is shown hereafter. This circuit simulates burst emissions, equivalent to bursts generated when transmitting at full power.
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Attention must be paid to the power supply capacity when replacing a WISMO Quik Q2403 module, on an existing application, by a Q24x6 module as this last one is more demanding due to GPRS class 10.
Figure 3: Burst simulation circuit Battery for handset integration
In a handset application, the WISMO Quik Q24x6 sub-series may be directly connected to a Li-Ion battery (3.7 V typical voltage, with internal PCM – Protection Circuit Module). The internal impedance of the battery must be lower than 150 m to limit voltage drop-out within emission burst (max. drop 0.3 V @ 2W).
Battery internal impedance must take into account:
the internal impedance of the battery cell,
the protection circuit impedance,
the “packaging” impedance (contacts),
the PCB track impedance up to the WISMO module pin. External DC power supply for vertical application
In a vertical application, the WISMO Quik Q24x6 sub-series may be connected to DC power supply directly or via a DC/DC converter on the mother board. The internal impedance of the power supply must be lower than 150 mΩ to limit voltage drop-out within emission burst (max. drop 0.3 V @ 2W).
This impedance must take into account:
the internal impedance of the power supply,
the protection circuit impedance,
the “packaging” impedance (contacts),
the PCB track impedance up to the WISMO module pin.
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18th January 2006 Linear regulation (recommended) or PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) converter (usable) are preferred for low noise.
PFM (Power Frequency Modulation) or PSM (Phase Shift Modulation) systems must be avoided.
2.1.3 PCB routing constraints Power supply routing Constraints
A ground plane must be provided on the PCB. This plane must not be parcelled out.
Attention shall be paid to the power supply tracks and to the ground plane which supply the module. The tracks and the plane used must support current peaks.
Since the maximum peak current can reach 2 A, Wavecom strongly recommends a large width for the layout of the power supply signal (to avoid voltage loss between the external power supply and the module supply. Filtering capacitors, near the module power supply, could also be added (refer to section
The routing must be done in such a way that the total impedance line must be 10 m @ 217 Hz. This impedance must include the via impedances.
Same care shall be taken when routing the ground supply.
If these design rules are not followed, phase error (peak) and power loss
could occur. Application ground plane and shielding connection
The grounding connection is done through the shielding the four legs have to
be soldered to the ground plane (
soldering in Section 5.3)
see Wavecom recommendation for lead free
A ground plane must be available on the application board to provide efficient connection to the WISMO module shielding.
Best shielding performance will be achieved if the application ground plane is a complete layer of the application PCB:
To ensure a good shielding of the module, a complete ground plane layer must be available, with no trade-off. Connections between other ground planes shall be done with vias.
Without this ground plane, external Tx spurious or Rx blockings could appear.
It is strongly recommended to avoid routing any signals under the module.
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