Wavecom Gx64 Application Note

Using Optitrace
Reference: WI_DEV_Gx64_APN_011
Revision: 001
Date: 2007/01/31
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Table of Contents
1 General................................................................................................. 5
1.1 SCOPE.................................................................................................................... 5
1.2 ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMS .................................................................................. 5
2 Optitrace .............................................................................................. 6
2.1 OVERVIEW.............................................................................................................. 6
2.2 DOWNLOADING OPTITRACE ................................................................................... 6
3 Hardware .............................................................................................. 8
3.1 OVERVIEW.............................................................................................................. 8
3.2 GR64 ..................................................................................................................... 8
3.3 GS64 ..................................................................................................................... 8
3.3.1 USE WITH THE UNIVERSAL DEVELOPERS KIT..................................................... 8
4 Running Optitrace................................................................................. 9
4.1 OVERVIEW.............................................................................................................. 9
4.2 TRDATA.XML ......................................................................................................... 9
4.3 PROJECT FILES...................................................................................................... 11
4.4 MAIN WINDOW..................................................................................................... 12
4.5 TCP/IP ................................................................................................................. 13
4.6 EMBEDDED APPLICATIONS.................................................................................... 14
5 Reporting an Issue.............................................................................. 15
5.1 FIRMWARE VERSION ............................................................................................. 15
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Ce document est la propriété exclusive de WAVECOM. Il ne peut être communiqué ou divulgué à des tiers sans son autorisation préalable
5.2 FIRMWARE UPGRADE ............................................................................................ 15
5.3 HARDWARE PLATFORM......................................................................................... 15
5.4 PROBLEM DESCRIPTION ........................................................................................ 15
5.5 LOCATION ........................................................................................................... 15
5.6 COPY OF SCRIPT .................................................................................................. 16
5.7 OPTITRACE LOG................................................................................................... 16
5.8 PCAP FILE (SOCKETS ONLY) .................................................................................. 16
6 References.......................................................................................... 17
6.1 OPTITRACE .......................................................................................................... 17
6.2 AT COMMANDS.................................................................................................... 17
6.3 INTEGRATORS MANUAL........................................................................................ 17
6.4 TOOLS ................................................................................................................. 17
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Ce document est la propriété exclusive de WAVECOM. Il ne peut être communiqué ou divulgué à des tiers sans son autorisation préalable

1 General

1.1 Scope

This application note describes how to use the Optitrace tool used to capture debug logging information from the GR64 or GS64. This document is meant to be used in addition to the Integrators Manual and the AT Command Manual for the GR/GS64 wireless CPU.

1.2 Abbreviations and Terms

Abbreviation Description
Embedded Applications - Customer script stored in
External Application
IDE Integrated Development Environment
GR47/48 Legacy GSM/GPRS module
QBGC Quad Band GSM/GPRS Core (GR/GS64 product line)
TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
APN Access Point Name
GR/GS64 non volatile memory which can be invoked to control GR/GS64.
Customer hardware and software that contain and control the GR/GS64 via AT commands.
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Ce document est la propriété exclusive de WAVECOM. Il ne peut être communiqué ou divulgué à des tiers sans son autorisation préalable

2 Optitrace

2.1 Overview

With the next generation Gx64 Wireless CPUs a new set of tools are required when debugging. The platform has the ability to log debug information from all subsystems such as SIM, GSM layer 3, SMS, CSD, etc using the Optitrace application. If a customer has problems with the GR64 that are not easily reproduced at Wavecom facilities then this application is designed to be easily setup on a standard Microsoft Windows PC to capture debug information that may be analyzed by Wavecom engineers. This tool can be downloaded from the Wavecom website.
This document provides a guide to using the application with both the GR and GS models.

2.2 Downloading Optitrace

In order to download the files required to run Optitrace the user must have a Wavecom.com extranet account. Optitrace can be found in the “Product” tab, in the “G/C Series Support” product section, under the “Gx64 Software” subsection.
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his document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement.
Ce document est la propriété exclusive de WAVECOM. Il ne peut être communiqué ou divulgué à des tiers sans son autorisation préalable
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